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Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Radley – 2 Nov 1739

Rav. Castle 2d Nov 1739 To Mr Wm Radley Sir We have recd. both yours of the 22d & 27 Ult. & shall here answr Them as far as we can. As to the Covenant Relating the Tenants Grinding at Woodhall mill you may let it go as it is printed if you Cannot alter it to answer with the minutes we have sent you for Each Lease where it is Expressly mentioned wch Mill each Tennt. shou’d be bound too; & where to none it is expressly they to be bound to no mill, but to grind the

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Thomas Simpson – 3 Nov 1739

Ravensworth Castle Nov 3 : 1739 To Mr Thos. Simpson Sr We have received a Letter from Mr Radley who is Solic[itor] to the Hosp Acquainting us that he has orders to prosecute Mr Jefferson of Cockermouth for Cutting down and Selling Timber from the mannour of Thornthwaite & desiring to know his Christian name, place of aboade & what quantity of each Species of Timber he Cutt down and sold & in what wood or part of the Mann’r the same Grew when it was begun to be Cutt

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Radley – 3 Nov 1739

Rav. Castle November 3 : 1739 Sir Last post we wrote you in Regard to the Covenant for grinding att Woodhall Mill and Intended to have Inclosed you a Copy of the memorandum which we have put upon the back of the part of such and we were obliged to altering Counterparts before they were signed; but we are afraid the memorandum was not Inclosed you. We have therefore on the other side sent you not only the but the Covenant as it stands in the Counterpart. If ther

Lease – Nicholas Walton – 8 Nov 1739

Lease from the Com[mission]ers to Mathew Thompson of Dilstone Of One 3d part of the Tenement or farmhold with the Appurt[enances] Called or known by the name of Dilstone Demesn now in the poss[ess]ion of the s[ai]d Matthew Thompson Consisting of One third part of the severall fields Closes or Parcels of ground hereafter mentioned (that is to say ) between Towns in four Parcels East field, Middlefield, West field, Ducket Close, Bank , East Banks, a Sewparate Part of East banks, Old Garden, &

Letter – Thomas Simpson to Nicholas Walton – 10 Nov 1739

Penrith Novr. 10th 1739 Sir I happened to be abroad when your Letter reach’d Penrith but I went to Keswick yesterday as you desired and on the other side have sent such Instructions as I hope will be sufficient for an Information agst. Mr Jefferson. Mr Pearson will Swear that he has heard Mr Jefferson own his selling the Oak trees to Mr Bowers. Hester Kind who is Exec[u]trx of Wm Miles will prove the sale of the Birch Trees to her Testator & has promised to procede as the Bond M

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Radley – 13 Nov 1739

Rav. Castle November 13 : 1739 To Mr Radley Dear Sir I was very glad to hear the 54 Leases are Signed at the last generall Court, as we have great Want of them, for there is Sev[era]ll Tenants Threaten and some have actually given up their Farmes for want of em. I desire you will therefore hasten them down that we may gett them Executed to prevent further damage. We have the particulars ready for a Number more which will be sent next Fridays post to Mr Corbett – pray forward

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Edward Carlisle – 16 Nov 1739

Rav. Castle Novr 16 : 1739 To Mr Carlisle Sir Mr Winshop has demanded of us a small Rent of 16s6d as due out of the derwentwater Estate, which we have refused the payment of till we coud be inform’d from you of what kind this rent is. We apprehend it to be a farmrent, & that it was not Claimed at the time of the forfiture by which it became forfited to the Crown as several other fee farm Rents did which we have been directed not to pay. What we desire is that you wil

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 16 Nov 1739

Ravensworth Castle Novr 16 : 1739 To William Corbett Esqr Sir We reced yours with the Boards Minutes of the 7 Inst wch we duly Observe, & as soon as the Affidavittsare finished relating the Amerciments made in the manour of Wark, they shall be sent You. Inclosed we send you Particulars for filling up Twenty five Leases more & begg you will forward them with all speed, as allso the 54 which are signed pray hasten down as the tenants are very uneasie & some are like

Letter – Hugh Boag to William Radley – 23 Nov 1739

Ravensworth Castle 23rd November 16 : 1739 To Mr William Radley at Greenwich Sir We recd yours of the 17th Inst & observe that you are right as to the names of the persons that are Mr Blacketts Lessees & who worke or has given Direction to worke in the Hospitals Liberty at High Stublick Colliery, They are or may be said to be Gentlemen, Viz Thus Abraham Teasdale of Hexhamshire in the County of Northumberland Gentleman, Thomas Westgarth of Allondale in the same County Gen

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Richard Horne – 23 Nov 1739

Ravensworth Castle 23 November 1739 To Mr Rich. Horne We reced yours of the 17 Nov Inst and are surprised at the Impudence of Pigg after we have Repeatedly told him that John Atkinson has a writing under Sr Fran. Radcliff & the late Ld Derwentwaters hand shewing that they acknowledged hee had Leases but makes no particular Mention of their Comencem.t or Determination Mr Walton of the 11 Dec 1736 when I was at London writes concerning them thus to me vizt. ‘John Atkin

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 24 Nov 1739

Ravensworth Castle Novr. 24 1739 To Wm Corbett Esqr Sir Inclosed we send you our Cash Acct. for Last Month by wch There appears to have been in our hands at the end thereof £1066:2:11¼ but you will be please to observe we have since Remitted Mr Wood £1000 & out of what we have Recd. since & what we are in Expectation of receiving we hope to make a Remittance in a weeks Time of £700 more. We have Likewise Recd. the moor masters Accot. of mines not at work & the

Letter – Nicholas Walton to James Wood – 30 Nov 1739

Ravensworth Castle November 30th 1739 To Mr James Wood Dear Sir Inclosed I send you Mr Ralph Fetherstons bill on Sir Fra.Child for Seven hundred Pounds dated this day & payable 28 days after date wch is all that I believe we shall trouble to remitt you within this Year on Accot. of the Rents & profitts of the Derwentwater Estates. This bill will be due & pay’d within the Year, so that we can give you a Certificate wch will correspond with your Books. My Complime

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Maule – 30 Nov 1739

Ravensworth Castle November 30th 1739 To Mr Maule Dear Sir We received the favour of your long expected Letter, acknowledging the Receipt of our generall Accot. and papers relating it for the last Year and are much obliged to you for the repeated assurances you give us of your good offices to forward the Settling it. Pray as it is so near the End of the Year, would it not be as well to make out, this Year & the last together, I apprehend it would save Mr Hunter trouble, &am

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Richard Horne – 4 Dec 1739

Ravensworth Castle Decem. 4th 1739 To Mr Richd. Horne Dear Sir I Reced. Yours in answer to Mr Boags of 23d Nov. last in relation to Thos. Piggs Memorials, touching the Farmes held by John Atkinson of Haydon Bridge, & Inclosed I send you an exact Copy of the Instrument which I sent Mr Boag 19 Decem. 1736 as it was then signed as a Copy by me, so that after it receives the Sanction of your indorsing it will lye as Snugg in it its proper place, as if it had been there ever sinc

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 4 Dec 1739

Ravensworth Castle December 4th 1739 To William Corbett Esqr. Sir We received Yours with the Bords Minutes of the 28th November last & Mr Jefferson’s Submission, in which (as well as the others) we will observe the Boards Commands. I have not wrote to Mr jefferson this Post, Mr Boag being from home, s it will have more weight to write a Joynt Letter. We have gott a Coppy made of the Grand Indenture between the Lord & Tennants at Keswick &c, Six Sheets of

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Thomas Jefferson – 7 Dec 1739

Rav. Castle December 7th 1739 To the Rever.d Mr Thos. Jefferson at Cockermouth Sir We reced. a Letter from the Secretary of Greenwich Hospital dated the 28 Nov last whereby we are comanded to acquaint you that after the Submission you have made to the Commiss[ioners] of Greenwich Hospital they have thought fitt to drop the prosecution against you for Cutting down Birch, Alder and other Wood in case you Imediatly pay the value thereof and all Charges which they have been at on th

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 7 Dec 1739

Ravensworth Castle Decr 7th 1739 To Wm Corbett Esqr. Sir This day we have Incerted an Advertisment in the Newcastle Journal for letting the severall farmes given up at Martinmas Against Mayday Next & the same will be published by such other methods as will make the letting publick. We apprehend we cannot by any Advertisment now to be made for letting against mayday Next lett longer than one year, for as the sev<era>l farmes were only given up at Martinmas Six Months pr

Letter – Timothy Wrangham to Nicholas Walton – 9 Dec 1739

A Coppy of Mr Timothy Wranghams Letter to Messrs Walton & Boag the Originall sent the Board 11th December 1739 Gentlemen I some time agoe Sent you our York Bill, and my own in the Cause between Wood & Moore, a Coppy of which You afterwards returned to me, nmost Sadly mangled & Clipt by some new Spirituall Prothonotary. The Gentlemen at York are determined to Justifye their Bills and insist that I shall either Sue or be Sued for the whole Money. As for my part I think I

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 11 Dec 1739

Ravensworth Castle Decemr 11. 1739 To Wm Corbett Esqr Sir Inclosed we send you our Cash Accot. for last Month, by which there is a Ballance of £52.7.5 in our favour, & Likewise under two Covers have sent you the remaining part of the Grand Indenture at Keswick from No.24 Exclusive to No.27 Inclusive in three sheets & the Coppys of three more Indentures which relate to it, all which will Hope Come Safe. Mr Simpson shoud be ordered payment for thes Coppys, which you will

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Shaftoe Downs – 19 Dec 1739

Ravensworth Castle Decem 19th 1739 To Mr Downs Sir We reced. yours and Observe the Care you have taken to Secure the Arrears due from Green Dixon & Bell, the first of which proposes to give Robert Farbridges Security for the paymt. of his Arrear, wch we have consented to Accept, if you think the Security be good, but if not the Goods must be sold tomorrow pursuant to the Notice. He has promised to be with you this night or tomorrow morning to give you Farbridge’s Security

Letter – Thomas Jefferson to Nicholas Walton – 27 Dec 1739

Cockermouth 27 Dec. 1739 Worthy Sirs Yours of the 7th Inst. I reced., wherein you acquaint me of a Letter from the Secretary of Greenwich Hospitle, whereby you were Directed to give me an Accot. that after the Submission I had made to the Comm[ission]ers of Greenwich Hosp. they have thought fitt to drop the prosecution upon the Accot. of my paying for the wood & all Charges; To these Particulars I desire you woulod Acquaint Mr Secretary that I submitt myself intirely to the Honour

Memo – Nicholas Walton to John Airey – 1 Jan 1740

Mem. Wooley Farm has Inclosed from the Common of Bulbeck Lordship about 16 ½ Acres of Land many Years agoe, it is Supposed Time Immemorial for which a Rent of 5/6d per Ann has been p[ai]d to the Lord. Since that time about 34 Acres of Common has been Inclosed for which as well as 38 Acres part Freehold & part Common (the 16 ½ Acres above mentioned) the Lord of the Mannor Claims 4s per Acre. It was tho[ugh]t proper that the Tennant of Wooly pay the antient Rent of 5/6d per Acre as usuall

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Radley – 8 Jan 1740

Rav. Castle 8 January 1739/40 To Mr William Radley Sir We reced. yours of the 27 Ult on the 6 Jan at our Return from a West Country Journey, where we had been rec. some of the D[erwentwat]er Rents & settling several things with the Ten.ts upon the Estate. We also reced. your former writt abt. a fortnight agoe, both which Intimated to us what is required abt. Numbring the Trees in the D[erwentwat]er woods that was valued in 1737 in order for Sale, & Assoon as we reced.

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 8 Jan 1740

Ravensworth Castle January 8th 1739/40 To Wm Corbett Esqr. Pay Office Sir In Obedience to the order of the Board of the 28 Novr. last we wrote to the Rever<en>d Mr Thos. Jefferson of Cockermouth , & acquainted him that unless he would make Satisfaction for the wood he had cutt down, in the Manour of Thornthwaite, & pay the charges of the prosecution begun against him the s.d prosecution would be carryed on; & we reced. the Enclosed of the 27 December last for a

Letter – Shaftoe Downs to Nicholas Walton – 15 Jan 1740

Gentlemen, I have inclosed you a Bill of the Charge accrude in the cause Mr Bunting and really considering the Cause of action & the Circumstances of the proceedings the Expence could not be avoided As to Mr Bunting’s ill usage & the necessity of commencing the prosecution you are Sensable of, you will perhaps think the Expences of this cause is high but if you will look into the bill & what I shall here mention touching the Coarse of this Contest perhaps you’ll think it
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467