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Letter – Joseph Richmond to Christopher Denton – 26 Mar 1734

To Mr Denton Newcastle 26th Mar 1733 Inclosed is a bill for 20 w[hi]ch Mr Allgood desired me to send you on Mr <Witheringtons> acco[un]t. You have likewise inclosed Mr Pre Bernardeaus bill on Messr Simonds for four hundred pounds due 29th inst. I desire you will apply £200 of the said bill in paym[en]t of Capt Midfords last half years annuity, & send me his bill or Receipt for it, the remaining £200 please to let remain in your hand till further notice, & pray favour me

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Joseph Peart – 26 Mar 1734

Mr Peart Newcastle 26th Mar 1734 I desire you will send down to Mr Dalton two pounds weight of Oar from the undermentioned Groves, & let the parcells be marked what grove they belong to, the Reason is, he <re..> [=refined?] all Rookhope lead last year & it produced full 8 Ounces in a Fothr w[hi]ch is well worth looking after when wee have no better work. Therefore I want to be satisfied whether it is one or more groves that produces the silver, or whether they are all

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Cook & Abell – 5 Apr 1734

To Messr Cook & Abell Newcastle the 5th April 1734 Sirs On the 30th ultm I drew on you for the sum of forty Pounds payable at 30 days to Gilpid Lawson Esq or order & this day I have drawn on you in two bills as below for the sum of three hundred pounds, of which I desire your acceptance & that you will place the same to the Credit with the late Sir Wm Blacketts Ex[ecu]tors I am Sirs Yor most h[um]ble servant JR £200 payl to Mr Henry Allison or order at 40d date

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Lancelot Allgood – 9 Apr 1734

To Mr Allgood at Rideing Newcastle 9th April 1734 Sir Please to let me know whether Mr Bacon’s lease of his lead milne is finished & <who> the fine agreed on is, for having an Acc[oun]t now to settle with him for wood bought by Jno Armstrong & for his proportion of Weardale Rents. I shall have mony to pay out unless that fine is charged in Acc[oun]t, w[hi]ch should have been paid 8 or 9 years ago for I believe its so long since the old lease expired w[hi]ch you may rem

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Christopher Denton – 9 Apr 1734

To Mr Denton Newcastle 9th April 1734 Dear Sir I have before me yours of the 30th ulto. What can I say to Mr Nicholas Widdons its certain the £7 odd has been paid by Sr Wm as appears by a stated Acco[un]t of the £65000 & if the Remainder was not deducted in the Acco[un] of the £12000 mortg[ag]e w[hi]ch Mr <Hathons> Accot gives no light into, the Trustees must give an order for the paym[en]t of it. I will endeavour to get you such an order the first time they meet togeth

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Joseph Peart – 16 Apr 1734

To Mr Jos: Peart Newcastle 16 Apl 1734 Sir I rec[eiv]ed yours w[i]th the samples of Ore w[hi]ch shall be tryd w[i]th all expedition. I want very much to know w[ha]t passed between Dr Watts & you ab[ou]t Hutchinsons Grove in order to lay the same before Mr Blackett, therefore write me very fully thereon on receipt hereof & give your (own) Opinion. I have spoke to Mr Kennedy about his Grove & told him wee must discharge his workmen. His answer was Mr Blackett may (do it) w

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Christopher Denton – 19 Apr 1734

To Mr Denton Newcastle 19th April 1734 Dr Sir I have yours of the 13th with Capt Midfords receipt etc & repeat my Request as to Cuth: Ogle with whom I fear Mr Blackett will have some trouble, if he be not a sufferer by him, for he is far behind with his Rent, has neglected most of the conditions of his lease, & I doubt no security was given for their Performance. According to the Acco[un]t you sent me Mr <Manner’s> Debt & Costs amount to £499.12.2 ½ of which

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Christopher Denton – 21 Apr 1734

To Mr Denton Newcastle 21st April 1734 Dr Sr This day Mr Blackett told me of the Acc[oun]t w[hi]ch is to be paid the 1st May & said he would write you by this Post to desire you would endeavour to get the mony in London, & draw upon him for it here, where bills are not to be got for any Sum. As you say you want to draw for £200. I hope you will be able to make it £400 without any unreasonable premium, since you may draw at sight if ought can be (saved) thereby, but 15 or 20 d

Letter – Joseph Richmond to John Armstrong – 16 May 1734

To Mr Armstrong Newcastle 16th May 1734 I have just now rec.d yours of the 9th setting forth the Practice of applying to other uses the choicest of the wood bought for the Use of the Groves only. I am sensible of the ill Consequences that may attend it, I therefore desire & take upon me to commission you for the future, not to suffer any Person whatsoever to cut or meddle w[i]th any wood intended for the Groves till he produce you an order in writing from Mr Blackett, Mr Allgood o

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Christopher Denton – 25 May 1734

To Mr Denton Newcastle 25th May 1734 Dear Sr I have yours of the 14th & hope Mr Blackett has given you directions to endeavour to make Mr Groce & the rest that want money of him easie till he can remit it them, for at present I can raise none. About the middle of next Month he proposes I believe to send you at least £500 w[hi]ch I suppose he has told you. I received a letter last week from Mr Joye for the last half years Intrest, w[hi]ch I cant yet get a shilling of. All tr

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Christopher Denton – 31 May 1734

To Mr Denton Newcastle 31st May 1734 Dr Sr. We are told that Mr Carr has formed a petition against Mr Blackett upon the Acco[un]t of his giving two Plates to our Races, as you will see by the News paper Inclosed, wch its Insisted upon (its) Contrary to the Act 7th Wm 3d, as being advertised after the Test of the Writt, the first Advertisement was I believe after the Date of the Writts, but the Plates were given the 4th Aprill before the Writts were out. The thing seems a Me

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Charles Joy – 31 May 1734

To Cha: Joye Esqr Newcastle 31st May 1734 Sr. I received yours of the 16th & am sorry I cant yet return you the last half Years Interest. I am doing all I can towards it but the times are so bad w[i]th Tenants that wee are forced to give ours very great Indulgence, who cant pay their last Martinmass Rent till they have had the advantage of the Fairs next Month. A little more of your Indulgence as to this half year, will I doubt not be made amends for by a quicker paym[en]t of the

Letter – Joseph Richmond to John Brinsdon – 7 Jun 1734

To Mr <Brinsdon> in Durham Yard London Newcastle 7th June 1734 Sir I have put on Board the Greyhound Thos Allaley Master four Hampers directed for you containing Eighteen dozn & eight Bottles of Burgundy, w[hi]ch Mr Blackett ordered me to return you it not being to his likeing, & desires you’l advise him when it comes to hand. I am Srs Yrs etc J.R.

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Christopher Denton – 7 Jun 1734

To Mr Xpher Denton Newcastle 7th June 1734 Sir. Inclosed is a State of the Case with the King of Denmark, the amount brought down to 1731, & a Schedule of what papers wee have relating to that affair, by w[hi]ch you will see it has been sollicited in almost every Reign without obtaining any Satisfaction & I therefore doubt wee are likely to receive none now, I hear nothing from Mr Greive, only Mr Steele has received a letter from him desiring the Execution against Cook may b

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Armorer – 9 Jun 1734

To Mr <Armorer> Newcastle 9th June 1734 Sir Yesterday Mr Bulman was here, & showed Mr Steele & me, a Division Deed made in 1619 of the Ground & Royalty in Dispute between Morton, & Unthank executed by the then top Gentlemen in the County w[hi]ch wee look upon to be a good Deed, & for further Satisfaction he is willing to have it laid before any Council. It appears thereby, that Unthank is Intitaled to two fifths & Morton to three fifths of the Collie

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Christopher Denton – 11 Jun 1734

To Mr Denton Newcastle 11th June 1734 Dr Sir Inclosed is Mr Abr[aha]m Dixons bill on Mr Jno Still for the sum of two hundred & twenty pounds, w[hi]ch I desire you will advise the Receipt of, & mention that it is to pay Mr Groce so much due to him from Mr Blackett, so that your l[ett]re may be a Voucher to me for so much money. I hope this will make all Matters easy for the present, for times are so bad, that there’s no money stirring for any thing here. I received

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Harry Hopper – 12 Jun 1734

To Mr Harry Hopper Newcastle 12th June 1734 Sir If Dr Watts will be at home on Friday the 28th of this Month, I will call upon him at Wolsingham by Ten a Clock that morning in order to consult whats to be done with regard to the Grove now working by Mr Hutchinson. I desire he will against that time try what Result he can bring the Landholder to, for tho. the Bp, I believe will lend us no assistance Mr Blackett will defend his Rights, if the Dr & Landholders will enter into

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 16 Jun 1734

To Wr Blackett Esqr Newcastle 16th June 1734 Honrd Sr Nothing materiall has offered since my last, here has been the least company I ever saw, few of the Northumb[erlan]d Gentlemen being at the Races. Your two Plates were carried from the Towns hall, & attended by a few friends that thought fitt to go out with them without any Invitation, so that there was not the least Noise or bustle about <th..> w[hi]ch would have been Inavoidable if you had been in Town, & I

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Joseph Peart – 18 Jun 1734

Mr Peart Newcastle 18th June 1734 I rec[eiv]ed yours with March account which runs very high, the Oar got in that, & the former Qua[rte]r costs Mr Blackett more than he can sell it for, for lead now is not worth more than £12 & I don’t believe any Body will give that for a large Quantity. All the lead wee have got down this Year is unsold, & no body will buy at any price, you must therefore shorten your hand, & what will not work at 22s or 23s a Bing all charges

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 21 Jun 1734

To Wr Blackett Esqr Newcastle 21st June 1734 Honrd Sr It is my opinion that your coming to Town three Weeks or a Month hence, if most agreable to your self, will be altogether as well as coming just after the Races are over. if anything happen that may make your presence necessary before that time, I will Imediately let you know. Mr Fenwick of Bywell having served Spanton of Sheilds with a speciall writ for making too free with his principles & Character Mr Carr in order t

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Richard Ridley – 24 Jun 1734

To Aldm Ridley Newcastle 24th June 1734 Sir Having fixed the pays of our Milns for next Thursday, & expecting Mr Hunter (here) to morrow for the money, I desire you will please to let me have £200 in part of the last Years Ballance. I have applyd to Mr <Crowe> without Effect, w[hi]ch obliges me to give you this Trouble. I doubt not but you will be pleased to excuse it, & order the sum desired on this Emergency by Sr Yours etc JR

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Charles Joy – 25 Jun 1734

To Chas. Joye Esqr Newcastle 25 June 1734 Sir Inclosed are three bills for the sum of six hundred pounds, as above, in part of the last <half> Years Interest on the late Sir Wm Blackett’s mortgage, the Receipt of which I desire you will please to advise. This Remittance falls short of what I did expect to have made you by this time, but its all I can at present do. The Remainder shall be returned you will all possible Expedition by Sr Yrs etc J R Newcastle 1

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Cook & Abell – 25 Jun 1734

Newcastle 25th June 1734 To Messrs Cook & Abell Sirs I sent you on Saturday last by Laycock the Carrier five hundred forty six Ounces fine silver, as below, for w[hi]ch I desire you will Credit the late Sr Wm Blackett’s Ex[ecu]tors & advise me on your Receipt thereof. I have allowed you one Ounce, w[hi]ch I hope will make good the Deficiency you complain of in the last p[ar]cell, I have this day drawn on you for One hundred fifty nine pounds, three shillings, & se

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Christopher Denton – 30 Jun 1734

To Mr Denton Newcastle 30th June 1734 Dear Sir I have before me yours of the 25th & agreable thereto I inclose you my Article with Sr Wm Blackett w[hi]ch I desire your Care of, & that you will advise the receipt. I believe you are well enough acquainted with all the hands at it, As to the Sheriffs return Mr Steel had the Execution the 3rd day after I rec[eiv]ed it, & I believe sent it away Imediately but for the Satisfaction he says he will send by next Post his C

Letter – John Armstrong to Joseph Richmond – 14 Aug 1734

Mr Richmond Augt:14:1734 Inclosed I have sent you a draught of a part of Fallowfield Groves vizt. how much deeper that water Level is, than the drift wch. goes through Acomb fell wch. you’l find by the draught to be 25 fathm., to give you a draught of all the Sumps, drifts, & workings &c under this Level, is of no use because wrought out where any ore could be got, Some of the under drifts Run together others Drown’d wth. water, and therefore wd only perplex your notion, as
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467