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Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 22 May 1736

To William Corbett Esqr Sr Rav Castle May 22d 1736 We were favoured with Mr Hornes of the 11th & 13th of May Inst which Conveyed to us the Boards Minutes of the 8th & 12th of the Same as Also the Accot of the Expence of the Comission of enquiry which Shall be discharged pursuant to their Comands. We Observe that Sr Henry Liddele Bart & Colonel Liddle had desired that the Security Bonds f

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Joseph Goodchild – 22 May 1736

To Mr Joseph Goodchild Sr Ravensworth Castle May 22d 1736 Inclosed you will receive Nineteen Promry Notes & Bills amountg together to One Thousand & Eighty Nine Pounds, which I desire you will take care of, having paid to Mr Mannock Strickland (Agent to Lord Petre’s) at his Chambers in Lincolns Inn, London, & I desire you will take an Attorney with you to see that Mr Strickland be properly Authori

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John King – 25 May 1736

To Mr John King Kesweek Dr Sr Ravensworth Castle May 25th 1736 We were favoured with yours of the 13 of May Inst by which it Appears that you have adjusted the Differance between us & Joseph Scott of Stable hills, but it had been better if you had Settled the Damage which he ought to pay for the use of the Hospitalls, When we came over that Shall be adjusted. As the dispute between Bowe the farmer of t

Letter – Nicholas Walton, Hugh Boag to Joseph Pearson – 25 May 1736

To Mr Jos Pearson Dr Sr Ravensworth Castle May 25th 1736 Last Post brought us a letter from Wm Corbett Esqr acquaint us that a Complaint is Lodged against you for having Suffered Severall People Pticulary George Allison William Graves Joyner & Anth Sharp to Cutt down Timber & other wood & that you have permitted a Cottage to be pulled down & Carryd away from the Mannor of Kesweek or Derwentwater

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Thomas Christian – 25 May 1736

To the Reve Mr Cristian Sr Ravensworth Castle May 25th 1736 We are verry Sorry to have the Ocasion of giving you Some trouble upon Mr Pearsons Accot against whome a greivious complaint has been lately lodged to the Comissioners of Greenwich Hospitall, the Complaint is this That Mr Pearson Bayliff of Kesweek has Suffered Severall People particularly Geo: Alleson Wm Grave Joyner & Anth Sharp to Cutt down T

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Joseph Goodchild – 30 May 1736

PS. In my letter to Mr Goodchild the 30 May 1736 I have just now reced yours wherein you desire to know whether you are to pay the Bills & Notes for £1089 when reced or now, we did not mean to give you the trouble of receiving the money for them, but only Seeing them Safely deliverd to Mr Strickland & that proper discharges were taken for the same, & we wrote to Mr Strickland that you woud wait upon him wth the Bills & Notes. A Coppy N

Grant – Edward Chandler – 4 Jun 1736

Know all men by these presents That I Edwd. by the Grace of God Ld. Bisp. of Dm. Have made ordained constituted & appointed and by these presents Do make ordain constitute and appoint my friend & lawful Attorney for such & in any manner into or upon All those Mines or Veins of Lead, Lead Ore & Copper in & under all & every the Lands & Liberties within the Liberties or Townships of Evenwood, Killerby & West <Thir/ckly> in the County Palatine and Bi’prick of

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Joseph Goodchild – 5 Jun 1736

To Mr Joseph Goodchild Dr Sr Ravensworth Castle June 5th 1736 I send you Inclosed three Bills & one promry Note amounting to One Hundred & Forty Eight Pounds ten Shillings which with One per Cent allowed out of £150 makes one years Interest upon £3000 due to the Executor of the late Doctor Chamberlain at Lady day last which I desire you will pay to Messrs Paltock & Snow Goldsmiths without Temple B

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Snow & Paltock – 5 Jun 1736

To Messrs Snow & Paltock Gentn Ravensworth Castle June 5th 1736 We were favour’d with yours of the 12th April last, which we then did not answer, as not being prepared to give you a Satisfactory one. This day we have Inclosed to Mr Joseph Goodchild three Bills & one promry Note amounting to One Hundred & Forty Eight Pounds Tenn Shillings, with which we have desired him to wait upon You and

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Mr Graham – 5 Jun 1736

To Mr Graham at Spindleston Ravensworth June 5th 1736 The Bill on Mr Lambton for One Hundred & Forty Pounds not being paid is the occasion of giving you this trouble, which only Serves to acquaint you that Mr Lambton says he has not yett gott so much Corn as amounts to the Sum; he has desired we may keep it a Week or ten days, but as there may be some hazard in it we shall wait you Commands

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 5 Jun 1736

To Mr Corbett Esqr Sr Ravensworth Castle June 5th 1736 Inclosed we Send you our Cash Accot for last March, by wch there is a Ballance then remaining in our hands of £133 - 18 - d Since we have reced only 20 Shillings a Fee Farme Rent, & we have this day Sent the Years Interest due to the Doctor Chamberlains Execrs into the hands of Mr Goodchild; so that there is now a Ballance in our favour. We are

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbertt – 8 Jun 1736

To Wm Corbett Esqr Sr Ravensworth Castle June 8th 1736 In obedience to the command given us Relating Mr Pearson Bailiff at Keswick we wrote to him the 25th of May last that he had been charged with permitting abuses to be committed in the Estates under his care to which he has given his Answer dated the 29th which we Send you Inclosed as Also a Coppy of ours to him. We wrote to the Reverd Mr Christian Vi

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 15 Jun 1736

To Wm Corbett Esqr Sr Ravensworth Castle June 15 1736 We have reced a Small Box with the Papers relating the Commission of Enquiry the Pticulars of which as they are numbered agree with Mr Horne’s Schedule, a Copy of which is herein incerted, all wch we acknowledge to have reced. The carriage of this small box which weighs only about Six Pounds, is charged One Guinea, as the Carryer Says was to be payâ

Letter – Abraham Watson to Nicholas Walton – 18 Jun 1736

An Exact Copy of the Agreement with Mr Abram Watson for Lead Oar on Behalfe of the Commrs of the Royal Hospital at Greenwich [In the margin:] The Original Sent the Board the 6th May 1737 June 18th 1736 Memorandm it is this day Agreed between Messrs Nicho Walton & Hugh Boag on the one part and Abram Watson. Agent for the Govr & Co for Smelting down Lead etc on the othr part that is to Say the Said Abram Watson Shall for all the well Dress’d Ore to be Deliverd to him or

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbertt – 27 Jun 1736

To Wm Corbett Esqr Sr Ravensworth Castle June 27th 1736 In Obedience to the Commands of the Board of Directors at their meeting at Salters Hall the 2d Inst we have made Enquiry when any Courts have been held in the Derwentwater Estate, what are the Customs and methods observed by the sd Courts & whether Messrs Aynesley Simpson and Thompson the Stewards appointed by the treasury, have transacted any Affa

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Radley – 27 Jun 1736

To Mr Radley at Greenwick Sr Ravensworth Castle June 27th 1736 Your favour of the Eight of this Inst brought us a Coppy of the Grant of Hartburn Tyths & observe that you are of Opinion Mr Moore will prevaile agt Mr Wood unless he can Shew how it comes that this Farm is exempted from the payment of Vicarial Tyths, which he cannot doe as it is not exempted by the Grant. It may be discharged from the paym

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Timothy Wrangham – 27 Jun 1736

To Mr Wrangham Attorney at Durm Sr Rav Castle June 27th 1736 We are favoured with yours of the 18th of June Inst with a verry full and Clear Accot of the proceedings of the Cause Moore against Wood for which you have our thanks The Custom of the Court at Durham is a verry extraordinary one as we do not see but Mr Moore may alledge anything if Sentence given without the least proof. it

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 4 Jul 1736

To William Corbett Esqr Ravensworth Castle July 4th 1736 We are favoured with yours of the 24th June last with the boards Minutes of the 23d of that Month, as also their Minutes of the 3d of Decer last In Answer to which Mr Thompson will proceed to Aldston & Kesweek to compleat the Survey of the Inclosed Lands before he begins the Commons & you may be Assured no time Shall be lost to have the Surve

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 4 Jul 1736

To Wm Corbett Esqr Ravensworth Castle July 4th 1736 We were favoured with yours & Observe that you are of Opinion that one of us will be directed to come to London to assist in Letting the Estates of Greenwich Hospitall, which we shall most readly acquiesce in but hope that it may be done better in the Country when we shall be both fully Imployed in treating with Tennants about their Farmes, but we wil

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 10 Jul 1736

To Wm Corbett Esqr Sr Ravensworth Castle July 10th 1736 Since our last of the 4th Inst we have had Severall Confera with Collonel Liddell about the Derwentwater Estates who has been so good as give us his advice, & has wrote his Sentements thereon to Mr Holden. First as to the Sale of part of the Estate we apprehend it will be necessary to come to a resolution thereon before the time of letting, as it

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 18 Jul 1736

To William Corbett Esqr Sr Ravensworth Castle July 18th 1736 As it is expected that there will be an Election of a Member for the County of Northumberland in the Room of Ralph Jennison Esqr we thougt proper to acquaint you that the sooner the resolution of the Directors is known to us, the better figure will their Interest make, therefore we shoud be glad of having their Earlyest Commands. William Carr

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 21 Jul 1736

To William Corbett Esqr Sr Ravensworth Castle July 21st 1736 In Obedience to the Command of the Board you have inclosed an Accot of Such Household Goods as are now & were fixed at Dilston at the time of making the Schedule Sent down to us by the Board, amounting to £52-7-6. You have also Inclosed a Schedule of the most valuable of Such papers as were found at Dilston, in the three large Chests bef

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Thomas Madox – 23 Jul 1736

To Thomas Madox Cashier of the Bank of Engd Ravensworth Castle July 23d 1736 Sr I have this day Inclosed herein Sent you three Promry Notes and two Bills amounting to Three Hundred & Five pounds Seventeen Shillings, for wch I have made your Accot Dn to the Honble the Commissrs of Greenwich Hospitall for part of the Rents of the Derwentwater Estate reced by Mr Boag & Sr Your most Obedt & most Hble Sert

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Airey – 23 Jul 1736

To John Airey Esqr with an Attested Coppy of Such things as related him in the Boards Mins of the 14 July 1736 Sr Ravensworth Castle July 23d 1736 You will from time to time receive from Mr Boag or me or from us Joyntly Such resolutions as the Board of Directors for Greenwich Hospitall come to, & you will herewith receive their resolutions of the 14th Inst that relate to you, & you will be so good

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Aynesley – 30 Jul 1736

To John Aynesley Esqr Sr Ravensworth Castle July 30th 1736 Mr Lumsden of Morpeth (to whom the Tyths of the Rectory of Hartburn are lett by the Direction & approbation of the Board of Directors for Greenwich Hospitall) acquaints me that you have given him Some Trouble in that Affair & that you Claim a right to them for this year, notwithstanding you allow your Term to have ended at last Mayday.
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467