Newcastle March the 3d 1675/6
Mr Antho: All[a]ire
My last to you of feb 18th to w[hi]ch referres you, since none from you soe lesse to Inlardge upon I hope this will find <Master> Lecke arrived unto whome I pray deliver the Inclosed & I desire you to lett his Loadinge of Salt be of the very whitest that can be gott for money w[hi]ch I hope you will buy for mee accordingly & pray write Mr John Strother of Stockholme by the Vessell & accqua[i]nt him of the quantyty of Sa
Newcastle 3d March 1675/6
Mr Cha: & James Bankes
My last to you of the 18th feb: to w[hi]ch Refferrs you since have Rec[eive]d your kinde letter of the 18th past for w[hi]ch I give you my hearty thankes & without any further Complem[en]t I hope wee shall be better acquainted hereafter pray send forward the Inclosed And as my Sume as chardged upon you upon my account by Mr Strother, doe you chardge the value upon mee payable in any house In London, you may bee assured all honour
Newcastle March 3d 1675/6
Mr Wm Leck
I hope this will find you well gott to Rochell pray mind my advantidge, for I am like to bee a greate looser by the voyadge the London Marchant doth not please mee att all & I thinke I beinge soe Civill to you In every p[ar]ticular, you might have beene soe kinde to mee, as to have Chardged the account to Mr Nelthorpe & nott to have payd itt to my Father as you did, But more of that at Meetinge, I hope you will Indeavour to make mee amends & m
Newc March 7th (1675/6)
Mr Wm Peacock
My last the 3d of this Instant per post with the bills of Lading for 38 p[ieces] of Brandy & 3 tunns of Claritt & <> Tradells account for the same. they cost the <Frieght> I have p[ai]d here Comes to 11:17:2¼ which pray add to the proceed for your government, the wind is out of the way that he hath lain 8 dayes for a fair wind, I have shiped your fifty Kerseys & your lether in them a prohibited Com[modit]y which hat
That acquaintance wee had in the lifetime of Mr James Ware (my old friend and yours) hath emboldened mee to desire a kindnesse of yow. There is a proposal of marriage between my daughter and one Mr Robert Liddell whoe hath been about 6 yeares in Hamburgh and came about a yeare agoe from thence, he is Son to Sir Thomas Liddell of Ravensworth Castle neare Newcastle, a person who (as I am informed) yow very well know, and having noe acquaintance neare that place besides your selfe, am soe bol
Newcastle March the 10th 1675/6
Major Edward Allen
I have before mee yours of the 2d Thereby takes notice you are willinge To allow mee for Comissition w[ha]t I desired, the £70: 8: 6 I hope you have Rec[eive]d as also the £17 of Mr Hen: Nelthorpe pray now upon Receipt Call of him for 12d more w[hi]ch will cleare as I think, as to the p[ro]ceed of your Pease, w[hi]ch pray examine & if found right, may please To book the same accordingly noe Chap man for your Beanes appears – Goo
Newcastle March 10 1675/6
Mr Hen: Nelthorpe
Inclosed you have a Small Bill of £19: 12s w[hi]ch pray Receive & place to my Creditt
I hope you have payd Major Allen accordingly To my desire £17 pray the first time you see him pay him 12d more w[hi]ch will be in all £17: 1s w[hi]ch shall place to your Creditt, when I have advice from you of the paym[en]t thereof I am MB
Newcastle March 10th 1675/6
Mr Edw: Willett
My last to you was of the 3d March to w[hi]ch reffers you Since have Rec[eive]d yours of the 3d present w[i]th the good newse of Jno Fuller his Arrivall w[i]th my 200 peece of Leed, But I wonder & am sorry that you can nott give advice of the arrivall of Vessels as soone as others, for w[ha]t I writt in my last is true butt noe more of that for this time, I hope ere this come to hand, you will have sold my Leed, and remitted mee some money
Newcastle March 10th 1675/6
Mr Hum: Willett
My absence hath occasioned soe longe answer to yours of the <..> & 29 past, to w[hi]ch I shall now say In short that when ever I have any businesse In your place I shall make bold w[i]th you seeing you are pleased to accept of my Small Commission & shall shortly I thinke desire you to Ensure mee 5 or £600 upon that Vessell I formerly writt you of Butt shee is noe Engli[sh] Built Vessell, onely as free as any English Built Shipp
Newcastle March 10d 1675/6
Mr Walter Chaytor
My last to you of the 3d March To w[hi]ch reffers you since have Rec[eive]d yours of the 6th present w[i]th the good news of John Va[ug]hans safe Arrivall for w[hi]ch God be praysed – I hope ere this come to hand you will have disposed of my Leed & remitted mee some money upon that account I am MB
Newcastle March the 10th 1675/6
Mr Nich: Verlane
My last to you was of the 19 feb: To w[hi]ch refferrs you Since have Rec[eive]d yours of the 6th present Thereby takes notice you have sold 30 p[iece]s more of my Leed att 24 ½ s deducting 2 p[er] <%> for ready paym[en]t the price is badd enough, And for the deduction for ready money I never heard of soe much given In all my life, Butt w[ha]t you doe shall Content mee, Soe putt of the remaynder as soone as you meete w[i]th a good
Newcastle March 14th 1675/6
Mr Hum: Willett & Company
You cannott Immagine how much I thinke my selfe obliged unto you for your advice, of w[hi]ch I shall make best use I cann my selfe, But be confident I will nott Impartt the same to noe Man liveinge, for Some Reasons best knowne to my selfe soe to that p[ar]ticular shall say noe more then that I wish I may live to make you a Retaliatiion In some measure – Inclosed you have a Bill for £120 upon Mr Hen: Nelthorppe payable 4 d<
Mr Hen: Nelthorpp
I have before mee yours of the 9th present, w[hi]ch requiring little answer occasions brevity this serveing Cheifley to advise you that I have this day valued upon you one hundred & twenty pounds payable 4 d<ays> sight to Mr Hum: Willett, or order value of Jo: Heron Esqr w[hi]ch pray lett be discharged <p…> I am MB
London March 18 1675
I received yours of the 14 instant for which I returne yow my humble and hearty thanks. I am once more imboldened to give yow a further trouble in the same businesse, fearing that your speedinesse to answer my former letter (as I desired) might be a means to prevent your more strict enquiry into the pticulars of that businesse. Now as to the young man, his deportment and carriage at Hambrugh, I am well satisfied about from one Mr. Shepard, with whome he lived t
Newcastle March 18 1675/6
Honoured Sir
I have before mee yours of the 13 present & according to your desire Thereby have payd unto Mr Mathew Cape the Sume of £5: 17: 6 w[hi]ch have placed to your debtt & that you may be certayne of the paym[en]t Thereof I have desired Mr Cape to advise Eliza: Spence of his Receipt of the same, w[hi]ch I am confident will (this Post) bee done accordinge to your desire MB
Newcastle March 18 1675/6
Mr Tho: Finley
I have before mee yours of the 14th present w[hi]ch requires little answeringe & soe have less to Inlarge upon, tis very true Jno Eden was most part of this weeke att W Auckland & is not yett come home, when hee doth shall Speake w[i]th him, & advise you in due time, when wee both will bee at <Baswe>, soe desireinge to be remembered To all freinds w[i]th my love to your selfe I remayne MB
Newcastle March 18th 1675/6
Mr Hum: Willet
I writt you the 14th present & there withall Remitted you £120 since have Rec[eive]d yours of the same date, for w[hi]ch I doe most heartily thanke you, Though am exceedingly glad that it doth not prove my Nelthorpe, w[hi]ch is under a Cloud if It had, I had beene most undone this takeing all into consideration I am in a measure Sorry that I draw my Bill upon him for Some time before I was Indeaveringe to be hansomly cleare w[i]th him &
I perceive by your affectionate Letter of the 4th that you was pleased to come too often to see me at London, Mr. Rushworth did tell me a munday morning you was pleased to come to see me upon Sunday, I shall never need anybody to believe any thing when when you tell me it is soe, I respect and esteem Sr Will Blackett soe much. God willing I intend to goe to Barwick, some time next month, but I will stay there noe longer then to informe myself with the Deficiencies of the Garrison that I may
Newcastle March the 21st 75/6
I have before mee yours of the 3 present w[hi]ch requiring little answer have the less to enlarge upon, onely to desire you to send forward the Inclosed accordinge as itts desired wherein you will oblige MB
Newcastle March the 21st 1675/6
My last to you was of the 3 March To w[hi]ch referrs you Since have Rec[eive]d yours of the 12th past; w[hi]ch requireing little answer have the less att present to Inlardge upon, have onely to advise you that itt seemes your Freind Mr Sam: Souton Cannott as yett dispose of any Tarr & Pitch, hee nott knowinge whether hee will bee Concerned Therein this next yeare or nott Soe I am att a Stand, Butt however doe you offer to loade him w[i]th Daells [?Deal]
Newcastle March 21st 1675/6
Mr Wm Lecke
I writt you to Rochell w[hi]ch I hope came safe to your hands Since none from you, soe the less to Inlardge upon I have onely to Advise you, that I can p[ro]cure neither Pitch nor Tarr for you In respect that trade is Monopolized as you know very well & who will bee concerned therein this next yeare, as yett is uncertayne, Soe the business I <doe> wholy leave to your discression, nott doubting but you will Act in every p[ar]ticular to th
Newcastle March the 21st 1675/6
Mr Samuell Sowton
I have before mee yours of the 1<2>th present & accordinge to your desire did deliver the Inclosed unto my Cousin Wm Blackett w[i]th my owne hands, who said little butt that he onely desired answer from you to his of the 14th present – [struck out: from you to his] for answer To the Remaynder of your letter, I doe thanke you for your kinde <proffer>, butt the little profitt that will accreu [accrue] thereby Considering your
Newcastle March the 21st 1675/6
Mr Hen Nelthorpe
I writt you the 14th past & therewithall chardged upon you a Bill for £120 since none from you soe the less to Inlarge upon this being Cheifely to advise you that if any Bill bee nott payd before the Receipt hereof, nott to pay the same att all, for Esquire Heran hath given me to Content for to Order the non paym[e]nt thereof & I beleeve Mr Willett last Post had order nott to Re<ceive> the same, w[hi]ch I hope hee did acqua
I give you many thanks for yours of the 17th and for your kind invitation to your House. I take it very kindly but I desire your pardon for I am resolved to lodg at an Inn, and stay but one night in Newcastle. I hope I shall see you in very good health, I am trult
Your most faithfull servt
Wellbeck March the 24th 1675
March the 25th (1676)
Mr Wm Peacoke
Sr Yours of the 23 of March came to safe hand I hope Mr Joseph Panell hath sent you your Skins, sent per Thos Richdson who d[elivere]d them to Mr Fitts your Friend. I have ordered Mr Rudd to send with Skins he can gett for you[.] here is now Three & halph doz of Skins which with fifty Kerseys shall ship next week for Rotterdam & a <serge> Mr Krals ordered consigne them to Mr Fitts per your acct. I hope you <received> your Kerseys