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Letters – Joseph Richmond to Michael Midford – 25 Mar 1732

To Mr Mich[ael] Midford Newcastle 25th March 1732 Sir, By Mr Blacketts order I have by the Post sent Mr Xpher Denton No 8 Greys inn a bill for twenty pods [pounds] for answer to your Lre dated the 10 Febr[uar]y; You'l please therefore to call upon Mr Denton for it, & give him a Receipt, Also to acknowledge your Receipt to Mr Blackett, I am etc J.R.

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Robert Long – 28 Mar 1732

To Mr Long Newcastle 28th Mar 1732 The Mark & Eliz: Rob[er]t Noble Ma[ste]r arriv'd Yesterday w[i]th the Six Casks & Hampers of Wine, for w[hi]ch he having brought no regular Dispatch, it is stopt by the Customs House Officers here, till the same shall be produced, or an order obtain'd from the Commis[sio]n of the Customers for the Delivery of it, w[hi]ch Neglect of taking out a transire will be attended w[i]th Expence both here & in London, I send you Inclosed the Suf

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Christopher Denton – 28 Mar 1732

To Mr Denton Newcastle Mar: 28 1732 Sir, I send you Inclosed Messrs Ridleys bill on Mr Francis Grant for the sum of two hundred pounds, w[hi]ch when paid will Answr Captn Midfords receipt for his last half Years annuity, sent me in your Lre 22nd ult, the Receipt of w[hi]ch please to acknowledge , Last post I sent you two bills on Mr Jn Steel in Mark Lane for £41 drawn by Mr Abm Dixon, w[hi]ch I hope will come safe to hand, if they shoud not please to stop paymt they being at 10 <date&g

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Charles Whitaker – 7 Apr 1732

To Mr Whitaker Newcastle April 7th 1732 I rece[ive]d your Lre of the 30th ult wherein you say my L[or]d Bishop does not look upon what pass'd when Mr Blackett & Mr Allgood were to wait on him at Durham, to be notice of their Intention to pay the Lot oar in kind from Candlemass, unless he would abate of the Rent, Mr Blackett has rece[ive]d a Lre from his L[or]d s[hi]p to the same affair & as he is desirous there may be no misunderstanding about the affairs, agrees to pay

Letters – Joseph Richmond to John Cross – 7 Apr 1732

To Mr J[oh]n Cross & Mr Sam[ue]l Pollard, Leeds Newcastle 7th April 1732 Sir, I have shipp'd in the Good Intent of Hull : Hen: Etherington Ma[ste]r, four <Hampiers> of bottles agreable to your Order, the Invoice of w[hi]ch you have within, As you did not direct them to be sent to the Care of any person in Hull, the Mam of the Ship will take care of them till sent for, he telled me he will not abate of 2d a doz. For the freight, w[hi]ch must be paid him by the Person who has ord

Letter – Walter Blackett to Edward Chandler – 7 Apr 1732

7th April 1732 My Lord Last Sundays post brought me the honour of yours somewhat complaining of a short (if any) notice but agreeing to receive the Lot ore in kind from the first of may next; I must confess the notice given your Lordship might not be thought entirely legal or sufficient as nothing was particularized, so if you please to accept of another month we are willing to pay the usual rent till the first of June & from that time your steward to receive it in kind; &am

Letter – Francis Pewterer to Charles Whitaker – 7 Apr 1732

Auckland Castle April 7th 1732 Dr. Sr. Mr. Mowbray’s Uncle lives near Lanchester abt. tenn miles from this Place, & so <…> to find him at home, that last Tuesday I Sent my Servant with a Letter to him to Know when & where I cou’d see him, & it being Passion Week, he was at home, & Sent me the Inclosed Answer. Yesterday he din’d with me here, & says that he has contracted with Ald: Ridley & Partners, for all their Ore till Xmas, so that Ald Smelts n

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Cook & Abell – 11 Apr 1732

To Messrs Cook & Abell Newcastle the 11 Apl 1732 Sirs, I have this day drawn on you for the sum of one hundred & forty pounds in 2 Bills as b[e]low, of w[hi]ch I doubt not the due paym[en]t, In my Lre of the 22d Febry I desired to know whether you would agree to give 5s.9d pr oz. Certain for what silver I shall send you this Year, to w[hi]ch Mr Abell in his Lre of the 4th past only answers that he doubts not but you will always exceed our Newcastle Markett. We are so des

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Francis Yarborough – 11 Apr 1732

To <...> Mr Yarborough Newcastle the 11th April 1732 I send you the above Bill by Mr Lanct Allgoods orders upon his Nephews Accot the Receipt of wch I desire you will own to. J.R. Sirs Newcastle the 11 April 1732 £40.0.0 Twenty five Days after date pay Mr Francis Yarborough or order the sum of Forty Pounds, Value reced of Mr Lan[celot]: Allgood & place it to acct wth Mr Blackett Ex[ecu]t[o]rs as advised by Your most humble Servant Jn Richmond To Messrs Cook &a

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Christopher Denton – 11 Apr 1732

To Mr Denton Newcastle the 11 April 1732 Dear Sir, I hope you will pardon the trouble of the above Bill, w[hi]ch you will please to deliver Mrs Blackett at your Leisure & procure me her Receipt for it, I am w[i]th much Respect, Yours etc J.R. Sirs, Twenty five days after date pay Mrs Isabella Blackett or order the sum of one hundred pounds, value reced & place it to accot wth Sr. Wm Blacketts Ex[ecu]tors advise by Sirs, Your most hmble Servt J.R. To Messrs Co

Letters – Joseph Richmond to William Pealing – 11 Apr 1732

11th. Wrote Mr Pealing on Cecil Street, & Mr Rob. Long, again about the wine shop & for want of despatches.

Letter – Francis Pewterer to Charles Whitaker – 14 Apr 1732

Auckland Castle April 14th 1732 Dr. Sr. Last Tuesday I waited upon Mr. Hutchinson at Barnard Castle, who is not nor has been well all the last winter. Some day the next week he will send his Agent to view the mines in Weardale, to see what distance they are one from another, as also to see what sort of Ore they work, because some sort is better than another by tenn Shillings in a Bing. & then will give me an Answer with his Proposals in writing, wch Answer I will transmit to you,

Letters – Joseph Richmond to John Armstrong – 25 Apr 1732

To Mr Armstrong Newcastle 28 April 1732 Tho[ma]s Phillips the Bearer says he's turned of work without any Reason given him for it, and y[ou]r having above 10<£> due to him desires it may be paid, I think its a reflection upon the Family to turn away men off work without paying him his wages , therefore desires you'l deliver him a due paper sign'd that I may pay him whats due, Harry Dodds & J[oh]n Hardy & brought their due papers upon the Credit of w[hi]ch I adva

Letter – Andrew Dickson to Richard Chandler – 28 Apr 1732

I am informed Mr Hutchinson is not to take a Lease of my Lords lott Oar for a certain Sume but only to buy my Lords lott Oare when it is drawen, so my Lord will be at the Charge and truble of imploying one to draw it. Mr Mowbray told me this day he pays fiftie shillings a Bing for all the Oare he buys in Weardale. When Peter Whitfield was proposed to me for a proper person to take Account of my Lords Oare I wrot to him that he wou’d give me the Nomber of Mines, their Names, and d

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Charles Joy – 5 May 1732

To Mr Cha[rles] Joye Esq, Sir Tho[ma]s <Hosplin> Newcastle the 5th May 1732 Sirs, Inclosed are two Bills on Messrs Simond (as on the other side) for the sum of one thousand pounds, w[hi]ch I desire you will own the Receipt of, & when paid apply the same to the Credit of Sir Wm Blacketts Ex[ecu]tors, I hope very spedily to remit you the Remainder of the Interest due the 14th Jan[ua]ry, I am Sr Your's etc J.R. Newcastle 21st April 1732 Att two usuances pray pay by thi

Letters – Joseph Richmond to William Pealing – 9 May 1732

To Mr Wm Pealing, Mercht in Cecil Street in the Strand Newcastle 9th May 1732 Sir, On unpacking the wine we find 17 Bottles Burgundy & 4 bottles 1 pint of Champain wanting of your accot & also of Robt Longs accot who attending the bottling it, The mistake has most likely been committed by your Cooper or Servants unpacking, for its obvious no package had been opened in the passage or whilst in the Officers Custody, The Defficiency must be proportioned & deducted from your bills,

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Robert Macmorran – 12 May 1732

To Mr Macmorran, Mercht London Newcastle May 12th 1732 Sir, I am ordered by Mr Blackett to desire you will send him as soon as you can a hhd [hogshead] of your very best Claret & at the same time acquaint him wth its age, & all other valuable property's , Please to caution the Master you send it by, to take out a Dispatcht for it, & that if he omit it, the Expence will lay at his Door, I am etc J.R.

Letter – William Hutchinson to Francis Pewterer – 12 May 1732

Barnard Castle the 12th May 1732 Sir, I’ve your favour the 11th Instant. As you tell me, who will shew my Agent the Mines, he’ll order him goes soon to that purpose. But I am afraid, your project will be attended with soe many difficultys, that his Lordshp will at last be obliged to continue in the old way, there’s one very essentiall point to be considered, that is, how any person that buyes the Oare, can have the Part due delivered to his Carryers, unlesse his Lordship or the b

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Lancelot Allgood – 16 May 1732

To Mr Allgood Newcastle 16 May 1732 Sir, Mr Blackett has resolved to ride the Boundarys of Wallington Lords[hi]p wth Hawick <.....> the 1st & 2nd June, so desire youl please to give the necessary Directions, & appoint a Court to be held at Wallington – either before or after as you shall judge most proper, I desire you please to let me know whether its necessary to give any other warning of rideing the Boundary, than the calling it at the Neighbouring Churches the Sunday be

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Lancelot Allgood – 18 May 1732

1732 May 18. Sent Mr Allgood the Bond of Indemnity under Cover by Mr Hunter

Letters – Joseph Richmond to John Armstrong – 18 May 1732

Mr Armstrong Newcastle 18th May 1732 Mr Hunter complains that the Oar reced from the heads to Dukesfield miln, has been very wet, & particularly what was sent from Allisons Shaft, he says its occasioned by the <.arg.s> throwing water upon it to make it weigh, but then Robt Dixon or the Person who delivers the Oar to your Carriers could not but observe it, I desire you'l make enquiry into the Matter & punish those you find guilty of a practice so Injurious to the propriet

Letters – Joseph Richmond to George Edwards – 23 May 1732

To Mr Geo. Edwards at Bernard Castle Newcastle May 23rd 1732 You promis'd me faithfully in Jan[ua]ry last, that if Mr Blackett & the Trustees would forbear wth you till Mayday, you would then punctually pay what are arising for the Hill Bark, but as I have since heard nothing from you, I send this by way of Recollection & desire you'l take care the money be imediately paid & that upon Receipt hereof you'l let me know when & were I may expect to receive it. I am e

Letter – William Hutchinson to Francis Pewterer – 25 May 1732

Barnard Castle the 25th May 1732 Sir, I sent my Mill Agent, & one of my smelters, to view all the workings in Weardale. Thro them all not above 250 Bings laying, of a very poor kind & badly dressed, your Bayliff acquaints them, the yearly produce of the Mines may be about 1400 Bings, reckond at 40 shillings per Bing, at an average, would bee £309 per ann[um]. Now this being barly a supposition, the yearly produce of the Mines may be more or lesse. Therefore as to my own part,

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Anne Featherston – 26 May 1732

To Mrs Featherston Newcastle 26 May 1732 Madm, I reced your Lre of the 30th Mar[ch], in Answr to one of Mr Blackett & the Trustees, I have communicated the Contents, w[hi]ch I am now to tell you are not very agreable, since you have thought proper after three Years forbearance to call in Question the justness of their Decisions, & deny Mr Featherston's hand writing, thu[ough] the same has been proved to the satisfaction of Mr Ellis & Mr Wharton, both of your own appointm[

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Isaac Hunter – 26 May 1732

To Mr Hunter Newcastle 26 May 1732 Sir, If Mrs Featherston is well recovered, I desire you will seal & deliver her the Inclos'd, if not pray respite the delivery of it till a more proper Oppertunity, I send you also inclos'd your own acco[un]t from the beginning w[hi]ch I desire you will look into & carefully examine against you come in for the money, in order that if any mistake appear it may be rectifyed, the due paper comes to abo[u]t £4000, but you will observe
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467