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Account – Abraham Bunting – 14 Feb 1742

An Accot. of the Incrochments made by Mr Allgood on Wark Common taken by Abra: Bunting and others in Febry 1741/2 viz – Yrs Acres Yearly Since Rent taken Incroached of Michel Rigg on the Northside of Fenwick field & laid onto Fenwick field farme 6 3 £-- 15 0 Gatestones Wark fell on the North the Coale bu

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Joseph Pearson – 14 Feb 1742

To Mr Joseph Pearson Ravensworth Castle Febry 14 .1741 Mr Pearson Our business obliges us to fix the 25 & 26 of March next for the Receiving the Keswick & Thornthwaite Rents, Services & Tithes which are due, of which you will give the proper Notice, & as I shall send you a Rentall of such small Rents and Services as you are to receive before I come, so I desire you will Carefully doe it & be very exact in setting down Such Sums as you doe receive to prevent

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John King – 14 Feb 1742

To Mr King Ravensworth Castle Febry 14 .1741 Sir, We have ordered our business so, as that it will be most Convenient to us to receive the Keswick & Thornthwaite Rents the 25 & 26 of March next, & if the Courts can be then holden we desire they may, & that you will give proper notice thereof. If they cannot Legally be holden then, you may fix any other timebut you are to Observe we cannot either of us be present if they are not holden the 25 & 26 of march

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 14 Feb 1742

To William Corbett Esq. Ravensworth Castle February 14 .1741 Sir Last post brought us yours giving an Acct. of the Death of Poor Dowthwaite your Servant, who we were very much pleased behaved so as to merit yr. Friendship & Esteem, which you show in the most kind Instances. We are much Concerned for the loss of him, which must no doubt as you will observe, be a great grief to his poor parents; however the Character you give of him & the unparalleled friendship you have s

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 14 Feb 1742

To William Corbett Esq. Ravensworth Castle Feb 14 .1741 Sir We recd yours with the boards minutes of the 1st & 2d of February inst. which we duly observe, & woud have acknowledged the Rect of them sooner but that we had nothing to trouble the board with. Herein you will receive the Moormasters Quarterly Acct. of Mines wrought & lying unwrought at Christms last, wth the quantity of Ore Raised & No. of hands Imployed in the last Quarter ending then & we are Yo

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 19 Feb 1742

To W. Corbett Esq Ravensworth Castle Febry 19 .1741 Sir Inclosed we send you our Cash Accot. for last month By which a Balance of One hundred & ninety two pounds Eight Shillings & Sixpence ¾ d remaind then in our hands & we are Yours &c Walton & Boag

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 3 Mar 1742

To W. Corbett Esq. Ravensworth Castle 3 March 1741 Sir Inclosed is John Skinns Accot. for making Bricks & Tyles at Dilston for Last Year Ending 31 Decem.1741, by which there is a Balance of £8.11.3 ¾ due from the Hospitall to him. Please to lay the Accot. before the Board for their Approbation. Inclosed is also the Accot. of Bricks & Tyles for Last year ending at the same time by which there is a profit to the Hospitall of £36.15.6 ½ . We have not agreed wit

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Radley – 5 Mar 1742

To Mr Radley Ravensworth Castle March 5th .1741/2 Sir In answer to your Letter we have perused your Description of Mr Masons Lease for a year or Tacknote, which we think is very well and need no alteration. As to fixing a peremptory day for the Sale of the Keswick Timber we cannot tell how to advise in it, we have done all we can to promote the sale of it, & Hope you will at least reach the sum formerly Offerd, as the Timber is no worse then it was , & very farr from

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Joseph Pearson – 5 Mar 1742

Mr Pearson Ravensworth Castle March 5th: 1741/2 We reced. yours and in Answer the Repaire of the Mill Damm we desire may be postponed till one of us come to receive the Rents, & in the meantime consider what Wood will be wanting, that the Trees which are mark’d may not be medled with, but you are not to Cutt or prepare any thing till we come to Sett it out. You will receive herewith the Rental, which you will Collect the Small Rts. By, & in that may be very exact &

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 11 Mar 1742

To William Corbett Esqr. Hexham March 11, 1741 Sir The Tennants in Hexhamshire on July last Petitioned the Board for some relief with regard to the Rebuilding of Whitley Chappell which petition was referr’d down to us with their order to Report the circumstances of that Affaire. We then Applyed to the Tennants for an Accot. of the Severall Subscriptions which had been made to this work & a valluation of the other Gentlemens Estates who were Intrested along with the Hospitta

Letter – Hugh Boag to John Aynesley – 14 Mar 1742

To Mr John Anesley in Hexham. Ravenswth Castle 14 March 1742/3 Sir My being in the North upon business is the reason I did not ans. yours of the 8th Inst sooner. Your Tennant is verry welcome to Winn 60 Fothers of Limestones at Millhilles for his use at Low hall provided he does not interfere with the Tennants Quarry so as to occasion a Complaint. I am verry ready as so <wend> my ptnr to grant any thing in our power to oblige you I am for Mr Walton & Self.

Letter – Nicholas Walton to George Liddell – 14 Mar 1742

To George Liddell of Hartb[ur]n grange Ravensworth Castle March 14. 1741 George Mr Barraw has applied to Mr Boag & me about some Corf Rodds at Hartburngrange, which he is willing to pay us for by bunch or otherwise as we shall think proper. We have therefore agreed that he shall begigin [sic] to Cutt so that you are to Shew him the places & take care to keep an Accot. of the quantity, and therewith acquaint. Your Hble Servt Nichos. Walton

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 16 Mar 1742

To Wm Corbett Esq Ravensworth Castle March 16. 1741 Sir As the Termes in Greenhaugh Colliery, Highgreen Colliery and <Potts’s> house in Corbridge Expires at next mayday & in pursuance of the Boards orders those Termes were Advertized the 24 Apr 1741 to be lett, we begg leave to accquaint you that Mr Rud the Present Tennant has offer’d five pounds per Ann. for Each of the above Collierys to Comence at Next Maday od as soon as he is in possession thereof. & Mr

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Mannock Strickland – 16 Mar 1742

To Mr Strickland Ravensworth Castle March 16. 1741 Sir We were favour’d with yours of the 6 Inst relating the Leases of Dilston & Lorbottle Tyths, granted to Mr Watson & Mr Hutchenson and beg you will make your Application to our Board for Such Information as you think proper in that affaire, which will oblige Your most Hble Servts Walton & Boag

Letter – Edmund Keene to Edward Chandler – 17 Mar 1742

My Lord I have received your Lordships favour, and am sorry to find things so perplexed. The copy of Articles which Mr Dover sent to me some time since, one of which I imagined your Lordship had, I have now enclosed. The particulars tho’ some of them were not altogether agreeable, I was willing to consent to, as the time was so far advanced. The delay of payment to the 1st of October is owing to the works having been retarded so much that they cd. not be brought to market. And

Affidavit – Thomas Harrison – 3 Apr 1742

Thos. Harrison’s attest[ation] abt a piece of Ground <in dispute> with the Duke of Somerset Thomas Harrison of Alnwick in the County of Northumb’d Plummer aged Forty Two years and upwards being Sworn & Examined deposeth that he does now know and has for these thirty years last past very well known the close or Parcell of Ground Situate in the parish of Alnwick and commonly called or known by the Name of the Goose Crook Close and that the same is bounded by the Main on the S

Affidavit – Richard Harrison – 3 Apr 1742

Richard Harrison of Alnwick in the County of Northum’d (Plummer) Aged forty Four years and upwards being Sworn and Examined deposeth that he does now know and has for these thirty years last past very well known the Close or parcell of Ground Situated in the parish of Alnwick and commonly called or known by the name of Goose Crook Close and that the same is Boundred by the Main on South West and North and by the wide open Grounds on the East And this Deponent further saith that the Dike or Fe

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Mannock Strickland – 6 Apr 1742

Ravensworth Castle April 6. 1742 Sir As Mr Busbie is very desireous and pressing to have some of the Goods in Dilston hall and as a late Demand has been made by one Mr Richardson of Nether Witton in the County o Northumberland, to make Inventorys thereof we think it proper to accquaint you that pursuant to an Order of our board dated 4 Aug. 1736 (which you were then accquainted with ) we are Ready to deliver all the Goods which are the property of Sir John Webb and Counsellor Piggo

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 11 Apr 1742

To William Corbett Esqr Ravensworth Castle Apr 11. 1742 Sir We reced. your of the 27 & 30 of March last with the Boards Minutes of those dates, which we duly observe & in pursuance of the Boards order we have put into the Newcastle papers the Advertizements for Letting the Severall Farmes & for Sale of the dues of Lead Ore from Mich. Last to Mich. next As to the Sale of the Lead Ore dues we think it shoud not have been limited to Michaelmas but to some earl

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 11 Apr 1742

To William Corbett Esqr Ravensworth Castle Apr 11, 1742 Sir Poor Ralph Douthwaites Box is come safe to hand and Shall be taken care of & deliverd to his Relations with the money you order to be paid them which you shall have a proper Rect. for. Your Oates are now all sent on Board of the George who is Ready to sail being the Remainder of 240 boules we bought for you which runs over 13 bushels in measure so that you are to Receive this voyage 173 bushells, which Compleats you

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Thomas Simpson – 11 Apr 1742

To Mr Thos. Simpson Ravensworth Castle Apr.11. 1742 Sir We recd. the favour of yours of the 5 Inst & this day have wrote a Letter to the Secretary in your favour which will be laid before the Board of Directors at their first meeting, which will be about Wednesday [sent] Next & we hope will be earlier than any Applications from other persons. You will do well to Apply the next post after you receive this as it will Strengthenwhat we have thought proper to say on that h

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 13 Apr 1742

To William Corbett Esqr Ravensworth Castle April 13. 1742 Sir We rece.d yours with the Boards Minutes of that date which we duly observe & in answer thereto Mr Ricardson is possess’d of a Freehold estate called Lowhouses in the Chappellry of Garrygill within the man[o]r of Aldstonmoore & Claimes a part of the Common as Lord of the Mannor of Lowhouses bounding upon a Ryvulett called Garrardgill als Garrygill Burn from which we Suppose he calls it his mannor of Garrygill

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Stephenson – 13 Apr 1742

To Mr John Stephenson at Nentsberry Ravensworth Castle Apr.13. 1742 Dear Sir Mr Ricardson having wrote a letter to our board that he is Seized of the Manour of Garrygill adjoining Alstonmoore and that the Lessees under the Commissioners of Greenwich Hospital are likely to come into his Liberty, therefore disires his Title may be look’d into in order to settle the same in an amicable manner; which being refreddown to us to make our report thereon, & not being thoroughly acq

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Christopher Richardson – 13 Apr 1742

To Mr Christo’r Ricardson at Alston Ravensworth Castle April 13th. 1742 Sir We have received the Commands of our board in Answer to your letter of the 16 March last, to informe them thoroughly, how the affair in dispute, between them and you really stands, which we are not able to doe, as not having the substance of your Title and as this Report of ours is to be made previous to their further directions as to what you have desired, we must beg the favour of you to shew Mr Simp

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 13 Apr 1742

To William Corbett Esqr Ravensworth Castle Apr.13. 1742 Sir We rece.d the Agreeable favour of yours of the 8 Inst acquainting us that you will soon have a new Treasurer of the Navy, & that you & our friend Mr Horne will be Continued in Statu quo. You are very very Obliging Sir in accquaintingus with a piece of news which give us so much pleasure & we beg leave to Congratulate you both upon it. We never Expected Sir Henry Liddell woud be in the Admiralty, as he has not on
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467