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Letter – Henry Richmond to Christopher Johnson – 9 Oct 1765

To Mr Chris[tophe]r Johnson Attorney at Law Durham Newcas[tle] 9th Octo[be]r 1765 Sir The rent of Redburn Estate has been advanced since the last renewal to £48 a year; but the Tenants are seen so much in arrear since their taking it, and complain so of the dearness of the farm, that I doubt Sir W[alte]r Blackett will not let it so well again however it is now let at £48 a year, if no better terms can

Letter – Henry Richmond to John Westgarth – 10 Oct 1765

To John Westgarth Esq[uir]e at Unthank near Stanhope Weardale Newcas[tle] 10th Octo[be]r 1765 Sir You were very obliging in mentioning the omission of delivering notice at the first meeting of the Com[missione]rs for dividing Wolsingham Comon of Sir W[alte]r Blackett’s claim thereon; which to be sure Mr Maughan forgot to do : but I wrote him immediately on Sir W[alte]rs giving me your Letter; and make no doubt but he has before this waited up

Letter – Henry Richmond to Thomas Maughan – 10 Oct 1765

To Mr Tho[ma]s Maughan at Newhouse In Weardale Newcas[tle] 10th Octo[be]r 1765 Sir I hope you got my Letter about your pay wch I fixed to be the 23rd instant [this month] indeed I make no doubt but Mr Caleb Hunter would take care to send it you safely & I only mention that Letter now again because a request that you would deliver notice to the Com[missione]rs or any one of them of S[i]r W[alte]rs claim of

Letter – Henry Richmond to John Bell – 10 Oct 1765

To Mr John Bell at Mr Ellis’s in Hexham Newcas[tle] 10 Octo[be]r 1765 Sir When Sir W[alte]r Blackett comes to Hexham I desire you will carry him the inclosed bill, and ask what time he would please to have Mr Brown of Whitley sent for to be a witness to his signing it; which is a piece of Form required by the Governors of the Bounty: and when Sir Walter has signed it, and Mr Brown witnessed it, you will either

Letter – Henry Richmond to Geoffrey Elwes – 12 Oct 1765

Newcastle 12th Octo[be]r 1765 £1000.0.0 Sir Pray pay to Mr William Alvey Darwin, or order, the sum of one thousand pounds, being the consideration money to be paid by the Governors for a purchase to augment the Curacy of Whitley in the County of Northumberland and Diocess of York and for which I have signed receipts on the back of the purchase deeds. To Sir Geoffrey Elwes, Treasurer to the Governors of Queen Ann’s Bounty at Messrs Fuller & Cope’s Bankers in Brick Lan

Letter – Henry Richmond to John Bell – 15 Oct 1765

To Mr John Bell at Mr Ellis’s in Hexham Newcas[tle] 15th Octo[be]r 1765 Sir Inclosed I send you an answer, delivered me today by some of the Keenley people, to the terms offered them by S[i]r W[alte]r for a division of their Comon; copy of which terms I have also here inclosed you. Sir Walter desires you will consider of them and let me know what objections or observations occur to you upon this answer of the

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Darwin – 18 Oct 1765

To Mr William Alvery Darwin Newcas[tle] 18th Octo[be]r 1765 Greys Inn London Sir Inclosed is W[ilia]m Clayton’s bill on Robert Machell for Four hundred pounds and mine on Plumb & Browne for one hundred and fifty eight pounds ten shillings; - which two bills I send you on Account of the payments made and to be made by you in London for S[ir] W[alte]r Blackett between 30th June last & 31 Decem[be]r next and I desire you will plac

Letter – Henry Richmond to Edward Fairless – 29 Oct 1765

To Mr Edw[ar]d Fairless Attorney at Law In Bishop Auckland Newcas[tle] 29th October 1765 Sir As I do not chuse to engage in the disputes which I find the division of Keenley Comon is likely to be productive of, I must desire to change the plan upon which I will consent to a division, & substitute the following terms viz Not to be at any Expence whatsoever To have no hand in passing the Act of Parliament To have

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Darwin – 30 Oct 1765

To Mr Darwin Gray’s Inn London Newcas[tle] 30th Octo[be]r 1765 Sir Having occasion now for the money which I have in the 4 p[er] cent[u]m consol[idated]: I shall be obliged to you if you will send me, as soon as you can, the form of a Letter of Attorney with proper Instructions for the execution of it, so that no delay may happen from a non-compliance with the method required by the Bank in these cases. Sir Walter bid me a

Letter – Henry Richmond to John Bell – 3 Nov 1765

To Mr John Bell at Mr Elis’s In Hexham Newcas[tle] 3rd Nov[embe]r 1765 Sir I have rec[eive]d your Letters of the 28th ult[im] [last month] & 1st inst [this month] & think what you say about the proposed division of Keenley common is very right; especially about the tithe barn. I have spoke again to S[i]r Lan[celot] Allgood & he has taken a mem[oran]dum to enquire about the coach-house built adj[acen]t t

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Darwin – 6 Nov 1765

To Mr William Alvey Darwin Greys Inn London Newcas[tle] 6th Novem[be]r 1765 Sir Inclosed I send you W[ilia]m Clayton’s bill on Robert Machell for hundred pounds, and my bill on Plumb & Browne for Ninety five pounds to enable you to pay Mr Savage’s half year’s int[e]r[es]t of his mortgage on Wallington due this day & till you do pay it I desire you will place these bills to my Account and advise me of the receipt of t

Letter – Henry Richmond to Richard Wilson – 9 Nov 1765

To Richard Wilson Esq[uir]e in Leeds Newcas[tle] 9th Novem[be]r 1765 Sir Sir Walter Blackett inclines still to part with East Kenton; and as it is an Estate that lies more convenient for you than any other person he has ordered me to send you a Rental of it, as it now stands; and to offer it you, together with his moiety of the colliery at twenty four thousand pounds; which considering that the Estate is

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Darwin – 10 Nov 1765

1765 Nov[embe]r 10th Advised Mr Darwin of my having rec[eive]d the rec[eip]t for Viner & Glovers ½ y[ea]rs int[e]r]est & returned him the Lre of attorney to sell my stock; executed the 9th inst[an]t [this month]. HR

Letter – Henry Richmond to Walter Blackett – 12 Nov 1765

To Sir W[alte]r Blackett B[arone]t at Wallington Newcas[tle] 12th Nov[embe]r 1765 Hon[ou]rd Sir Inclosed is a copy of your Letter, for Mr Fairless. Mr Maughan has been here today & got £700 on acco[un]t of Weardale Leadmines. He brings no news of consequence from thence; but says things are nearly in the same state as when I was in Weardale. Mr Westgarth, of Unthank was here yesterday he says the division of Boli

Letter – Henry Richmond to Edward Fairless – 13 Nov 1765

To Mr Edw[ar]d Fairless Attorney at Law in Bishop Auckland Newcas[tle] 13th Nov[embe]r 1765 Sir I find it is thought that I am the promoter of the division of Keenley Comon; so far from that, I most sincerely wish that none of the Comons within the Mannor of Hexham were to be endeavoured to be divided during my Life: for I am content, and like peace & quiet much better than any advantage which can arise to me through so m

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Darwin – 13 Nov 1765

To Mr Darwin Grey’s Inn London Newcastle 13th November 1765 Sir I am favoured with your’s of the 9th instant [this month] inclosing me Mr Lambrooke Freemans receipt for one hundred and forty pounds for the half year’s int[e]r[es]t on Sir W[alte]rs mortgage due to the late Mrs Lambrooke the 27th Sept[embe]r last and have placed the same to your account. I shall be glad to know what Deeds you sent Mr Chris[toph

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Swinburne – 14 Nov 1765

William Swinburn Esq[ui]re to S[i]r W[alte]r Blackett B[arone]t D[ebto]r for Eleven years quit rent for Longwitton Estate due Michaelmas 1765 at £1.6s.8d a year £14.13s.4d To William Swinburn Esq[ui]re at Longwitton Newcas[tle] Fryday 14th Nov[embe]r 1765 Sir Above you have the account of what is due from you to Sir W[alte]r Blackett for Longwitton quit rent at Mich[aelm]as last and which I hope you can conveniently pay me at Wallington on Tuesday or Wednesday next; when

Letter – Henry Richmond to Plumb & Brown – 15 Nov 1765

To Messrs Plumb & Browne Goldsmiths in Foster Lane London Newcas[tle] 15th Novembe]r 1765 Gentlemen I have this day sent you by David Jackson the London Carrier a box containing two pieces of fine Silver Bullion weighing as below wch I desire when they come to hand you will place to acco[un]t with Sir W[alte]r Blackett at the market price and advise me of the receipt of. I am etc HR Ounces 478 ½

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Darwin – 23 Nov 1765

To Mr Darwin Greys Inn London Newcas[tle] 23rd Nov[embe]r 1765 Sir I rece[ived] your favour of the 19th inst[an]t [this] month giving an acco[un]t that you had received five pounds for the quar[te]rs dividend of my 500 in the 4 p[er] cent: consol: 1762 due mich[aelmas] last and that you had sold the said stock for £572.10s.0d from which the Letter of Attorney and Brokerage wch are 16s.6d being deducted there rem

Letter – Henry Richmond to Walter Blackett – 24 Nov 1765

To Sir W[alte]r Blackett Baro[ne]t at Wallington Newcas[tle] 24th Nov[embe]r 1765 Hon[ou]rd Sir When you are at Hexham Mr Bell will bring you the dra[f]t of a bill for £1000 upon the Gov[erno]rs of Qu[een] Anns bounty, which you will please to sign before Mr Brown of Whitley: who is to witness it and then it is to be sent to Mr Darwin. I think it is a pity that there should be a practice of applying to the Justices of th

Letter – Henry Richmond to Christopher Johnson – 29 Nov 1765

To Mr Chris[tophe]r Johnson Attorney at Law In Durham Newcas[tle] 29th Nov[embe]r 1765 Sir Inclosed I send you a copy of the plan which as I think my Father got from some on the other side of Wolsingham disputed Ground: And also a copy of the Bounder Roll of the parishes of Stanhope & Wolsingham as riden in 1737. As to the papers that I have relating to this dispute you had copies of them sent you on the 18 Dec[embe

Letter – Henry Richmond to John Bell – 29 Nov 1765

To Mr John Bell at Mr Ellis’s in Hexham Newcas[tle] 29th Nov[embe]r 1765 Sir I have just received your Letter inclosing me the draught, which is signed very properly; and I shall give it to Sir Walter or take his directions about it when he comes hither. If I do not hear any thing to the contrary by Sundays post I shall send Sir W[alte]rs Letters directed to him at Hexham Abbey, by that post boy. So if S[i

Letter – Henry Richmond to John Brown – 30 Nov 1765

To Mr John Brown at Kirkharle Newcastle 30 Nov[embe]r 1765 Sir Sir W[alte]r Blackett having wrote me about getting Henry Hind of Bearl who in you applied for into the Lunatic hospital. I have spoke to Dr Hall about him; who says that the blanks in the inclosed petition must be filled up & then it must be signed by the Church w[ar]dens & overseers of the parish of Bywel St Andrews. And if after that it is sent to me I shall give it in to the

Letter – Henry Richmond to John Fenwick – 2 Dec 1765

To Mr John Fenwick in Robert’s Place York Newcas[tle] 2nd Decem[be]r 1765 Sir Inclosed you receive Bell Cookson & Cos bill on Vere Glyn and Hallifax for Twenty Eight pounds ten shillings, which as it is at so short a date as 20 days I must beg you will advise the receipt of by the return of the post, or else I shall apprehend that it is not come safe to your hand. And in your Letter of Advice I desire you will mention that it is for the ha

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Darwin – 4 Dec 1765

To Mr Darwin in Grays Inn London Newcas[tle] 4th Decem[be]r 1765 Sir I have yours of the 30 ult[ last month] inclosing me Mr Savages receipt for four hundred & ninety five pounds for the half years int[e]rest due on his late Brothers mortgage on Wallington the 6th ult [last month] and have given your Acco[un]t credit for the same. I have sent you by the Fly coach, which sets out for London tomorrow, the deeds o
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467