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Letter – Henry Richmond to William Darwin – 31 Oct 1767

To Mr Darwin Grey’s Inn London Newca[stle] 31st Octor 1767 Sir If the Deeds relating to Sir Edward Blackett’s purchase of the part of Fenwick Estate are still in your Custody I desire you will send me down a Copy of the Release, that we may be the better ascertained of what he is to enter to. For as Mr Armstrong and Mr Robson are both gone, I have been asked whether Sir Edwd is to have the houses, tho’ I was no way concerned in the t

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Darwin – 2 Nov 1767

To Mr Darwin Grey’s Inn London Newca[stle] 2d Novr 1767 Sir I have received your Letter of the 29th Ult[im]o inclosing me Mr Glover’s receipt for One hundred and forty pounds for his and Mr Viner’s half Years intrest due 27th Septemr last from Sir Wr Blackett for their Mortgage on his Estate at Kenton and have given you Credit for the same in the Account between us. I am etc HR

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Hall – 3 Nov 1767

To Mr William Hall in Berwick upon Tweed Newca[stle] 3d Novr 1767 Sir Agreeable to your desire I have looked over the late Mr William Robsons Acco[un]ts and have found the £4 13s 0d mentioned in your Letter, charged by him in 1762; and expressed to be paid you for hay seeds got in 1761 for West Ord farm, & therefore make no doubt but he has done so, tho’ I have not found your receipt for it. I am etc HR

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Darwin – 3 Nov 1767

To Mr Darwin Grey’s Inn London Newca[stle] 3d Novr 1767 Sir I have received your’s inclosing me Mr Freeman’s receipt for one hundred & forty pounds for the 1/2 yrs int[ere]st of Mrs Sambroke’s Mortgage on Kenton due 27 Septemr last and have given your Acco[un]t Credit for the Same and have made you D[ebto]r for the 9s 0d on acco[un]t of F Midfords deeds. Sir Walter Blackett bids me write you in answer to your Letter to him

Letter – Henry Richmond to Walter Blackett – 10 Nov 1767

To Sir Wr Blackett Bt at Wallington Newca[stle] 10th Novr 1767 Hon[ou]r[e]d Sir Thomas Roxby has left his Cloaths and the Taylor is altering them for Jno Robinson who will come to Wallington as soon as they are done. Roxby says he is to have four Guineas in lieu of warning, which I do not remember you bid me pay him. You will please to give me directions about it. The Grove Stewards are gone with the Money & Mr Bell is gone with them. A

Letter – Henry Richmond to Richard Brown – 14 Nov 1767

To Mr Richard Brown at Kirkharle Newca[stle] 14th Novr 1767 Sir Inclosed is another Letter from Mr Hall of Berwick about the £4 13s 0d which Mr Robson has Charged in his Acco[un]t with Sr Walter Blackett as I shewed you but which Mr Hall says was never paid him. You will please to let me know what must be said further to him about it. p.s. I find he Compounded with his Creditors and has power to receive this Debt. I am etc HR

Letter – Henry Richmond to George Douglas – 17 Nov 1767

To Mr Geo Douglass in Berwick upon Tweed Newca[stle] 17th Novr 1767 Sir I should be glad to know whether the pitmens houses and other buildings for the Colliery are finished and whether you have done the road leading from the Colliery thro’ Middle Ord Grounds according to your Contract with Sir Walter. For Mr Bell & Mr Geo Brown will be coming to Berwick soon, & I could wish that not only the rents may be ready but also that these other Articles

Letter – Henry Richmond to Richard Wilson – 17 Nov 1767

To Richard Wilson Esq Leeds Yorkshire Newcastle 17th Novr 1767 Sir Your Letter inclosing a receipt whereof the above is a Copy is received but its being given on Acco[un]t of Sr Wr Blackett instead of the Newcastle Bank puts him to some difficulty in settling the Matter between them & Glyn & Hallifax. If your answer to my Letter of the 30th Octor had come sooner or if the Method of drawing a bill for the Money on the bank as therein menti

Letter – Henry Richmond to Glyn & Halifax – 18 Nov 1767

To Messrs Glyn & Hallifax Newca[stle] 18th Novr 1767 Gent[leme]n I desire that you will place the £7000 which you received of Richard Wilson Esq and gave a receipt for whereof the above is a copy to the Acco[un]t of Messrs Bell Cookson Carr Airey & Saint for they have paid me that Sum and I have given them a discharge for it on the back of your first receipt. I am etc WB

Letter – Henry Richmond to Bishop of Durham – 18 Nov 1767

To the Hon[oura]ble & Rt Revd The Lord B[isho]p omitted – Newca[stle] 18th Novr 1767 of Durham at Aukland My Lord I was honoured with your Lordship’s of the 14th instant in due Course; I beg leave to mention that the Calculation I delivered to you at Aukland was begun sometime since and it happened to be completed a little before Mrs Marshals Death and the intention of it was to be ready against any Life should drop that either myself or any other person might see the t

Letter – Henry Richmond to John Westgarth – 19 Nov 1767

To Jno Westgarth Esqr at Unthank Newca[stle] 19th Novr 1767 Near Stanhope in Weardale Sir In answer to your Letter enquiring whether Sir Walter Blackett will sell his Allotments of Wolsingham Common, I beg leave to acquaint you that I do not believe Sir Walter will do so but I shall Communicate your Letter to him when I see him & take some opportunity of letting you know his Answer. I am etc HR

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Darwin – 20 Nov 1767

To Mr Darwin Greys Inn London Newca[stle] 20th Novemr 1767 Sir Inclosed you receive my Affidavit of Sir Walter Blackett’s executing the Letter of Attorney empowering you to receive the £3200 0s 1d of the Bank pursuant to the Order of the Court of Chancery in the Cause Midford against Bates and I am glad the Estate at Green Leighton, lent to Mr Midford is now conveyed back again to Sir Walter – would it not be right for the Deed of Reconv

Letter – Henry Richmond to Richard Wilson – 27 Nov 1767

To Richard Wilson Esq Leeds Yorkshire Newca[stle] 27 Novr 1767 Sir I am just come from Wallington where I have been for several days and have met with your Letter of the 23d instant inclosing me a receipt whereof the above is a copy. I shall shew it to the Gentlemen of our bank to morrow and shall then learn what has passed between them & Glyn & Hallifax about the former receipt for seven thousand pounds which I advised you of on the 17 i

Letter – Henry Richmond to Glyn & Halifax – 27 Nov 1767

To Messrs Glyn & Hallifax London Newca[stle] 27 Novr 1767 Gentlemen I desire you will place the Three Thousand pounds which was paid into you hands on my Acco[un]t by Richard Wilson Esq and for which you gave a receipt where of the above is a Copy, to the Account of Messrs Bell Cookson Carr Airey and Saint for they have paid me that sum and I have given them a receipt for it on the back of your said receipt. I am etc Wr Blackett

Letter – Henry Richmond to John Hudson – 30 Nov 1767

To John Hudson Esqr at Bessingby near Burlington Yorkshire Newca[stle] 30th Novr 1767 Sir The hundred and four Bushels of Malt you sent Sir Wr Blackett is arrived safe and I have returned the Sacks in which it came by the same Ship, called The Williams Increase John Cook Master. Mr Graham has sent you in this Ship a parcel of <…> Staves which I shall pay him for and place to Sr Wrs Acco[un]t I am etc HR

Letter – Henry Richmond to Richard Wilson – 30 Nov 1767

To Richard Wilson Esqr Leeds Yorkshire Newca[stle] 30 Nov 1767 Sir I have had some talk with Mr Graham about his farm this Afternoon; and find it is so great a Convenience to him in his business as a Brewer that he is loath to part with it: & to secure it he has offered 100 a yr for a 21 years lease of it as I told him that was the likelyest way to prevent it being advertised. I had it valued last Week by a good judge of Land who did not th

Letter – Henry Richmond to George Douglas – 1 Dec 1767

To Mr Geo Douglass in Berwick upon Tweed Newca[stle] 1st Decemr 1767 Sir As to your request of leave to make bricks upon the Threap ground, Sir Walter has no power to grant it you. I should be glad to know as soon as all is done at the Agents house, that Mr Bell etc may come over & measure all off and settle both the Bills and rents at the same time. I am etc HR

Letter – Henry Richmond to Ralph Forster – 1 Dec 1767

To Mr Ralph Forster at Wallington Newca[stle] 1st Decer 1767 Sir The Lease of Cadwell and Cadwell Shields expires at Ladyday 1772 and the Lease of the Intake at Mich[aelma]s 1773 So you will take care not to let those grounds for a longer term than Sir Walter has in them. Inclosed is Robt Lumsden’s note, with a Minute on it of what I have found charged in John Lumsden’s bill paid him by me on the 6th May 1765. It does not seem to m

Letter – Henry Richmond to Bishop of Durham – 4 Dec 1767

To The hon[oura]ble & Rt Revd The Lord B[isho]p Wallington 4th Decemr 1767 of Durham at London My Lord My delay in answering of your last Letter hath been occasioned by my desire to know perfectly how far I am obliged by the late Sr Wm Blacketts Will or in equity to the persons in remainder under that Will or by an Agreem[en]t with Sr Thos Wentworth to renew the lives which I might survive in the leases I hold under your Lordship and finding I am under no Oblig

Letter – Henry Richmond to Walter Blackett – 8 Dec 1767

To Sir Wr Blackett Bt at Hexham Newca[stle] Tuesday 8th Decr 1767 Hon[ou]r[e]d Sir Inclosed is the form of a Letter to Mr Wilson of Leeds acknowledging the receipt of the Ten Thousand pounds for the purchase of Kenton. And also the forms of two Letters to the two mortgagees of Mr Smith’s Estate at Hawick giving notice that you intend to pay them off. Mr Rd Featherston being gone to London I cannot get any good Acco[un]t about Extra Clerks in the

Letter – Henry Richmond to Richard Wilson – 11 Dec 1767

To Richard Wilson Esqr Leeds Yorkshire Newca[stle] 11th Decemr 1767 Sir Inclosed are two parts of my Account of your half years rents of West Kenton due Mayd[a]y last; and my bill on Plumb & Browne for two hundred & Seventy seven pounds seventeen shillings and Sixpence for the balance of It. You will please to advise me of the receipt of this bill by the return of the post and return me a part of the Account signed by you; and acknowledge receivi

Letter – Henry Richmond to Plumb & Brown – 11 Dec 1767

To Messrs Plumb & Browne Goldsmiths Newcastle 11th Decemr 1767 in Foster Lane London Gentlemen I have this day drawn a bill on you for Two hundred and Seventy seven pounds seventeen Shillings and Sixpence payable to Richard Wilson Esqr or order thirty days after this date; which I desire you will accept and when paid place to Acco[un]t with Sr Walter Blackett Bt. I have this day sent you a piece of Silver weighing seven hundred

Letter – Henry Richmond to Robert Smith – 12 Dec 1767

To Mr Robert Smith at Unthank Colliery Newca[stle] 12th Decemr 1767 near Berwick upon Tweed Sir Inclosed I return you Mr Bells receipt which you sent me and which I cannot alter otherwise than by the Endorsement, which I have made on it. P.S. Mr Bell and Mr Forster the new Steward at Wallington, will be over in a little time & then you may pay any of the Debts, you may have received, to either of them. I am etc HR Memorandum 11th Decemr 17

Letter – Henry Richmond to Richard Wilson – 13 Dec 1767

To Richard Wilson Esqr Leeds Yorkshire Wallington 13 Decr 1767 Sir I have received as Mr Henry Richmond wrote you on the 27th & 30th of last month, of the Newcastle Bank Seven Thousand pounds & Three Thousand pounds; on Glyn and Hallifax’s two receipts for those sums paid into their hands, by you, on my Account & have given discharges for those Sums on the back of those Receipts. And now agreeable to your desire I do hereby acknowle

Letter – Henry Richmond to John Horsley – 14 Dec 1767

To John Horsley Esqr at Bolam Wallington 14 Dec 1767 Sir As I find it convenient to pay off your Mortgage of Nine hundred and fifty pounds on the Estate at Hawick which I bought of Mr Smith I desire you will receive the money on the 24 June next. But if you should have occasion for it any sooner you may have it by giving Notice to Mr Henry Richmond at my office in Newcastle. WB
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467