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Letter – Nicholas Walton to John King – 15 Feb 1743

To Mr King.             Ravenswth Castle February 15 1742 Mr King We have fixd the days for holding the Courts at Keswick. & Thornthwate the 6 & 7 of April next being Wednesday & Thand in Easter of which we have wrote Mr Pearson to whom you will send precepts to give Notice Accordingly & let us know that you have done so   Youll oblige Yours etc Walton & Boag PS We have reced your Bill & will return you the overplus at Maling

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Thomas Simpson – 15 Feb 1743

Mr Simpson.                     Ravensworth Castle Feb 15 1742/3 Dear Sir We reced yours with the State of the Case as to damages to be paid the Tennants for Working the Mines etc which will Ans our purpose.  We have a Letter from Mr Pearson acquainting us that a high Road usually repaired by the Division of Castlerigg now put upon the Inhabitants of Keswick as being the Kings high Road leading from Ravenglass to Penrith.  We have orderd him to wait upon you & Sta

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Richard Horne – 15 Feb 1743

To Mr Horne. Rav Castle February 15 1742 Sir We have made out an Acct of what money we have reced for Leases & Tack Notes, but we find we Cannot compleat it so as to send you & Mr Radley Your Share till we know what Charges there is upon the Tack Notes. We apprehend what is rece by Mr Radley for the Hospitals part ought to Come into the Acct & he to be paid for Ingressing both you will therefore be so good as Consider it & then talk with him u

Letter – Hugh Boag to Richard Richardson – 25 Feb 1743

To Mr Richardson of Netherwitton. Ravensworth Castle 25th Feb 1742 Sir We have reced an Order from the Commissioners to deliver the Goods in Dilston Hall to Such Persons as are legally Empowered to demand the same upon the producing a Letter of Attorney for the Pticular purpose. When you gett this Letter of Attorney Shall deliver Such as we are Ordered. I am for Mr Walton and Self. Sir Your Hble Servt Hugh Boag

Letter – Hugh Boag to John Maule – 25 Feb 1743

To Mr John Maul at Greenwich. Ravensworth Castle 25th Feb 1742/3 Dear Sir As I think you have had no answer about our finding Lady Cath Radcliffes Annuity Recet given by Mr Strickland dated the 25th of Nov 1741 I thought it proper to take notice to you that by this time Mr Walton will be at London on Some other Accts distinct from the Hospitals Affaires will Enquire dilligently of Mr Skutt who pd it where it Can be and if it Cannot be found he will Endeavour a

Letter – Hugh Boag to James Wood – 1 Mar 1743

To Mr Jas Wood. Ravensworth Castle 1st March 1742/3 Sir Inclosed is a bill on Samuel Child Esq & Compa for one Thousand pounds dated 26 February last payable in 28 days on Acct of the Rents of the Derwentwater Estates please Acknowledge the Recet of it by return of the Post. I hope to send you bills for about £600 more next Post. My Ptner Mr Walton being now in Town. I hope ere this he ehas paid his Complimts to you & all friends at Greenwich

Letter – Hugh Boag to William Corbett – 1 Mar 1743

To William Corbett Esq. Ravensworth Castle March 1st 1742/3 Sir I reced the Boards Orders of the 23d February last and shall duly observe them. Inclosed is the draught of Lorbottle Tyth Lease, Throckley Mill Lease, Graymare Colliery Lease, Hartside Colliery Lease & Dilston hall & Gardens to the Several Persons Confirmd for them for the Boards approbation before they be Ingrossd & as Mr Walton is in Town he will assist in Settling them. I ha

Letter – Thomas Browne to Samuel Sandip – 1 Mar 1743

Hillary term in the 16th Year of the Reign of King George the 2nd To the Right Honble Sam. Sandip Esq Chancellor and under Treasurer of his Majesty’s Court of Exchequer at Westminster Sir Thomas Parker Sen Lord Chief Baron of the same Court & to the Barons there in Northumberland. Humbly Complaining sheweth unto your Honours your Or[at]ors Sir John Webb of great Crawford in the County of Dorset Bart Surviving Ex[ecutor] of the last will and Testa

Letter – Hugh Boag to James Wood – 4 Mar 1743

To Mr Jas Wood Ravensworth Castle March 4 1742/3 Sir Inclosed you have a bill on Mr Benjamin Skutt at 25 days date for Six hundred Pounds on Acct of the Rents of the Derwentwater Estate, please to Acknowledge the Recet of the Bill by return of the Poste and you’ll oblige Sir Your Hble Servt Hugh Boag Ravensworth Castle March 4 1742/3. £600 Sir Twenty Eight days after date pray pay unto Mr Hugh Boag or his Order Six hundred po

Letter – Hugh Boag to William Corbett – 4 Mar 1743

To Wm Corbett Esq Ravensworth Castle March 4 1742/3 Sir Inclosed is our Cash Acct for last Month by which please to observe there is a ballance due from us at the End of the Month of £1727.16.7 Since which as I advised last <> I sent Mr Wood a Bill for £1000 & this day have Sent him another for £600 - which will reduce the Ballance verry low. I am for Ptner & Self Sir. Your Verry Hbl Servt Hugh Boag

Letter – George Grey to William Corbett – 7 Mar 1743

?The Tennants of the manor of Aldstone Moore in the County of Cumberland formerly hold their Estates as Customary or Tenantright Estates descendable from Ancestor to Heir upon payment of Small yearly Rents and of Certain Fines or Grasom to the Lord upon Change of Lord by Death and upon Change of Tenant by death or alienation.  In King James the 1st Time the Tennants agreed to surrender their Customary Intrest in their Estates and accept Leases thereof for 1000Years at their old year by Re

Letter – Hugh Boag to Abraham Bunting – 14 Mar 1743

To Mr Bunting. Ravensworth Castle 14 March 1742/3 I am sorry that Mr Gee and his friends does not still take Care to pay the Rent. Saturday last was the last day they took & Still they do not Come near me, however Stay till you hear from me again before you distrain. Mr Anesley has Wrote me that his Tennant at Low hall wants 60 Fother of Limestones for Lowhall. I have Wrote him he is welcome if it does not interfere with the Tennant to occasion a C

Letter – Hugh Boag to Shaftoe Downs – 14 Mar 1743

To Mr Downs. Ravensworth Castle 14 March 1742/3 Sir I am ashamd of not answering your first Letter about Dixons Bond but I have been in the North & other <entrides> has prevented me besides Mr Walton is not now at home & as it’s to be a Joynt affidavit must refer it till he Comes home who I expect Saturday if not Sooner. You may depend we will not trust him any Longer. I <>cannot say I am any way Surprized at Philip Larkins answer

Letter – Hugh Boag to John Strangeways – 14 Mar 1743

To Mr Strangeways at Cheswick near Berwick. Ravensworth Castle March 14 1742/3 Sir Mr Ancrum did not come near me at Whittingham nor none of his Partners so cannot say any thing more about this charging you unreasonably for the Wayleave than what was talked at Whittingham but one or both of us propose to be at Scremerston and Berwick in about a Month or less and then hope to see you. I am for Mr Walton & Self Sir Your very Hble Servt Hugh

Letter – Hugh Boag to James Wood – 15 Mar 1743

To Mr Jas Wood Ravensworth Castle 15 Mar 1742/3 Sir Inclosed is a bill on Samuel Child Esq & Company dated this day payable at 28 days for £800 - on Acct of the Rents Issues & Profitts of the Derwentwater Estate the Recet of Which please to Acknowledge only the Return of the Post as you did last for those Sent. I am for Mr Walton & Self Sir Yours etc Hugh Boag My Service to all friends at Greenwich. No. 114.

Letter – Hugh Boag to William Corbett – 15 Mar 1743

To Wm Corbett Esq. Ravensworth Castle March 15 1742/3 Sir I had an Acct last night from Dilston that on Saturday the 12 Inst Seven of the Tennants those were Servd with <Or ….> Supeneas [sub poenas] (by Mr Robt Bulman Attorney at Law in Morpeth) at the Sute of Sir John Webb Bart return<bl> by the 20th of April Next also he has servd David Brown Father to one of the Tennants but is not Tennant himself & one Nichs Stokoe who <I take> is on

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Richard Horne – 20 Mar 1743

To Mr Rich Horne. Ravensworth Castle March 20th 1743 Dear Sir I Reced your kind favour the Morning I came out of London & being then obliged to attend Sir Henry Liddell till after Board time. I could not possibly wait upon Mr Corbett and you to obviate the difficulty which Mr Ellicks apprehended in our Collecting the Monthly Bill at Newcastle. I was likewise willing to see my Ptner Mr Boag before I gave you any answer in this way, for as Mr Ellicks had be

Letter – Hugh Boag to James Wood – 25 Mar 1743

To Mr James Wood. Rav. Castle. Mar 25 1743 Sir Above [below] is Mr Waltons Bill for £214.15.3 1/4 (the amount of your Debentures sent me ) on Mr Benjamin Skutt payable in the days which I hope youll receive safe. Mr Mountainey the Collector at South Shields did but pay it till yesterday. I am for Mr Walton & Self Yours etc Hugh Boag PS Advise us of the Recet of this. Ravensworth Castle Mar 25 1743 Dear Sir Four

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 29 Mar 1743

To Wm Corbett Esq. Ravensworth Castle March 29 1743 Sir You letter comes to hand in Course dated the 22nd Inst for which we think ourselves greatly obliged to you & beg leave to give you the following answer thereto. The Recers of the Sixpence P Month from Seamen must undoubtedly sitt at the Customhouse Board at Newcastle for the Convenience of Masters of Ships who come to Clear there, but tho we should be appointed Recers yet we apprehend it may be Collec

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Armorer – 29 Mar 1743

To M Wm Armorer Jun Ravensworth Castle March 29 1743 Sir Your Letter without date came to hand offering £120 for Tennants Cottage on a Lease for 21 Years Including the Limestone Quarry to be free at the End of every 7 Years in answer to which the Limestone Quarry must not be Lett with a Colliery so that we woud be glad to know the utmost you will give for the Colliery without having any regard to any advantage from the Limestone Quarrys. We are so farr from being unw

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Francis Woodhouse – 8 Apr 1743

To Mr Francis Woodhouse Ravensworth Castle Ap 8th 1743 Dear Sir My Partner Mr Boag is abroad but before he went from home we were favoured with yours of the 31st March last which brought us your Queries there Recd from Mr Johnson, John Swinburne, Edward Winship: which I could not get ready to give you my answer Sooner then this Post. But before I doe most Sincerely tell you I am heartily concerned to hear of your Indisposition, and more pticularly

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Benjamin Skutt – 8 Apr 1743

To Mr Ben Skutt. Ravensworth Castle April 8 1743 Dear Sir Our new aud[ito]r of the Derwentwater Acct thinks it necessary to have our Commission Entered in his Office & therefore has desired it may be sent to Town for that purpose. I have therefore post’d it to Sir Henry after packing it under cover directed for you this post & desire you will on Recet hereof gett it of Sir Henry if he is in Town or if he is not that you will take of the Cover as

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 12 Apr 1743

To William Corbett Esq. Ravensworth Castle April 12th 1743 Dear Sir As above [below] you have all the proposalls we have had for Scremerston Coll.y. Except one from Mr Stokoe which being only Sixty pounds is not taken Notice of as also that made by Mr Rutter to you. And unless you have had any other proposall we think the Colliery shd. be Confirmed to Mr Armorer who is the best bidder & a verry able man. You will please to observe that as Mayday is a

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 12 Apr 1743

To William Corbett Esq. Ravensworth Castle April 12 1743 Sir We were favourd with your kind Letter of the 7 Inst & are greatly obliged to you for the trouble you have had in your application to Mr Alix on our Acct as we are to him for the friendly Assurances he has given you to doe us Service when the Vacancee Shall happen. The method he points out to us is to be sure a verry good one especially for the Reasons he gives & we will take Care to peruse it bu

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Richard Horne – 12 Apr 1743

To Mr Rich Horn. Ravensworth Castle Apr 12 1743 Sir We were favoured with your kind Letter of the 7 Inst & we are verry much obliged to you for the application you have made to Mr Alix on our Acct & we are also much obliged to him for the friendly assurance he has given you to doe us Service when a Vacancie shall happen. The method he points out to us is to be sure a verry good one Especially for the reasons he gives & we will take what we Ca
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467