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Letter – Henry Richmond to Richard Wilson – 12 May 1764

To Rich[ar]d Wilson Esqui]re at Newcas[tle] 12th May 1764 Leeds Sir Inclosed you receive Bell Cookson & Cos Bill on Vere and Co for Two hundred & seventy seven pounds five shillings & ten pence being the Balance of my Acco[un]t of your Kenton Rents to Martin[ma]s last. You will please to advise me of the Receipt of this Bill & to sign & return me the duplicate of the inclosed account. Inclosed also is Miss Headlam’s receipt f

Letter – Henry Richmond to John Fenwick – 12 May 1764

To Mr John Fenwick Newca[tle] 12th May 1764 Roberts’s Place York Sir Inclosed you receive Peareth & Sorsbie’s Bill on Freeman & Stainbanks for Three hundred & seven pounds ten shillings ; at 30 Days from 25th <……> with which the Bill for Two hundred & Forty pounds wch you have drawn upon me payable to Mr Hull & which I have accepted, makes up the Value of your Receipts. I desire you will by the

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Dalton – 12 May 1764

To Mr William Dalton Newcas[tle] 12th May 1764 at Blaydon Sir I must have Litharge made; & therefore if the man you have cannot work, you must procure another : if you cannot meet with one at Home it will be worth your while coming to Town to try to engage one. At the price now given for <lemsing>, a Man may make good wages: & you should combine such other inducements as you properly can, to procure a good

Letter – Henry Richmond to John Sharp – 14 May 1764

To the Rev[eren]d Dr Sharp at Newcas[tle] 14th May 1764 Hartburn near Morpeth Sir Inclosed herewith you receive the draught of the Deed for the Severance of Whitley Chapel from the Curacy of Hexham as altered & settled by Lawyer Fawcet. You will see that he thinks it necessary for the Archb[isho]p of York to be a party to it. As to the purchase of Mollersteads, Mr Dodds and his Client Mt Thirlwel have not been able yet to satisfy Mr Fawcets

Letter – Henry Richmond to Walter Blackett – 14 May 1764

To Sir Walter Blackett Baro[ne]t M.P. in Newcas[tle] 14 May 1764 Halfmoon Street Piccadilly London Hon[ou]rd Sir Mr Spencers resignation of his place of Landwaiter & his petition to the Com[missione]rs of the Customs to be put upon the Superannuation List are sent up to them by this post. But inclosed are Copies thereof, together with a Letter from Mr Spencer to you. The resignation and the petition were to go, of course, to the commissioners &

Letter – Henry Richmond to Isaac Hunter – 19 May 1764

To Mr Isaac Hunter at Newcas[tle] 19th May 1764 Dukesfield Sir As I conclude most of the Lead that was in the Ways at Xmas will be got in by the Time you receive this, I desire you will proceed to get the new Lead away from the several Mills as fast as possible. It may be right as you propose to set on the Allanheads Carriage immediately and then try the Rookhope Carriers whether they will take the last year’s price of

Letter – Henry Richmond to Plumb & Brown – 26 May 1764

To Messrs Plumb & Browne Goldsmiths in Newcas[tle] 26th May 1764 Foster Lane London Sir I sent you yesterday by William Laycock the London carrier a piece of fine Silver containing Sixhundred & sixty Eight Ounces which I desire you will place to Acco[un]t with Sir Walter Blackett, as usual, at the market price; & advise me on your Receipt of it.I am etc H R

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Darwin – 26 May 1764

To Mr Darwin Grays Inn Newcas[tle] 26th May 1764 London Sir I hope Mr Revett is right in his Opinion about the Mines in the Freeholds in Hexhamshire. If there is any doubt about it there should be further consultation; for I fear a Rich Leadmine called Hackford which Sir W[alte]r Blackett has won lately in the neighbourhood of some freehold Estates in the Regality of Hexham belonging to Greenwich Hospital and which their Agents have with

Letter – Henry Richmond to Walter Blackett – 26 May 1764

To Sir Walter Blackett B[arone]t M.P. in Newcas[tle] 26th May 1764 Half moon Street Piccadilly London Hon[ou]rd Sir Mr Caleb Hunter writes that Hackford Grove is now very good. Her being so has set the Hospitals Agents at work to Line her into some freehold Estates which they have in the Regality of Hexham with an intention as they have owned to day to work & try for her in those Estates: thinking they have a right to do so; tho[ugh] they o

Letter – Henry Richmond to John Sharp – 29 May 1764

To The Rev[eren]d Dr Sharp at Newcas[tle] 29th May 1764 Hartburn near Morpeth Sir The inclosed dra[ugh]t of a Letter of Attorney, to be executed by Sir John Eden, for Surrendering the piece of Ground for Ninebanks Chapel Yard was sent me by Mr Bell on Sunday night , & Yesterday I laid it before Mr Fawcett, who says no surrender can be made to Churchwardens : for they, by the Statute of Mortmain, are not a Corporation to

Letter – Henry Richmond to John Bell – 29 May 1764

To Mr John Bell at Mr Ellis’s in Newcas[tle] 29th May 1764 Hexham Sir I received you letter by Sunday’s post, inclosing the dra[ugh]t of a Letter of Attorney to be executed by Sir John Eden, for surrendering a p[iec]e of Ground for a Burying place for Ninebanks chapel, wch Mr Fawcet has made such Alterations in, that I thought it right to send it this morning to Dr Sharp; and as soon as he returns it I shall send it to Sir Jo

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Dalton – 30 May 1764

Mr William Dalton at Newcas[tle] 30th May 1764 Blaydon Sir I have sent you herewith a parcel of Lead Ore which has been got near Wallington & which I would gladly have assayed before Wednesday next. The ore is unwashed, so that it will not easily be fluxed; but the people at Wallington are young miners & think they have done enough in sending it as you see it. Pray let me know from time to time how you get f

Letter – Henry Richmond to John Bacon – 1 Jun 1764

To John William Bacon Forster Esq[uir]e at Newcas[tle] 1st June 1764 Newton Cap by Durham Sir In June last I gave Mr Rutter the Acco[un]t of your proportion of Weardale Rents etc for the year 1762 ; & on the other side you now receive the Acco[un]ts for the year 1763. The former was £126.5s.9d & this is £132.10s.2d. I hope you will please to order both sums to be paid soon, for there always used to be great punctuality observed in these payment

Letter – Henry Richmond to Isaac Hunter – 1 Jun 1764

To Mr Isaac Hunter at Newcas[tle] 1st June 1764 Dukesfield Sir Mr Reynaldson writes me that he has now got in all the Old Lead, and will send you two Ticketts of it. One of which will be his Receipt to 31st Decem[be]r last, which you will charge in Dece[mbe]r qua[rter]s Acco[un]ts the other Tickett, containing what he has rece[ive]d this year, I would have charged in March Acco[un]ts. I hope you will get these Ticketts by the Time y

Letter – Henry Richmond to Thomas Hugall – 2 Jun 1764

To Mr Hugall Attorney at Law in Newcas[tle] 2nd June 1764 Durham Sir You wrote to my Brother sometime ago for the form of a Letter of Attorney for Sir John Eden to surrender the piece of Ground which he intends for a burying place for Ninebanks chapel; Inclosed therefore you receive the dra[ught] of one, settled so as will best answer Sir John’s intentions, and the sooner it can be Executed and returned the better. For as the Arch Bishop

Letter – Henry Richmond to Isaac Hunter – 5 Jun 1764

To Mr Isaac Hunter at Newcas[tle] 5th June 1764 Dukesfield Sir I have just received your Letter with the Acco[un]t for Decem[be]r Qua[rte]r and shall be very glad to have your pay made on the 20th inst[an]t. So, if you think you can get all closed I desire you will fix it accordingly and come and receive the Money on Monday the 18th go home on Tuesday and pay it away on Wednesday. This will suit me very well but

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Darwin – 8 Jun 1764

To Mr Darwin Grays Inn Newcas[tle] 8 June 1764 London Sir Sir Walter Blackett got here on Wednesday and is very well. He desires you will look into the Grant of Hexham Manor for the two clauses relating to the mines of Coal & Lead, whereof the inclosed is a Copy: for he would gladly know whether the words “in Omnibus Locis” are to be looked upon as restraining in any measure the former part of these clauses. And if you thi

Letter – Henry Richmond to Thomas Hugall – 8 Jun 1764

To Mr Thomas Hugall Newcas[tle] 8th June 1764 Attorney at Law in Durham Sir Your favour of the 6th inst[an]t I communicated to Sir Walter Blackett and he bid me mention to you that Sir John Eden proposed being at His Seat near Durham in 3 or 4 Days. So that lest there should be any Time lost he thinks the safe way will be to acquaint Mr Hamond Hubbock that you have the Letter of Attorney ready and desire him to let you kno

Letter – Henry Richmond to John Sharp – 15 Jun 1764

To The Rev[ere]nd Dr Sharp at Newcas[tle] 15th June 1764 Hartburn Sir Sir John Eden’s Letter of Attorney for Surrendering the piece of Ground to you in Trust, for a burying place for Ninebanks Chapel, is executed, and his Steward Mr Hubbock will attend at Hexham on Monday next about Noon to prove the execution of it. at which Time, or at any time afterwards that it is convenient for you to be at Hexham, you may be admitted. Mr

Letter – Henry Richmond to John Bell – 15 Jun 1764

To Mr John Bell at Mr Ellis’s in Newcas[tle] 15th June 1764 Hexham Sir By a Letter which I rec[eive]d last post from Mr Hugall I find that Sir John Eden’s Letter of Attorney for Surrendering the piece of Ground to Dr Sharp in trust for a Burying place for Ninebanks chapel is executed ; and that his Steward Mr Hubbuck will call upon you & prove the Execution of it on Monday next about Noon; of wch I have acquainted Dr Sharp, that he may a

Letter – Henry Richmond to Walter Blackett – 16 Jun 1764

To Sir Walter Blackett B[arone]t at Newcas[tle] 16 June 1764 Wallington Hon[our]d Sir Sir John Eden has executed the Letter of Attorney for Surrendering the piece of Ground for Ninebanks Chapel Yard; but by Reason of an Entail it is now apprehended, by Mr Hugall his Attorney, that there will be a necessity for suffering a recovery. And that will prevent matters being adjusted against the Arch B[isho]p’s coming, & will occasion the Con

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Darwin – 17 Jun 1764

To Mr Darwin Grays Inn Newcas[tle] 17 June 1764 London Sir I rece[iev]ed your Lre inclosing Mr Sam[ue]l Savages rec[eip]t for £495 for the ½ y[ea[rs int[e]r[es]t due to him f[ro]m S[i]r W[alte]r Blackett & have given your acco[un]t with me credit for the same. I also rece[ieve]d your Lre of the 13th inst[an]t with the state of the case about the Mines in the Freeholds in Hexham Manor. But as I am to be ingaged this week in maki

Letters – Nicholas Walton to John Ibbetson – 17 Jun 1764

Ravensworth Castle 17th June 1764 Sir, We have rec[ieve]d yours inclosing an advertisement for the sale of the Lead Ore Dues and ordering the same to be incerted in the Newcastle News Papers, which has been done accordingly. The present price of Lead at Newcastle is £14.10s p[er] Fodder [Fother], so that the duty ore of this year shou[l]d sell at the following rates, viz. 57s p[er] Bing f

Letters – Nicholas Walton to John Ibbetson – 17 Jun 1764

Sir, Private Ravensworth Castle June 17th 1764 We have made enquiry whether Mr Cook can have 10 Chaldrons of Coals London Measure ship[p]ed for him at Newcastle and find there will be some difficulty in getting the coals sent in that manner, but as we generaly exceed the quantity ordered by the Directors a little, we will take notice to you in a private letter when we send the last loading that Mr Cook is to have ten

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Darwin – 23 Jun 1764

Mr William Alvey Darwin Newcas[tle] 23rd June 1764 Gray’s Inn London Sir Sir Walter Blackett has taken the State of the case about the mines in the freeholds in Hexham Manor with him to Hexham for Mr Ellis to examine it and it will be returned you next week. But in the mean time desires you will be getting the search made for the Several Grants of Estates in Hexham and Anick Grange Manor that are prior to the Gr
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467