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Letter – John Westgarth to Robert Allgood – 13 Jul 1765

Mr Allgood Unthank 13 July 1765 Sir, I have been most of the time from home since I had the pleasure of seeing you, is the reason I could not write to the purpose before. As Mr Bacon will want one hearth of his Allandale mill a part of this summer, I agree with you it will be proper that he should oblige Sir Lancelott with the other by the fother and the price I pay myself. & also the Darbyshire Comp to Mr Hutchinson of Eggleston, is half a crown the fother for fewel and

Letter – Henry Richmond to Matthew Reynaldson – 19 Jul 1765

To Mr Matt Reynaldson at Newcastle 19th July 1765 Blaydon Sir Mr George Dunn tells me that Edward Chicken Cuthb[er]t Nixon & John Wilson of Barloe, have notwithstanding all woods are reserved out of their Leases, cut and sold corfrods openly upon their farms at Winlaton; that John Barras of Whickham bought part of them and the Corver upon Barloe fell the rest; that they do not deny their having cut and sold them for they say they are all

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Darwin – 20 Jul 1765

To Mr Darwin Greys Inn Newcas[tle] 20th July 1765 London Sir Sir Walter Blackett thinks it will be very right to give Lawyer Stanhope a General Retainer; so if you can conveniently do it I should be glad of it; if not, I must think of some other way. Lawyer Wilson has desired me to pay you the Guinea for your trouble in examining the Title deeds of East Kenton in relation to the modus for the petty tithes; and I have place

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Robson – 4 Aug 1765

To Mr William Robson at Newcas[tle] 4th Aug[u]st 1765 Wallington Sir Neither Anthony Hunter nor George Browne have yet been with me and therefore I think you have good Reason to doubt their principles, after so many breaches of their promises. Anth[on]y Hunter owes Sir Walter £598.0s.0d due at Mayd[a]y last & George Brown owes him £542.10s.0d due at the same time! I am etc HR

Letter – Henry Richmond to John Bell – 7 Aug 1765

To Mr John Bell at Mr Ellis’s in Newcas[tle] 7th August 1765 Hexham Sir Sir walter desires that when the Judges come to Hexham you will wait upon them with his compliments and acquaint them that he will be glad if their Lordships and a couple of their servants will lodge at the Abbey. But as he has no family there Good beds are all the accommodation he can offer their Lordships. In the mean time you will order the Beds to be got ready. P.S. The Ho

Letter – Henry Richmond to Isaac Hunter – 10 Aug 1765

To Mr Isaac Hunter Jun[io]r at Newcas[tle] 10th August 1765 Dukesfield Sir You will see by this days newspaper that there is a meeting to be held at Stanhope the 15th inst[an]t about the Division of Bollihope Comon; which I desire you will attend and let me know what passes and what is resolved on and get me a copy of the Bill for the intended Division if you can, as soon as it is settled. We are all clear that it is not Sir W[alte]r Blacketts

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Darwin – 12 Aug 1765

To Mr Darwin Gray’s Inn Newcas[tle] 12th Aug[u]st 1765 London Sir Inclosed is a duplicate of the Acco[un]t between us, signed by me, in return for that which I received signed by you, in your Letter of the 8th instant. As to the balance, I have for the present carried it to our new Account; and when I have received Jane Hunt’s and Mary Macmorran’s Money I shall send you a bill for the whole. I am obliged to you for receiving my ½ Years

Letter – Henry Richmond to Caleb Hunter – 14 Aug 1765

To Mr Caleb Hunter at Newcas[tle] 14th Aug[u]st 1765 Allanheads Sir I have sent by the Bearer Robert Archer two dozen of Stepheson’s port Wine, one dozen of Brandy, one dozen of strong Beer and one dozen and 3 bottles of middling Beer. Mr Turner tells me ther is a bag of shot no. 4 at Allanheads and another at Newhouse As to Tea, Coffee, Sugar etc I had no orders to send any; but lest you should not be provided with what is good I have sent a p

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Darwin – 17 Aug 1765

To Mr Darwin Grays Inn London Newcastle 17th Aug[u]st 1765 Sir I have rece[ive]d 40s for Jane Hunts receipt & £12.12s.0d for Mary Macmorans bill; both wch sums I have placed to your credit & by them & the balance brought from our old acco[un]t I stand indebted to you £63.2s.4d; in discharge of wch I send you herewith inclosed Bell Cookson & Cos bill on Vere Glyn & Hallifax at 25d p

Letter – Henry Richmond to Walter Blackett – 18 Aug 1765

To Sir Walter Blackett B[arone]t at Wallington Newcas[tle] 18th Aug[u]st 1765 Hon[ou]rd Sir Mr Dalton died on Thursday last, and another should be appointed in his place as soon as possible; his son, who is about three and twenty, is not qualified; and no other has yet offered but one Mulcaster, whom Mr Westgarth gave a good character of, and who has been employed for several years as a Refiner under t

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Westgarth – 23 Aug 1765

To Mr Will[ia]m Westgarth at Coalcleugh Newcas[tle] 23rd Aug[u]st 1765 Sir Mr Dalton is dead and I have acquainted S[i]r W[alte]r Blackett that you think Rob[er]t Mulcaster of Acton Mill is a good Refiner and qualified to succeed him. Sir Walter therefore desires you will tell him to come down to me as soon as he can get a recommendation from Mr Tweddle as he told me he could. I desire you will let me have al

Letter – Henry Richmond to Isaac Hunter – 23 Aug 1765

To Mr Isaac Hunter Jun[io]r At Dukesfield Newcas[tle] 23rd August 1765 Sir On receipt of this I desire you will send a special messenger with the inclosed letter to Mr Westgarth. Mr Swinburn has desired Liberty of Sir Walter to get stones in Woodcroft Estate; for the building or reparing a wear upon his estate; Sir Walter readily agrees to give him this Liberty, & you are desired to see Mr Greenwell, his

Letter – Henry Richmond to Caleb Hunter – 30 Aug 1765

To Mr Caleb Hunter at Allanheads Newcas[tle] 30th August 1765 Sir Sir Walter bids me send you the inclosed letter & desires you will consider the case as set forth by Isaac Stephenson and let me know what truth there is in it and whether the farm can conveniently and advantageously be divided into two as he desires. I see by your Rental that the whole farm is only £8.8s.0d a year, and this man says he p

Letter – Henry Richmond to Christopher Johnson – 2 Sep 1765

To Mr. Chris[tophe]r Johnson Attorney at Law Newcas[tle] the 2nd September 1765 in Durham Sir Sir Cha[rle]s Howard who was one of the Lives in the Lease of Redburn Estate, which Sir Walter Blackett holds of Dr Gregory as Master of Sherborn hospital, being dead I should be glad if you could inform me what the Dr Expects as a fine for inserting another Life. The fine paid him on the [last] renewal in 1760 was £35. When I have your answer I shall get the certificates si

Letter – Henry Richmond to Robert Mulcaster – 2 Sep 1765

To Mr Robert Mulcaster Newcas[tle] 2nd September 1765 at Blaydon Sir Robert Pearson agrees to wash John Mcessay’s old wastes and the furnace bottoms and old lead bottoms which have been washed by John Hawdon and all lying in the road, for six pounds a Ton of 22 cwt So if you have no objection you may let him go to work, only see that he goes fairly through them all and not take away the best and what lyes nearest to his hand and leave

Letter – Henry Richmond to Edward Fairless – 11 Sep 1765

To Mr Edward Fairless Attorney at Law Newcas[tle] 11th September 1765 in Bishop Auckland. Sir Sir Walter Blackett bids me write you, in answer to your Letter to Mr Robson about the division of Keenley Common; that as soon as he has considered the matter you shall hear further from & etc Hen Richmond

Letter – Henry Richmond to John Bell – 12 Sep 1765

To Mr John Bell at Mr Ellis’s in Newcas[tle] 12th September 1765 Hexham Sir You will see by the inclosed Letter wch I desire you will return me, that a Division of Keenley Common is resolved on by the Copyholders; in case they can obtain favourable terms of Sir Walter Blackett, as Lord of the Manor. Sir Walter desires you will consider the situation and circumstances of this Common, and what he should ask for his consent, and as an Equivalen

Letter – Henry Richmond to Christopher Johnson – 23 Sep 1765

To Mr Chris[tophe]r Johnson Attorney at Law Newcas[tle] 23rd September 1765 in Durham Sir On the 2nd instant I wrote you about renewing the Lease of Redburn estate with Dr Gregory, desiring you would take the trouble of inquiring what sum he expects for it. The last fine that Sir Walter paid was £35; which was high enough. I shall be glad to hear from you soon about it, for I hope you received my Letter. I am etc HR

Letter – Henry Richmond to Edward Fairless – 24 Sep 1765

To Mr Edward Fairless Attorney at Law In B[isho]p Auckland Newcas[tle] 24th September 1765 Sir In answer to your Letter desiring to know upon what terms Sir W[alter] Blackett will agree to a division of Keenley Comon. I am to acquaint you, that He expects a sixteenth part to be allotted him as Lord of the Manor, and that the same be laid in one plot, contiguous to his tithe barn. That the allotments be liable to tithe from the

Letter – Henry Richmond to Thomas Maughan – 25 Sep 1765

Mr Thomas Maughan at Newhouse Newcas[tle] 25 September 1765 Sir I desire your pay may be made on the 23 Octo[be]r next so you will come hither on the 20 and receive the money on the 21 go home on the 22nd and pay it the 23. Mr Westgarth writes Sir W[alte]r that the Commissioners for dividing Wolsingham Comon held their first meeting on Friday last but no body appeared to put in any claim for his Estate at Wolsingham. He

Letter – Henry Richmond to Isaac Hunter – 27 Sep 1765

To Mr Isaac Hunter Jun[io]r at Dukesfield Newcas[tle] 27th Sept[embe]r 1765 Sir I desire you will not omit waiting upon the <the> Comiss[ione]rs for the division of Bulbeck Comon at their first meeting, & deliver them a notice of Sir Walter Blackett’s claim of right of Comon on Bulbeck Comon, according to the <the> inclosed or any other better Form that you may hear of. And you will put a date t

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Rutter – 27 Sep 1765

To Mr William Rutter Attorney at Law In Westgate Newcas[tle] 27 September 1765 Sir I have now a large sum to raise for S[i]r W[alte]r Blacketts pays and hope you can let me have the £300.12s.11d due from Mr Bacon for his proportion of the Weardale rents & for the Years 1762, 1763, & 1764. I am etc HR

Letter – Henry Richmond to George Robson – Oct 1765

To Mr George Robson at Halnaby near Darlington Newcas[tle] Octo[be]r 1765 Sir Inclosed is the form of certificate which I mentioned to you; and if you will please to fill up the Blanks and get ------- it signed by the minister & Churchwardens of you parish and the return it to me, Sir Walter Blackett will be obliged to you. I am etc HR To all whom it may concern These are

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Darwin – 5 Oct 1765

To Mr Will[ia]m Alvey Darwin Newcastle 5th Octo[be]r 1765 Gray’s Inn London Sir Inclosed I send you Bell and Cos bill on Vere & Co for two hundred and Eighty pounds; to pay Messrs Viner & Glover’s and Mrs Sambroke’s ½ years int[e]r[es]t the 27th ultim [of last month]; and desire you will in the mean time place this bill to my account. I shall in a few posts, or however against you get to London make you a remitt

Letter – Henry Richmond to John Bell – 6 Oct 1765

To Mr John Bell at Mr. Ellis’s in Hexham Newcas[tle] 6th Octob[e]r 1765 Sir Sir Walter Blackett bids me write you in answer to your Letter to him of the 26th ultim [ last month] that he meant that the present agreement for Stublock colliery should be superseded by a lease, to be granted Mr. Wilson for 21 years from Mayday last at £12.10s.0d a year for which certain rent Mr Wilson is to be allowed to get 2000
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467