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Letter – Henry Richmond to John Bell – 17 Jun 1767

To Mr John Bell at Mr Ellis’s in Hexham Newca[stle] 17th June 1767 Sir What you said when I was at Hexham, about the disagreeable Situation you would be in when the new office was finished, and the records removed thither; by reason of Mr Heron’s making it an Office for his private as well as public business; induced me to mention it to Sir Walter this morning, & he bids me acquaint you that you need not be uneasy – that he intends you at

Letter – Henry Richmond to John Hudson – 19 Jun 1767

To John Hudson Esqr in York Newca[stle] 19th June 1767 Sir I have seen a Specimen of the Sort of Chain, you enquire after, for concealed Fences; which are made at the rate of fourpence halfpenny a pound. It will take two pounds at make a Yard, so that it will come higher than you mention in your Letter. I shewed the specimen to Sir Walter Blackett, but he does not approve of it: he says he has seen a much handsomer sort of Chain i

Letter – Henry Richmond to Caleb Hunter – 20 Jun 1767

To Mr Caleb Hunter at Allanheads Newca[stle] 20th June 1767 Sir Sir Walter Blackett desires there may be a View made of the present state of Allanheads by Mr Westgarth, Mr Maughan & you: so you will fix a time with them for the doing it & the sooner the better: only let the Water be got out of the low workings before they come. Pray send me an Acco[un]t what Wine etc you have at Allanheads; for Sir Walter proposes being with you t

Letter – Henry Richmond to Collingwood Forster – 22 Jun 1767

To Mr Collingwood Forster in Alnwick Newca[stle] 22d June 1767 Sir Sir Walter Blackett, who has taken a ride into Yorkshire for a few weeks, bid me write you that tho not well enough to write you himself about business Yet he would be very glad if you would favour me with a Line what progress is made in the Conveyances to L[or]d Tankerville, to Capt[ai]n Roddam & Mr Ilderton & to Mr Pringle of the parts they are to have of his Tithes in I

Letter – Henry Richmond to Plumb & Brown – 29 Jun 1767

To Messrs Plumb & Browne Goldsmiths in Newca[stle] 29th June 1767 Foster Lane London Gentlemen On the 26th instant I sent You by David Jackson the London Carrier a piece of fine Silver containing Six hundred and forty seven ounces which I desire you will place to Acco[un]t with Sir Walter Blackett as usual at the Markett price & advise me on your receipt of it I am etc HR

Letter – Henry Richmond to George Douglas – 30 Jun 1767

To Mr George Douglass in Newca[stle] 30th June 1767 Berwick upon Tweed Sir As I do not know any Thing of the work done, either at the pitmen’s houses or the roads; and as Mr Wray will be over sometime next Month to settle all these Matters with you; I must beg you will not draw any bill upon me, upon that Acco[un]t: but manage as well as you can till he comes. In the meantime you may send me an Acco[un]t of what is due to

Letter – Henry Richmond to Isaac Hunter – 30 Jun 1767

To Mr Isaac Hunter at Dukesfield Newca[stle] 30th June 1767 Sir The produce of the Ores smelted at Dukesfield and Rookhope Lead Mills, especially the latter, has been so very bad the last Year that it requires examination & therefore I desire you will enquire & let me know the Reason why it has taken 4.45/100 Bings at Dukesfield and 4.91/100 Bings at Rookhope Mill to make a fother of 21 hundred weight. The Ore must either come v

Letter – Henry Richmond to Teasdale White – 3 Jul 1767

To Mr Teasdale White at Humshaugh near Hexham Newca[stle] 3d July 1767 Sir You have been so often asked for the money due from you to Sir Walter Blackett on your bond to Anthony Hunter since assigned to Sir Walter, that he ordered Messrs Widdrington & Co to write you: hoping their Letter would occasion the payment of this Debt; which I am sorry it has not done. As Sir Walter is unwilling to put you to Expence, I give you this further Notice, that if you do n

Letter – Henry Richmond to John Bell – 4 Jul 1767

To Mr John Bell at Mr Ellis’s in Hexham Newca[stle] 4th July 1767 Sir I think the Tithers are wrong in expecting that Sir Walter should try the Matter between them and Thomas Little of pryor thorns about his defrauding them of the Tithe of Lamb & Wool; by driving his Sheep, just against tithing time, into a place that has been deemed tithe free. Little does not, as I understand You, dispute their right to Tithe on Anick fell, only evades t

Letter – Henry Richmond to Richard Wilson – 5 Jul 1767

To Richard Wilson Esq in Leeds Yorkshire Newca[stle] 5th July 1767 Sir Inclosed is a Copy of Thomas Pearson’s Indictment of Edward Milburn for obstructing the highway leading from Slatyford to Denton bridge on the Carlisle Road, in that part of the said highway called Silverhill. The Evidence Mr Pearson has to support his Case as I understand is only his own Oath of the Obstruction and the testimony I sent you of the several old people as to its b

Letter – Henry Richmond to George Brown – 8 Jul 1767

To Mr George Brown at Cambo near Wallington Newca[stle] 8th July 1767 Sit Sir Walter Blackett desires you will give timely and proper Notice to the Commisioners of the Alemouth road for a meeting to be held at Hexham on Tuesday the 21st of this month, to consider of building a Bridge over the Tyne: and if then found expedient to enter into an Agreement for building a Bridge over the Tyne near that Town & about other Special Affairs. I am etc HR

Letter – Henry Richmond to Teasdale White – 17 Jul 1767

To Mr Teasdale White at Humshaugh near Hexham Newca[stle] 17th July 1767 Sir The Answer w[hi]ch I have received from Mr Lowes to the Letter I wrote you is not satisfactory to Sir Walter Blackett: & he hath ordered the Matter to be put into the hands of Messrs Widdrington & Richmond; so I can say no more but that I am etc HR

Letter – Henry Richmond to Robert Lowes – 17 Jul 1767

To Mr Robert Lowes Attorney at Law in Hexham Newca[stle] 17th July 1767 Sir I received the favour of your Letter in answer to one that I had written to Mr Teasdale White: but the Contents of it not being satisfactory to Sir Walter Blackett, to whom I have communicated it, he has put the Matter between Mr White & him into the hands of Messrs Widdrington & Richmond. I am etc HR

Letter – Henry Richmond to Richard Wilson – 17 Jul 1767

To Richard Wilson Esq in Leeds Yorkshire Newca[stle] 17th July 1767 Sir That part of your Letter of the 12th instant which related to East Kenton I communicated to Sir Wr Blackett and he agrees to let you have that Estate, and the undivided half of the Colliery belonging to it, for Twenty four Thousand pounds of which £10000 to be paid in Money in Newcastle on the 18th Novr next, or by good bills due & payable in London on that day: & the re

Letter – Henry Richmond to Walter Blackett – 18 Jul 1767

To Sir Wr Blackett Bt at Hexham Newcastle 18 July 1767 Hon[ou]r[e]d Sir Mr Newton says no opinion can be formed of the reasonable or Unreasonableness of Mr Gotts estimate without first knowing the quality of the stone, the distance of the quarry & the price of leading: & seeing the plan & the place where the bridge is to be built. So he comes to take your directions as to the informing himself of these particulars. Th

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Hutchinson – 25 Jul 1767

To William Hutchinson Esq at Eggleston near Barnard Castle Newca[stle] 25th July 1767 Sir Upon coming to this Town Yesterday I found the favour of yours of the 21st instant of the same Tenour with one which I received when abroad from another Gentleman of your Name. The Matter you mention was referred to Arbitrators sometime since but was not settled or any Arbitration made, but broke off unfinished, & upon Advice and Consideration I do not apprehend the Usage of Law requires

Letter – Henry Richmond to Nicholas Halhead – 26 Jul 1767

To Nichs Halhead Esq at Auckland Newca[stle] 26th July 1767 Sir I was at Durham yesterday by Sir Wr Blacketts directions to wait upon you, & acquaint you of an application which had been made to him by Mr Hutchinson of Eggleston for some papers relating to the disputed grounds at Fleakbridge which he wanted Sir Walter to produce before the Arbitrators for the Division of Wolsingham Common. Sir Walter has declined doing a Thing of that

Letter – Henry Richmond to Walter Blackett – 26 Jul 1767

To Sir Walter Blackett Baro[ne]t at Wallington Newca[stle] 26th July 1767 Hon[ou]r[e]d Sir Mr Halhead was abroad, but I saw Mr Wilkinson and Mr Johnson; the former knew little or nothing of the dispute; but I acquainted him of the whole, & he thought if I was subpoenaed I sould bring the papers and hear what the Arbitrators had to say to me, but not produce them or answer any questions till I took advice. I found Mr Johnson was perfectly master of the C

Letter – Henry Richmond to Richard Wilson – 27 Jul 1767

To Richard Wilson Esq in Leeds Yorkshire Newca[stle] 27th July 1767 Sir Inclosed is a Copy of a Letter from Mr Pearson’s Attorney containing the particulars of the tryal about the Way thro’ Silverhill; which the Justices have determined to be No highway. I wrote you on the 17th instant in reply to your Letter of the 12th, about Sir Walter’s part of Kenton: & by his directions I now beg to know whether you agree to the terms upon which he t

Letter – Henry Richmond to Richard Brown – 28 Jul 1767

To Mr Richard Brown at Kirkharle Newca[stle] 28th July 1767 Sir I have to write to Mr Darwin soon, & shall be obliged to you for an Answer as to Michl Archers Bond to Mr Robson for £18 10s 0d; which Mr Darwin says was only given Mr Robson in Trust for Mr Denton & him. & that he has a Letter from Mr Robson explaining this Matter, which he will send down to me, if you desire to see it before you deliver up that Bond. I am etc

Letter – Henry Richmond to Walter Blackett – 28 Jul 1767

To Sir Walter Blackett Baro[ne]t at Wallington Newca[stle] 28th July 1767 Hon[ou]r[e]d Sir I wrote to Mr Wilson last post and desired an imediate Answer, but did not fix a day. If I do not hear from him by Frydays post, at farthest, I shall write again and fix a short day for a definitive Answer. Mr Turner’s taking a List of the plate at Wallington & writing me at the foot of it that he has received such plate from Mr Liddell will enable me to settle

Letter – Henry Richmond to George Douglas – 30 Jul 1767

To Mr George Douglass in Berwick upon Tweed Newca[stle] 30th July 1767 Sir I expect Mr John Bell and Mr Geo Brown will be at Tweedmouth on Tuesday next in the Evening to examine & measure the work done at the pittmen’s houses for Mr Wray is not well enough to come. You may pay Mr Bell the half Years rent for the Colliery; and you may acquaint any of the other Tenants that they may pay their rents to him, particularly John Anderson. Such work as is fini

Letter – Henry Richmond to Richard Wilson – 31 Jul 1767

To Richard Wilson Esq in Leeds Yorkshire Newca[stle] 31st July 1767 Sir I wrote you on the 17th instant in answer to your Lre of the 12th upon what terms Sir Wr Blackett would let you have his part of Kenton. Sir Walter expected to have had an Answer before this whether you agreed to those terms and he now bids me write you that unless he has a clear Definitive Answer that you will take this Estate upon those terms & that unless such Answer comes

Letter – Henry Richmond to Walter Blackett – 31 Jul 1767

To Sir Walter Blackett Baro[ne]t at Wallington Newca[stle] 31st July 1767 Hon[ou]r[e]d Sir The Rheumatisn which has been flying about me for sometime has at last swelled my right hand, so that I employ Cath Peart to write this for me. As the pain is over I hope I may get to Wallington on Monday – but if not then, I will come as soon after as I possibly can – I will take Care to settle with Mr Liddell and get an Acco[un]t of the Cellars. I have wrote t

Letter – Henry Richmond to Caleb Hunter – 4 Aug 1767

To Mr Caleb Hunter at Allanheads Newca[stle] 4th Augst 1767 Sir Sir Walter intends to have a meeting of You, Mr Westgarth & Mr Maughan at Hexham in a little time of which I shall give you Notice as soon as he fixes the day; in the mean time you are to be considering the State of the Groves under your Management & how to lessen the Expence of them. I am etc HR
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467