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Letter – Henry Richmond to Richard Ellis – 21 Dec 1762

To Mr Richd Elis Newcastle 21 December 1762 Hexham Sir/ Inclosed you receive back the duplicate of your rental of Hexham Lands etc due Mayday 1761 signed by me as I have found the same Right. I am etc HR

Letter – Henry Richmond to Plumb & Brown – 24 Dec 1762

To Messrs Plumb & Brown Golds[mi]ths Newcastle December 1762 Forster Lane London Sirs/ I have this day sent you by Matt Lee the London Carrier a p[iec]e fine silver Bullion weighing 702 ounces; wch I desire you will place to Acct with Sir Wr Blackett as usual at the Markett price & advise me of your Rec[iep]t of the same. My Father joins in wishing you many happy years. I am etc HR

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Rutter – 26 Dec 1762

To Mr Wm Rutter junr Newcastle 26th December 1762 in Westgate Sir/ Inclos’d is a copy of the Bill for uniting the 2 Leases of Wear[dale] mines as it is now settled & wch Sir Wr Blackett bid me send to Mr Bacon. I think you talked of getting to Newtoncap tomorrow & therefore beg you will take the trouble of it. I am etc HR

Letter – Henry Richmond to Thomas Maughan – 28 Dec 1762

To Mr Thos Maughan at Newhouse Newcastle 28th December 1762 in Weardale Sir/ I am very sorry for the Loss of Breckonside & learn nothing can be done to recover her. I heard of the accident from Mr Rutter before I got your Lre [letter]. I find they will be eagerer than ever to have Harnishow set on. But we will talk further upon that subject when I see you wch I hope will be on Tuesday the 11th of next month, the day fixed as I wrote for receiving mon

Calculations – Thomas Marshall – 1 Jan 1763

An Answer to two Accounts delivered at the same time to the Lord Bishop of Durham by Sir Walter Blackett Baronet, One of them said to be of all the Ore gotten in Weardale under the two Leases, the Latter has from the former, between 1st. Day of Janry 1749 and the 1st. Day of Janry 1762, being twelve Years; Together with the Cost of the said Ore; Dated the 28th. day of March last past & Signed by Mr. Peareth & Mr. Walton And the Other intitled in Substance much the Same and making the Yea

Letter – Henry Richmond to Richard Ellis – 8 Jan 1763

To Mr Rich[ar]d Ellis at Hexham Newcastle 8th January 1763 Sir/ Sir Wr Blackett’s Benevolenc[e] makes him always ready to releive those who are in want, & therefore he desires you will send me a List of such persons in Hexham & its neighbourhood as may by the severe season, if the frost continues any time be reduced to Distress, & then I shall give you directions conformable to what he has impowered me to do, in the mean time you wil

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Robson – 8 Jan 1763

To Mr Wm. Robson at Wallington Newcastle 8th January 1763 Sir/ Sir Wr Blackett whose Goodness is always active in the times of publick distress apprehending we have as severe a Frost here as they have in London & fearing the continuance of it will bear hard upon some of his tenants & poor neighbours ab[ou]t Wallington, writ to me last post to send to you for the names of such poor neighbours & tenants as may want immediate assistance &

Letter – Henry Richmond to Isaac Hunter – 11 Jan 1763

To Mr I Hunter at Dukesfield Newcastle 11 January 1763 Sir/ I have recd the pay bills safe & desire you will acquaint Mr Salkeld so & thank him for his trouble for filling them up. I am very glad, in making the agreement with Walton that you left yourself at Liberty in Case of Old Angus’s irresolution or rather artifice of wch I was always apprehensive; & you will see with some reason, by the Lre I sent you by his 2 sons

Letter – Henry Richmond to Messrs Rutter – 14 Jan 1763

To Messrs John, Matthew & Henry Rutter Newcastle 14 January 1763 Sirs/ I have directions to send for a Writ against you upon your promissory note to Sir Walter Blackett unless you come & pay me directly what is due upon it. You know you have had more indulgence than is ever granted by any other Landlord to way going Tenants and you know also, that what was promised in November last has been entirely forgot by you. I am sorry I have occasion to write

Letter – Henry Richmond to Richard Ellis – 5 Feb 1763

To Mr Richd Ellis Hexham Newcastle 5th February 1763 Sir/ I have been informed, since my Lre on Tuesday that a subscription is set on foot in Hexham for the relief of the poor there & in the neighbourhood. If so I desire you will contribute ten Guineas for Sir Walter Blackett, either in that Way or such other as you judge better, & place the same to his Acc[oun]t; as I know it will be agreeable to him. I am etc HR

Letter – Henry Richmond to John Dixon – 14 Feb 1763

To Mr John Dixon Att[orne]y at Law Newcastle 14th February 1763 in Durham Sir/ I recd a Lre from Sr Wr Blackett inclosing me a copy of the petition, wch you have sent to Parliament, for the division of Bulbeck Common. Sr Walter tells me you are the solicitor for the Bills & being desirous of having a Copy of it, directs me to apply to you for one. I shall be glad thereof to receive one as soon as convenient to you & am etc

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Hutchinson – 2 Mar 1763

To Mr Wm. Hutchinson Attorney at Law Newcastle 2nd March 1763 Bernard Castle Sir/ I reced your Lre of the 27th ult[im]o; but sho[ul]d be glad to know the nature of the dispute wch occasions the Inquiry you therein make.because such information wo[ul]d better enable me to write to Sir Walter Blackett’s mine stuard, that buys the wood wanted for his Leadmines; & so to give you a more satisfactory ans[we]r to your Lre than I can at presen. I am etc

Letter – Henry Richmond to Thomas Maughan – 3 Mar 1763

To Mr Thos. Maughan Newcastle 3 March 1763 at Newhouse Sir/ I find there is likely to be a Law suit between certain p[er]sons claiming under Mr Robt. Blakeston Bowes of Bradley, & some others & an enquiry has been made of me abt. the wood bou[gh]t at Bradley, how much was paid for it & how the payments can be proved. I see that Mr Bowes was p[ai]d all the money, by us, except the last sixt

Letter – Henry Richmond to Isaac Hunter – 4 Mar 1763

To Mr I Hunter at Dukesfield Newcastle 4 March 1763 Sir/ I desire you will enquire the first time you go to Allenh[ea]ds Mill the reason why 694 ¾ bings of Killhope Ore has yielded no more than 1570 pieces that is, 98 fothers, 2 pieces of Lead, this is no less than 7 Bings to a fother, & therefore there must be some great mismanagement or mistake either among the Grove or mill stewards & yet I have the above particulars fm Mr Cra

Letter – Thomas Marshall to Nicholas Halhead – 7 Mar 1763

Received 7th March 1763 of the Honble. & Right Reverend the Lord Bishop of Durham by the Payment of Mr Wm Hodgson and Hands of Nicholas Halhead the sum of twenty one Pounds for Attendances Calculations &c in Respect of Leadmining. I say reced by me £21.0.0 Thos Marshall

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Hodgson – 10 Mar 1763

To Mr Wm. Hodgson Newcastle 10th March 1763 at Coalcleugh Sir/ I have a Lre from Geo Armstrong in wch he absolutely refuses to allow any part of his debt to Wm. Summers, for Corn to be stopt of the money wch Sir Walter ordered to be given him, & therefore it will be best to pay him the whole & take his rec[eip]t. I am etc HR

Letter – Henry Richmond to Walter Blackett – 10 Mar 1763

To Sir Walter Blackett Bart. M.P. Newcastle 10 March 1763 in half moon street Piccadilly London Hon[our]d Sir/ The Endeavours of some restless people, to keep up an opposition to the Lamb Bill, as I mentioned before, will I now think prove fruitless; & I hope you will have no further trouble from them about it. Mr Blackett went to Wallington this Afternoon with Mr Robson & proposes to remove from thence to Hexham in a day or two.

Letter – Henry Richmond to Robert Robinson – 19 Mar 1763

To Mr Robt. Robinson Newcastle 19th March 1763 Attor[ne]y at Law in Durham Sir/ I reced the favour of your Lre [Letter]; & as the bill for the Division of Bulbeck Comon cannot be got through this sessions, there will be time enough to learn Sir Walter Blackett’s Sentiments about it after he comes into the North. I am etc HR

Calculations – Thomas Marshall – 1 Apr 1763

A Calculation of the Yearly Value of the Lead Mines comprized in Sir Walter Blackett’s Lease for Lives according to Mr Richmond’s Conception 20th August 1762 (in his Observations upon Mr Halhead’s Calculation of the Yearly Value of the Lead mines granted to him by the Lease for Years) and according to the Terms of the only two Tacks lett, Viz. Scraithhead and Pike Stone. Bings h The Whole Quantity of Ore got under 49987 0 1/2 said

Letter – Henry Richmond to Walter Blackett – 2 Apr 1763

To Sir Walter Blackett Bart. M.P. in Newcastle 2nd April 1763 Half Moon Street Piccadilly London Sir/ My Father has been very ill, from a total suppression of urine: which begun at abt. 5 o’clock on Thursday morning. He was twice in the hot bath yesterday & it has given him ease. But the doctor cannot yet say that the cause, whe[the]r it is a stone or an Inflamation in the Bladder, is removed: only that there are some favourable symptoms. Mrs Esthe

Letter – Henry Richmond to Walter Blackett – 4 Apr 1763

To Sir Walter Blackett Bart. M.P. Newcastle 4th April 1763 in halfmoon Street Piccadilly London Hon[ou]rd Sir/ The Doctor thinks my Father better.: but he is so excessive[ly] reduced by the use of the hot Bath wch was necessary in his case, that I doubt it will be sometime before he will get the better of it. It is still uncertain whe[the]r it was a stone or an Inflamation, but the obstruction is removed for the present, at least. I am etc

Letter – Henry Richmond to Cuthbert Swanston – 9 Apr 1763

To Mr Cuth. Swanston at Newcastle 9th April 1763 Durham Sir/ The Petition inclosed herewith came inclosed to me from Mr Robetson of Holy island, desiring I wo[ul]d forw[ar]d it to Mr Shaftoe; because he did not know where to direct to him. As I do not know any more than he I have given you the trouble of this; & desire you will transmit the petition to Mr Shaftoe. Mr Robertson says a duplicate of it has been sent to Mr Vane. I am

Letter – Henry Richmond to Walter Blackett – 15 Apr 1763

To Sir Wr Blackett Bt. M.P. Newcastle Friday 15 April 1763 in half moon street picadilly London Hon[our]d Sir/ Last night you lost a faithful Servant & we the best of Fathers. It will be an Illeviation of my Grief if you sho[ul]d think me worthy to succeed him. I am etc HR

Letter – Henry Richmond to Walter Blackett – 16 Apr 1763

16 April 1763, Henry Richmond to Walter Blackett Wrote Sir Wr of Mr Hodgson’s death, wch happened on the 14th inst. HR

Letter – Henry Richmond to Joseph Dickinson – 18 Apr 1763

To Mr Joseph Dickinson Newcastle 18th April 1763 at Coalcleugh Sir/ I am sorry for Mr Hodgson’s death. It will be necessary for you to come down with his Ex[ecut]or when you want money. As to the Groves at Coalcleugh & Killhope you & Caleb Kidd must take care that every thing is done according to the Bargains that have been taken. But as to other work let it rest as much as possible till Sir Wr appoints another in Mr Hodgson’
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467