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Letter – Walter Blackett to Joseph Richmond – 15 Jun 1754

Sunday morn: 15th June 1754 Sir I have just received two letters from you, one giving me an account of great satisfaction to me relating to Walker Colliery not having received any letter from The Mayor or any notice of it before. The other is relating to the £1200, which I desire you will pay to the Corporation as desired. The Pine apples which you say are to arrive at Calverley on Wednesday I have ordered to be sent after me to London. On the 14th day of July or the 21st at far

Deed – James Creed – 9 Oct 1754

To all Christian People, to whom the presents shall come We Sir James Creed Knight Peter Burrell, William Baxter, Thos Ripley Esqr Doctr David Cockburne Jams Spilman Wm Allix William Young Esqr & John Savary Esqr Nine of the Commissioners or Governors & Diretors of the Royall Hospital for Seaman at Greenwich Send Greeting Whereas by an Act of Parliament made and Passede in the twenty second year of his present Majestys Reign Intituled an Act for Vesting the several Estates of James late

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 1 Nov 1754

To Sir W.Blackett Bt MP. at Calverley near Bradford, Yorkshire Newcastle 1st November 1754 Hon Sir Mr Stewart's wine is packed up, & will be sent him by the first ship th[a]t sails; there is just 19 dozn & a half of it. I have herewith inclosd his Lre, & also a copy of the petition to parliament for a bill to divide Hexham comon & under another cover have sent the Bill. I communicated that part of your Lre relating to Mr Fawcet to both Mr Peareth & Mr Simpso

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 8 Nov 1754

To Sir W.Blackett Bt. MP. to the care of the Postmaster at Ferrybridge 8 Nov 1754 Hon Sir The hhd [hogshead] of Claret, wch you ordered to be returned to Mr Stewart, cannot be sent back to London without a deal of difficulty at the Custom house here & every Hazard of having it stopd by the Officers in London, for by some Mistake when it was first down here in March 1753 a Sufference was taken out for it at the Custom house in London as a hhd [hogshead] of Port Wine & the proper of

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Ann Gunter – 8 Nov 1754

To Mrs Ann Gunter in Henrietta Street, Covent Garden, London 8 Nov 1754 Mad[a]m, Recd your Lre of the 26th past & have got the £5.9.0 of Miss Rutter; for wch I send you herewith a bill on Mr Chr. Denton. My family join in Complim[e]nts to Mr Gunter and yourself and Miss Fenwick with Mad[a]m Y[ou]r etc. JR Newcastle 8 Nov 1754 £5.9.0 Sir Ten days after date pay Mrs Ann Gunter or Order five pounds nine shillings value recd of Miss Rutter & place it to acct of Sr

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Christopher Denton – 8 Nov 1754

To Mr Chr. Denton at his Chambers, No.8 in Grays Inn London 8 Nov 1754 Dr Sr I have drawn a bill on you today for £5.9.0 payable to Mrs Gunter or Order 10 days after date, wch I desire you will pay and place to my acct. I hope this will find you well in London, wch I shall be glad to hear & within my Complim[en]ts to Mrs Denton. I am D[ea]r S[i]r Y[ou]r mo[st] h[um]ble Serv[an]t JR

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Edward Blackett – 11 Nov 1754

To Sir Edwd.Blackett Bt. at Hexham 11th Nov 1754 Sir I believe there are some of the Winlaton Farms capable of a very considerable advance; if you will therefore be pleased to give Mr Hudson directions on this head I will meet him at any time, the sooner the better, to consider how to Let them to the best advantage against Mayday next. I wish you many happy returns of this Day I am Sr etc JR

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Christopher Denton – 12 Nov 1754

To Mr Denton Greys Inn London 12 Nov 1754 Dr Sr I enclose you herewith my acct of West Kenton Rents for the yearended at Mayday last, with 3 vouchers for the payments I have made this year for Land Tax & S[i]r Arthr.Hazlerig's Rent, & you will receive by this post under another cover 13 vouchers for the payment of the ballance of my last acct ending Mayd[ay] 1753 excepting Medfordd Bakers proportion of 16.5.0, wch was respited till further order, & is now included in the

Letters – Joseph Richmond to John Peart – 16 Nov 1754

To Mr Jno.Peart at Newhouse 16th Nov 1754 Sir Mr Errington has been w[i]th me about selling us their Oar at Rispy for which he asks £3.12.0 a Bing, which I think too high as the prece of Lead seems to be on the decline & nobody offers now above £17.5.0 a Fo[ther] & if we have a quarrel with the French, which is very likely, it may fall in 7 or 8 months to £12 of £13 a Fo[ther], however when you have an opportunity I desire you will talk with Jno.Harrison about it and let me hav

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Christopher Denton – 19 Nov 1754

To Mr Chr. Denton London 19 Nov 1754 I recd yo[u]r Lre of the 12 & yesterday I made a demand on Mr Beaumont at his house at W.Denton for the arrears of the Wayleave Rent thro W.Kenton amounting to £900 due at Mayday last, wch he refused to pay, on wch my son who went with me servd him with a Copy of the Notice of Motion & inclo.d you have his & my affid[avi]ts thereof. Mr Beaumont seemd greatly affected w[i]th this unexpected demand & s[ai]d if he was pushd he must run the C

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 19 Nov 1754

To Sir Walter Blackett Bt in Curzon Street 19th Nov 1754 Hon Sir As there is now only between 3 & 4 years to go in the Dean & Chapters Lease of Jarrow Colliery, I am pretty well assured they will let it into other hands if no Agreement is made with them in 8 or 9 months time, for after 18 years of the 21 are expired, they look upon themselves discharged from any Obligation of further Treaty with their old Tenants. You know all the Circumstances that attend this Affair, & I ment

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Christopher Denton – 24 Nov 1754

To Mr Chris.Denton in Grays Inn, London 24 Nov 1754 Dr Sr Mr Beaumont was with me yesterday, & says Mr John Richardson wrote to his Agent last post, to appear to the motion, in order to get Proceedings stopd till next Term, within wch time he hopes matters may be compromisd. I askd him if he would make any Proposal towards a Accomodation, & I would acquaint the Parties therewith, he seemd afraid to mention any sum, & said when I was authorisd to treat with him he would then tel

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Christopher Denton – 26 Nov 1754

To Mr Chris.Denton in Greys Inn 26 Nov 1754 D[ea]r S[i]r Above you receive Sam.Burns bill on Thos.Burn for one hundred & thirty five Pounds, w[hi]ch I desire you will place to my Accts & advise the receipt of. I am etc JR To Mr Thos.Burn at the corner of Mercers Court, Tower Street London £135 Berwick 16 November 1754 Twenty days after date pay to Mr Joseph Richmond or Order One hundred & thirty five Pounds, Value received, & place the same to Account

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 28 Nov 1754

To S[ir] W.Blackett Bt. MP. London 28 Nov 1754 Hon[oure]d Sir When the Hhd [hogshead] of Claret you had of Mr Stewart was sent down hither there was no affid[avit] made ab[ou]t it neither did you pay anything on that occasion. All the Mistake is it came here by a Custom house dispatch as Port Wine & now when we want to return it to London, it is necessary to have refference to the time & ship it came down in & to make affid[avit], that it is the same wine; but the Collec[to]r

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Plumb & Browne – 28 Nov 1754

28 Nov 1754 Sent Messrs Plumbe & Browne their Accts & desired if they found them right to return me one part signed by them, I having signed the other JR

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Christopher Denton – 1 Dec 1754

To Mr Chris. Denton in Greys Inn London 1st December 1754 Sir Thos.Allan's term in Blakelaw farm at W.Kenton will expire at Mayday next & he has been w[i]th me today to know whether he is then to remove or may continue another y[ea]r to w[hi]ch I c[oul]d give him no ans[wer], but I think it incumb[en]t upon me to acquaint you therew[i]th, for if he is to remove it is reasonable he sh[oul]d know it & if he is to continue another y[ea]r he ought to be restrained by a proper Art

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Edward Blackett – 3 Dec 1754

To Edwd.Blackett Esq in Lincolns Inn Fields London 3 Dec 1754 Sir I have heard nothing from Mathw.Rennison since he was with you at Dukesfield, therefore conclude he has got in all the Lead & sent you the Ticket. I would have your pay fixd for Thursday the 19th instant & desire you will give Notice accordingly, & that you will rec eive the money here on Tuesday the 17th. I shall be glad to have the accts paybill & rental as much before that time as you possibly can, that I

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Christopher Denton – 6 Dec 1754

To Mr Chris.Denton, Grays Inn London 6th Dec 1754 D[ea]r S[i]r Mr Beaumont & Mr Richardson have been with me today, & desire me to write you That if the parties will agree to take £500 & give him up the Wayleave Lease & general Released when the money is all paid, he will pay £100 down & the other £400 in quarterly payments; so that the whole shall be paid in 12 months; but to pay all the money at one time is what he cannot do without the greatest difficulty upon hi

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Edward Stewart – 6 Dec 1754

Ravensworth Castle Dec 6th:1754 Sir We have together look’d over the Cases as to Mr Allgoods Claim & think it verry properly drawn; but there is a mistake in Saying the Lord of Wark has no Lands within the Mannor, as this Mannor Comprehends a verry large Tract in which the Hospital have a large estate Viz. The Barrony of Langley we apprehend is within the Mannor, Woodhall Ellrington &c but it is true the Lord has no Estates near the disputed Common or any thing within many Miles of

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Isaac Hunter – 8 Dec 1754

To Mr Isaac Hunter at Dukesfield 8 Dec 1754 Sir You herewith receive Rennisons tickett for the Lead recd at Blaydon by w[hi]ch you will find that there are 4 P[iece]s short of Dukesfield Lead, 20 P[iece]s short of Allenheads Lead & 1 P[iece] short of Lintzgarth Lead. Jno.Harrison has not been at Blaydon this y[ea]r to compare accts as usual; but I believe we shall fix the P[iece]s wanting f[ro]m Lintgarth upon Jno. Maughan . As for the Allenh[ea]ds & Dukesf[iel]d Carriers I shall

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Christopher Denton – 13 Dec 1754

To Mr Chr.Denton Grays Inn London 13 Dec 1754 D[ea]r S[i]r I desire you will pay Mr Edmd.Wiseman £23.15.0 when he calls for it & let him sign the inclosed rect. for the money & place it to my acct. I have shipd in the Duke of Cornwal, Suggit Ma[ste]r, 84 P[ages] of Walling[ton] Leases directed for you, w[hi]ch I desire you will send to be stampd & return to me when done, the sooner the better. You must place the Expence to Sr Wm's acct. My son joyns in Comp[lemen]ts

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 14 Dec 1754

To Sir Wa.Blackett Bt. MP. at his house in Curzon Street London 14th Dec 1754 Hon[oure]d Sir As Mr Liddel's ballast vessels occasiond a great deduction f[ro]m the Income of Mr Hall the late deputy water bailiff he gave the Corporation notice abo[ut] a month ago, that he wo[ul]d give up his place & according to the late regulation he has been paid 666.13.4 being 5/6 of £800 th[a]t he p[ai]d for it. Under the present situation of affairs nobody will chuse to purchase it therefore

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Thomas Stevens – 14 Dec 1754

To Mr Thos. Stevens (inclosed under cover to Sr Wm.Blacket) 14 Dec 1754 Sir I recd y[ou]r Lre inclosing the Key of my Lady's Bureau w[hi]ch I here return you, & under another Cover directed for Sr Wm. you will receive, I hope, the key th[a]t her Ladys[hi]p wants in London, Mrs Mary assures me th[a]t it is the right one. I will send up the breakfast Knives & Forks & the small Coppers next week by the Carrier as you desire, but if the Coppers are not sent back hither you

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Christopher Denton – 20 Dec 1754

To Mr Chris.Denton Grays Inn London Newca[stle] 20th Dec 1754 D[ea]r S[i]r On looking over your acct I find you will not have money in your hands to pay Lady Mansel's Ann[uit]y due 10th Oct Last; have therefore here inclosd you two Bank Bills for £100 Each (as above) w[hi]ch I desire you will place to my Acct. & advise the rec[eip]t of. My son has p[ai]d me a Guinea, he has rec[iev]ed for Mr Grey's Comission, w[hi]ch I have plac[e]d to your Acct & am etc JR

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 24 Dec 1754

To Sir Wm.Blackett Bt.MP. in Curzon Street London 24 Dec 1754 Hon'd Sir I have herewith inclosed six bills for £1203.10.2, w[hi]ch I desire you will be pleased to advise the receipt of. Mr Mayor send you his Complim[ent]s & says your giving yourself the trouble of coming down at the Guild, w[hi]ch will be 20 January, is quite unnecessary, he does not imagine there will be any manner of disturbance, but if any of those troublesome fellows sho[ul]d offer to interrupt business,
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467