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Letter – Henry Richmond to William Rutter – 25 Mar 1765

To Mr William Rutter in Westgate Monday 25 March 1765 Newcastle Sir I desire to know what time to day I may wait upon you, or send, for Mr Bacon’s proportion of weardale rents & for the years 1762 & 1763; which comes to £258.15s.11d. I am etc Hen Richmond

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Robson – 26 Mar 1765

To Mr W[ilia]m Robson at Wallington Newcas[tle] 26 March 1765 Sir Inclosed I return you Mr Douglas’s letter complaining that Mr ord of Longridge threatens, unless an acknowlegem[en]t is paid him, to pull down the bridge that Sir W[alte]r Blackett has built over the Burn between West Ord & Lane End in the room of the plank; wch I suppose S[i]r W[alte]r had a right to have there. You can judge best of this matter as you know what authority or licenc

Letter – Henry Richmond to Walter Blackett – 27 Mar 1765

To Sir W[alte]r Blackett B[arone]t MP at his house Newcas[tle] 27 March 1765 In Halfmoon Street Piccadilly London Hon[ou]rd Sir Inclosed is Peareth & Sorsbie’s bill on Freeman & Stainbanks for three hundred pounds; wch please to advise the recipt of. Mr Ra Sparke of Hexham is Nephew to Mr Robt Lowes, was his clerk & is now his partner as I am informed & has a good fortune. The fitters & others concerned in the Coal trade here are desiro

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Dalton – 30 Mar 1765

To Mr William Dalton at Newcas[tle] 30 March 1765 Blaydon Sir Robert Pearson is willing to take the old and new slags together at Four pounds a Ton; and to take them clear away by the bottom to your satisfaction, or else to be discharged. Now if you think this is not too much, you may set him to work as soon as you will; provided you think his reducing his workings will not interfere with your reducing the lead. If this can be managed so that he can use th

Letter – Henry Richmond to Nathaniel Johnson – 3 Apr 1765

To Mr Nath[anie]l Johnson at Flass Newcastle 3rd April 1765 Near Durham Sir I received a Letter last Post from Sir Walter Blackett, in which he bids me acquaint you that he is obliged to you for the kind preference you offer him of your half of Ryal; but that he does not chuse to be a purchaser. I am etc Hen Richmond

Letter – Henry Richmond to Isaac Hunter – 8 Apr 1765

To Mr Isaac Hunter Jun[io]r at Newcas[tle] the 8th April 1765 Dukesfield Sir I have received your Acco[un]ts and shall be very glad to have your pay made on Wednesday the 24th instant if it will not interfere with Hexham Head Court. If you think any objection will rise to the having it that week then you may fix it the Wednesday following which will be the 1st of May. So take your choice, only let me know which you pitch upon, by the return of the po

Letter – Henry Richmond to John Fenwick – 10 Apr 1765

To Mr John Fenwick in Robert’s Place Newcas[tle] 10th April 1765 York Sir I rece[ive]d your Letter of the 8th instant inclosing me the two Receipts signed by you; and have now no objection to your drawing a Bill upon me to Mr Hull for any sum under Three hundred and thirty five Pounds twelve shillings & sixpence to become due on the 12th of May next, provided you give me a Letter of Advice how much you do draw for & mention that it is

Witness Deposition – Fletcher Norton – 10 Apr 1765

Additional Case relating to the Lead Way with Mr. Norton’s Opinion. The Road or Highway between the Town of Blaydon & the Town of Edmondbyers is generally during the Summer Season (when Lead is Bro[ugh]t down the same) found to be in good repair, therefore Sir Walter Blackett had no occasion to indict any part thereof as ruinous & out of Repair in the Winter. Sevysike Lane is part of the said Road or High Way, but no Obstruction has been given on that part of the Road. ‘Tis obse

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Darwin – 16 Apr 1765

To Mr William Alvey Darwin Newcastle 16 April 1765 Gray’s Inn London Sir Inclosed you receive William Claytons Bill on Robt Machell for four hundred and ninety five Pounds to enable you to pay Mr savages half year’s int[e]rest which will be due the 6th of next month. In the mean time please to place this bill to my Acco[un]t & advise the Receipt of it. Inclosed also you receive the Letter of Attorney executed by my Brother and me, to impower Mr

Letter – Henry Richmond to John Bell – 16 Apr 1765

To Mr John Bell at Newcastle 16 April 1765 Hexham Sir I have communicated your Letter about the Tolls of Hexham Manor to Sir Walter and expect to send you his directions in a Post or two whether he will defend the taking these Tolls or give them up intirely. I am etc Hen Richmond

Letter – Henry Richmond to John Bell – 16 Apr 1765

To Mr John Bell at Hexham Newcastle 16 April 1765 Sir Since I sent my other Letter to the post I have seen Sir W[alte]r Blackett and he has considered the several opinions which have been taken upon the cases stated concerning the custom of taking toll for all Goods cattle etc passing thro[ugh] the Manor of Hexham and tho[ugh] in one of them he is advised that the custom may be capable of a defence yet as the other council think it cannot be suppor

Letter – Henry Richmond to Walter Blackett – 20 Apr 1765

To Sir W[alte]r Blackett B[arone]t MP in Newcas[tle] 20th April 1765 Half moon street Piccadilly London Hon[ou]rd Sir Inclosed is a List of the Sherif peers, in their order. The inclosed Advertisement was inserted in our papers today about the stallions; which made it unnecessary for me to say any thing to the serjeants. Mr Peareth has advised me to give Henry Forster only a Guinea; and that it will be better to let his wife have the

Letter – Henry Richmond to John Bell – 27 Apr 1765

To Mr John Bell at Mr Ellis’s in Newcas[tle] 27th April 1765 Hexham Sir Upon second thoughts it appears to me the best way for you to publish the Tolls to be let against the 12th May next; & then if nobody will give more than what W[ilia]m Robson has bid for them I do not doubt but Sir Walter will give him the preference. However I have wrote to Sir Walter by this post for his directions: only in the mean time, if you see no objection to it, I thi

Letter – Henry Richmond to Walter Blackett – 27 Apr 1765

To Sir W[alte]r Blackett B[arone]t MP at his house in Newcas[tle] 27th April 1765 Half moon street Piccadilly London Hon[ou]rd The Pay for your Leadmills, amounting to £3514.14s.9 ¾d was made on Wednesday last. W[ilia]m Robson, who farmed Hexham Tolls at £50 a year, declares that he cannot, now the passage Toll is dropt, give more than £17 a Year for them; that is for the markets and fairs. Both Mr Bell and Mr Ellis are of opinion that they are not worth above £20 a

Letter – Henry Richmond to George Douglas – 27 Apr 1765

To Mr George Douglass Plumber in Newcas[tle] 27th April 1765 Berwick Sir Inclosed is an Account of the 200 p[iece]s of Lead delivered you in Jan[ua]ry last: and as Sir Walter Blackett has already given you more than the usual credit allowed in the Lead trade I hope you will let me have the money very soon. P.S. The deeds you left here are executed; and I shall give them to Mr Robson when I see him & am etc Hen Richmond

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Darwin – 28 Apr 1765

To Mr Darwin Grays Inn London Newcastle 28 April 1765 Sir I have reci[eve]d your Letter of the 25th inst[an]t inclosing me a Receipt for £140 for Messrs Vener & Glover’s ½ year’s int[e]r[es]t & another for £140 for Mrs Sambroke’s ½ year’s int[e]res]t; both w[hi[ch sums I have given you cred[i]t for in your acco[un[t with me. And I have debited you therein for the £18.4s.0d wch you have reci[eve]d of Mr Mw Lowthian as the bala

Letter – Henry Richmond to George Douglas – 1 May 1765

To Mr Geo Douglass plumber in Newcas[tle] 1st May 1765 Berwick Sir Mr Wm Brown says you want three fothers of ref[in]d Lead to enable you to compleat the Lead work at Unthank fire engine. I shall readily let you have it if you will write me by the return of the post, to whom I am to deliver it. The price is now £14 ½ d p[er] foth[e]r. I am etc HR

Letter – Henry Richmond to John Cross – 3 May 1765

To Mr John Cross in Leeds Newcas[tle] 3rd May 1765 Yorkshire D[ea]r Sir I have sent you by Warburton thirty Pounds fourteen shillings and have kept the Twenty nine Pounds six shillings, which you desired me to pay to Mr. Robson, these two sums make up the Sixty Pounds you sent me a Receipt for. Mr Robson says you owe him £41.6s.0d and has made out an acco[un]t of it, which is here in closed but I did not chuse to pay him more than you ordered and have left the

Letter – Henry Richmond to Messrs Rutter – 6 May 1765

To Messrs Jno Matt & Henry Rutter Wallington 6 May 1765 Messrs Rutters This is to acquaint you that if you do not come soon and pay the Money you owe Sir walter Blackett you must take the consequence for you are sensible you have had the utmost Indulgence granted you. I am etc Hen Richmond

Letter – Henry Richmond to John Bell – 7 May 1765

To Mr John Bell at Mr Elis’s in Wallington 7 May 1765 Hexham Sir I am now here receiving Rents, and have just now got a Letter from Sir Walter dated the 4 inst[an]t in which he says “if £20 are not bid for the Tolls of Marketts and Fairs I do think it would be right to appoint an honest diligent person to collect them; nor do I think it would be at all improper, even without trying to let them, to try what they do amount to; if an honest person ca

Letter – Henry Richmond to Walter Blackett – 10 May 1765

To Sir Walter Blackett B[arone]t MP in Newcas[tle] 10th May 1765 Half Moon Street Piccadilly London Hon[ou]rd Sir I shall send Mr Darwin a bill for £400 in a few posts, to be placed to your account, as you ordered: and shall at the same time send him one for £300 on acco[un]t of the quarterly payments. I have been at Wallington this week receiving the rents; but had a very poor receipt, and the arrears are still increasing. The Mr Isaacson that applie

Letter – Henry Richmond to Plumb & Brown – 10 May 1765

To Messrs Plumb & Browne Goldsmiths in Newcas[tle] 10th May 1765 Foster Lane London Sirs I have this day sent you by Matthew Lee the London Carrier a piece of fine silver weighing Four hundred & twelve ounces: which I desire you will place to acco[un]t as usual with Sir Walter Blackett at the Markett price and advise me on the receipt thereof. I am etc Hen Richmond.

Letter – Henry Richmond to John Bell – 10 May 1765

To Mr John Bell at Hexham Newcastle 10 May 1765 Sir As you say you have met with a person that may be trusted to collect the Tolls of the Fairs & markets for a year, for £10 & to be at all incidental expence of collecting them out of that sum; & to pay you the whole amount of the Tolls without any deduction. I think you must employ him & that in so doing you will act according to Sir W[alte]rs intentions, as contained in the

Letter – Henry Richmond to Richard Wilson – 11 May 1765

To Richard Wilson Esq[ui]r[e]e Newcas[tle] 11 May 1765 In Leeds Yorkshire Sir Inclosed is Bell Cookson & o[th]ers bill on Vere Glyn & Hallifax for two hundred ans seventy eight pounds nine shillings & ten pence for the balance of the inclosed acco[un]t of your rents to Martin[ma]s last. I desire you will favour me with advise of your receipt of the Bill by the return of the post and that you will sign and return me the inclosed duplicate of the

Letter – Henry Richmond to John Fenwick – 12 May 1765

To Mr John Fenwick in Roberts’s Place Newcastle 12th May 1765 York Sir Inclosed herewith you receive Jona[tho]n Sorsbie Jun[io]rs bill on Robert Sorsbie for One hundred and forty nine pounds twelve shillings and sixpence payable at 40 days from 22nd of last month; which with the bill for one hundred and eighty six pounds that you have drawn upon me to Mr Hall & which I have accepted makes up the value of your two receipts. I desire you will by the return of t
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467