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Letters – Joseph Richmond to Isaac Hunter – 28 May 1731

To Mr Isaac Hunter Newcastle May 28th 1731 Sr, I have reced yours of the 22d, & am glad to find youll be able to get Allenheads Lead away so soon before the hay harvest etc. begin, for if it lay till then it wont be got in before Shipping Season is past, I could wish the same as to Rookehope, & that Lead must be got away as soon as possible for if those Carriers take not more care this Year to get it forwarded by the Low hand Carriage men to Markett, wee shall find away to be

Letters – Joseph Richmond to William Dalton – 5 Jun 1731

Mr Dalton Newcastle June 5th 1731 I desire you'l be more carefull in your Lead Ticketts, the want whereof has occasioned some difference between Mr Bernardeau & me this Day, By your accot sent him of the 60 casks of Litharge delivered the 6 May, you make the weight 373cwt.2qt.17lb. but the Accot thereof you sent me makes it considerably more viz 384cwt.3qt.17lb. according to wch I have charged him, Pray how arises & what is the occasion of this Mistake, & w[ha]t is the rea

Letters – Joseph Richmond to John Cross – 11 Jun 1731

To Mr John Cross at Mr Saml Bollard in Leeds Newcastle 11th June 1731 Sr, Being lately in Comp[an]y with Mr Mich Dawson, he told me that when at Leeds you mentioned to him your Note for Seven Pounds, & asked him if he knew whether I had rec'd the Contents, & laid hope you had entertaind a better Opinion of me than to think I would acquaint Mr Dawson or any other with that Note, but imagining from your asking him that Question, that you may have sent me a bill on some person h

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Peter Walker – 26 Jun 1731

To Mr Peter Walker at the three Cranes in Thames Street London Newcastle 26th June 1731 Dear Sr, I own the Favour of your Lre of the 13th ult. Ordering seven pieces of Druggets to be sent you, but those goods having been of late in any Demand here, are quite laid aside, & my old Chapman says, are not to be had without sending purposely to have them made, wch would occasion their coming much dearer than the last parcell I sent you, I therefore send you (above) a bill

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Robert Macmorran – 2 Jul 1731

To Mr Macmorran Newcastle 2nd July 1731 Sr, The Fenwick Robt Hewitson Mastr is arrived here with wine & other goods on board for Mr Blackett & Mr Cuthbt Fenwick, for wch the Master has neglected to clear at the Custom House in London & take out a Regular Despatch, having only a sufferance for shipping the goods, & that not endors'd by the Coast Officer, copy of wch sufferance is within written, The Officers here having stop'd the goods till a Coquet or Transire

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Robert Page – 6 Jul 1731

To Mr Robt Page plumber in Hawick Newcastle 6th July 1731 Sr, I have before me your Lre of the 24 past directed for Sr Wm Blackett sometime deceas'd signifying the salvage of 200 peices of WB Lead, lost in the Herring of Yarmouth on the Cutler sands, as you say about 8 Years agoe, The Executors acknowledge the favour of your Information, & request you will inform yourself, & let me know by return of the Post in what year that ship was lost, what Number of pieces where actually s

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Francis Yarborough – 9 Jul 1731

To the Revd Mr Yarborough Newcastle 9th July 1731 Sr, Agreeable to the desire of Mr Lanct Allgood I send you inclosed a bill for the sum of forty pods, on accot & for the use of his Nephew Allgood, the Receipt of wch bill please to own by the Return of the Post, & direct for me in Newcastle where <..> I am etc Joseph Richmond I promise to pay Mr Wm Scot or Order, Forty pounds Sixty days after date Value reced in Coales London June 2nd 1732 For Mr Collman & S

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Christopher Denton – 16 Jul 1731

To Mr Denton 8 Grays Inn London Newcastle 16 July 1731 Sr, By Mr Allgoods Directions I send you inclosed, Mr Reays bill on Mr James Creed for the Sum of a hundred & fifty pounds, towards the exemplification of the will, & paymt of those bills Mr Blackett desired you to Discharge, the Receipt whereof please to own about the same time that the Bill becomes due Mr Blackett will order a Gentleman in Town to pay you forty pounds more, I have nothing Material to write you save that w

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Lancelot Allgood – 16 Jul 1731

To Mr Allgood at Riding Newcastle Fryday the 16th July 4 a Clock Sr, I have just now put on board the Charles & Henry, Hen: Liddle Mar five casks of Beer, as below, wch you'l please to give the needfull advise of pr the next or Tuesday's Post, I sent Mr Denton the Money you Ordered, & by this Post have the advise from him that he has sent the Exemplifications of the Wills by the Carrier, he says Mr Clark reced a Lre the 12th from the Hospitall, that they expected their

Letters – Joseph Richmond to John Bateman – 23 Jul 1731

To Jn Long Bateman in Newbond Street Lon[do]n Newcal 23 July 1731 Sr, By Mr Blacketts directions, who presents his Service, I have this day put on board the Betty of this Place, John Hayward mas, a Box directed for you qty two potts of moor game, wch please to order to be enquir'd after as soon as the Ship comes into the Pool, I expect she will sail tomorrow I am Sr Yr most Hd Servt J.R.

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Christopher Denton – 24 Jul 1731

To Mr Xpher Denton No.8 Grays Inn Newc 24 July 1731 Sr, Last post brot me yours of the 20th with Mr Allgoods bill to Wm Spark for £29.5.0 In return Whereof I send you Hen[ry] Coulsons bill on James Creed Esq for £36.15.0 wch will make good the above £29.5s.0d by sum of £7.10 due to you on Culcheths bill of £87.10.0. Have rec'd the Box with the Exemplifications of the will, & have s'd Mr Ridley & Mr Steel their Papers, I desire you'l own the Receipt hereof, I

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Thomas Colpits – 16 Aug 1731

To Thos Colpits at Streatlam Castle Newcastle 16 Augt 1731 Mr Colpits, Inclos'd you receive Mr Bowes order for a Buck, to Mr Blackett, I beg you'l please to Dispatch the Bearer wth all possible Expedition that he may be back here tomorrow night, Mr Blackett Orders me to send you a guinea & I am Sr Your etc J.Richmond Colpits London June 26th 1731 Deliver Walter Blackett Esq. in his Order, a Buck on sight of this Yours G: Bowes

Letters – Joseph Richmond to John Armstrong – 21 Aug 1731

Aug 21 1731 Wrote John Armstrong again for his Rentales & general Account about the new vein discover'd wch he takes to be Bates vein, & that Mr Blackett will be up the latter End of this week

Letter – John Brown to John Webb – 15 Sep 1731

Hono'rdSr Sep'r 15: 1731: I Rec'ed yo'rs of the llth inst, and shall obserue all yo'r Orders therein, I am truely glad to heare Lord Darwentwater is well, and that it proues a Mistake as inserted in our publick news ; and hope this fyne wether will procure my Lady & her ffamilly a Safe passage ouere ; and happy Arriuall in London ; I haue been with farmer Chubbs Executors of Saturday last, and treated with them about the ffarm and tythes and the Most

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Robert Long – 19 Sep 1731

Mr Rob Long Sr, Agreeable to Mr Blacketts directions I send you the above bill on Mr James Creed for one hundred pounds, wch you are desir'd to deliver to Mr Corbridge, taking his receipt for the same, desire him to give you a bill of what Mr Blackett owes him, & send it with his receipt by the Return of the Post to your <..> or Your hble Servant J.R. Sept 19 1731 To Mr Rob Long in John Street Golden Square Newcastle 7ber [September] 18 1731 £100 Sr, Th

Letters – Joseph Richmond to John Armstrong – 21 Sep 1731

To Mr Armstrong Newcastle 21st Septr 1731 Sr, By your accot it appears you have not received any more Arrea[r]s of Rent left by Mr Mowbray at Mart[in]s 1723 than £29.1s.10¾d, I send you below an accot how the rents then stood, and they will of course be inquired into upon settling your Accot, wch I hope you will have spedily done, I desire you will procure a list of those Arrears fm Mr Mowbray if you have not one by you, in order to see what part thereof can yet be recovered for ce

Letters – Joseph Richmond to D Middleton – 30 Sep 1731

To Mr D Middleton at Mr Lesquires in Mansfield, Nottinghamshire Newcastle 30 Septr 1731 By Mr Blacketts Directions I send you the above Bill for two Hundred & Seventy pods wch will be punctually paid when due, please to Acknowledge the Receipt hereof to, Yours etc J.R. Newcastle Septr 28th 1731 £270.0.0 Forty days after date to Mr Jos: Richmond or order Two Hundred & seventy pounds Value reced & place into Accot as by advise from Sr Your most Humble Servt

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Christopher Denton – 2 Nov 1731

To Mr Denton in Grays Inn No.8 Newcastle 2nd Novr 1731 Sr, I am very glad to hear f[ro]m Mr Allgood that you have got well to Grays Inn, I send you Inclos'd a bill on Mr Robt Hodgson & Co for One hundred pods to Answr Mrs Blacketts Annuity due 11 next Month, I desire you please to deliver it her, & take a proper Receipt of her, mentioning to be reced of the Extors by my hands & that you'l send the same pr first opportunity, wth wt materiall news offers to Sr Yours

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Francis Yarborough – 2 Nov 1731

To the Revd Mr Fra. Yarborough, Brasen nose Colledge Oxon Newcastle 2d Novr 1731 Sr, Inclosed is a bill for the Sum of fifty pounds, wch I send you upon Accot, & by order, of Mr Lan: Allgood, I desire you'l please to own the Receipt of it, to Sr Yours etc J.R. To Rev Mr Fra. Yarborough Brazen nose Colledge Oxon Newcastle 2d Novr 1731 Sr, Twenty four Days after date Pay to Mr Jos: Richmond or Order the Sum of fifty pounds Value reced and place it to Accot to self &am

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Charles Joy – 2 Nov 1731

To Chas Joy Esq. St Thomas hospitl Southwark Newcastle 2 Novr 1731 Sr, By the Order of Mr Lancelot Allgood I send you Inclosed five Bills of Exchange for the Sum of two thousand pounds (as above) wch I desire you'l place to the Credit of the late Sr Wm Blackett's Extors, & advise me on Receipt hereof, The further Remittance of six Hundred & ten pounds, I think will clear of all Intrest to the 14 July last, wch Sum I shall return you wth all possible Expedition, I desir

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Charles Joy – 12 Nov 1731

To Mr Joy Newcastle 12th Novr 1731 Sr, Inclosed I return you the five bills for two thousand pounds new made out & I hope now Endorsed to please, the Receipt whereof pray own to Sr Yours etc J. Richmond

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Christopher Denton – 12 Nov 1731

To Mr Denton Newc 12Novr 1731 Sr Waltr & Mrs Wilson came here <thursday> senight, The Conferences between Mrs Wilson & Mr Gray have produced the inclos'd case. Wch by Mr Allgoods Lre also inclos'd you, you are desired to take advice on, in the manner he directs, & to return the Case, wth the opinions you get thereof to me wth all possible Expedition, You will observe by Mr Allgoods Lre what Dispatch is desired of you herein, & therefore I need not add

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Christopher Denton – 14 Nov 1731

To Mr Denton Newcastle 14th Novr 1731 Sr, Inclosed are three Bills drawn by Mr Pr Bernardeau on Mr Charles La Porte for £683.0s.6d wch I beg you will Imediatly carry or send to get accepted, & return them to me by the Return of the Post, whether accepted or not, I am etc J.R.

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Isaac Hunter – 30 Nov 1731

To Mr Hunter Newcastle 30 Novr 1731 I must desire you'l draw out & send me in your Rentalls for Dukesfield Lands etc under your Receipt, f[ro]m Marts 1728 to Mayday 1731 wth all possible Expedition & am etc J.R.

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Lancelot Allgood – 30 Nov 1731

Novr 30th 1731 Wrote Mr Allgood that Mrs Featherston disputes still the last £200 p[ai]d by Mr Salkeld & has Employed Mr Wharton to Inspect the Receipt declareing it in her Opinion to be Counterfeit & therefore that in my Opinion she has already had a greater Indulgence than Intituled to – J.R.
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467