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Letters – Joseph Richmond to Christopher Denton – 3 Dec 1756

To Mr Chris. Denton in Greys Inn London 3 Dec 1756 Dr Sir I have this day rec[eiv]ed of Mr John Gordon £45.4.6 for his promisory note to you & placed it to your acct. My son John rec[eiv]ed, by Express, this morning the Deeds relating to Hylton & Kenton Estates & is gone to Wallington to get Sir Wr. Blackett to execute those relating to Hylton; But before he attend the L[or]d Chief Baron, the Lre of Attorney & Mr Ord of Fenhams receipt thereon for £2407.15.1, wch I sent t

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Richard Wilson – 7 Dec 1756

To Mr Richd. Wilson Esq. at Leeds 7 Dec 1756 Sir I rec[eive]d yo[u]r Lres of the 1st & 4th inst & have p[ai]d Mr Ord the £92.17.6 & taken his receipt for it as being the remainder & in full of his proportion of the purchase money for Kenton. As to this Estate, it is certainly capable of very great improvem[en]t & in my opinion may with the prudent laying out of about £1500 be in time advanced £200 a y[ea]r. But what method is most proper to be taken, must be well c

Letters – Joseph Richmond to John Peart – 8 Dec 1756

To Mr John Peart at Newhouse 8 Dec 1756 Sir Last Post I received advice that my bill for the following stoppages from the miners is paid, so you may pay their Relations the money, & I will repay you when you come to Town, or you may send me a Receipt for it by the carrier if you rather chuse it as on the other side. Whitf[iel]d Gardiner has been with me & received his money himself, for he said his Mother dod not want it, & desired him to take it as he was in want of money to c

Letters – Joseph Richmond to James Cockburn – 17 Dec 1756

To James Cockburn Esq. at the Office of Ordnance in the Tower of London 17 Dec 1756 Sir Mr Forman writes me in his Lre of the 19th ult. that the Miners desire no more money may be stop'd f[ro]m them after the 30 Nov. I send this to desire you will please to pay them their full money for the Month of Nov. for I shall not draw on you for the 36s stoppages for that month. I am etc JR

Witness Deposition – George Emerson – 22 Dec 1756

George Emerson of Newcastle upon Tyne Cheesemonger Aged Fifty years and upwards being sworn and Examined by Virtue of an order of this Honourable Court made made in this Cause bearing date the Seventh day of July last past Deposeth as follows To the first Interrogatory saith he hath seen the Complainant William Pantoune and knows the Defendants Robert Loraine and George Marshall and has so known them respectively for some years last past To the second Interrogatory saith he did kno

Witness Deposition – Thomas Hall – 22 Dec 1756

Thomas Hall of the Town and County of Newcastle upon Tyne Tallow Chandler Aged Fifty Four years and upwards being Sworn and Examined by Vertue of an Order of the Honourable Court made in this Cause bearing date the Seventh day of July last past Deposeth as follows To the first Interrogatory saith he hath seen the Complainant William Pantoune and knows the Defendants Robert Loraine and George Marshall and has so known for some Time last past To the Second Interrogatory this Deponent sa

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Christopher Denton – 24 Dec 1756

To Mr Chris. denton Grays Inn London Newcastle 24th Dec 1756 Dr Sir I rec[eive]d yo[u]r Lre of the 18th ( with the vouchers I sent you up to my W.Kenton Accts) acquainting me my S[outh] S[ea] Annuities were sold for £439.17.0 wch I have made yo[u]r acct D[ebito]r for. Last night I rec[eiv]ed a Lre f[ro]m Jacky th[a]t the Chief Baron refused to sign the Kenton deeds, for reason he says he has given you by this post. On tuesday senight he wrote to Mr Holme at carlisle by Messrs Scurfie

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Daniel Lascelles – 28 Dec 1756

To Danl. Lascelles Esq MP. in Mincing Lane London Newcastle 28 Dec 1756 Sir Inclosed is Messrs Peareth & Sorsbies on Messrs Stainbank & Freeman for seven hundred and thirty Pounds eighteen shillings to discharge half a years intrest of £41765.17.10 (remaining on Sir Walter Blacketts mortgage) due the 13th August last, which I desire you will place to acct. accordingly, & that you will please to advise me on your Receipt hereof. I am etc JR To Messrs Stainbank &

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Christopher Denton – 28 Dec 1756

To Mr Chris. Denton Grays Inn London Newcastle 28 Dec 1756 Dr Sir, Inclosed is Watson & Mosleys bill on Messrs Guinand for £200 wch I desire you will place to my acct & advise the receipt of; & when Lady Mansel calls for her 1/2 y[ea]rs ann[ui]ty due 10th Oct I desire you will pay it & send me her receipt. I am glad you are like to get forward so well with Sr.Wrs. petition. I shall send you the particulars of the charges attending the division of Gunnerton Hexham &

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Richard Ellis – 28 Dec 1756

To Mr Richd. Ellis at Hexham Mewcastle 28 DEc 1756 Sir Sir Wr. Blackett orders me to desire you will give twenty pounds to the poor house keepers in Hexham & place it to his Acct. And you are to advise with the Clergy Churchwardens Mr Roberts & Dr Rotheram as to the distribution thereof. With the Complim[en]ts of the Season I am etc JR

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Plumb & Brown – 2 Jan 1757

1757 Jan 21 This day advised Messrs Plumbe & Browne of two bills drawn on them the 19th inst payable to Lady Blackett or Order at 20 d [days] , the one for £24.16.6 & the other for £24.18.6, and also of a p[iec]e of Silver w[eigh]t 609 Oz sent them this day by John James the Lond[o]n Carrier JR

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Christopher Denton – 4 Jan 1757

To Mr Chris. Denton Grays Inn London 4 Jan 1757 Dr Sir Inclosed is Edwd. Harrison's Bond wch I desire you will advise the receipt of & wish you may make anything. No letter is come f[ro]m Mr Holme so that Jacky will send all the Deeds away be [sic] the Carrier on friday agreable to yo[u]r directions. I have rec[eiv]ed all the vouchers for the ball[an]ce of my W.Kenton Acct except for Jane Randolph's £19.4.0 but I want a copy of Ma[ste]r Elds report dated 17 Dec. There

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Christopher Denton – 11 Jan 1757

To Mr Chris. Denton Grays Inn London Newcastle 11 Jan 1757 Dr Sr My son John wrote you last post, that on fryday last he sent away the deeds by Fryer Todd the London Carrier in a Box directed to you, wch I hope will come safe to hand; & Inclosed I send you the Chief Barons Letter of Attorney & Mr Ords Receipts for £2500.12.7 wch I desire you will advise receipt of. I also inclose you a dra[ugh]t of an Affid[avi]t to be made by me in pursuance of yo[u]r lre [lertter] of the 1s

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Esther Allgood – 16 Jan 1757

To Mrs Allgood at Rideing to be left at Mr Winship's in Corbridge 16 Jan 1757 Madam The Corpora[tio]n of Newcastle are applying to Parliam[en]t for an Act to oblige all Butter Buyers to bring it to the Cross in order to be weighed & examined, wch is likely to meet with some opposition, tho the same is apprehended to be for the public benefit. I am ordered by Sr.Wr.Blackett to make you his Complim[en]ts & to desire if you have any old papers or Mem[oran]dms relating to the Butt

Letter – Walter Blackett to Joseph Richmond – 18 Jan 1757

You are to continue to pay the Revd. Mr Dawson & Mr John Cross forty pounds a year to each in half yearly Payments, you are to pay the Revd. Mr Wm Armstrong twenty Guineas a year for five years in half yearly Payments towards the Education of his Son, You must also pay Mr. Wm. Ward of Morpeth any Sum not exceeding Seventy Pounds towards repairing the Elsden Turnpike, & the Treasurer of the Carlisle Road any sum he shall ask for, not exceeding two hundred Pounds to repair & finish the

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Richard Harrison – 18 Jan 1757

To Mr Richd. harrison at Coalcleugh 18 Jan 1757 Sir The dispute about the boundary between the Manor of Hexham & the Manor of Whitfield is to be refered this summer to the determination of two Gent[leme]n here. So that we shall want all the best Evidence can be got to prove our bounder. The most material thing that we want to prove is, that the three Manors of Alston, Whitfield & Hexham all join at the long Cross, wch all the old Evidence were very clear in; But Mr Ord I take it

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Christopher Denton – 25 Jan 1757

To Mr Chris. Denton in Grays Inn London Newcastle 25 Jan 1757 Dear Sir I rec[eiv]ed your [letter] of the 20th inst; & the receipt therew[i]th sent me for the £22.14.4 is very sufficient; But I still want the rec[eip]t for Jane Randolphs £19.4.0 Mr Chris. Blackett will set forward for London on Saturday next on horseback; & by him I shall send you as follows Mr Stansfields Mortgage deed for £20000 Sr.W[illia]m.Blacketts bond to Edwd. Ord & the

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 22 Feb 1757

To Sr.Wr. Blackett Bt. MP. at his house in Curzon Street London 22 Feb 1757 Hon Sir The Cart with broad wheels wch you ordered to be made by Mr Chas. Steward, he says cannot be finished in less than ten days; when it is done shall make the experim[en]t you direct & acquaint you with our observations upon it. But f[ro]m all the informations I can gather f[ro]m the most judicious persons in the matter, broad wheels 4 inches or 41/2 inches will be no further hards[hi]p on persons leading

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 25 Feb 1757

To Sir Wr. Blackett Bt. MP. London 25 Feb 1757 Hon Sir I am informed th[a]t L[or]d Carlisle hs ordered Mr Nowel to acquaint the tenants of the late Mrs Windsors Estate at benton that he expects they will pay their rents to him as L[or]d of the Manor & th[a]t he will indemnify them ag[ain]st all other Claimants; If his Lords[hi]ps pretensions are well founded; the question is, whether you have not as good a title to the Estate at Kirkheaton, where you have the coll[ie]ry reserved; but w

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Thomas Street – 1 Mar 1757

To Mr Thos. Street Confectioner in Old Bond Street London Newcastle 1 March 1757 Sir Inclosed is an acco[un]t of what Sweetmeats Sr.Wr.Blackett will want to be here by the last of this Month; wch I therefore desire you will forward in time by the Carrier & give me Notice when they are sent away. The bills for sweetmeats sent hither at Xmas last come to £29.11.3 You may put those then sent, & these now ordered into one bill & give it to Sr. Wr. who will order it to be paid. I

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Wiliam Dawson – 8 Mar 1757

To The Rev[eren]d Mr Willm. Dawson at Yaxley to be left at Mr Palmer's Surgeon in Stilton Huntingdonshire Newcastle 8 March 1757 Sir I rec[eiv]ed your Lre of the 23rd past, & agreable thereto I send you inclosed my Bill on Messrs Plumbe & Browne Goldsmiths in Foster Lane London for Twenty pounds payable Twenty days after date; wch I desire you will advise the receipt of by the return of the post, & acknowledge it to be for Sir Wr. Blacketts half y[ea]r allowance due the 24

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Plumb & Brown – 8 Mar 1757

To Messrs Plumbe & Browne Goldsm[i]ths in Foster Lane London 8 March 1757 Sirs Yesterday I drew two bills on you; one for £100 payable to Aubone Surtees Esq. or order 20 days after date, & the other £20 payable to the Revd. Wm.Dawson or order 20 days after date, wch I desire you will honour, & place to Sr.Walter Blackett's acct. I am etc JR

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Christopher Denton – 11 Mar 1757

To Mr Chris. Denton London Newcastle 11 March 1757 Dr Sir I have sent you by the post under 3 covers 14 vouchers for money p[ai]d on acco[un]t of Hexham Division in 1756 wch makes the whole money p[ai]d to this time come to £1034.16.6 as below; & I shall finish my Affid[avi]t & send you by tuesday's post at furthest. I asl pardon for writing you that I wanted Lady Mansels receipt for I rec[eiuv]ed it in yo[u]r Lre of he 29th Jan & have placed it to your acct. I am etc

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 15 Mar 1757

To Sir Wr. Blackett Bt. MP. at his house in Curzon Street London Newcastle 15 March 1757 Hon Sir The new Cart with 6 inch wheels was finishd on fryday last, & we have made sev[era]l tryals wth it & find th[a]t it is as easily drawn with two horses when full laden, on all sorts of ground, hard & soft, uphill & downhill, as any Carts with narrow wheels carrying the same burden; & as to one horse carts it is generally allowed th[a]t wheels 4 inch & /2 broad will be as

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Christopher Denton – 15 Mar 1757

To Mr Chris. Denton in Greys Inn London 15 March 1757 Dr Sir I herewith inclose you my 2nd affid[avi]t & the plan of Lamberts house, wch I wish may be of any service to Sir Wr. As to the rec[eip]ts taken by Mr Ellis for Gunnerton & Hexham divisions I hope you will be able to prevail with the Master to admit them, for it will not be possible I doubt to get them in any other form. Sir Wr. has allowed all the sums mencond [mentioned] in those rec]eip]ts to Mr Ellis as paid on acct o
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467