Cuthbert Morgan of Frosterley in the County of Durham yeom[an] aged sixty six years or thereabout sworn & examined saith as followeth
1.To the first Interrogatory this depon[en]t saith that he doth know Isaac Basire one of the Compl[ainan]ts but doth not know the other defend[an]t in this suit And also knoweth Humphrey Wharton William Deacon Godfrey Didsbury and John Evans and hath soe known them for five years last past, but doth not know the other defend[an]ts And also saith that he k
Lancelot Chapman of Bucklesdale in the County of Durham yeom[an] aged eighty three years or thereabout Sworn & examined saith as followeth.
1.To the first Interrogatory this depon[en]t saith that he knoweth both the Compl[ainan]ts And also knoweth all the defend[an]ts except John Boulton Cuthbert Watson Thomas Ritson Edward Stout Thomas Burges, & hath known some of them for a longer time & some of them for a shorter time And also knoweth the Parish of Stanhop in this Interr[ogat
George Harrison of Shitlopburne in Weredale in the County of Durham yeom[an] aged fifty nine yeares or thereabout Sworn and examined Saith as followeth.
1. To the first Interrogatory this depon[en]t saith that he knoweth both the Compl[ainan]ts and also knoweth all Thomas Alsoppe John Horton William Deacon John Harrison John Pilkington Cuthbert Emerson George Watson George <.........> Myres Godfrey Didsbury & John Evans & hath known them for divers yeares And also saith he kno
Thomas Robson of Stanhop in Weredale in the County of Durham yeom[an] aged sixty six yeares or thereabout Sworn and examined Saith as followeth.
1. To the first Interr[ogatory] this depon[en]t saith that he knoweth both the Compl[ainan]ts & also knoweth Humphrey Wharton Thomas Alsoppe William Deacon William Fetherston John Rutter John Harrison John Pilkington <.............> George Whitfeild Henry Ragge Arthur Myres George Myres Godfrey Didsbury John Evans & Thomas Ritson but
John Pilkington of Newparke in the County of Durham gentl[eman] aged thirty one yeares or thereabout Sworn and examined Saith as followeth.
To the last Interr[ogatory] this depon[en]t saith that he doth not know that Ralph Fetherston in this interrogatory named hath at present any estate right title or interest as p[ar]tner or Owner or otherwise <........> the parish of Stanhop or to any lead Oare digged or gotten or to be digged or gotten out of the Same, but saith that he had an in
Arthur Morgan of Frosterley in the County of Durham yeom[an] aged fourty eight yeares or thereabout Sworn and examined Saith as followeth.
1. To the first interr[ogatory] this depon[en]t saith that he knoweth both the Compl[ainan]ts & also knoweth Humphrey Wharton Thomas Alsoppe William Deacon John Pilkington Henry Ragge Arthur Myres <................> knoweth not any other of the defend[an]ts And also saith he knoweth the Parish Of Stanhop in this Interrogatory named and some t
Thomas White of Stanhop in Weredale in the County of Durham yeom[an] aged fourty six years or thereabout sworn & examined saith as followeth
1.To the first Interr[ogatory] this depon[en]t saith that he knoweth both the Compl[ainan]ts & all the defend[an]ts except John Horton John Boulton Thomas Ritson and Thomas Burges. And saith he knoweth the parish of <..> known the same for three years and an half last past.
3.4.5.To the third fourth & fifth Interrogatories this
Ralph Maddison of Shotleybridg in the County of Northumberland gentl[eman] aged thirty one years or thereabout sworn & examined saith as followeth
To the last Interr[ogatory] this depon[en]t saith that he knoweth Ralph Fetherston & James Vickers two of the p[ar]ties in this interrogatory named & saith that at Lammas last or thereabout <…….> told him this depon[en]t that he the said Ralph Fetherstone had two p[ar]ts of a Grove called Allerclough And further saith that
Interrogatoryes Exhibited to be Administered to Such Witnesses as Shall be produced sworne and Examined on the part and behalfe of Humphrey Wharton Esq Thomas Allsopp William Deacon John Horton John Boulton William Fetherston John Rutter John Pilkington John Fetherston Cuthbert Emerson George Watson Cuthbert Watson George Whitfeild Henry Dagg Arthur Myres George Myres Godfrey Disbury John Evan Thomas Ritson Edward Stoute Thomas Burges John Nattris John Harrison Def[endan]ts Against Isaac Basire
John Westgarth of Westgate in the County of Durham Gent aged forty yeares or thereabouts Sworne and Examined Sayth as Followeth
To the first Interrogatory this Depon[en]t saith hee knoweth the partyes Compl[ainan]t and Def[endan]t in the Suite Some of which he hath knowne a long time.
To the Fifth Interrogatory this Depon[en]t Sayth that hee knoweth A certaine Lead myne opened and wrought att A place called Millerbury in Stanhope parrish whereof Good quantityes of Lead oare was Digged
Ralph Fetherstonhaugh of Middleblackdeane in the County of Durham Yeoman Aged Seaventy Five yeares or thereabouts Sworne & Exam[ine]d Sayth as Followeth
1. To the first Interrogatory this Depon[en]t sayth that hee knoweth all the partyes pl[ain]t[if]fs and Defend[en]ts : to this Suite (Except Thomas Ritson and Edward Stoute) and hath Soe knowne them for Severall yeares last past.
2. To the Second Interrogatory this Depon[en]t sayth that hee knoweth Severall Lead Mynes in the parris
John Lonsdale of Whitestones in the Forrest of Weredale and County of Durham Aged Sixty nine yeares or thereabouts Sworne and Examined sayth as Followeth ./.
1. To the First Interrogatory this Depon[en]t Sayth that hee knoweth all the partyes Compl[ainan]t and Def[endan]t in this Suite (Except William Blackett John Boulton Thomas Ritson and Edward Stoute) some of which hee hath knowne above Thirty yeares and others longer.
2.To the Second Interrogatory this Depon[en]t Sayth that hee kn
Thomas Emerson of Ireshoppburne in the Forrest of Weredale & County of Durham yeoman aged Sixty Three yeares or thereabouts Sworne & Examined saith as followeth,
1.To the First Interrogatorie this Deponent Saith that he knoweth all the parties Compl[ainan]ts & Defend[an]ts in this Suite (Except Mr William Blackett the one of the Compl[ainan]ts & John Bolton & Edward Stowte two of the Defendents, & hath knowen Doctor Basire and Humphrey Wharton Esqr for Five yeares la
John Westwood of Daddriesheele in the Parrish of Stanhop in the Countie of Durham yeoman Aged Eighty Two yeares or thereabouts Sworne and Examined Saith as followeth
To the First Interrogatory this Deponent saith that he knows to all the parties plaintiffs and Defendants (except Mr Blacket, John Robson Thomas Burges Thomas Stowte and Thomas Ritson)
To the Second Interrogatory this Examinate Saith that he knoweth the particular Mines hereafter mentioned vizt Hoesike in Ireshoopburnefell
Cuthbert Peart of Drygill in the Forrest of Wearedale & Countie of Durham yeom[an] aged Seventy Seven yeares or thereabouts Sworne & Ex[am]ined saith as followeth.
1 To the First Interrogatory this Deponent saith that he knoweth all the parties Compl[ainan]ts & Defend[an]ts (except John Horton John Bolton Edward Stowte and Mr Blacket.
2 To the Second Interrogatory this Deponent saith that he knoweth these severall Lead Mines in the parrish of Stanhop in the Interrogato
Ralph Harrison of Hill in the parrish of Stanhop and County of Durham yeoman aged Seventy Seven yeares or thereabouts Sworne and Ex[a]mi[ne]d saith as followeth
1.To the first Interrogatory this deponent saith that he knoweth all the parties Compl[ainan]ts and Defend[an]ts in this Suite (Except John Bolton and Edward Stowte.)
2.To the second Interrogatory this Deponent Saith that he knoweth manie of the Mines in the Interrogatory mentioned and that they are situate and lieing in th
George Harrison of <Hamstellford> in the County of Durham yeoman aged Thirty yeares or thereabouts Sworne & Examined saith as followeth
1 To the first Interrogatorie this Deponent saith that he knoweth all the parties Compl[ainan]ts & Defend[an]ts in this Suite except John Bolton and Mr Willm Blacket.
6 To the Sixt Interrogatorie this Deponent saith that he was a workman and wrought at a certaine Mine called Lodgefield weste and he knoweth that the expences & charg
George Whitfield of Finnehills in the parrish of Stanhop and county of Durham yeoman aged one and Twenty yeares or thereabouts Sworne and Exa[mi]ned Saith as followeth
1 To the first Interrogatory this Deponent saith that he knoweth Doctor Isaac Basire one of the Compl[ainan]ts and Humphrey Wharton Esqr and other the Defend[an]ts
5 To the Fift Interrogatory this Deponent Saith that knoweth a Mine within the parrish of Stanhop called the Rakes w[hi]ch paide noe Tithes this tenne year
Cross Interrogatoryes Exhibited to be Administred to such Wittnesses as shall be produced sworne and Examined on the part and behalfe of Issaac Basire Doctor in Divinity and William Blackett Compl[ainan]ts ag[ains]t Humphrey Wharton Esqr and other Def[endan]ts on the behalfe of the said Def[endan]ts
Imprimis Doe you know all the Lead mynes and groves of ore within the parrish of Stanhopp and in p[ar]ticular doe you know these severall mynes at Hoesike Fawgrove Greenewell:heads Greenwelfoo
Nicholas Richardson of Stanhop in the Countie of Durham yeoman aged Seventie Eight yeares or thereabouts Sworne and Examined Saith as followeth
To the first Interrogatorie this Deponent saith and deposeth that he knowes Severall Lead mines in the Parrish of Stanhop vizt Hoesike <Greenclough> [2-3 words obscured] Fowlewood Barkeshaw medows, Wolfeclough, Longwell, Groverake, Resby mires, but not Resby <mine> <w[hi]ch is> now wrought, Thornegrove, Picklawcarr, Southgrane, Bo
George Harrison of Shittlehopburne in the parish of Stanhop and County of Durham yeoman aged Fifty nine yeares [1-2 words obscured] Sworne and Examined Saith as followeth
1 To the first Interrogatory this Deponent Saith that he hath <led oare> from Allerclough Longtahead, Sallygrane newmeadowhead Greenfield <BunkerSike, Whiterake > [1-2 words obscured] Greenefield
2 To the Second Interrogatorie this Deponent Saith that he Knoweth that the workes which he hath named in th
Dr Basire’s account of The Success of a Cause concerning Tythe of Lead Ore
Blessed be God who helpeth them to Right that suffer wrong: whose Providence has put a Period to a most vexatious Suit for Tythe Ore of Lead in the Parish of Stanhope with a cunning Lawyer and Moor Master there and six and twenty other Owners of Lead Mines whom He had stirred up and did maintain in the Suit against me the Parson at the Assizes at Durham on the 12th. of August 1667. I have obtained a full Verdict b
Isaack Basire Dr. in divinity plaintiff against Humphrey Wharton Esqr. defendt.
The two Issues which by the Barons are directed out of the Excheqr. to be tried are
1 Issue: Si sit et a tempore cujus contrary memoria hominis non Existit fuit consuetudo infra parochia de Stanhop ad solvend < Riori> Eccl[es]ia parochialis ibm deninas in specie x plumbagine An[gl]i[c]e lead ure acquisit infra vel ex o[mn]ibus vel aliquibus Min[er]is plumbi infra parochia p[re]d[icta] ab q[uide]m sex
Orders and Decrees of Mich[aelm]as Terme in the Nyneteenth yeare of the raigne of Kinge Charles the Second and in the yeare of our Lord God MDCLXXVII
Jovis xxiiiith Die Octobris [Thursday 24th October]
Whereas Isaac Basire Doctor of Divinity Rector of the Parish Church of Stanhope in Weardale in the County Palatine of Durham and Wm Blackett his Lessee of the Tithe Oare in question did heretofore (that is to say) in the Tearme of St Michaell in the 19th yeare of his now Ma[
In the name of God Amen, June this 20th 1668, I James Briggs of Newcastle upon Tyne, Merchant Adventurer, being under some bodily distemper, but of good and perfect memory and disposing judgement (blessed be God) make this my last will and testament in manner and form following, and by this my will I do revoke all or any other former wills by me made, And first I give and bequeath my soule into the hands of allmighty God, my infinitely wise former in the wombe, and gratious preserver unto this