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Letter – Nicholas Walton to James Wood – 27 Dec 1741

To Mr Jas. Wood Ravensworth Castle December 27 . 1741 Dear Sir Your favour of the 17 December Inst brought me J. Toways bill on Henry Gray Esq for One Hundred & nine pounds four shillings & 9 ¾ dated the 11 Inst & payable to Nath. Hills Esq. 6 days after Sight which shall be taken care of. Mr Gray lives near 40 Miles from hence, but we have sent the bill to him for Acceptance & when the Money is recd. it shall be remitted to you as soon as we can get remittance. I

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 27 Dec 1741

To William Corbett Esq. Ravensworth Castle December 27 . 1741 Sir We recd your with the Boards Minute of the 16 Dec Inst which we duly observe & in ansr to that part in which the Board require our reasons for making the Commencement of the Tack Notes mentioned in our Letter of the 11 Inst before the time of execution we begg leave to acquaint you that we apprehend an Inconvenience will arise by two or more Tacknotes commencing at one and the same time as it woud in that case be v

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 31 Dec 1741

To Wm Corbett Esqr Ravensworth Castle Decemb 31 . 1741 We would have answered that part of the Boards Minutes of the 16 Inst relating the Derwentwater Woods sooner, but that we waited to be throughly Inform’d whether there were cause for the Complaint which has been made to the Board. We have examined as narrowly as we can both the woods & the Conduct of the Bailiffs & Cannot find Cause of Complaint & we realy believe no Woods in the Kings Dominions are freer from Tres

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Henry Wastell – 1 Jan 1742

To the Rev Mr Wastall Ravensworth Castle January 1 . 1741 Soon after you acquainted us with your Intentions of Dividing * Inclosing a part of Wark Common we represented it to our princip[a]ls which you have a Transcript of Their answer thereto ‘The Rec[eiver]s acquainted the Board they have lately been Informed that the Freeholders who have a share in the Herbage of Wark Common intend to apply to Parliament for an Act to Impower them to divide a part of it, in which division they

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 1 Jan 1742

To William Corbett Esqr Ravensworth Castle January 1 . 1741 Sir Mr Thomas Airey the Capt[ai]ns Brother upon whom these two voyages have depended has used us very unkindley in not taking care to send your Butter, which we thought you had received, as he assured us it was sent and could not be Convinced but it was so till we sent one of our Servants who found it in the Celar where it was first lodged . We are heartily sorry for this desapointment to your familie but hope you will excu

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Radley – 1 Jan 1742

To Mr Radley Ravensworth Castle January 1 . 1741 Sir We recd. yours with the description of the Veins granted to Lo[rd] Lowther which are agreeable to the Proposall & Right so that you may proceed to have the whole executed, but please to remember to make all the Tacknotes which were agreed to be granted at the last Generall Court, of different dates. We have no applications at all for purchasing the Derwent Woods & indeed we are Apprehensive that no person will applie t

Letter – Nicholas Walton to James Wood – 1 Jan 1742

To Mr James Wood Ravensworth Castle Janry 1st . 1741 Sir The Messenger we sent to Mr Greys of Howick, and the Money on the Bill you sent, upon the first address so that you shall soon have it remitted you by Sir Yours &c Walton & Boag

Letter – William Johnson to William Corbett – 1 Jan 1742

To Mr Wm Corbett Esqr at the Pay Office In Broad Street London these Wth care & speed Sir I should have written you long ago but being not acquainted with you & the business being foren to me I did refer it till now. I see and hear more of the Usuage of that Estate and therefore I thought it Needfull to propose this to you for I thought if you take in proposals for Letting the Farmes belonging to the Estate of Derwentwater you ought also to take in and hear proposals for preservi

Letter – Nicholas Walton to James Wood – 5 Jan 1742

To Mr James Wood Ravensworth Castle Janry 5th . 1741 Dear Sir: Herein we send you two Bills value Six hundred and fifty six pounds thirteen shillings and five pence, which we desire you will make application of as follows Vizt Five hundred & forty seven pounds eight shillings & seven pence farthing on accot. of the Rents, Issues & profits of the Derwentwater Estate; & one hundred and nine pounds four shillings & nine pence three farthings in full of J Towreys b

Letter – William Tate to William Corbett – 7 Jan 1742

In his Majestys Court of Exchequer William Tate of Newcastle upon Tyne Tyde Waiter in the Customs there Maketh oath that the Letter hereunto annexed marked (A) signed Wm Lowther directed to this depon[en]t dated Ordley Janu.ry the 7. 1741 was left at this deponents house in Newcastle on Friday the Eight Instant and was received that night by this deponent and saith that the same is all of the handwriting of the said William Lowther of Ordley afors[ai]d as he verily believes and saith he is

Letter – William Lowther to William Tate – 7 Jan 1742

To Mr William Tate, Tide Water at Newcastle upon Tyne (A) Ordley Jan.wer the 7 1741 There being very great abuses comited on that estate of Derwentwater Such as Spoyling the Young Wood and Cutting the Trees w[hich] are marked and was Sold and Steeling and Carrying away of Wood and other things from Mills which are not now going and likewise in Roads as we call them made upon the said Estate In so much that had the value of the damage done in one Parish had been put into Mone

Letter – William Johnson to John Airey – 7 Jan 1742

(C) East End Jan.ry 7. 1741 To Mr John Airey Attorney at Law In Newcastle I heard you were formerly Imployed Comiss[ioner] in the Affairs of the Derwentwater Estate, I therefore trouble you with this there being many & Harmfull Abuses Comitted upon that Estate, Sir it would be too tedious to give you here a particular Accot. of these but in short it is so that it is a saying with some persons that folk may Cutt what they will in those Woods or say they there is non

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Maule – 13 Jan 1742

To Mr Maull Ravensworth Castle Janry.15.1741/2 Dear Sir, We were favoured with yours acknowledgeing the Rect.of our Vouchers to the last Acct. & find on looking amongst our papers we have omitted sending you the Testiment of Lady Kath. Radclifs Life, so that we now send you it inclosed. We doubt not your forwarding our Acct. with the [Auditor] who we are very sorry to hear has been out of health & heartily wish him soon well, if any thing is further wanting please to let u

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 17 Jan 1742

To William Corbett Esqr Ravensworth Castle January 17.1741 We reced the favour of yours of the 7 of January Inst with the Boards Minutes of that date, which we duly regard, & a letter signed by the name of William Johnson comp[laining of Abuses in the Derwentwater Estate to which we beg Leave to give the following Answer. In the first place give us leave to promise that we know of no such person as Wm Johnson of East End, or of any such place as Eastend, but we re well acquainted

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 17 Jan 1742

To William Corbett Esqr Ravensworth Castle Janry 17.1741 Sir We have the pleasure of yours of the 11 January Inst and are glad to hear you have recd. your three Firkins of Butter safe & that Mrs Corbett likes it. We were much concerned that you were disappointed of it so long. It is suprizing what Mr Airey has done with your Sacks, for we cannot hear any thing of them, but when he returns to Newcastle we will examine his Ship & hope will find them somewhere. He h

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Richard Horne – 17 Jan 1742

To Mr Horne Rav. Castle Janry 17.1741 Dear Sir We are much obliged to you for your Intimation of the 7 Jan Inst & thank you very much for it and all other favours. We have this day wrote to the Board in Answer to Johnsons letter to which the Affadavitt we refer you, and hope the Board will be satisfied that it is an Idle Insinution from a man whose character is disposable to the World. One thing we desire & that is that you will compare the letter of Wm Turner of <S

Letter – Nicholas Walton to James Wood – 17 Jan 1742

To Mr Jas. Wood Ravensworth Castle Jan 17. 1741 Sir Above you have a Bill drawn on Mr Benjamin Skutt for one hundred ponds & one inclosed therewith for two hundred pounds upon Hen.Ord Esqr which together make £300 – on Accotof the Rent & Profitts of the Derwentwater Estate which pray on rect. thereof acknowledge. We hope you recd. ours of the 5 of January Inclosing you two bills for £646.13.5 (of which for the Derwt. Rents £547.8.7 ¼ & for the Bill you sent do

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Robert Ilderton – 17 Jan 1742

Newcastle January 21. 1741 To Mr Ilderton Attorney at Law in Hexham Sir Mr Airey writes you by this Bearer that he has had a Letter from one William Johnson dated from Eastend & Complaining of some severall Mal Practices in the Derw[entwate]r Estate and this day he has rcd another Letter from William Lowther of Ordly Complaining of the like Mal Practices, by both which Letters it appears that William Lowther is the Author of Both. In the former of these Letters William Johns

Letter – Michael Wharton to Nicholas Walton – 22 Jan 1742

Copy of Mr Wharton’s letter to Walton & Boag From <FennyTine> Janry 22. 1741/2 Gent[leme]n I am realy very much troubled since you spoke to me about what William Lowther has most wrongfully <charged> on me for I must assure you I know nothing of these things more than what that Idle man about 3 Years agoe told me by a Letter I had from him, and then as I remember I shewd you it. I must declare to you and the world that I am an Intire Stranger to any mismang’

Letter – Robert Ilderton to John Airey – 22 Jan 1742

A Coppy of Mr Ildertons letter to J.Airey Esq. Sir I recd yours which surprised me very much. I do assure you I am an Intire Stranger to any thing that Relates to the Derwentwater Woods and also to that William Johnson of Eastend who has taken upon him to make use of my name to you. As to William Lowther’s I am very well acquainted with him & I remember once he was telling me that Mr Johnson of Estend was for declining the place he had under the Govermt and that he Int

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Thomas Ripley – 24 Jan 1742

Ravensworth Castle Janry 24 1741 To Thomas Ripley Esq. in Scotland Yard London Sir Since Mr Boag recd. your last favour Mr Thompson has delivered us his acct of the Survey of Bircham Magna, the Balance whereof due to him being £25.11.3 according to the agreement which we hope you will find right on Examining the Inclose Accot. Mr Thompson complaines that the Survey was attended with much more difficulty than he expected as upon the agreem[en]t he apprehended a great pt of the e

Letter – Nicholas Walton to James Wood – 26 Jan 1742

Ravensworth Castle Janry 26.1741 To Mr Jas Wood Dear Sir, I recd yours of the 25 January Inst with Mr Fetherstons bill return’d for want of Indorsement which I am sorry for, but I have now Indors’d it, & you have it return’d herein. I am Glad you recd the bills sent you the 5 january safe, I wrote last post to stop payment for fear of an Accident, but have this post desired they may be pay’d; so that I hope you will get the money safe on rect hereof. What expenc

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 28 Jan 1742

Ravensworth Castle Janry 28.1741 To Mr W Corbett Sir Since we wrote you of the 17 of January Inst we have sent and wrote to Mr Lowther desiring he woud Inform us of what he knows as to any abuse in the Derwentwater Woods, & tho’ we desired he woud attend the Bayliffs and shew them what he pretended to know we have not been able to come at the knowledge of any thing. We have seen Mr Ilderton the Elder who we are well assured is an Intire Stranger to what has been said h

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Henry Wastell – 28 Jan 1742

To the Revd. Mr Wastall Ravensworth Castle January 28 .1741 Sir We recd yours of the 25 Inst and am sorry to hear our Letter did not come earlyer to your hands. As to what you say in relation to Mr Aireys having orders to pry into A Petition Your acquainting the Board therewith, we do not think that will be regular, for as we apprehend the Freeholders must by way of Petition Apply to the Board, that must be done before the Parliament is Petitioned And in Order that you m

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 29 Jan 1742

To William Corbett Esqr. Ravensworth Castle Janry 29 .1741 Sir We recd. your kind letter of the 21 January Inst in due course for the favour of which I beg leave to return you Mr Boags & my hearty thanks. It gives us a great deal of pleasure to find the board look’d upon the Letters of Turner & Johnson in the light they did, as they are in fact idle groundless insinuations, calculated for no other purpose but to sow Sedition & gain Mr Lowther Imployment. We think
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467