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Letters – Joseph Richmond to John Brinsdon – 24 Jul 1733

To Mr J Brisdon Merch[an]t in Durham Yard London 24 July 1733 I rece[ive]d your Lre of the 14[th] advising your shipping, in the Mary, & Sarah Capt[ai]n Bird, Seven hampers of wine on Mr Blacketts Account, The ship is arrived, & the wine stoped by the Coast Officer for want of a Regular dispatch, these being nothing but a suffrance inclosed in order that you may Imediately apply to the Commiss[ione]rs of the Customs for an order of Delivery, which will be attended with Expence b

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Cook & Abell – 24 Jul 1733

To Messrs Cook & Abell Newcastle the 24 July 1733 Sr. On Saturday last I sent you by the London Carrier a piece of Silver of six hundred and twenty two Ounces of Silver, which ; which I desire you will own the Receipt of to yours etc JR

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 3 Aug 1733

Aug 3 1733. Wrote Mr Blackett now at Eshott, about the Tenants in arrear etc Nar Hindmarsh, Tom Anderson, Stephenson at Harwood, wid[ow] Dixon.

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Henry Ternegan – 11 Aug 1733

To Henry Ternegan Esqr Newcastle Aug[us]t 11th 1733 Sr. I have used my best Endeavours since I rece[ive]d yours of the 28 past, to procure you a good bill to the value of Mr Blacketts Note in your hand, but not being able to get such a bill without pay[in]g 20 prem[iu]m I have this day sent you £100 by the Carrier, & Inclose you his note for it the money will be paid to your order on the 25 inst[ant] at the White Horse in Cripplegate, therefore d

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Christopher Denton – 11 Aug 1733

To Mr Xpher Denton Newcastle 11 August 1733 Sir I am sorry to hear of your Indisposition, but I hope this will meet you at Scarborough well <recovered> & out of danger which I shall be glad to hear, As to the payment of Capt[ai]n Midford’s Annuity the 25 inst its what is not in my power to do, nor can I propose to pay it before the latter end of Sep.r at soonest for the Lead Trade; the Rent Trade, & all Trades are bad & no money to be got, which added

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Matthew Van Ess – 11 Aug 1733

Mr Matt Van Ess Newcastle the 11 Aug[us]t 1733 OS Sr. I am surprised that you shoud misapprehend my Lre of the 21st past which you seem to have done; if you look it overgain you will find that I told you, you might have 400 pieces of WB Refined Lead at £13,10s p[er] Fother, but that you must Commission Mr Ridley or some other Merch[an]t here both to buy & to ship for you, for that I could not for some Reasons serve you in that Capacity, I theref

Letter – John Watson to John Pattison – 22 Aug 1733

Articles of Agreement had made Concluded & fully Agreed upon by and between John Watson of <Goswick> in the County of Durham Esqr. his Maj[esty]s Receiver of the Rents for the Estate late James Earl of Derwentwater of the one part and John Pattison of Unthank in the County of Northumberland Gent. & John Ridley of Park end in the said County of Northumberland Husbandman of the other part this Twenty second day of August in the Y[ea]r of our Lord One Thousand Seven hundred &

Letters – Joseph Richmond to John Armstrong – 24 Aug 1733

John Armstrong Newcastle 24 August 1733 I have now given you all the time I can, & I question not but as much as you desire to send me in all Acco[un]ts preparatory to the Pay, therefore do now expect them against the 3[r]d next month without fail, I once more desire you will then give me an exact & particular List of all the arrears of Rent due from the Beginning of your Receipt to last May day, distinguishing those that are Recover

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Charles Joy – 30 Aug 1733

To Chas Joye Esqr at St Thomas’s hospital Southwark Newcastle 30th Aug. 1733 Sir I own I have fallen short of performing my Promise with you, & therefore dare not make a fresh one for fear of meeting with a fresh Disappointment. I am making all the Provision I can to satisfie your Demand, & hope to do it in such time as you will have no great Reason to complain of, I propose to Remit you the £432. 10s due 14 Jan[ua]ry in 5 weeks, & the last half years interest ab

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Cook & Abell – 7 Sep 1733

To messrs Cook & Abell Newcastle 7 September 1733 Sirs, Yesterday I drew on you for the sum of one hundred & seventy five Pounds payable to the B[isho]p of Durham or order of which I desire your Acceptance I am Sirs your most Noble Servant JR

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Peter Walker – 28 Sep 1733

To Mr Peter Walker Merchant Newcastle 28th September 1733 in Thames Street London Sir I desire you will send me as soon as possible thirty cask’s of boneashes the same as the last, pray take care they be good, & not old, their Goodness you may partly know by squeezing them in your hand, for if they ball fast togeather they are good, if they fall they are old, & not so fit for our use, I am etc JR

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Joseph Harrison – 5 Oct 1733

To Mr Jos: Harrison Newcastle 5th Octobr 1733 at the Rt. Hon[our]able the Countess Dowager of Winchelseas, in Queens Square London Sir Inclos’d is a bill for Twenty Pounds which I am ordered to return you by Mr Cha[rle]s Smithson of Blannerhassett, I desire you’l advise upon the Receipt hereof & direct for me in Newcastle upon Tyne, Pray omit not to write by the Return of the Post that I may be assured the Bill comes safe, otherwise shall stop payment, I am etc

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Charles Joy – 5 Oct 1733

To Cha: Joy Esqr. Newcastle 5th October 1733 Sir Inclos’d are two Bills of Exchange for the sums of Four hundred thirty two Pounds ten shillings being the arrears of Inttrest due the 14 Jan[ua]ry last, I desire you will please to place the same to the Credit of the late Sir Wm. Blackett’s Ex[ecu]tors, & advise me on the Receipt hereof, who am Sr. yours etc J: R Newca

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Cook & Abell – 5 Oct 1733

Messrs Cook & Abell Newcastle 5th October 1733 Sirs I have been obliged this day to draw on you for the sum of Eighty three pounds seven shillings & nine pence payable to Cha: Joye Esq., or order Thirty days after date, of which I desire your acceptance, the Balance in your hands after payment of this bill will be very small, but I hope in a very little time to make it larger, & am with much respect

Letters – Walter Blackett to Thomas Robinson – 11 Oct 1733

To Mr. Thos. Robinson at Sunderland Newcastle Octobr 11 1733 Sir When I last had the pleasure of seeing you, you were so kind as to promise me, your Intrest with the Freemen of Newcastle; I have declared my self a Candidate at the next Elec[ti]on & hope you will be so good as to use your Influence in my behalf I desire you will not look upon this as in the least doubting of your promise but to return you thanks for the friends[hi]p you were pleas’d to express

Letters – Walter Blackett to Ralph Robinson – 11 Oct 1733

To Mr Ralph Robinson at Sunderland Newcastle 11 Octobr 1733 Sir Last Monday Mr Carr shewing the way gave me an unavoidable opportunity of declareing myself a Candidate for the Town at the next Elec[ti]on for Members to serve in Parliament. The Favour which you have been pleas’d to shew to this Family<upon> the like occasion, I hope you will be so good as to continue to one, who with great severity will lay hold of the earliest & every opportunity of profe

Letters – Walter Blackett to Thomas Lampton – 11 Oct 1733

To Thos. Lampton Esqr. at Sedgewick Newcastle Octobr 11 1733 Sir Last Monday Mt Carr shewing the way I took that opportunity of declaring my self a Candidate at the next Elec[ti]on; I shall be proud of having your Intrest upon the Occasion, & shall take all opportunity’s of acknowledging the obligation, I have been so long absent that I fear Winship hath had too much opportunity of following his own humour & breeding the Beagles too long leg’d, I cannot say

Letters – Walter Blackett to Watson & Sutton – 11 Oct 1733

To Messrs Watson & Sutton Merch[an]ts in Stockton Newcastle 11 Octobr 1733 Gent[leme]n That I have not the honour of being known to you is my misfortune but flatter my self you will not add to it by refusing my request upon that acco[un]t; the freedom which I here take I hope will not appear so great if you please to consider the unreasonable Libertys which are often assumed upon the like Occasion, Having declared my self Candidate for the Town at the next Elec[ti]on for membe

Letters – Walter Blackett to John Jourdet – 11 Oct 1733

To John Jourdet Esqr. at Stockton Newcastle 11 Octobr 1733 Sir Though I have not the pleasure of being known to you I hope the prevailing Custom of taking an uncommon Liberty upon these Occasions will plead my Excuse, Last Monday Mr Fenwick, Mr Carr & my self declared ourselves Candidates at the next Elec[ti]on for the Town, as there are a number of Freemen of Newcastle at Stockton I should be proud of having the Favour of your Intrest to obtain theirs, & their v

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Christopher Denton – 30 Oct 1733

To Mr Denton Newcastle the 30 Octobr 1733 Dear Sr. I rece[ive]d your Favour of the 13th from York, agreeable to which Mr Blackett has <wrote> to the Stockton Gentlemen, I hope this will find you well after your Journey which will be very agreeable to me to hear, Inclos’d is a bill for the sum of £125 being as I remember the Ballance due to you from Mr Blackett, pray advise the receipt of it, & mention in your Lre, that it is

Letters – Joseph Richmond to John Dawson – 30 Oct 1733

To Mr. Jno. Dawson Newcastle 30 Octobr 1733 Sr. Not having rece[ive]d any Answer to my last, Occasions my troubling you herewith, which is to desire you’l let me know when it will be convenient fore you to pay me for the 40 p[iece]s [of] Lead, for I am now preparing to make a pay in Weardale the week after <Martinmas> which will require a large sum, & putts me upon calling in all the small ones standing out in order to accomplish it, pray let me hear from you by the

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 6 Nov 1733

Nov 6th. Mr Blackett wrote the severall Freemen mentioned in Watson & Suttons Lre ; Wrote also to Mr Lett in Arlington Street Mr Turner at Kirkleatham Mr Mountagu in Cavindish Square Mr James Cook at Yarm Mr Wm. Denton at Stockton & inclosed <82/22> Lres NB Wrote Mr Whittle at <M/H…by …. Washington>

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Christopher Denton – 13 Nov 1733

To Mr Christ: Denton Newcastle Novr 13th 1733 Sir I have rec[eive]d your Lre of the 6th inst[ant]with the Councells opinion on Cook[‘s] Case: but have not yet heard anything from Mr Proctor, Inclos’d is the Goalers [sic] originall Bond, which I desire you will acknowledge the Receipt of , I am Sr yours etc J R PS I have not yet met with Mr ward

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Isaac Hunter – 19 Nov 1733

To Mr Isaac Hunter Newcastle 19th Novr 1733 Sir I am assured by a Person who knows the thing very well that wee are greatly defrauded by Mrs Wetherby in our dues of Risby Grove, for they carry away oar both by night & day of which Mr Rudd knows nothing at all, as I am informed, you must go up to Risby, & enquire how that acco[un]t stands; they are obliged to show you all their Accounts from the beginning; by which you will find how many Bings of oar they

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Christopher Denton – 20 Nov 1733

To Mr Denton Newcastle 20th Novr 1733 Sr. I am sorry the Goaler’s [sic] Bond came not in time, there was only one Post slipt here occasioned by my being at Wallington, Mr Lisle has paid me £9. 7s. 4d on your Acco[un]t the money was brou[gh]t me by Mr James Procter, who could not prevaile to go with me to Mr Steele, nor to tell me what Mr Cook was Inclined to do towards his Enlargem[en]t. I have sent severall times after Mr Ward, but he is so m
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467