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Report – Amos Barnes – 23 Oct 1736

October the 23d 1736 Amos Barnes and Jos Layburn by the Order of Missrs Walton & Beag went to John Bacon Esqr in Order to View Stublick and Cragshead Colliery but the said Bacon refused and said if we would view her we should bring men along with us to let us down and draw us up for he would not comply with any such thing let the commissioners do as they pleased but after he granted if men were at work on Monday we might come if we pleased but we met with some of the workmen which gave

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 24 Oct 1736

To Wm Corbett Esqr Hexham the 24th Octor 1736 Sr After having finished the attending the holding New Lds Haydonbridge & wark Courts I had a recet Yeasterday at this place of the Langley Barrony rents & other Estates in this neighbourhood & I shall to morrow proceed to Aldstone & to Keswick on Wednesday. The want of the modern Court Rolls for the Severall Manours has been an Inconvenience to the Courtkeeper tho’ I hope by the Help of some very Antient ones that

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Andrew Smith – 2 Nov 1736

To Mr Andr Smith <Atny> Sr Ravensworth Castle Nor 2d 1736 I am sorry I shou’d be from home when Yours of the 16th Ulto came to this place & Being upon a Journey for 14 Days I did not rece your Letter till last post Day after post time. As to the Estate at Keswick you may be pleas’d to apply to My Partner Mr Boag who is now at London and who may be heard of at the pay office in Broad Street

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Jonathan Reed – 2 Nov 1736

To Mr Jon Reed at Bolton Ravensworth Castle Nor 2d 1736 Sr Last post I reced Yours wthout a date abt Hartside Colliery wherein you say we Intended not to lett you have that Collry but Instead thereof that Mr Stephenson Shoud Enjoy her at £10.5.- I do Asure you that we have no Intention of Mr Stephenson Enjoyg the Colliery more than another person nor had we any Intention of Hindering you. the proposall You Made was sent Regularly to London and I can a Sure you it is not known w

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Thomas Madox – 2 Nov 1736

Mr Madox Sr Ravensworth Castle Novemr 5th 1736 Inclosed I send you five bills amounting to Eight hundred & Seventy five pounds & two pence for Accot of the Derwentwater Estate I Reced Godfreys Note for Eighty three pounds for which I have given you Credit & for the future will take Care to Send you no paper that has portugall gold or Moidores in It I am Sr Yours etc Nichos Walton

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 5 Nov 1736

To Wm Corbett Esqr Ravensworth Castle Novr 5th 1736 I gott home from holding the Courts etc last Sunday evening but coud not last post acquaint you with such things as came under my observation upon my Journey I Shall therefore now doe it as fully as I can I wrote you from Hexham that the Persons Claiming right to the Collry in Tarrett Burn & Blackburn called high Green Colliery, had come to a resol

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 6 Nov 1736

To Wm Corbett Esqr Sr Ravensworth Castle Nor 6th 1736 I Send you Inclosed my Cash accot for last month on which remaind the 31st a Ballance of £858.15.2d in faviour of the Hospitall. I have Since reced £100 & have remitted to Mr Maddocks Bills for £875.-.2d. In the parcel of Bills Sent Mr Madocks the 15th Ulto amounting to £193 there was one for £83 payable in portugal Money for wch reason it was

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Hugh Boag – 12 Nov 1736

To Mr Hugh Boag Ravensworth Castle Nor 12th 1736 Dear Sr I reced yours at Morpeth where I stayd all night on Sunday & went to Whittingham on Monday Morning where I reced all the rents I expected except the rent of Scremerston Colliery I waited upon Mrs Clavering to acquaint her wth having lost her farme who was greatly Surprised at it, nay wonderfully affected by it for on having notice she fell into fitts & was like one distracted for sometime however I left her be

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Hercules Baker – 13 Nov 1736

To Hercules Baker Esqr Ravensworth Castle Novr 13 1736 Dear Sr I have the Honour of the Commands of a General Court for Greenwich Hospital, held at the Admiralty Office the 4th Inst to Remitt to you for the time to Come, the produce of the Derwentwater Estate & in pursuance thereof, I Send you Inclosed Ten Bills amounting to Five Hundred & Twenty four pounds, thirteen Shillings & three pence upon that Accot. I am at a Loss how to direct to you, therefore have Inclosed

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Hugh Boag – 14 Nov 1736

To Mr Hugh Boag R Castle Novr 14 1736 Mr Boag I reced yours of the 9th Inst last Post for wch I thank you I will take care to speak to Mr Need as to a liberty of winning Stones & burning lime for Newlands & to be sure you are Right in makg a reservation in all Leases of Royaltys of Every kind to be used as the Lord thinks fitt paying reasonable damages; but to what purpose is it my talkg with Tennants when nothing is agreed upon by the Hospitall either as to Covenan

Letter – William Corbett – 17 Nov 1736

At a Meeting of the Directors for Greenwich Hospital at Salters Hall the 17th November. 1736. Mr. Walton one of the Receivers Letter of the 7th Instant was laid before the Board, as also his Cash Account for the Month of Octobr. last, by which there appears to be in his hands, a Ballance of £858 15s. 2d. in favour of the Hospital Ordered, that the said Account be delivered to Mr.Maude the Book-keeper of the said Estate. Mr. Radley having laid before the Board a Bil

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 19 Nov 1736

To Wm Corbett Esqr Ravensworth Castle Novr 19 1736 Sr I reced from Mr Boag the Minutes of the Board of directors at Salters Hall of the 3d November Inst Those of the General Court of the 11th Inst with a List of the Several Farmes Confirmed at that Court: & those of the 10th Inst at Salters hall with a list of Several to be advertized in the Newcastle Papers, all which shall be taken Care of Most of the Tennants in the Confirm’d list have been wth me & I have acqu

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Hugh Boag – 19 Nov 1736

To Mr H Boag Rav Castle Nover 19th 1736 Mr Boag I am Obliged to you for your Sevll Letters I have had & Accots abt the Leadmines but what you say is not so full as is in every bodys Mouth & as I have a verry great regard for the Interest of the Hospital any thing that appears against their Interest gives me Conscerne; I shall give you my thoughts abt the Lettg of the Lead Mines, & beg you may make use of it so as if the Mines are let to Disadvantage we may not be blam

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Hugh Boag – 28 Nov 1736

To Mr H Boag Ravensworth Castle Novr 28th 1736 Mr Boag I Recd yours of the 23d Inst & Observe the Mistake in the Deales pd for to Mr Pearson which was 19 in Number at 14d & it is only a Mistake in the Coppying, I have Mr Pearsons Voucher from the person he baught them of. I shall be Sorry for Mrs Clavering if she does not prevail in Scremerston Colliery, for as she has saved a good deal of Money & a verry active woman she is a Much better Tennt than Rippeth and par

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 5 Dec 1736

To Wm Corbett Esqr Ravensworth Castle Decr 5th 1736 Sr, Mr Potts of Throckley whose Farme was Confirmed to him at £210 per Annum Rent at the last General Court being Supposed to be in mean Circumstances. I have Demanded Security of him for the paymt of the rent & for performance of Covenants to be Incerted in his Lease. Yeasterday he brought to me one Mr Sharper of Callerton whose Circumstances is very good who Offers to be bound for him on this Condition that he be

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 6 Dec 1736

To Wm Corbett Sr Ravensworth Castle Decr 6th 1736 Inclosed I send you the Accot of Recets & payments from the 14th to the 30th November last, upon Accot of the Derwentwater Estate by wch there reman’d then in my hand Two Hundred & Fifty Eight Pounds Nineteen Shillings & Ninepence Farthing. Within this month I have Recd about Two Hundred pounds & have this day Inclosed to Hercules Bake

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Hercules Baker – 6 Dec 1736

To Hercules Baker Esqr Sr Ravh Castle Decr 8th 1736 Inclosed I send you Seven Bills amounting to Four Hundred and twenty Pounds Eight Shillings & 51/2 upon the Accots of the Rents of the Derwentwater Estates & for the use of Greenwich Hospital. I sent you the 13 Novr last Bills for £524.13.3 wch you did not acknowledge your Recept of but I make no doubt but they came safe. These

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 14 Dec 1736

To Wm Corbett Esqr Ravensworth Castle Decemr 14 1736 Sr Inclosed I Send you an abstract of what proposals I have reced since the last Advertizment and also a list taken from the abstract of the best & most Substantial Bidders with whom it may be proper to Confirm, as I verrily believe no more offers will be made for any of those Farmes You will Observe the Severall Shapes in wch I have h

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Timothy Wrangham – 17 Dec 1736

To Mr Wrangham Ravensworth Castle Decr 17th 1736 Sr I have yours of the 14th Inst before me & in Answer I observe that Sentance is given in faviour of Mr Moore in the Cause dependg between him & Mr Wood, but that I am no way Surprizd at, as I always expected it woud be so in the Court of Durham. Some time agoe the Commissrs of the Hospital agreed to espouse Mr Wood in this Cause & determined then to prosecute an Appeal to the Ecclesiastical Court of York at tha

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Airey – 17 Dec 1736

To John Airey Esqr Ravensworth Castle Decr 17th 1736 Sr I have had all my time taken up in the Derwentwater affair, that I had to spare from the Business of Sr H.L. & the Colll wch has prevented me waiting upon you Since the Courts were held to acquaint you wth Somethings Necessary for you to know, & as I doubt I can’t have time to See you till next week I give you the Trouble of this In answer to yours of the 24th of Octor & mine of the Same Date the Board were

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Rev Richardson – 17 Dec 1736

To the Revd Mr Richardson Dear Sr Ravensworth Castle Decemr 17 1736 I was favoured with yours some time after its date at a time when I was was in the greatest of our hurry with the Derwentwater Tennants, on the Last advertizmt which hindred me from answering it in Course. What you request as to Mr Bulman I have no manner of Objection to provided it no way Interfered with the Hospitalls Tennants at Scremmerston.

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Charles Busby – 17 Dec 1736

To Mr Chas Busby Ravensworth Castle Decemr 17 1736 Sr I was favoured with yours of the 10 Inst wherein you desire to know if I have any orders for the Delivery of Household Goods at Dilston. In Answer to wch Mr Boag & I were Commanded at a meeting at Salters Hall the 4th August last to deliver all the goods & Furniture in Dilston house (except what were fixed to the Freehold & the writings & other papers found in three Chests) to the Executors of the Late Mr

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Edward Hutchinson – 17 Dec 1736

To E Hutchinson Esqr Ravensworth Castle Decemr 17 1736 Sr Last Post brought me a Letter from you to Mr Corbett & an Accot of Arrears due from Severall at Martinmas 1734 in which I observe £16.12s.3p to be due from Wm Lee of Lowbyre in the Manner of Alston, of which I must desire you will send me the particulars as I do not Know how to make demands without it. Sometime before I had an Accot Drawn out by Mr Watson of Arrears both in Yours & his district & I Obse

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Hugh Boag – 19 Dec 1736

To Mr Boag Ravensworth Castle Decer 19th 1736 As I hope you communicate to the Colll every thing that is necessary wch I write to you abt the Hospital, & as all my time is taken up with Sr Harrys & the Colls & the Hospitals business, I Desire you will excuse me to the Colll for tho’ I have Intended him a State of Heaton Collry these Sevel posts I have not been able to do it for want of a N

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 19 Dec 1736

To Wm Corbett Esqr Ravensworth Castle Decr 19th 1736 Sr I have a Letter from Mr Wrangham Attorney at Law in Durham, who is Mr Woods Procter in the Tyth Cause depending in the Spiritual Court at Durham acquainting me that Sentence is given for the Small Tyths At Needless hall Als Temple Thornton in faviour of Mr Moore I wrote to Mr Wrangham for answer the Some time Since the Directors had been pleased to order that this Suit Shoud be removed into the Court of York on Accot of t
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467