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Letter – Nicholas Walton to Edward Hutchinson – 27 Mar 1736

To Docter Hutchinson Ravensworth Castle March 27th 1736 Sr Mr Pearson our Bayliff at Keswick writes us that Licewell Grein (who we take to be one of yours & Mr Watson Ptners at Thornthwait) has lately sold and delivered a considerable quantity of Lead Oare without having given notice thereof or in any manner satisfyed the Lord for his dues When we were at Carlisle we desired Mr Pearson might be acquaint

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Joseph Scott – 27 Mar 1736

To Mr Jos Scott Ravensworth Castle March 27th 1736 Mr Scott We can’t but be much surprized at your behaviour to Mr King after having commited an Offence which we are obliged to acquaint you we cannot pass by, and we have in Justice to our principalls given Mr King orders to prosecute you as the Law in that case directs We are also much surprized you shou’d offer any hardship to your under Tennant, by turnin

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 30 Mar 1736

To William Corbett Esqr Ravensworth Castle March 30th 1736 Sr We were favoured with yours of the 20th, 23d & 26th of March Inst wch conveyed to us the command of the Board dated the 17th, 19th, 23d, 24th & 25th Inst to which we have a due regard, we also reced a Coppy of Mr Radleys Letter relating to Actions to be brought against Persons committing Wasts & damages. It being no objection to the b

Letter – Nicholas Walton to George Liddell – 30 Mar 1736

To George Liddell Esqr Ravensworth Castle March 30th 1736 Honrd Sr We have yours of the 7th & 13th of March Inst before us as also the Coppy of Mr Wastells Letter of the 16th February last wch will answer as fully as we can before Post time. Parson Gordons Letter wch you mention was not Sent to us but before your Letter came to hand we pay’d his demands, tho we had no order for it from the Hospitall, nor was

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 2 Apr 1736

To William Corbett Esqr Rav.h Castle April 2d 1736 Sr Inclosed you will receive our Cash Accot for last Month by which there is a Ballance remaining in our hands of £44 . 5 . 33/4 after having paid Mr Constables Interest upon £5900 due at last Ladyday. We have putt the advertisement into the Newcastle paper pursuant to your Commands, but there is one thing with regard to Letting the Estate wch w

Letter – Hugh Boag to Charles Busby – 2 Apr 1736

Mr Busby Ravensworth Castle April 2d 1736 We are ordered by the Directors not to Suffer you to remove the Goods now in Dilston Hall which you Say belong to the Executors Sr John Webb & Counsellor Pigott unless you produce Some Lawfull Authority that they are the property of the sd Sr John Webb & Counsellor Pigott & also that they Authorize You Lawfully to remove or Carry away the Same. These things we expect you

Memorandum – Nicholas Walton – 9 Apr 1736

[annotated in pencil:] C Grey Kipper Linn 9 April 1736 We whose Names are hereunto Subscribed Met together at Newlands and Whittingstall in Order to Meet and Observe John Fenwick Esqr of Bywell and other Freeholders (Joyning upon the said Whittingstall Common) Riding their Boundery pursuant to an Appointment made by the said John Fenwick Esqr. We proceeded from Whittingstall to Apparly Burn where we Expected to have Met the said John Fenwick Esqr and others but they not b

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Thomas Watson – 12 Apr 1736

To Thos Watson Esqr Mayor of Berwick Sr Ravensworth Castle April 12th 1736 We some time agoe had directions from the Commissrs of Greenwich Hospitall, to enquire into a complaint made to them of some abuses committed by the Tennants of Berwick Collry Incroaching on Scremmerston Colliery, & we at that time made some enquiry into the affair, & from a representation made by Mrs Clavering, it appears, that not

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Mrs Clavering – 12 Apr 1736

Madam Ravensworth Castle April 12th 1736 I was last Post favoured with yours informg me of the proceedings of the Tennants of Berwick Colliery, & I have this day wrote to the Mayor to desire he may put a Stop to it so as you may have no further trouble, or fears upon you Mr Boag & I has also wrote to the Mayor that we hope he will make a Satisfaction for the loss we have allready Sustained, & you may be assure

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 12 Apr 1736

Coppy of the Report made on Riding the Boundery of Newlands & Whittingstall Sent Mr Corbett Esqr the 12 April 1736 We whose names are hereunto Subscribed mett to gether at Newlands & Whittingstall, in order to meet & Observe John Fenwick Esqr of Bywell & other Freeholders Joyning upon the Sd Whittingstall Common Riding their boundary, pursuant to an appointment made by the Sd John Fenwick Esqr. We proceeded from Whittingstall to Apperly Burn where we expected to have mett

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Aynsley – 15 Apr 1736

To John Aynsley Esqr Sr Rav.h Castle April 15 1736 I am favoured with yours of the 13th Inst wherein I observe you say Hall shall be ready & willing to refer the dispute between him & Jopling to any indifferent Persons, & yett you object agt the persons nominated on Joplings behalf & agreed to by Hall. As to Joblings insisting upon Edward Winship being his Arbitrator and no other person I

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 16 Apr 1736

To Willm Corbett Esqr Sr Ravensworth Castle April the 16th 1736 As Mayday is at hand it will be expected from us that we give answers to Such as have made offers to take the Tyths of Whelpington Hartburn & Midford, we have therefore below enumerated the Severall Biddings for each & begg the determination of the Directors thereupon as Speedily as you can. You will observe the Severall Offers any of whom we

Letter – Nicholas Walton to George Liddell – 18 Apr 1736

To George Liddell Esqr Ravensworth Castle April the 18th 1736 Honred Sr Mr Anderson was Tennant to the late Earl of Derwentwater & is so till next May day or Whittsuntide at which time Mr Archibald enters upon the Farme with a Liberty to Sow a part of the land, Mr Anderson having no right to a Way going Crop, as it was when he entered upon it a grass Farm & but lately tore out. When we reced the North Countr

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 18 Apr 1736

To Wm Corbett Esqr Ravensworth Castle April 18th 1736 Sr Yesterday Mr Thomas Pye of Morpeth offered us Ninety Pounds for Midfield Tyths with which we think proper to acquaint you. We sent you all the other biddings last Post. Last post brought us a Letter from Messrs Snow & Paltoch Goldsmiths without Temple Barr, demanding a Years Interest due to the Execr of the late Dr Chamberlain at Ladyday last upon £3000 wch they desire us to return them as it becomes due on the Same

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 24 Apr 1736

To William Corbett Esqr Ravensworth Castle April 24 1736 Sr We have with difficulty at last gott Hall & Jopling to Enter into Bonds of Arbitration, to putt an End to the differences between them, which is to be done before Easter Term, as Mr Aynesley has obtained a Rule of Court against Jobling to shew Cause why the Inquisition should not be Quash’d. We are apprehensive that an End may not be made in this Arbitration before Easter Terme, & therefore least it should be s

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John King – 24 Apr 1736

To Mr King Attorney at Law Sr Ravensworth Castle April 24 1736 Yours of the 17th April Inst came to hand last Tuesday’s Post in which we observe that you have Subpen’d Scott of Stable Hills into the Court of Excheqr to answer the Articles charged against him by English Bill. We approve of the manner of doing it as we mean no more than to bring the man to Submission & deterring others from things of th

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Joseph Scott – 24 Apr 1736

To Mr Scott Kessweek Mr Scott Ravensworth Castle Apl 24th 1736 Yours came to hand which we Observe in Answere to which we can only acquaint you that we have an Accot from Mr King that he is proceeding against you in the Court of Execheqr to whome you must Apply as he has our directions to Act in this Cause as is Connstant wth the Interest of the Hospitall. We are verry Sorry you Should have given us Reason to bring thi

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Aynsley – 28 Apr 1736

To John Aynsley Esqr Sr Ravensworth Castle April 28 1736 I Reced yours by Gerrard Redhead yesterday, & observe that you have Postpond the Sale of his Goods, in consideration of the Loss that woud accrue from your insisting upon ready Money; I think it a very just consideration, but I do not see how you cou’d be prejudiced by giving 6 Month Credt as that will be as soon as Redhead can have a prospect

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Abraham Bunting – 29 Apr 1736

To Mr Buntg The 29th April 1736 I hope you have this morning made a Seizure of the Goods of Readhead of Whittles, & that you have made a Shedule of the whole, & left it with a Person in possession to Stay there till the day of Sale, wch I perceive cannot be before Wednesday next. You will take care to give publick notice of the Sale at Ovingham Bywell, & Corbridge Churches, a Coppy of wch (as I would have it publish

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 30 Apr 1736

To Wm Corbett Esqr Sr Ravenworth Castle April 30th 1736 We wrote you the 24th Inst that Mr Aynesley of Hexham had Seized the Goods of Readhead Tennant at Whittles for an Arrear of Rent due at Marts 1734 & that the Goods so Seized were to be Sold on Monday the 26 Inst. We Sent our Bayliff Mr Johnson to attend the Sale & to take an Accot of the Value of the Goods Sold to the end that we might call upon

Letter – Nicholas Walton – 1 May 1736

A Rentall & Particular of the Derwentwater Estates as Lett from Mayday 1735 to Mayday 1736 Vizt Dilston Demaine Farmes Vizt £ s d James Thompson 35.11. 1 1/2 Matthew Thompson 35.11. 1 1/2 John Thompson 35.11. 1 Edwd Giles 53. 6. 8 £160. -. - Newtonn Farme Vizt John Stokoe £41.13. 4 Wm Stokoe 41.13. 4 Paul Brown 41.13. 4

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 7 May 1736

To William Corbett Esqr Sr Rav. Castle May 7th 1736 Last Post brought us the Minutes of the board of Directors at their last meeting; as also Mr John Riddleys Bond, & we have given him Notice thereof, in order that he may make provision for the paymt of the Money. The Map of Scremmerston & the field book came also safe the receipt of wch we find we omitted to Acknowledge Our Cash Accot for th

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 8 May 1736

To Wm Corbett Esqr Sr Rav.h Castle May the 8th 1736 We were favoured with yours of the 22d of April last with the Minutes of the board taken at Salters Hall the 21st of that Month, as also Mr Fra Andersons Letters of the 12th & 15th of the same complaining of some hardships, & in pursuance of the Command given us you have as followeth a true State of Mr Andersons Case. Mr Anderson was Tennant to th

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 8 May 1736

To William Corbett Esqr Sr Ravenworth Castle May 14th 1736 In pursuance of the orders given us Major Wanlass is admitted Tennant at Dilston and Mr Busby is removed from thence to Corbridge, a little way distant from it. Last Monday I waited upon Mr Busby at Dilston in order to make an Inventory of the Furniture, and putt it in one Roome as you directed and accordingly we made an Inventory of it & you hav

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Mannock Strickland – 22 May 1736

To Mr Mannock Strickland Sr Ravensworth Castle May 22d 1736 We were favourd with Yours of the 13th March last & Observe the Termes you propose as to the returnes for Interest and Annuity due to Lord Peter & Lady Catherine Radcliff at Ladyday last past, & we are Ready to make the returnes on these Termes, but we desire & Expect that all Bills or Notes Sent you from time to time Shall be Noted &am
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467