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Letter – Nicholas Walton to Mannock Strickland – 11 Jul 1741

Ravensworth Castle July 11. 1741 To Mr Manock Strickland Sir, Above is my bill on Mr Benjamin Skutt for Ninety Nine pounds which pray Acknowledge the Rect. of after you have got it Accepted & return me a proper Rect. for the Years Annuity due at last Ladyday to Lady Cathrine Radcliffe. The Certificate of the Lady’s being alive you will please to Shew Mr Skutt when you tender the bill to him for Acceptance, and when he pays you the money deliver him it up. I will give a

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 11 Jul 1741

Ravensworth Castle July 11. 1741 To Wm Corbett Esqr. Sir In Obedience to the Boards order of the 29 Apr. last, we have made Enquiry into the Hardships of Thomas Stephenson the Tennant of <Hartside> Colliery which we find to be comprehended in Sinking Shafts Driving Levells and Cutting a dike three times over. He has produced to us an acct. thereof which we send you Inclosed: As to the Certainty of the Expense we cannot Exactly Judge, Altho’ from the Appearance o

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Richard Horne – 11 Jul 1741

Ravensworth Castle July 11. 1741 Sir We recd. Yours of the 23d June last & also that of the 7 July for both which we beg a <tender> of our hearty thanks. We were very heartily concerned for Poor Mr Mauls Accusation, but we do not question his being Acquitted with Honr, he is in our Oppinion a very honest man, and it is hard he should be Accused for an Act of Inadvertancy; which it must have been if he has done any thing amiss. Pray let us know how the Affair Ended as it

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Radley – 11 Jul 1741

Ravensworth Castle July 11. 1741 Sir Herewith we send you Mr Wranghams State of the Proceedings in the Suite about the Tyths of East Thornton now demanded by the Vicar of Hartburn with a Coppy of Our Letter to the board sent therewith. & which must be now in their hands. We can give you no further Information having not been Able to make it Appear if 2s 6d was in Lieu of all small tyths, but only for half. In ours of the 30 June last you shd. have recd. the draught of the

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Francis Woodhouse – 11 Jul 1741

To Mr Woodhouse Ravensworth Castle July 11. 1741 Dear Sir We are extreamely obliged to you for the Care you have taken of despatching <our quarterly acct>, which by yours of the 2d Inst we hope are d[elivere]d to Mr Maule, who we doubt not will forward them to us. The Acct. ending the 30 June last is preparing and will in a months time or less come before our board & Consequently soon after under your <care>. Please to Acquaint Mr Hunter therewith & that a

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 17 Jul 1741

To Wm Corbett Esq Ravensworth Castle July 17 1741 Sir We have only now to advise you that we sometime agoe advertised the sale of the leda ore dues raised & to be raised within the Derwent.r Estates from Mich last to Mich next for which we have no offers from any persons but the of George Liddell Esqr & ptners wth whom we have agreed at 45s for bouse & 40s for Cutting Ore p Bing wch we hope the Board will approve of. You will observe so that this price is u

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 19 Jul 1741

To Wm Corbett Esq Ravensworth Castle July 1 1741 Sir Inclosed herein we send you our contingent cct for the last three months which pray lay before the Board for their concurrence. Out acco.t to the 1st May last is very near Ready & will soon be sen you by Sr yours &c N Walton H Boag [There follows a table of detailed expenses available in the PDF of this document] An Accot. of the Contingent payments made on accot. of the Derwentwater Estate

Letter – Charles Busby to Nicholas Walton – 20 Jul 1741

Corbridge July 20, 1741 Mr Busbies to Messrs Walton & Boag Sirs I Received yours of the 11 Inst. & tho the places therein and here under mentioned were returnd me by Mr Errington my Predecessor in his Rentall yet for the 4 Years of my Recvrship I never Recd any rent for them; nor do I believe Mr Errington ever recd any of them because he writ to each place that that rent was never paid, for which reason I gave my self no trouble about them. I am, Sr Yours&c

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Thomas Snow – 25 Jul 1741

Recd July 16, 1741 of Messrss Walton and Boag Two Hundred & Forty pounds for two Years Interest on Three Thousand pounds due out of the Derwentwater Estate, to the Heirs of Dr Hugh Chamberlane at lady day last past for whose use & by whose order I say recd the sais £240 by me. Ravensworth Castle July 25, 1741 To Mr Thos Snow Sir I recd. yours of the 16 Inst acknowledging the rect. of my bill on Mr Benjamin Skutt for Two hundred Thirty seven Pounds twelve

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 25 Jul 1741

Ravensworth Castle July 25, 1741 To Willm Corbett Esq. Sir We reced yours with the Boards Minutes of the 15 July Inst. which we duly observe, & with regard to the Petition of the Hexhamshire Tennants for Repaire of their Chappell, we have given direction to proper persons to gett us a valluation of the Severall Gents Estates within the Chappellry together with their Contributions to this work & as soon as that comes to our hands we will transmit you a State of the

Letter – Nicholas Walton to James Wood – 3 Aug 1741

Ravensworth Castle Augt. 3d 1741 To Mr James Wood Sir As above we send you on Bill on Wm Bell Esqr for one Hundred & three pounds one shilling & five pence on Accot. of the Rents & Profitts of the Derwentwater Estate wch acknowledge the Recet. Of & youll oblige. Dr Sr your most Hble Servts Nichos. Walton Hugh Boag Ravensworth Castle August 3d 1741 Sr Ten days after date pray pay Mr jas Wood or his Order One Hundred and three

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 3 Aug 1741

Ravensworth Castle 3d Augt. 3d [sic] 1741 To Wm Corbett Esqr. Sir Herewith we send you the Bill of Loading Charter Party Invoice of 72 Char. Of Coals Newcastle Measure amounting to £54.11.1/2 shiped on Board of the Submission of Scarbrough Richard Sisson Mastr which we hope will come safe to hand. We have this day drawn on Wm. Bell Esqr. for the value of this and the former Loading amounting to £103.1.5 which we have sent into the hand of the Deputy Treasurrer Mr Wood on A

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Radley – 3 Aug 1741

Ravensworth Castle Augt 3d 1741 To Mr Radley Sir In answer to your Letter in regard to the Libertys which may be proper to grant the purchasers of Derwentwater woods we are of Oppinion the purchasers ought to be exempted from the Damages which may arise to the Tennants upon whose ground the Woods Stand & Grow; only they re to be restraind from Cutting any wood at such times as their shall be Crops of Corne browing where the Woods is interpresd amongst it & in such Ca

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Maule – 3 Aug 1741

Ravensworth Castle Augt 3d 1741 To Mr Maule Sir We have the favour of yours of the 29 July last Inclosing our two Quarters Ending the 30 June 1739 & the 3d June 1740 for wch we beg a return of our most hearty thanks & Inclosed herin we send you a bill on Mr Skutt for the £49.12.1 ½ you have been so kind as Pay the Auditers to whome pray at your first opportunity present our Complimts for the Dispatch he has been so kind as give to the accot. We have made up our

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Bell – 3 Aug 1741

Ravensworth Castle Augt 3d 1741 To William Bell Esqr Sir We have this day drawn a bill upon you payable to Mr James Wood for One Hundred & three pounds one shilling & fivepence the amount of the two Loading of Coales as per Invoice sent William Corbett Esqr. we hope the Coals will come to your satisfaction & doubt not but you will give due Honr. to our Bill and we are Sir Yours &c Nichos. Walton Hugh Boag

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 11 Aug 1741

Ravensworth Castle Augt 11 1741 To William Corbett Esqr Sir We reced. Yours with the boards minutes of the 5th of August Inst & that of the Generall Court of the 7th May preceeding which we have A due Regard to, and in answer to that part of the Minutes of the 5th Inst we begg leave to Inclose you the advertisement of the lead ore dues which was Inserted in the Newcastle Journall three weeks the first of which of the 9th May last. The proper time of the year for advertis

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Radley – 11 Aug 1741

Ravensworth Castle Augt 11 1741 To Mr William Radley Sir We reced. Yours of the 6th of Aug Inst & hope that ours of the 3d will be sufficient to answer what you want with Respect to the Derwentwater woods. Some of the freeholders within the Lords Waists, in the Manour of Wark will prove their having got coals without the Lords Leave or Licence & have sold and disposed of the same, but always in a Forceable Way, as we apprehend. We do not think any Custom can be pr

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Richard Horne – 11 Aug 1741

Ravensworth Castle Augt 11 1741 To Mr Rd. Horne Dear Sir We reced. Yours of the 6 Aug Inst & thank you for the kind Intimation you have given us with regard to Mr Stricklands Enquiry, & you may be Assured we will act cautiously. We are very well Acquainted with most of the miners at <NC [Newcastle?]> and believe we can Serve you, however you may depend upon all we can doe. You Say you would be glad to <Clubb your mites> which we desire you will Explain

Letter – Nicholas Walton to James Wood – 14 Aug 1741

Ravensworth Castle Augt 14 1741 To Mr James Wood Dear Sir My Partner Mr Boag is from home & will not be here for I believe 10 days or more. So that I send you herein my Certificate for the Sums Rermitted you Between the 1st January 1738 & 31 Decr.1739 which I hope will ansr. your purpose; if it will not be Sufficient wth.out both of us signing let me know & you shall have one at Mr Boag’s return. I am with respect to all friends, Dr Sir , yrs &c Ni

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Nicholas Roberts – 15 Aug 1741

Ravensworth Castle Aug. 15th 1741 To <N> Roberts Esq. Sir Reced. the favour of yours of the 13 Inst relating to Wooley hall Mill which is un Tennanted and very much out of Repair. In Ansr to which I do not think the Comis[sioner]s of Greenwich Hospl. Will be at any Expence in the repair of it, but if you would consider what Rent you would think proper to give & let me know as also the Terme you would take it for your proposals shall be Transmitted to our Board & then

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 18 Aug 1741

Ravensworth Castle Augt 18 1741 To William Corbett Esq Sir In yours of the 2d of July last, you Inclosed a Letter from Mr Thos. Fenwick (who was some few years agoe a Corn Mercht. In Newcastle) recommending a gamekeeper to be appointed for preserving the Game in that part of the Derwentwater Estate near Hexham, of which we have not taken any Notice in answer to you as we were willing to be informed how this might give Offence to the neighbouring Gentlemen, as it is a thing by which the

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Radley – 21 Aug 1741

Ravensworth Castle Augt 21st :1741 To Mr William Radley Attorney at Law at Greenwich I Recd yours of the 15th Inst in relation to the Covenant you apprehended necessary to be incerted in the Tack Note to John Lowther Esq. which I thought we had wrote you fully in ours of the 11th Inst. To Incert such a Covenant as that of Building a Smelting Mill, when they have one already, or laying out £4000, when £100 may be sufficient or Imploying 100 hands, where it might not be in th

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Watson – 25 Aug 1741

Ravensworth Castle Augt 25th : 1741 To John Watson Esqr. Sir I am ordered to give you the Trouble of this, to desire you will Inform me, whether you have in your Custody, the Leases from the Dean & Chapter of Carlisle, of Dilston & Lorbottle Tyths, which were renewed by you or Mr Hutchinson in the year 1734 & If you have them that you will Transmitt them to me. You will please to signifie if you have them not, in whose hands you apprehend they are, which will be very obli

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Edward Hutchinson – 25 Aug 1741

Ravensworth Castle Augt 25th : 1741 To Edward Hutchinson Esqr. Sir I am ordered to give you the Trouble of this, to desire you will Inform me, whether you have in your Custody, the Leases from the Dean & Chapter of Carlisle, of Dilston & Lorbottle Tyths, which were renewed by you or Mr Watson in the year 1734; If you have them I desire you will Transmitt them to me, or if you have them not, that you will be so kind as Inform me where you apprehend they are. I have

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Richard Horne – 31 Aug 1741

Ravensworth Castle Augt 31st : 1741 To Mr Horne Dear Sir I would have answered yours of the 14th Inst sooner, but that I expected your Patterns, which I intended to have shewn immediately and by that means I hoped to have had the pleasure of telling you our success. Mr Boag has been from home since before I recd. yours, but I can assure you we are both well Inclined to serve you & you may depend upon our doing our best. Captain Airey is I fancy in Town, by whom pray send th
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467