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Letter – Nicholas Walton to Stephen Ridpath – 1 Jun 1742

To Stephen Ridpeth Ravensworth Castle June 1st 1742 Stephen We have lett Scremerston Colliery to Mr Thomas Stokoe the Bearer hereof till next Mayday; & he comes to take possession of her which you are to deliver him up. Mr Stokoe has agreed to Employ you in the management of the Colliery, & as it is at our request that he has done so, we must recommend it to you to use all possible diligence for his Interest – You know the <Consumers> to be <Sure> v

Letter – Nicholas Walton to James Wood – 4 Jun 1742

To Mr Jas. Wood Ravensworth Castle June 4th 1742 Dear Sir Inclosed Send you Mr Ralph Fetherstons bill on Samuel Child Esqr. & Comp. for four hundred pounds dated this day and payable 28 days after date on Acct of the Rents & profits of the Derwentwater Estates which pray Acknowledge, as the Recet. of - I hope we shall soon send you more to the amount of the Ballances in our hands and for my P’tne

Letter – Nicholas Walton to James Wood – 11 Jun 1742

Sir Ravensworth Castle June 11 1742 We send you as above a bill on Mr Benjamin Skutt dated this day and payable 28 days after date on acct of the Rents & profitts of the Derwentw’r Estate for Four Hundred pounds wch with the last Four Hundred pounds Sent you reduces < the book> verry low here which is a pleasure to us who are Sir Your verry H’ble Servt’s Nicho. Walton [crossed

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 11 Jun 1742

William Corbett Esqr. Sir Ravensworth Castle June 11 1742 Inclosed we send you our Cash Acct. for last Month, at the End of which a Ballance of £1059.1.4¼ was in our hands since which we have Inclosed Mr Wood a Bill for £400 & this day one for £400 more which reduces the Balance to £259.1. 4¼ now in our hands Yesterday we were applied to by one Mr Bird a Gentleman from Deptford who wanted to see the Derwen

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Abraham Bunting – 20 Jun 1742

To Mr Abraham Bunting Farnacres Sunday Noon 20 June 1742 Mr Bunting I herewith send you a Letter directed to Mr Wastell with which you are to go tomorrow morning Early with Mr Aireys Service and mine to him and as it is about an affair of Consequence you must by no means Neglect it. Mr Airey Mr Boag & my selfe will be at Dilstone on Wednesday morning next early, & I Expect Mr Wastall will meet us there. You are to give my Service to Mr Downs & tell hi

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Henry Wastell – 20 Jun 1742

To the Revd Mr Wastell Ravensworth Castle June 20 1742 Sir I recd last post a Letter from Mr Radley our Solicitor at Greenwich with a Coppy of a Letter from Lancelott Algood Esqr. to Sir John Jennings relating the Incroachments, he and his predecessors have made on Wark Common a Coppy whereof I here inclose you, as also a Coppy of the Information lately preferred against Mr Algood on acct. of these Incroachments which I

Letter – Nicholas Walton to James Wood – 22 Jun 1742

To Mr Jas. Wood Ravensworth Castle June 22 1742 Sir Above is Mr Ralph Fetherstons Bill on Saml. Child Esqr. & Comp. for Four hundred pounds on Acct. of the Rents & Profitts of the Derwentwater Estate which pray Acknowledge the Rect. of & you’ll oblige Your H’ble Servt. Nicho’s Walton <S..> No. 93 Newcastle June 22 nd 1742 £400 Twenty eight days after date pay to Mr

Letter – Hugh Boag to William Corbett – 27 Jun 1742

To Wm Corbett Esqr Ravensworth Castle 27 th June 1742 Sir Inclosed you have the Invoyce Charter Party and bill of Loading for 61 Newcastle Chalden of Main Team Coales for the use of the Hospital which we have shiped on Board the Royal Ann of Scarbrough Richd. Robson Master wch we hope will come safe & prove a good baulk I am for Mr Walton & Self Sir yr most Hble Servt Hugh Boag Sent to William Corbett Esqr. the 27

Letter – Nicholas Walton to James Wood – 29 Jun 1742

To Mr James Wood Ravensworth Castle June 29 th 1742 Sir I have sent you a bill on William Bell Esqr for £58.19.7½ for the Second Loading of Coales Sent the Hospital. I have made it payable to your self upon your Demand: as it has been long due and as our yearly Acct. Terminates the 30 th <Inst. > it Induces me to do it so Please to Acknowledge the Rect. of the Bill and place it to the Acct of my p’tner & Self

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Bell – 29 Jun 1742

To Wm Bell Esqr Ravensworth Castle 29 th June 1742 Sir I have taken the Liberty to draw on you payable to Mr James Wood upon his own Demand for £58.19.7½ the value of the Second Loading of Coales Sent you for the use of the Hospital, which please to Honour We sent you a Loading last week the Invoice Charter Party & bill of Loading were Inclosed to William Corbett Esqr last post. And the Amount of this last Loading co

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Wlliam Bell – 29 Jun 1742

To William Bell Esqr Sir Since Mr Boag drew upon you for the 2nd loading of Coales & gave you advise thereof we have been Considering how our Balance of Cash stood & in order to Reduce it we have drawn another Bill upon you of this date for the 3 rd Loading amounting to Thirty Eight pounds Seventeen Shillings & Seven pence halfpenny payable 28 days after date to Mr James Wood which we doubt not but you will duly Hon’r, which will greatly oblige Sir Your most H

Letter – Nicholas Walton to James Wood – 30 Jun 1742

Dear Sir Ravensworth Castle June 30 1742 Upon Considering that this Months End is the Close of our Years Acct. & that there is a ballance in our hands larger than we wish ever to have it, we have besides the Bill sent you Yesterday send you herewith one Bill for Four hundred pounds on Mr Skutt & the above Bill on William Bell Esqr for £38.17.7½. on Acct. of the Rents and Profitts of the Derwntwater Estate which pray acknowledge

Letter – Ralph Archbold to John Airey – 2 Jul 1742

A Coppy of Mr Ralph Archbolds Letter to Mr John Airey Sir Alnwick July 2d 1742 High Buston in the parish of Warkworth lives one of James Harrigates Daughters who is wife of one [space] Graham an able Farmer, sixty years of age. She sayeth her father & Widw. Todd Farmed the North Demain & the wide open and that she knows the Goose Close verry well that it lye between the Main & the Wideopen Grounds and that there was a Runner run through

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Benjamin Skutt – 4 Jul 1742

Dear Sir Ravensworth Castle July 4th 1742 Mr Boag as well as my self will think our Selves much Obliged to you, if you will pay Mr Mannock Strickland Ninety Nine pounds and take his Rect. for One hundred pounds a year Annuity due to Lady Catherine Radcliffe at last Ladyday. We always make up our Accts. on the 30 of June and therefore must desire you will make this payment upon Demand & take Mr Stricklands Rect dated 30 of June last. He will produc

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Mannock Strickland – 4 Jul 1742

To Mr Mannock Strickland at his chambers in Lincoln’s Inn Ravensworth Castle July 4 th 1742 Sir I have wrote to Mr Skutt this day desiring he will upon demand pay you Ninety Nine pounds, which with Twenty Shillings remittance, is in full of one year Annuity due to Lady Catherine Radcliff at last Ladyday which pray give him a Rect for dated 30 June last, and deliver him up the Testimoniall of her Ladyships Life etc as usuall and you’l

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 4 Jul 1742

To Wm Corbett Esqr Ravensworth Castle July 4 th 1742 Sir One of our young Men in this Office who has Served as Clerk in Sir Henry Liddell’s Affairs Seven years the 11th of next Month, and is a very good one, has the misfortune by too Close Confinement to want health, wch makes it impossible for him to Continue to doe the duty which is expected from him; which is the only reason why he leaves Sir Henry Liddell’s Services - And as he

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Radley – 6 Jul 1742

To Mr Radley Ravensworth Castle July 6th 1742 Sir We would have answered your Letter of the 10th June last wch brought us a Coppy of Mr Algoods Letter to Sir John Jennings of the 31st of May Sooner, but that we were willing to be well Informed as to the facts as sett forth by him, before we did, & that we have only just gott finnished so to be able to do it now The Severall Informations upon Oath taken in the Year 1739 of w

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Aynsley – 7 Jul 1742

To John Ainsley Esqr. Ravensworth Castle July 7th 1742 Sir As we are in great want of the Court Rolls belonging to the Derwentwater Estate which are in your hands we are directed to acquaint you that the Board of Directors for Greenwich Hospital, will take it kindly if you will look out Such as you have, which we will come around for, after receiving your answer hereto. We wrote Some time since in favour of John Green and Mr Radley has

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 9 Jul 1742

To Wm. Corbett Ravensworth Castle July 9th 1742 Sir In answer to that part of the Boards Minutes of the 16th June last relaiting to Mr Bunting having Inclosed some part of Grindon Common, we begg leave to acquaint you that Mr Bunting has made no Inclosure upon that Common nor has he any direction or Intentions so to doe, or to build a House there but the Tenants of Langly Barrony under the Commiss’rs of the Hospital have at there own

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Maule – 9 Jul 1742

To Mr Maule Ravensworth Castle July 9th 1742 Dear Sir We recd. yours of the 18th June last with yr Auditors Qu[estions] upon our last years Accts. wch we mislaid or they would have been Sooner answered. They are now herein Sent you answered wch will shew the Acct. is right, & you will find it so on Comparing the Rentalls Ending at 1 Mayday 1740 & 1741 with the Acct. All the Querys with regard to the Rentalls on the Second pag

Letter – Hugh Boag to William Corbett – 11 Jul 1742

To Wm. Corbett Ravensworth Castle July 11th 1742 Sir Inclosed we Send you the Invoice Charter party and Bill of Loading for a fourth Loading of Main Team Coales amounting to 56 Chaldons value £35.9.8½… for the use of Greenwich Hospitall Shiped on board the Fran. & Mary of Scarborough Fran. Hodgson Master. The Ship we believe is Sailed and hope she will be with you at or about the time this comes to hand I am for Mr Walton & Selfe Sir your

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 13 Jul 1742

To Wm. Corbett Ravensworth Castle July 13th 1742 Sir Inclosed I send you the Invoice Bills of Loading & Charter parties of two Loadings of Coales Shipd the 10th & 12th of July Inst. on Board of the Thomas & Eleanor of Whitby John Bernard Master and the Industry of Shields Edward Hodshon Master the former 64 & the latter 68 N’Castle Chalders amounting together to the Sum of £83.12.5d The Ships are both Saild and w

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 18 Jul 1742

To William Corbett Esqr Ravensworth Castle July 18th 1742 Sir This week being the Quarter Sessions held at Hexham for the County of Northumberland; one of us attended the presentation of the Royators [rioters] who Cutt down the Trees & Insulted the Bayliff Mr Bunting & his Assistants in detecting of them Six of the offenders were Indicted two of wch are gone off & the other four having Submited themselves to the Mercy of the Ben

Letter – Hugh Boag to Thomas Snow – 18 Jul 1742

To Messrs. Paltock & Snow Ravensworth Castle July 18th 1742 Sirs We Recd. yours and will in a little time Remitt you the Late Dr. Chamberlains Interest, We Realy forgot, it being hurry’d; but for the Future hope to be verry punctuall and begg you will give us a Line every Year when it is due I am for Mr Walton & Selfe Your very Hble. Servt. Hugh Boag

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 30 Jul 1742

To Wm. Corbett Esq. Ravensworth Castle July 30th 1742 Inclosed we send you our Cash Acct. for Last Month, the Ballance whereof in our hands is Two Hundred and Fifty one pounds fifteen shillings & Sixpence. We likewise Send you our Contingent Acct. ending then amounting to One pound two Shillings & Eleven pence, both which please to lay before the Board. We have agreed with Robt. Naisbitt, for building a Hind House at Scremmerston for t
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467