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Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 12 Aug 1739

Ravensworth Castle Aug 12th 1739 To William Corbett esq. Sir Mr Boag & I wrote you last post & Inclosed you several papers, which I hope will come safe, but the Conting[ent] Accot. of payments being a Long one could not be gott Copy’d in time, wch occasions my Troubling you with this wch incloses it, & our Cash accot. for last Month on wch there is a Ball.ce of Two Hundred & Eighty pounds on shilling & Elevenpence in favour of the Hosp. The Conting[en]t Acc

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 20 Aug 1739

Ravensworth Castle Aug 20th 1739 We wrote you the Ninth Inst and Inclosed you Mr Johnson and Mr Buntings report on the Complaint relating to the Cutting and Carrying off Timber belonging to the Derwentwater Estate, Since which Mr Pearson the Bayliff at Keswick Informes us that in the Demesne Woods of Keswick no Timber of any kind hath been cutt down Except some decayed Oakes for building a Sheephouse for the Tenant of Goosewell which we orderd and approved off, as being very pr

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Joseph Pearson – 20 Aug 1739

Ravensworth Castle 20th Aug 1739 Mr Pearson We reced. Yours of the 8th Inst about the Woods and are glad you can say and affirm there is no Wood Cutt at Keswick except those dead trees you mention, & we saw that was for building the Hogghouse and we Earnestly desire that you will keep a Watchfull Single eye over those Woods and permitt no man upon any pretence to Cutt the Least Twigg there without a Direct order for so doing. We are Sorry to find you give us such a Confused Ac

Letter – Nicholas Walton – 3 Sep 1739

Ravensworth Castle Sept 3 : 1739 Sir We have made an agreement with Mr Thomas Stokoe for winning Scremmerston Colliery and the Directors have ordered an Article to be Drawn, to be sent for their perusal and approbation which I desire you will order to be Done so as we may send it away next Frydays Post, which O hope you may be able to doe from what follows. Mr Thomas Stokoe of Bryans Lepe in the Parish of Tanfield and County of Durham Agrees Effectually to Winn the Colliery C

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 7 Sep 1739

Ravensworth Castle Sept 7: 1739 To Wm Corbett Esqr. Sir We recd. Yours with the Boards Minutes of the 29th Aug last and a Copy of the Minute relating Mr Jefferson Cutting down Timber in the [Manor] of Thornthwaite dated the 22 March 1737/8. It is a very great Surprize to find this Order of the Board of the 22 March 1737/8 unexecuted and we are in great Concern to find we have neglected any of their Commands and more Particularly so, as we can give no other reason f

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Thomas Simpson – 7 Sep 1739

Ravensworth Castle Sept 7: 1739 To Mr Simpson at Penreth Sir The Common Runn of Bussiness we apprehend has been about Par, or we should have heard something of the Copy of our Grand Indenture, which the Directors Impatiently want a Sight of; if therefore the Common run is over, Pray send it with all possible Expedition to us Carefully, as the Board think it was not necessary to Spend so much time in the Copying of it. As the Court at Keswick is to be holden the 11th and

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Maule – 11 Sep 1739

Ravensworth Castle 11. Sep 1739 To Mr John Maule at Greenwich Dear Sir This will bring you Safe we hope our Generall Accot. for last year made up in the same forme as it was the year 1737 with the addition only of one Collum Viz. No4 being the Total of the Arrears & Rents put together. The P[ar]ticulars of Each Article in the Inclosed on the Credit Side, is likewaies drawn out and will be sent you Next post with a P[ar]ticular Accot. of all the Arrears that are due at

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 11 Sep 1739

Ravensworth Castle Sep 11 1739 To Wm Corbett Esqr Sir This Serves only to Inclose you our Cash Accot. forlast Month on which there is a Ballance of Five Hundred & Thirteen Pounds ten Shillings & Eight Pence halfe penny in favour of the Hospital & we are, Sir Your most Obedt. Hble Serts Nich. Walton Hugh Boag

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 16 Sep 1739

Ravensworth Castle Sep 16. 1739 To William Corbett Esqr Sir We reced. yours with the Boards Minutes of the 8 Inst which we duly Observe, in Answer to which the advertizement for letting the Lead Mines has been published two Weekes in the Newcastle Journall instead of the Newcastle Courrant the former being the More Universall paper & we thought it Needless to Incert in both. Mr Thompson who publishes the Newcastle Journal has orders to print off 1,000 Copys of the ad

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Maule – 16 Sep 1739

Ravensworth Castle Sep 16th. 1739 To Mr John Maule Dear Sir Inclosed under anolher Cover we Send you the P[ar]ticulars of the Paym[‘en]ts made by us on the Derwentwater estate Accot. Numbered from 1 to 10 as they Stand in the Accot. & likewise herein you have Inclosed the Succeding numbers to 14 Inclusive and the Accot of Arrears as they Stand in the s[ai]d Accot. which we doubt not but you will find right. We earnestly begg you will gett this affair settled w

Letter – George Grey to Nicholas Walton – 17 Sep 1739

A State of the case between the Commissioners of Greenwich Hospital and the Tenants of Thornthwait The Tenants of the Manor of Thornthwait in Com[itatus] Cumb[erland] formerly belonging to the Earl of Derwentwater and now under the Direction of the Govern[or]s of Greenwich Hospital Hold their Customary or Tenant right Estates there by the payment of reasonable Arbitrary Fines upon the Death of the Lord Called General Fines and upon the Death or Alienation of the Tenants called Droppin

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 21 Sep 1739

Ravensworth Castle Sep 21. 1739 To Wm Corbett Esqr. Sir Inclosed herein I send you a State of the Case of the Tenants of Thornthwait, as it was Drawn up by the Court keeper, with Mr Greys Opinion thereon, which we gott from him only last Wednesday. ~ we are to be at Keswick to Receive the Rents and Fines the 11 & 12 October next, and to hold another Court there, and at Thornthwait. If therefore there is anything which Directors are pleased to think proper for us to doe

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 25 Sep 1739

Ravensworth Castle Septem 25th 1739 To Mr Corbett Esqr. At the Pay Office Broad Street Sir We recd the Board’s minutes of the 19th inst wth the inclosed draughts of Mr Stokoes agreement for winning Scremerston Colliery wch we shall get ingrossed & executed. We shall strictly observe & comply wth the Board’s order of this date & shall be ready to shew and inform Mr Harries & Mr Simpson the Mine Adventurers Agents all the insights & Informatio

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Joseph Pearson – 6 Oct 1739

Ravensworth Castle October 6. 1739 To Mr Joseph Pearson Sir I send this to acquaint you that one or both of us will be at Keswick on Wednesday Evening next. & that I hope you will be prepared with an Accot. of what Estates ought do [suit] to the Courts at Keswick that they may be added to the Call. I mean such Gentlemens Estates which lye without, and are not Tennants within the Mannours. The Tenants will I hope all be Ready with their Rents and Fines & the Land Re

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 6 Oct 1739

Ravensworth Castle October 6. 1739 To Mr Corbett Esqr. Sir I was att Alston receiving the Small Rents Due on Michaelmass Day last, when the Agents (Mr Harrie & Mr Simpson) belonging the Company of Mine Adventerours came there in order to View the mines Advertized to be lett. They came there on Thursday Evening & the moormaster Attended them on Saturday to Such of the mines as they had time that Day to view & they were to view the rest the Monday follo

Letter – Hugh Boag to William Corbett – 19 Oct 1739

Ravensworth Castle Oct 19th. 1739 To Wm. Corbett Esqr. at the Pay Office Sir Inclosed you have our Cash Accot. for Last month by which it appears there is a Ballance in favour of the Hospital of £183.9.4 ½ We are but just return’d from Keswick so cannot say any thing about it, till next Post only this that we have reced. almost all the Rents & Fines & will be able to send into the Treasurers hand Bills for about £1000 next Post. I am for Mr Walton &

Letter – Nicholas Walton to James Wood – 20 Oct 1739

Banknote No.133 dated 6 June. 1739 on demand £20 John Gasharths bill on Sam. Chambers dated 13 Oct 1739. £31 Thos. Gasharths Do on Lease & Clement dated 13 Do. £30 John Teasdales Do on the Lead Company dated 15 Do. £700 Ben. Grieves Do on Jno. & Thos.Simpson & Co. Dated 17 Do. £300 Nicho.Waltons Do on Ben.Skutt. dated 20 Do. £19 £1110 Ravensworth Castle

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Maule – 20 Oct 1739

Ravensworth Castle Oct 20. 1739 To Mr John Maule Sir Some time agoe we Sent you a Draught of our last Years <General> Accot. as also the p[ar]ticulars thereof as they were Refer’d to in the Said Accot. which you never acknowledged the Receipt of and as we would be glad to hear of your having done Something towards the Settling of it we give you the trouble of this to desire you will let us know what progress is made in it & we Earnestly desire you will forward it a

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 20 Oct 1739

Ravensworth Castle Oct 20. 1739 To Wm. Corbet Esqr. Sir Last Post we Sent you our Cash accot. for the Month of Sept last and thereby acquainted you had received the greatest part of the Rents & fines at Keswick & Thornthwaite & that we wou’d Send this post a Sum in bills to the Treasurer this day wch. is Accordingly done to Mr Wood his deputy in bills amounting to Eleven hundred pounds. The Tennants woud have gladly laid hold of any agrement to have Clear

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 2 Nov 1739

Ravensworth Castle November 2d. 1739 To W Corbett Esqr. Sir We recd. yours of the 18th October last with the Boards Minutes of the 17 of the same which wou’d have been answ[e]rd Sooner had we not been abroade receiving the rents and arrears of Derw[entwate]r Estate & holding Courts at Newlands Haydon bridge & Wark which prevented us. In Obedience to the boards Command, we send you Inclosed The form of a Tacknote, as they were formerly Granted by the Derwe

Letter – Nicholas Walton to James Wood – 2 Nov 1739

Ravensworth Castle Nov 2d. 1739 To Mr James Wood Sir We had the favour of yours of the 25 Ulto. Acknowledging the Rec[eipt] of ours of the 20 preceeding. with bills for Eleven Hundred pounds & this day we have Inclosed you herein One bill drawn by Mr Ra. Fetherston upon Sr. Francis Child & Company dated this day for one Thousand pounds more On accot. of the Rents & proffits of the Derwentwater Estate. we hope these remittances Come Seasonably & are with our

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Airey – 2 Nov 1739

Ravensworth Castle November 2d. 1739 To Jno. Airey Esqr. Sir Joseph Ramshaw has Orders to Send in to Ramshaw Grove what Grove wood we had occasion for, & I believe before Christmas (when the money will be paid) there will be £40 or more due him which shall be taken care of for you. There will be Likewise Something due to him for Carriage of Lead. Mr Boag or I will Call tomorrow and pay your Years Sallary due in Last July therefore pray Order the Court Seale to

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Mannock Strickland – 2 Nov 1739

Ravensworth Castle November 2d. 1739 To Mr Mannock Strickland Sir We had the favour of yours of the 27 Ulto. last past in ans[we]r to which we begg Leave to Observe that at the time when the £1000 was paid you for Lord Peters Int[erest] you had not produced any Testimonial of Lady Cathrine Radcliffes being alive and that was the reason why it was not paid you alltogether which we apprehend was the Substance of that Lett[e]r which you’ve latly seen. We have had O

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 2 Nov 1739

Ravensworth Castle Nov : 2 : 1739 To Wm Corbett Esqr. Sir We Recd your favour of the 26 Octo. last and shall acquaint you further about the lead mines when we have seen the Lease wch is not yet come to our hands. The Oates in the Country are very ill got this year having a very wett harvest and good Old oates are at this place 14s per Quarter we having Deferrd buying any till we have your further Commands for by the prices of Corn in the puplick papers they seem to be Cheaper

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Richard Horne – 2 Nov 1739

Rav. Castle Nov : 2 : 1739 To Mr Horne Dr Sr We received your kind favour of the 18 Oct last for which among other favours we retuen you thanks. As the Lease is not come to our hands yet we cannot say any more about the Lead mines till we see it & we Expect to see it as soon as it comes out of Scotland we have wrote Mr Corbett Something to this purport this day Oates are here (we mean old ones) at 14s per Quarter by Reason of the Excessive rains we have had this Harves
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467