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Letters – Joseph Richmond to Charles Joy – 20 Nov 1733

Newcastle Octobr 12th 1733 Sixty days after date pay Mr Jos: Richmond, or order the sum of Two hundred & six pounds, one shilling Value & place it to acco[un]t p[er] advice from Richd & Nich[ola]s Ridley Endorsed J: Richmond To Mr Jno. Edwards Merchant in London Newcastle Octobr 16 1733 Sixty days after date pay Mr Jos: Richmond, or o

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Dixon – 26 Nov 1733

Mr. Dixon Newcastle 26 Novr 1733 Mr Robson calls upon you to know what you propose to do about your Farm & whether you think the Landlord ought to let you runn behind any further when I was last at Fenwick you proposed to pay £50 at least before Mich[elm]as of which you have paid no more than £8 have you any prospect of paying up those arrears before Xmas, or what part of them will you pay before that time, this Year is all you desired, to try wha

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Cook & Abell – 27 Nov 1733

To Messrs Cook & Abell Newcastle 27 Novr 1733 Sirs On Saturday last I sent you by Burrells of London Carrier two pieces of Silver q[uant]ity 995 oz. good weight, I have debited you for the same, as below, and desire you will advise the Receipt of it to yours etc J R 995 oz. fine Silver at 5s. 9d p[er] oz.

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Christopher Denton – 1 Dec 1733

To Mr Denton Newcastle the 1st Decr 1733 D[ea]r Sr. Inclos’d is Mr Matt Bell’s Bill on Mr Sam[ue]l Ashburys for forty pounds, which [missing word] you must Credit Mr Allgood for, it being sent you at his desire, & on his acco[un]t, I <cannot> procure a bill at a shorter date, & as Mr Bell could not draw till the 4th inst[ant], I desire you forbear one post before you present this bill, Mr Ward says you have advised him [missing word] draught p

Letters – Joseph Richmond to John Longbalemare – 3 Dec 1733

To John Longbalemare Esqr. in Newton’s Street London Newcastle 3rd Xber 1733 Sr I have this day shipt by Mr Blacketts directions in the Constant [missing word] of Newcastle David Ramsay Ma[ste]r a Box directing for you containing two Potts of Wild Fowl & one of Lobster the ship is ready to sail <so> please to order the Box to be called for upon her arrival in the [missing word: River?] I am Sr. your etc J R

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Mrs Blacke – 3 Dec 1733

To Mrs Blacke in great Russell Street near Bloomsbury London Newcastle 3 Xber 1733 Madam I have this day ship’d by Mrs Blackett’s directions in the Constant [missing word] of this Place David Ramsey Ma[ste]r in a Box directed for you containing a screen which Mrs Blackett will in a Post or two desire the favour of [missing word] to get fitted up for her in the same ship comes by her directions, <addressed> for you one Pott of Wild Fowl & one of Lobster, the ship be

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Christopher Denton – 18 Dec 1733

18th Sent Mr Denton Mr Bernardeaus bill on Messrs Simond for £448. 2. 6 to enable him with what Mr Blackett had made him to discharge Mr <Groses> Debt of £1200; sent him a colony of <doves> the [missing word] Lre to Mr Blackett, & wrote Jones that Mr Denton had directions to pay off that debt.

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Cook & Abell – 2 Jan 1734

To Messrs Cook & Abell Newcastle 2d Janry 1733 Sirs I have this day drawn a bill upon you for one hundred & forty one pounds fifteen shillings payable to Wr Blackett Esqr or Order, thirty days after date w[hi]ch I desire your Acceptance of & that you will place it to your Account w[i]th the late Sr Wm Blackett’s Ex[ecu]tors w[i]th the Compl[iment]s of the Season, I am Srs Yrs Etc J R Newcastle 2d Janry 1733 Sirs Thirty days after date pay Walter Blackett

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Christopher Denton – 8 Jan 1734

To Mr Denton Newcastle 8 Janry 1733 Dear S[i]r I rece[ive]d yours of the 22d past. I am glad the affair is made up w[i]th Mr Groce. I thought Mr Blackett had sent you Bills to discharge that Debt im[m]ediately. By his direction I send you inclosed a Bill for Two hundred pounds w[hi]ch you will receive Orders from him how to apply, pray advise him of Receipt thereof. I hear nothing yet from Mr Ward w[i]th the Complim[en]ts of the season , I am Yrs etc J:R PS Pray ad

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Cook & Abell – 8 Jan 1734

To Messrs Cook & Abell Newcastle 8 Janry 1733 Sirs I have this day been oblig[e]d to draw on you for one hundred pounds payable to Mr (Ra) Harle, or Order, Thirty days after date; I beg you will accept thereof & place it to your Acco[un]t w[i]th the late Sir Wm Blacketts Extors, w[i]th the compl[iment]s of the season, I am Yrs etc J: R

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Robert Long – 12 Jan 1734

To Mr Robt Long Newcastle 12 Janry 1733 Sir, The Beginning of last Month I ship[pe]d in the Constant Jane Dav[i]d Ramsey Mar for London, a Box directed to Jno Long Bateman Esqr in Newbond Street, a Box & two Potts of Wild Fowl directed to Mr Blake in Greet Russell Street, w[hi]ch they write they have not yet received. the Ship is come away from London, & the Broker who shipt them here tells me the things will be found at Whitakers, or Dashes Wharfs, for the ship delivered Goods

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Mrs Dixon – 12 Jan 1734

Newcastle 12 Janry 1733 Mrs Dixon I have waited & wrote to you till I am weary, & yet see not any prospect of your making good your promises in any Degree, you have taken up the money for the (Ewes) and Lambs & every thing else that you have sold, without bringing any here, & when I offered to buy your Oats at 4d a bowl above the Markett you refused to deal with me, by all w[hi]ch I apprehend you Intend to give your self no trouble about the rent for its certainly th

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Christopher Denton – 15 Jan 1734

Newcastle 15th Janry 1733 Sir, I have before me yours of the 8, & 11th, the first Inclosing Mr Nevills bill on Mr Austin <Jennison> for eleven pounds w[hi]ch is paid, & plac[e]d to your Acco[un]t, but Mr Ward who promised me paym[en]t Yesterday has again disappointed me. As soon as I receive Directions about Lady (Barba) £50 a year will Endeavour to pay up all the Arrears without loss of time. In the meantime you receive Inclosed a bill for Two hundred

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Peter Bernardeau – 25 Jan 1734

To Mr Pre. Bernardeau Newcastle 25th Janry 1733 Sir Dalton & Robinson who weigh off all our Lead have been with me this day about the short weight w[hi]ch Mr Bonnett says he wants in the first 2000 pieces of Lead, & I think it appears very plain that the Mistake is in weighing the Lead at Rouen, for Mr Bonnett when he wrote to you says he had not weighed it all, therefore had probably Weighed some of the Common lead & computed the whole according to the weight in w[hi]

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Cook & Abell – 2 Feb 1734

To Messr Cook & Abell Newcastle 2 Febry 1733 Sirs I have this Day sent you pr Laycock the London Carrier one piece of Silver of 1198½ oz, for w[hi]ch I desire you will Credit the late Sir Wm Blacketts Ex[ecu]tors as below, & advise me upon your Receipt thereof I am Etc J R 1198½oz at 5s9d p.oz is £344 11s 4d

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Christopher Denton – 8 Feb 1734

To Mr Denton Newcastle 8 Febry 1733 Dear Sir On Thursday last Mr Greive sent to Mr Steel £168 17s 10½d being Mr Manners half of the Princip[a]l Debt due to Mr Blackett, w[hi]ch Mony Mr Clarke & Mr Steel advised me to receive, I give my Receipt for so much rec[eiv]ed of Mr Manners in part of a Debt due to Mr Blackett, w[hi]ch I did accordingly, & hope it can be no hindrance in recovering the Remainder & Costs. You have a Copy of Mr Greives L[ett]re to Mr Steel & my

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Christopher Denton – 17 Feb 1734

To Mr Denton Newcastle 17 Febry 1733 Dr Sir Mr Blackett sent one of his servants along with the Packett on Friday last with his petition for an act of parliam[en]t to take the name of Blackett, & I hope he will be with you tomorrow. I will return you Cap. Midfords annuity as soon as I possibly can but cant yet tell you when it will be, for the Spring trade does not yet comence & I must sell some lead before I can make that payment, The Capt came to this place last Friday,

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Christopher Denton – 19 Feb 1734

To Mr Denton Newcastle 19 Febry 1733 Dr Sr I acquainted you by last Post that Capt Midford was under Confinem[en]t here for about £40 since w[hi]ch sum other <entries> have been taken out against him, & Mr Blackett out of compassion to him has discharged them all, & sett him at Liberty with mony in his Pocket, w[hi]ch I believe is the last time he will ever Interfere in his affairs. He declares upon his honour his Annuity is engaged no longer than next Candlemass, &a

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Christopher Denton – 23 Feb 1734

To Mr Denton Newcastle 23 Febry 1733 Dr Sir I have this Day been obliged to draw on you for the sum of forty seven po[un]ds & two pence as below w[hi]ch sum is I think the Ballance remaining due to me in yor hands, as per acco[un]t within sent you. If you find the same right I desire you will send me my Bills drawn on you pr first Conveniency. I shall be glad to hear how you proceed with regards to Mr Blacketts Petition. I am Sr Yours etc J R £ 21-. payable to

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Crowe – 2 Mar 1734

To Mr Crowe Newcastle 2d Mar 1733 Sir Inclosed you receive your Acc[oun]t for the last year w[hi]ch I hope you will find right, I desire you will examine it pr first opportunity w[hi]ch will be doing me a service, for my own Acco[un]ts for the last year are now under examination, & cant be settled till the Aldn or you sign me the Inclosed w[hi]ch is the only unstated Acco[un]t, I am in want of, your dispatch therefore in this affair will much oblige Sir yrs etc J R

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Christopher Denton – 8 Mar 1734

To Mr Denton Newcastle 8 Mar: 1733 Dr Sir I have rec[eiv]ed yours of the 2d inclosing a Copy of the agreem[en]t proposed between Mr Ord & the Cred[itor]s of West Kenton, In answer thereto, if the rest concerned come in, to that proposalls Mr Blackett will do so too, & according both, he, & Mr Clarke has signed an order upon the Dra[f]t you sent me, for you to sign the originall. I suppose Mr Allgood will also sign it when he comes to Town, & then it shall be sent yo

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Richard Grieve – 8 Mar 1734

To Mr Greive Attry at Law in Alnwick March 8 1733 In answer to your Favour of the 25th past, I rec[eiv]ed your Memorand[u]m left me when last in Town & forwarded it to Mr Denton. As to my Writing to Mr Cook or his attorny, its what I have no direction to do & I cannot think it would have any Effect upon them. I am Yrs etc J R

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Cuthbert Ogle – 8 Mar 1734

To Mr Cuthb[er]t Ogle Newcastle Mar 8th 1734 The Arrears of Rent for Ord Estate being grown very large & Mr Blackett having very great Occasion for Money at the time orders me to acquaint you that he desires & expresses you wont fail of letting him have four hundred pounds in part thereof against the 20th ins for w[hi]ch sum he has drawn upon you then payable at my Office & commands me to Advise you thereof, who am etc J R

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Christopher Denton – 12 Mar 1734

To Mr Denton Newcastle Mar 12 1733 Dr Sr Inclosed is a Copy of Mr Blacketts Bill signed by him. Wee can meet with no opportunity of sending the other copy by a Person that sees Mr Blackett sign it, & Mr Clarke thinks theres no necessity of sending a messenger on purpose if you have any Reason to think it will be required one may be sent away by the Return of the Post. I fancy the Serv[an]t that bro[ugh]t up the petition is coming home. If not, pray dispatch him as soon as you ha

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Joseph Peart – 14 Mar 1734

To Mr Peart Newcastle 14 Mar: 1733 On Receipt hereof Mr Blackett orders you to go over to Dr Watts at Wolsingham & consult with him, & others of the principall Parishioners about the Grove that Mr Hutchinson is now working near the Boundary of that Parish, w[hi]ch he says is in the Parish of Eggleston, but Dr Watts insists is in the Parish of Woolsingham. He has got 15 or 20 Bings of Oar as I am informed this Day & if he should be allowed to do that in Mr Blacketts Liberty
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467