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Letters – Joseph Richmond to Samuel Burn – 19 Dec 1758

To Mr Saml. Burn at Berwick 19 Dec 1758 I have received your Favour of the 16th inclosing your bill on Mr Thos.Burn for eighty five pounds, wch when paid will discharge your half years rent for the Fisheries due to Sir Walter Blackett at Lady Day last. As Mr Kettleby us willing to exchange the Ring Nets, Sir Walter desires you will get a proper agreement drawn if necessary & when Mr Kettleby has executed one part thereof, Sir Walter will execute the other. I am etc JR

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Daniel Lascelles – 19 Dec 1758

To Dan[ie]l. Lascelles Esq in Mincing Lane London Newcas 19 Dec 1758 Sir Inclosed is a bill on Messrs Plumbe & Browne for 379.15.0 to discharge the ½ Yrs intr[es]t on S[ir] Wr Blacketts Mortgage due 14 Aug. last, wch I desire you will place to his Acco[un]t accordingly & advise me on your receipt hereof I am &c JR Sirs Newcastle 19 Dec. 1758 £379.15.0 Thirty days after date pay Daniel Lascelles Esq or order Three h

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Joseph Hindley – 22 Dec 1758

To Mr Joseph Hindley Clockmaker Newcas 22nd Dec 1758 in York Sir In answer to your Lre to Sir. W[alte]. Blackett I am to write you that Sir Wr would have you make him an Eight days Clock, to strike to a Bell of three Cwt, wch if made of good metal he is informed may easily be heard a mile or more, & such a one he desires you will find him. Sir Wr thinks two hands will be sufficient, one to the So[uth] & the other to the East, for more I apprehend will be a loa

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Isaac Hunter – 22 Dec 1758

To Mr Isaac Hunter at Dukesf[iel]d 22 Dec[embe]r 1758 Sir Geo[rge] Roberts, Joseph Fairlam & Mich[ae]l Burdus have wrote to Sir Walter desiring his Opinion whether they are to plow & sow their intack <prviond> or not Sir Walter orders me to desire you will give them for answer that he cannot tell how to advise them for he does not know what steps Mr Baker may think proper to take next year they will see what their neighbours do & they may follow their Example or not, as

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Christopher Blackett – 22 Dec 1758

To Chris Blackett Esq in York buildings London Newcas 22 Dec 1758 Sir I am ordered by Sir Wr to write you by this post that he expects Lady Blackett will set forwards for London about this day senight, & therefore desires you will be so good as get the house ready for her reception. My Compliments on the approaching season attend you & your family & I am &c JR

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 13 Jan 1759

To Sir Wr Blackett Bt MP to be left at the Cocoa Tree Pall Mall London Newc[astle] 13 Jany 1759 Honrd Sir Dr Robinson is ready to lend you £1000 at 4 PCn so I send herewith a bond for that sum wch I desire you will please to execute before 2 witnesses & return me Mr Widdrington says Mr Denton or Mr Darwin he thinks sho[ul]d be one of the witnesses. This is all the money can be met with here & I shall still want abo[u]t £2000 to make Weardale pay to Mids[ummer] las

Letters – Henry Richmond to Joseph Hindley – 13 Jan 1759

To Mr Jos[eph] Hindley Clockmaker York Newc[astle] 13th Janry 1759 S[i]r Inclosed you have Mr Robsons Lre to me, w[i]th a plan of the Clockhouse at Wall[ington] & a scale to the same; by wch you will obtain an ans[wer] to your Enquiry “what is “the diameter of the largest Circle that can be drawn on the outside of the Turret?” – Mr Robson says there will be no light into the Clockroom except a Window or two be made in the dial plates I am &c

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 16 Jan 1759

To Sir Wr Blackett Bt MP at his House in Brook Street Grosvenor Square London 16 Janry 1759 Honrd Sir I am very glad that Matters ab[ou]t the house are at last settled to your satisfaction – There was nothing passed at the Guild relating to the Lamp bill & I think nothing more will be done in it this Year, tho some of our Alder[men] talk otherwise – As to the Lre, in White’s paper signed B.K. the Author is not known, but Mr Clennel & Mr Jos[eph] Airey are bo

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 26 Jan 1759

To Sir Wr Blackett Bt MP at his house in Brook Street Grosvenor Square Newcas 26 Jany 1759 Honrd Sir I herewith inclose the rental of Kenton estate but have not yet got matters settled with John Donkin, because Mr Robson thinks it will be more agreable to you to lay out £30 or £40 more than was at first intended, in taking in the Waste ground in the Street before the slate row of houses; for wch I believe Mr Donkin will be willing to pay 10 p[er] Cent, wch will be a furth

Letters – Joseph Richmond to William Darwin – 11 Feb 1759

To Mr Wm Alvey Darwin at his Chambers No 8 in Grey’s Inn London Newc 11 Febry 1759 Sr I have rec[eive]d y[ou]r let[ter] of the 6th with the unwelcome acco[un]t of Mr Denton’s death, wch I am very sorry for – My son tells me Suppana’s<subpoenas?> came down last post f[ro]m Mr Craister to be servd on all the tenants of the late Mrs Windsors Estate to prevent their setting up their Leases. Below are the names of the Kirkheaton tenants who have attorned to Sr Wr, for whom I pr

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 11 Feb 1759

To Sr Wr Blackett Bt MP at his h[ous]e in Brook Street Grosvenor Square London 11 Febry 1759 Honrd Sir The tenants of the late Mrs Windsors Estate were all servd yesterday w[i]th subpenas at the suit of Mr Craister – Mr Robson writes me that Brown & the two Reays, who refused to attorn to you are allarm’d at these subpenas & th[a]t he has some expectation they will now desire to attorn. If it sho[ul]d so happen, please to let me know if you are willing to take their att

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 16 Feb 1759

To Sir Walter Blackett as above 16 Febry 1759 Honrd Sir I find that the <Cas> whose Stew[ar]d applied to you & Mr Ridley persist in opposing the watch & Lamp bill I am told the Butchers Co[mpany] have advanced 5 Guin[eas] the Coopers 4 Guin & the other Co[mpanies] 2 guin[eas] each & the Managers are going ab[ou]t the town to collect w[ha]t money they can get & they boast they have already raisd between £80 & £100. The Managers are Mr Tho[mas] Davison M

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 20 Feb 1759

To Sir Wr Blackett Bt MP Brook Street Grosvenor Square London Newc: 20 Febry 1759 Honrd Sir I have inquird into the character of Mr Jno Hare’s son & find he has been guilty of sev[era]l indiscretions & put his father to a great deal of expence, who finds he cannot settle to any sort of business here & therefore desires to have him in the Army wch is the young Man’s own inclination. I do not know him but find he is a goodlike person, about 18 yrs of age. I hear ve

Letters – Joseph Richmond to William Darwin – 23 Feb 1759

To Mr Wm Alvey Darwin No. 8 Greys Inn London Newc: 23rd Febry 1759 Sir Inclosed are two bills for £75. 19s. 0d as above to ballance the acco[unt] between Mr Denton & me, wch I desire you will place accordingly & advise your receipt thereof & that it is in full Discharge of the ballance of that acco[unt]. John Brown & the two Reays at Kirkheaton refuse to attorn to Sir Walter. - I am etc JR Newcastle Febry 6th 1759 £70- Thirty days afte

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 27 Feb 1759

To Sir W[alter] Blackett Bt MP London 27 Febry 1759 Honrd Sir I am sorry any objection sho[ul]d now be raised to the title of Kenton estate by Mr Filmer, who has had all the title deeds before him in 1746. When the mortgage was transfer’d to Mr Lascelles – I cannot give any light into the matter unless something may be overlook’d that is mentioned in the inclosed paper As to the Cotterells who were made tenants of the freehold, there is neither of them nor any of their posterity n

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Richard Harrison – 27 Feb 1759

To Mr Rich[ard] Harrison at Coalcleugh Sir Newcastle 27th Febry 1759 Sir Walter writes me he has an Application f[ro]m 25 of the Inhabitants of West Allan for one John Routlidge to succeed Edw[ar]d Coates as Schoolmas[te]r but he does not order him to be appointed unless you think him a proper person, tho’ I imagine he wo[ul]d readily comply with their recommendation if there is no sufficient reason to the contrary, wch you are the best judge of; for neither Sir Walter nor I know

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 2 Mar 1759

To Sir Wr Blackett Bt. MP in Brook Street Grosvenor Square London Newcl: 2nd March 1759 Honrd Sir I am very glad to find you think Mr Filmers Objection to Kenton title is like to be removed & that you will get forward in raising the £14000. I hope it will appear that the reason why Kenton & Welton are not one mentioned in the Recovery is those estates being charged with old Lady Blackett’s Jointure & that they came to Sir Wm as heir at Law on his purchasing the Joint

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 4 Mar 1759

To Sir Walter Blackett in London, as above March 4 1759 Honrd Sir, As the Agents have prevailed on only about 400 to sign the Petition, the Opposition doe[s] not appear so material as was apprehended, & therefore what I mentioned in my last Lre about your presenting it may not require any Consideration, but I was doubtfull whether their Agent Mr Lock, who served Mr Douglass, might not have some view in carrying the Petition only to Mr Ridley. You find by this Post that the Magistr

Letters – Joseph Richmond to William Darwin – 6 Mar 1759

To Mr Darwin in Grays Inn March 6 1759 Sir I Rece[ive]d your Lre of the 1st inst & below you have the best answer I can give to your Queeries . . . . which I wish may be satisfactory. 1st . . . . . I find Jos. Musgraves judgmt for £600 & three years intrest was to be paid by Guys Hospital as appears by the inclosed acco[un]t, wch I desire you will not fail to return me, I do not doubt but the money was paid accordingly 2nd…… Mr Geo. Allgood charges in an acco[un]t with

Letters – Joseph Richmond to William Darwin – 6 Mar 1759

To Mr Wm Alvey Darwin at his Chambers on Grays Inn 6 Mar[ch] 1759 Sir …. In your Lre of the 27th ult[o] I rece[ive]d Mr Dentons acco[un]t & inclosed I send you a Duplicate thereof sign’d by me. I desire you will speak to Mr Thomas about getting any Recognizance for West Kenton vacated, the Expence of which is paid for in the last Acco[un]t settled by the <Ma[…]r>. As Mrs Denton was one of my Securities I hope you’l endeavour to get it discharg’d there is £7 3s 1

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Richard Wilson – 6 Mar 1759

To Rich[ard] Wilson Esq at Leeds 6th March 1759 Sir I have rec[eive]d yo[ur] Lre of 28th past & have since seen Mr King who has rece[ive]d the 32000 Quicks. As to the Ash trees that are standing near the Old Hall, they are of no value, so that I think there can be no Objection to his having them for the uses he mentions, for they are dividing the large fields, & will want a great many gates, Your money is all expended sometime ago, of wch I will send you a particular acco[un]t

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 9 Mar 1759

To Sir Wr Blackett MP at his ho[use] in Brook Street Grosvenor Square London 9th March 1759 Honrd Sir I am well assured the Freemen’s petition was sent to both you and Mr Ridley & that Mr Lock was ordered first to wait upon you; but as he has acted otherwise it looks like some managem[en]t Mr Peareth set forwards yesterday & I hope will be in Town before the petition is presented, so if you please you many consult with him on this matter. If you carry the Bill into the house &

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 16 Mar 1759

To Sir Wr Blackett MP London Newcastle 16th March 1759 Honrd Sir Mr Harrison says Jno [John] Rutlidge, whom the inhabitants of West Allan have recommended to succeed Edw[ar]d Coates, is not qualified to be a SchoolMaster for he cannot teach English or Writing, so does not chuse to appoint him without further directions. He says their Minister Mr Lancaster tells him he knows a young Man about Penrith that is a good Scholar, who wo[ul]d be glad to accept the School, wch with your allowan

Letters – Joseph Richmond to William Darwin – 16 Mar 1759

To Mr Wm Alvey Darwin. Grays Inn London 16 March 1759 Sir Robt Eden & Jos Atkinson Esq were both Ald[erme]n of this town, & Mr Atkinson was the Survivor, & it appears to me by the probate of his Will in Mr Ra[lph] Featherstones hand, that Mr Ald[erman] Peareth, who is now in London is his legal representative but if he is not, he can best tell you who is. The Will is dated the 24th February 1712 I am Sir Yours &c JR

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Ralph Featherston – 17 Mar 1759

To Mr Ra[lph] Featherston, Westgate Street Newcastle 17th March 1759 Sir Inclosed you receive the acco[un]t of Jarrow Coll[ier]y, bro[ugh]t down to Xmas last & also the late Miss Ledgards proper acco[un]t as it now stands, the ballance of wch being 101.18.5 ¾ due to Sir Wr Blackett, he hopes her Extrix will discharge in a little time I am &c JR
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467