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Witness Deposition – Cuthbert Mills – 9 Sep 1764

Cuthbert Mills of Medomsley in the County of Durham Yeoman Aged 52 Years . Was Serv[an]t to Mr Surtees for 2 of 3 ye[ar]s at Woodhead & proves the repairing the Road as above ment[ione]d , & that Swalwell assisted with a Dra[ugh]t p[er]sonally.

Letter – Henry Richmond to Robert Thompson – 12 Sep 1764

12 Sept 1764 Advised R[ober]t Thompson Esq. upon the Terras in St. James’s Street London that I have sent him 2 pots of Moor game by last Saturdays Carrier & have paid the Carriage. H R

Letter – Henry Richmond to George Douglas – 18 Sep 1764

To Mr George Douglas Newcas[tle] 18th Septem[be]r 1764 at Berwick upon Tweed Sir In answer to your Letter, desiring me to send you 200 p[ieces] of Sir W[alte]r Blackett’s Lead, or that I will apply to Messrs Surtees & Burdon to ship it for you, I beg leave to repeat what I mentioned to you last year; that I never concern myself in shipping lead, neither can I sell it to any but our merchants here. Therefore whenever you h

Letter – Henry Richmond to John Sharp – 18 Sep 1764

To the Rev[eren]d Dr Sharp at Newcas[tle] 18th Sept 1764 Hartburn near Morpeth Sir The purchase of Mollarsteads is now completed & I should be very glad to have full instructions from you how this Estate is intended to be settled upon Whitley Chapel; and then I will give directions for drawing the writings. I sent the plan of St Nich[ola]s church ten days ago directed to the Archbishop, as you desired; & paid 1s.6d for

Letter – Henry Richmond to John Bell – 18 Sep 1764

To Mr John Bell at Mr Ellis’s in Newcas[tle] 18th Sept 1764 Hexham Sir Sir Walter does not chuse to have any further Opinions taken at present about the Tithe of the Allotment of Hexham Comon claimed by the Vicar of Warden: & bids me write you that whenever any tithe becomes due for this Allotment it is to be taken by his Tithers, till you have other orders. No corn nor hay tithe I think will be due for a year or two but I should be glad to know how

Letter – Henry Richmond to Gordon – 24 Sep 1764

To Mrs Gordon in upper Grosvenor Street Newcas[tle] 24 Sept 1764 London Madam By Sir W[alte]r Blackett’s orders I have sent four pine apples, by the Flying Coach, in a box directed to you; The Coach set out early this morning & will be in London I believe before this Letter. I have paid the carriage & am etc H Ric P.S. The coach comes to the black bull in Bishopgate Street in case there sho[ul]d be occasion to inquire after it.

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Robson – 28 Sep 1764

To Mr William Robson at Newcas[tle] 28th Sept 1764 Wallington Sir Inclosed I return you Mr Douglas’s Letter; I had one from him to the same purpose & answered it by the return of the post, that I never concern myself with shipping Lead, but only sell it to the Merchants in the Town. I told Mr Douglas so last year and that if he ever wanted any of Sir Walter’s Lead he must employ some merchant here to buy it. Accordingly he employed Messrs Surtees

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Darwin – 28 Sep 1764

To Mr William Alvey Darwin Newcas[tle] 28th Sept 1764 Gray’s Inn London Sir Inclosed is Peareth & Sorsbie’s bill on Freeman & Hainbanks for Two hundred & Eighty Pounds; which I desire you’ll place to my acco[un]t for the present and advise the Receipt of. This bill is intended for Messrs Viner & Glover’s & Mrs Lambert’s half year’s intr[es]t of their mortgage on Kenton due 27th inst. I am etc Hen R

Letter – Henry Richmond to Plumb & Brown – 23 Oct 1764

To Messrs Plumb & Browne Newcas[tle] 23rd October 1764 Goldsmiths in Foster Lane London Sirs On Friday the 12th instant I sent you by Will[ia]m Laycock the carrier a piece of silver weighing seven hundred and three ounces which I desire you will place to acco[un]t with Sir Walter Blackett at the price and advise me on your Receipt of it. P.S. you forgot to sign your name to your last Letter advising of the 670 ounces at 5s.8 ½ d.

Letter – Henry Richmond to Plumb & Brown – 27 Oct 1764

To Messrs Plumb & Browne Newcas[tle] 27th Oct[obe]r 1764 Goldsmiths in Foster Lane London Sirs I have this day drawn a bill upon you for thirty six Pounds payable to Mr George Lowthian or order at 25 days from this date which I desire you will accept and place to acco[un]t with Sir Walter Blackett. I am etc Hen Richmond

Letter – Henry Richmond to Plumb & Brown – 3 Nov 1764

To Messrs Plumb & Browne Goldsmiths in Newcastle 3rd Nov[embe]r 1764 Foster Lane London Gentlemen I have two Bills on you, the one for ninety five Pounds payable to Mr William Alvey Darwin or order at twenty days from this date; and the other for ninety Pounds Payable to Mr William Alvey Darwin or order at twenty five days from this date; both which I desire you will accept and place to account with Sir Walter Blackett. I am etc H R

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Darwin – 3 Nov 1764

To Mr William Alvey Darwin Newcastle 3rd November 1764 Grays Inn London Sir Inclosed you receive William Clayton’s bill as above for Four hundred Pounds and my Bill on Plumbe and Browne for Ninety five Pounds which two bills will enable you to pay Mr Savage’s interest due 6th instant and till you pay it I desire you will place them to my account. Inclosed you also receive another bill of Mr Clayton’s as above for three hundred

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Dalton – 10 Nov 1764

To Mr William Dalton at Blaydon Newcas[tle] 10th Novem[be]r 1764 Sir I beg you will never deliver more Lead to any Person than I give the tickett for; nor trust to their telling you they will come directly and pay for it. No accident indeed has happened in this case; but you must be sensible it is not regular to run any such risks. I am etc H R

Letter – Henry Richmond to Caleb Hunter – 11 Nov 1764

To Mr Caleb Hunter at Allanheads Newcas[tle] 11th November 1764 Sir John Renwick has complained to Sir Walter that he and 5 more got 99 Bings of ore at Hackford Grove at 18d a Bing yet as soon as their bargain was out you took the best of the ground from them where she was ¾ of a yard clean ore in width & let at 17d a Bing, and put them into the worst ground where no ore was to be found & where they had 9d a week to pay for drawing water s

Letter – Henry Richmond to Walter Blackett – 23 Nov 1764

To Sir Walter Blackett B[arone]t M.P. in Newcastle 23rd Nov[embe]r 1764 Half Moon Street Piccadilly London Hon[our]d Sir I hope you are well after your journey. I acquainted Mr Ord with what you had settled as to the Bailifs place and he is very thankful, and I went on this dayse’ night to Mr Collingwood and he promised to make a draught of the instrument to be signed by Mr Heron; but he has not yet sent it. I have been at Wallingt

Letter – Henry Richmond to John Bell – 23 Nov 1764

To Mr John Bell Hexham Newcas[tle] 23 Nov[embe]r 1764 Sir Inclosed you receive a copy of Mr Collingwoods dra[ugh]t of the Appointm[en]t of a Bailif & deputy Steward or Clerk of the Regality of Hexham etc wch I send for y[ou]r perusal & desire you will return it me by Sundays post. I want to know wher[e] the deputy Stewards & the clerks offices are the same or they are different offices. Mr Collingwood you see makes them one &

Letter – Henry Richmond to Isaac Hunter – 25 Nov 1764

To Mr Isaac Hunter at Newcas[tle] 25th Novem[be]r 1764 Dukesfield Sir I shall be glad to see you soon, about the road from Edmondbiers to Blaydon: for the first step ordered to be taken is to indict the inhabitants of Woodhead quarter for not repairing the Road. But then before we can do this we must be able to prove that it wants repair, that is, that it is not passable without great danger & difficulty. If you can obtain

Letter – Henry Richmond to Edward Collingwood – 26 Nov 1764

To Edw[ar]d Collingwood Esq Newcas[tle] 26th November 1764 at Chirton Sir As I had some doubt whether the Deputy Stewards and the clerk’s were the same office, which the word or insirted between them in the draught seems to imply; I wrote to Mr Bell: & inclosed you have his answer, that they have always been considered as distinct offices. Therefore I submit it whether and should not be put in instead of

Letter – Henry Richmond to Walter Blackett – 26 Nov 1764

To Sir W[alte]r Blackett B[arone[t MP in Newcas[tle] 26th November 1764 Half moon Street Piccadilly London Hon[our]d Sir Inclosed is Mr Collingwood’s dra[ugh]t of the appointment of Mr Ralph Heron to be Bailiff of Hexham, and also of the instrument he is to sign to allow Mr Ord to receive the salary and profits. If you approve of them, they can be engrossed by Mr Darwin on the proper stamps, for I find Mr Collingwood is not clear whether the high duty

Letter – Henry Richmond to Plumb & Brown – 27 Nov 1764

To Messrs Plumb & Browne Newcas[tle] 27th November 1764 Goldsmiths Foster Lane London Gentlemen On the 23 inst[an]t I sent you by Matthew Lee the London Carrier a piece of offine Silover weighing four hundred & twenty eight ounces; which I desire you will place to account with Sir Walter Blackett at the market price and advise me of the Receipt of. I am etc H R

Witness Deposition – Isaac Hunter to Henry Richmond – 7 Dec 1764

To Mr Henry Richmond Dukesfield Decemr. 1764 Pilgrim Street Newcastle Sir I have been upon the other parts of the Road between Blaydon and Edmonbiers, and find them so bad that I think there’s not the least doubt but one may indict both the East and the West End of Woodhead Quarter of The Township of Newlands on the West and the Quarter of Chople [Chopwell?] on the East, but I cannot hear of any (as yet) that can speak to the repairing of that part within the Quarter of Chop

Letter – Henry Richmond to Christopher Johnson – 8 Dec 1764

To Mr Chris[tophe]r Johnson Attorney at Law Newcas[tle] 8th Decemr 1764 in Durham. Sir Sir W[alte]r Blackett has some parcels of copyhold Land near Woodcroft in the parish of Stanhope which are held of the Top according to the custom of the Halmot Court of Wolsingham; to which copyholds one Dr John Smith was admitted Tenant on the 20th Augst. 11th year Ann. & the description of the said parcels is as follows. One parcel of Land called Bitchlaw next Woodcroft a

Letter – Henry Richmond to John Bell – 9 Dec 1764

To Mr John Bell at Mr Rich[ar]d Ellis’s Newcas[tle] 9th Decem[be]r 1764 in Hexham Sir Inclosed I send you two papers which I received from Sir W[alte]r Blackett, being the findings of the Juries upon the charge given them upon the decease of John Richardson the younger of Nether Limestone Brea and Cuth[ber]t Roddam of the same place and shall be glad to hear that you receive them safe. Mr Heron’s deputation is sent to Mr Rastall to be execu

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Darwin – 12 Dec 1764

To Mr William Alvey Darwin Newcas[tle] 12th Decm[be]r 1764 Gray’s Inn London Sir I rec[eiv]ed your Letter of the 8th instant inclosing me Mr Sam[ue]l Savages receipt for four hundred and ninety five Pounds for half a y[ea]rs int[e]r[es]t due 6th Novem[be]r last which I have given you credit for. I have also given you credit for one hundred and forty pounds for Mr Glover’s receipt for the ½ y[ea]rs int[e]r[es]t due to him and Mr Viner the 27th Septem[b

Letter – Henry Richmond to Walter Blackett – 12 Dec 1764

To Sir W[alte]r Blackett B[arone]t MP in Newcas[tle] 12th Decem[be]r 1764 Halfmoon Street Piccadilly London Hon[ou]rd Sir I received and have given to Mr Heron the appointment to the Bailiffs Office; and he has signed the instrument in favour of Mr Ord. I hear Mr Lowes is disappointed! Mr Graham the Curate of Hexham died on Sunday last: the Curacy I believe is worth better than £50 a year. A Fire happened at Dukesfield on Sunday last, during the time of servic
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467