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Letters – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 12 Oct 1759

To Sir Wr Blackett Bt at his house in Brook Street, Grosvenor Square. 12 Oct 1759 Honrd Sir, I have received a letter to day from Mr John Fenwick giving notice that he expects his 2000£ being paid in the 12th May next, having a good mortgage ready for it at 4.7 per cent, I very much wish he was paid off but I do not know yet how to raise the money, he deserves an answer whether he may depend upon it at the time. The Corporation &c have agreed to give £100 of their subscri

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 19 Oct 1759

To Sir Wr Blackett Bt M.P. In Brook Street Grosvenor Square London Newcastle 19 Oct 1759 Sir Mr Foster and Mr Robson will acquaint you with what has passed at Berwick with regard to your tithe at West Ord and the ways to the Coll[ier]y to whom I refer as to those particulars. Messrs Burns declare they have lost £340 by the fisheries in the last six yrs and are therefore not willing to give more than £290 a year for them frm Mich[aelmas] next, wch is an abatement of £80 a yr, to

Letters – Joseph Richmond to William Robson – 20 Oct 1759

To Mr Wm Robson at Wallington 20th Oct 1759 Sir I have sent you out to day by the cart 8 box of Plate by Sir Walters order which I doubt not your care of securing from the French if ever they should pay you a visit at Wallington, which I think you need not be under any apprehension of, Sir Walter wants all the small keys belonging to the house in London to be sent up imediately, He says Mrs Hepple can tell those that belonged to Lady Blackett but as she is now with you I am at a loss ab

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 23 Oct 1759

To Sir Wr Blackett in Brook Street Grosvenor Square London 23 Oct 1759 Hond Sir I am surprised that anybody should represent to Coll Clavering t[ha]t any stop put to that division of Dotland Comon by me or any other of your agents; for the division deed has been signed by you and all the other parties except Coll C a month before he came from Guadaloup and has been lodged with me ever since in expectation of Mr Mills the Colls agent here wo[oul]d call for it and send it up to his master

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 28 Oct 1759

Oct 28 Wrote Sir Walter that I had sent the Division Deeds by the coach directed to Mr Darwin, as I was informed by Mr Ridley that Sir Walter was going out of town and also advised Mr Darwin thereof

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Collingwood Forster – 1 Nov 1759

To Mr Collingwood Forster Attorney at Law at Alnwick 1st Nov 1759 Sir The above is a copy of Mr Robsons plan of the ring net stands wch you wanted in order to prepare a draft for an exchange between Sir Walter Blackett and Mr Kettleby and when you have made the draft I desire you will send my father one part for Sir Walters consideration and let Mr Fenwick have the other for Mr Kettlebys The sooner this is done the better I am &c JR

Letters – Joseph Richmond to William Darwin – 2 Nov 1759

To Mr Wm Alvey Darwin Greys Inn London 2nd Nov 1759 Sir I wrote you by last Sundays post that I had sent by the stage coach wch will be in London tomorrow a box directed to you wth a deed for the division of Dotland comon to get Coll Clavering to execute it, if he please; all the other parties having executed some time ago; since wch the deed has been in my custody waiting for the Colls agent to send it up w[hi]ch I have many times pressed him to do, but his ans[wer] was he had wrote

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Richard Wilson – 2 Nov 1759

To Richd Wilson Esq at Leeds 2nd Nov 1759 Sir Yesterday I recd your Lre of the 23rd ult enclosed to Mr King, who tells me he will write to you by this post about the loan of the £300. He says his Brother James and his cousin Wm King are very ready to join in the bond and I think they ought to do so, especially his brother, who I mentioned in my last lre to have some visible effects, but from what passed between us this morning I think he will propose your accepting a single bond wc

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 11 Nov 1759

To Sir Waltr Blackett Bart in Brook Street Grosvenor Square London 11 Nov 1759 Honrd Sir I desire you to let me have your thoughts whether there is any likelyhood of Peace this Winter that I may regulate my Conduct accordingly with Regard to the sale of your lead for the price is paid is fallen to £10 15s 0d which is a loss to you of 20s a Fodder and therefore I would not sell any considerable quantity if there is any prospect of getting a better price which cannot be expec

Letters – Joseph Richmond to John Fenwick – 13 Nov 1759

To John Fenwick Esq at Roberts Place near Brotham Barr York Newcastle 13th Nov 1759 Sir Inclosed you receive my bill on Plumbe and Brown for 37.0.0 and Mr Douglas's rec[iep]t for 3.0.0 pd him by your order; wch makes up your half years in[tere]st on Sir Walter Blacketts bond due 12th inst; wch I desire you advise the rect of by the return of the post as the bill is at so short a date, and mention that it is in full for that ½ yrs intr[es]t. The principal money will be ready for you

Letters – Joseph Richmond to William Darwin – 13 Nov 1759

To Mr Wm Alvey Darwin Greys Inn London 13th Nov 1759 Sir Inclosed is Rbt Scott's and my aff[idavi]t of serving the writ of execution and demanding the money of Mr Beaumont, wch I desire you will advise the rec.t of and I hope I shall have no more affdts to make on this occasion. If your other parties are all willing to excuse the payment I dare say Sir Wr will have no objections but then I presume there must be an order of court for that purpose, wch will perhaps cost more tha

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 18 Nov 1759

To Sir Wr Blackett Bnt MP at his h[ou]se in Brook Street Grosvenor Square London 18th Nov 1759 Hond Sir I have sold only about 6000 Ps Lead this year wch amounts to no more than about £4500 but this has cost you near £5000 so that it frets me to sell at so much loss and yet I must dispose of 3 or 4000 ps more to pay off Allanhd and Coalcleugh to Xmas next for the people there cannot want their money, but as to the workmen in Weardale they are in better circumstances and may be p

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 20 Nov 1759

To Sir Walter Blackett Bt in Brook Street 20 Nov 1759 Hon[our]ed Sir Capt Hedley of this Place having lost his ship in the Baltick came from Gottenburgh in a swedish vessell the 6th inst he says <Sharet> was then there with five ships lying under the castle expecting an English fleet was in <pinsact> of him the Capt says he is satisfied he cannot have above 4 or 500 soldiers on board. The price of grain at this market is as below I am &c JR Wheat fm 6s to 7s

Letters – Joseph Richmond to William Darwin – 30 Nov 1759

To Mr Wm Alvey Darwin Greys Inn London Newc 30 Nov 1759 Inclosed is Airey &c bill on Messrs Vere Glyn and Hallifax for 225£ which I desire you will place to my acct and advise the receipt of and when Mr Vernon calls upon you pay Lady Mansels ½ yrs annty due 10th last month and when I receive the rest I will give you 6s for it and advise you thereof. I desire the reciept may be made recd of Sir Wr Blackett by my hand and you will witness it, that it may be a proper voucher to my

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Richard Wilson – 4 Dec 1759

To Rich..d Wilson Esq at Leeds Newc 4th Dec 1759 Sir The Ponteland turnpike peple having wro[ugh]t the quarry in Lowthians farm have opened ano[the]r place in Wm Kings farm adjoining the bounder hedge between Kenton and Newbegin. I am offered £5 a year for the Quarry by a mason who agrees to pay all damage that may be done the tenants and I have this day got a person of judgement to view the quarry who will try the nature of the stone and will let me know in a few days w[ha]t rent she

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Plumb and Brown – 7 Dec 1759

To Messrs Plumb and Brown Goldsmiths Foster lane London Newc 7th Dec 1759 I have this day drawn a bill on you for 150£ payable to Robt Shafto Esq on order 20 days after date, wch please to honour and place to Sir W blacketts acct and when if some is paid I think the balance that will remain in your hands will be 4£ 12s. 11¾. I shall be glad to know by a line whether you make it so I am... etc JR

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Daniel Lascelles – 7 Dec 1759

To Danl Lascelles in Mincing Lane London 7th Dec 1759 Sir Inclosed is a bill as above for £379.5s. 0d to discharge the ½ years intrest on Sir W Blackett's mortgage due 26th Aug last which I desire may be placed accordingly and that you will please to advise me on the receipt hereof Iam etc JR No 6118 Newcastle 8th Nov 1759 £379.15.0 At fifty days date pay to the order of Messrs Peareth and Sorsbie three hundred and seventy nine pounds fifteen shillings

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Richard Wilson – 7 Dec 1759

To Richd Wilson Esq at Leeds Newc 7th Dec 1759 Sir You herewith receive Joseph Willm King's bond for three hundred pounds asgreable to your directions, wch I desire you will please to advise me on your receipt of You also receive inclosed an acct how I have settled with Messrs Kings for their last Mayday rent and how your bill on Mr Thos Wilson &c for £21 13.2 has been apply'd wch please to return me signed and if you require it I will send you a duplicate ------ Mr

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Collingwood Forster – 8 Dec 1759

To Mr Collingwd Forster Attern at Law Alnwick 8th Dec 1759 D[ea]r Sir I recd your Lre of the 3rd inst wch I defer’d answering till I co[ul]d see Mr Robson who is now here, he says he does know the name of the Ring net stand marked B in his own plan, which you receive inclosed. So that I know of no way to get it but by writing to Mr Ian Bunn of Berwick who farms Sir Wm Fishery, wch I desire you will be pleased to do As to your draft wch I return you inclosed I do not doubt but it

Letter – Joseph Richmond to William Jeffreys – 8 Dec 1759

To Mr Wm Jeffreys Attorn at Law Berwick 8th Dec 1759 Sir I recd your Lre of 30 ult. I am sorry to find you still in the complaining strain when I hoped matters had been settled to your satisfaction. For my part I am much a stranger to the affair so must refer you to Mr C Forster for an ans[we]r who Sir W Blackett desired to enquire into the matter. I am etc. JR

Letter – Joseph Richmond to John Fenwick – 9 Dec 1759

To Mr Fenwick at Roberts' Place Bootham Barr York 9th Dec 1759 Sir I have a Lre this post from Sir Wr wherein he orders me to aquaint you that he is willing to continue your money at a quarter P.C advance intrst from the 12th May next. He will be in the country very soon and if you do not think this sufficient he will write you a Lre himself to confirm it I am etc JR

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Christopher Johnson – 18 Dec 1759

To Mr Chrst Johnson Attorny at Law Durham 18th Dec 1759 D[ea]r Sir Mr Wilkinson promised me the other day he wo[ul]d write to you to deliver up Sir Wr Blacketts writings in your custody and Sir Wr being now here desires to have them before he returns to London wch will be in about 14 days, for we really are at a stand for want of them on an affair of consequence. I will therefore be obliged to you for a line fixing the time when you will send them hither or may I come and receive the

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Collingwood Forster – 21 Dec 1759

To Mr Colling.wd Forster Attorn. At Law Alnwick 21st December 1759 Sir You receive herewth copies of the agreement Mr Bulman made for the Coll'ry in the Threap Gro[un]d. The originals are in the hand of Mr Rd Lisle. You see there is no grant of any particular ways and if Mr Bulman promised any ways he had no right to himself. That, as I mentioned in my last can be no obligation upon Sir Wr. The inclosures I believe have all been made since the colliery was let, but Mr Robs

Letter – Walter Blackett to John Fenwick – 22 Dec 1759

To Jno Fenwick Esq at Roberts Place Near Boothams Gate York 22nd December 1759 Sir I was prevented from witing to you so soon as you desired to inform you that I was ready to continue the 2000£ at the rate of 4 & a quartr P.Cent from the 12th of May next but find that Mr Richmond hath writ to you to that purpose, if you are willing to continue the money upon those terms till further notice for either party I shall readily agree to it I am Yr hble svt Wr Blac

Letter – Joseph Richmond to William Darwin – 28 Dec 1759

To Mr Wm Alvey Darwin December 28th 1759 Sir I have received your letter of the 22nd inclosing Mr Vernons receipt for 225£ which I have placed to your account. I send you inclosed John James and Mathew Lee the London Carriers two notes for 1000£ each, which I desire which you will place for Sir Walters acct and advise the receipt of and next week I shall send you by the carrier if I cannot meet with a bill at a short date 1 or 200£ more This money Sir Walter says is to be pai
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467