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Letter – Henry Richmond to Isabella Sorsbie – 26 Apr 1768

To Mrs Isabella Sorsbie in Love Lane East Cheap London Newca[stle] 26 April 1768 Madam I thank you for the Method you have taken of furnishing me with directions to You, but at the same time I am sorry you should have put yourself to so much trouble – there are two year’s Allowance due to You at Christmas last, which comes to Forty two pounds: & if you will call upon Mr William Alvey Darwin, Solicitor in Coney Court Grey’s Inn London in about three Weeks from the

Letter – John Smeaton to John Holmes – 26 Apr 1768

To Mr Holmes. Farnacres 26th April 1768 Dear Sir              Mr. Walton and myself, join in Compliments to you, and knowing how much you are engaged, would not have troubled you if we could have recollected any body else in Town that was likely to have done the Business we want. As you have Connections with the Silver Refiners, we shall take it as a favour if you will enquire out the principal Makers of Bone Ashes; we are going to begin a considerable work for Smelting the Lead

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Thomas Airey – 26 Apr 1768

To Mr Thomas Airey. Farnacres. 26th April 1768 Sir We have this moment received your Letter of this day informing us you are willing to undertake the Sale of the Hospitals Lead and run all risque yourself on having an allowance of two pCent; or that you will Sell the same, having an allowance of one pCent, the Commissioners running the risque; at the same time we presume you mean to take the Charge of all Lead as it shall come to Newcastle, and to be accountable for such Lead

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Darwin – 27 Apr 1768

To Mr Darwin Greys Inn London Newca[stle] 27th April 1768 Sir I desire you will let me know, by return of the post, at what time Sir Edward Blackett was to enter to Edward Slaters Farm at Fenwick – for having no Abstract of the purchase deed, and the affair being transacted in London, I don’t know how to settle with the Tenant; who is now to pay his Martin[ma]s rent – part of it is to Sir Edward & part to Sir Walter – I shoul

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Salter – 27 Apr 1768

To Mr John Salter Farnacres. 27th April 1768 Dear Sir The Commissioners of Greenwich Hospital having determined to Smelt their Duty Ore and to extract the Silver from the Lead which is refineable, we shall want about 100 Casks of Bone Ashes annually for that purpose each containing two Winchester Bushels of loose Ashes. We yesterday wrote to Mr. Holmes, Watchmaker near Somerset House, a friend of Mr. Smeatons desiring he would enquire out the principal Makers of Bone Ashes, th

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Jonathan Hilton – 27 Apr 1768

To Mr. Jona. Hilton. Farnacres. 4th June 1768 Sir I desire that you and Joe may come to Hexham on Thursday against dinner, and that youll bring with you the distances of the several Mills from Rampgill Lead Mine as also the Prices paid for Carriage by the several owners of the Mills from the several Mines; but I shall hope to receive a duplicate of the Measures and prices of Carriage at Farnacres before Thursday, and I should wish to consider them myself before I see you. I am

Letter – Henry Richmond to Collingwood Forster – 28 Apr 1768

To Collingwd Forster Esq in Alnwick Newca[stle] 28 April 1768 Sir I find Capt[ai]n Roddam & the other Gentlemen, who bought the Tithe of their Estates in the parish of Ilderton of Sir Walter Blackett & were to enter at Mayd[a]y 1767 & receive their proportions of the Year’s rent due Mayd[a]y 1768 of Messrs Snowdens, refuse to allow their Share of the Land tax for that Year; alledging to the Tenants, that Sir Walter must do it. T

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Ibbetson – 29 Apr 1768

To John Ibbetson Esqr. Farnacres 29th April 1768   Sir As we were obliged to leave Short our Account of the Sale Agent for Lead at Newcastle in our General Account concerning the management of the Smelting Business, we now beg leave to supply that deficiency. The Agent for Sale of the Lead at Newcastle takes Accot. of the Lead received from the Mill by the Carriers & disposes of the same to Merchants and others, in the best manner he can, according to the price of t

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Darwin – 30 Apr 1768

To Mr Darwin Greys Inn London Newca[stle] 30th April 1768 Sir I have received your Letter inclosing me Mr Walter Trevelyan’s receipt for Sixty two pounds ten shillings for his Annuity due Ladyday last from Sir Walter Blackett; but as he does not say that he received the money by me it is no voucher to my Acco[un]t; & therefore I must suspend charging it to Sir Walter or even giving your Account with me Credit for it till I see Sir

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Darwin – 6 May 1768

To Mr Darwin Grey’s Inn London Newca[stle] 6th May 1768 Sir Sir Wr Blackett, by an Indorsement, has enabled me to place Mr Trevelyan’s Annuity to his Acco[un]t notwithstanding the omission he made of my name in the receipt so I have given your Acco[un]t credit for the value of it, to wit, Sixty two pounds ten shillings. I have also given your Acco[un]t Credit, as I wrote you I would do in my Letter of 26th Ult[im]o, for the three h

Letter – Henry Richmond to Richard Wilson – 6 May 1768

To Richard Wilson Esq. Leeds Yorkshire Newca[stle] 6 May 1768 Sir On the 20th January I wrote to you that Mr Darwin had been applyed to by one of the Mortgagees of East Kenton for his Money, & the 2d of last month I mentioned that an Application had been made to Sr Wr Blackett for it & at the same time acquainted you that half a year’s intrest on that Mortgage, being £280, was due on the 27 of March & that there would be an Advan

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Darwin – 9 May 1768

To Mr Darwin Greys Inn London Newca[stle] 9th May 1768 Sir I have received Sambrooke Freeman’s receipt for One hundred and forty pounds & Richd Glover’s receipt for one hundred & forty pounds for their half year’s int[e]r[es]t of their joint Mortgage on East Kenton due from Sir Walter Blackett on the 27th March last; which two sums I have given your Acco[un]t Credit for. & we must take Care, before Sir Walter execute

Letter – Henry Richmond to Richard Wilson – 11 May 1768

To Richard Wilson Esqr Leeds Yorkshire Newca[stle] 11th May 1768 Sir I send you herewith inclosed two parts of my Acco[un]t of your half year’s rent of W[es]t Kenton due Martin[ma]s last and also Bell Cookson & Cos bill on Glyn & Hallifax for Two hundred & Eighty three pounds nineteen shillings & ten pence half penny for the Balance of it, which Bill you will please to advise me of the receipt of, by return of the post, & retur

Letter – John Ibbetson – 11 May 1768

At a Meeting of the Directors of Greenwich Hospital, at Salter's Hall on Wednesday the 11th May 1768.   The Receivers Letters of 20th, 23rd, 26th, 27th & 29th of last Month, together with the several Accounts and Papers which accompanied the same having been read; Resolved:                   That they be acquainted that the Board are very well satisfied with the reasons they have given why the Expenditure upon the new Smelt Mill & Refinery at Langley Ca

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Darwin – 14 May 1768

To Mr Darwin Greys Inn London Newca[stle] 14th May 1768 Sir Inclosed I send you a copy of a Letter which I rec[eiv]ed from Mr Wilson last post, & think he is wrong in saying that his intrest in the Estate did not commence before the 12th instant as you will see by the Copy of the Articles of Agreem[en]t which I sent you in Septemr last, unless he means that no Rent was due and distrainable for before that day. I had received & r

Letter – Henry Richmond to Plumb & Brown – 20 May 1768

To Messrs Plumb & Browne Goldsmiths London Newca[stle] 20th May 1768 Gentlemen I have this day sent you by William Laycock the London Carrier a piece of fine Silver containing Eight hundred & Twenty ounces which I desire you will place to Acco[un]t with Sir Walter Blackett as usual at Market price & advise me on your receipt of it. I am etc HR

Letter – Henry Richmond to Isaac Hunter – 20 May 1768

To Mr Isaac Hunter at Dukesfield Newca[stle] 20th May 1768 Sir I desire that on the receipt hereof you will give directions that no more of your refined Lead be marked with a D – but only WBL like the rest of Sir Walter Blackett’s refined Lead. and I think it would be better if the Lead made from the Litharge Slags were always cast in short pieces, like other Slag Lead and marked S. The Marks on the Rookhope and Allanheads Lead ar

Letter – Henry Richmond to John Bell – 20 May 1768

To Mr John Bell at Mr Ellis’s in Hexham Newca[stle] 20th May 1768 Sir Inclosed herewith I send you a part of your Rental for Mayd[a]y 1766, examined & signed: & desire you will let me have as soon as you conveniently can, your Rental for Mayday 1767 – pray when does Mr Heron intend to settle matters about the Deputy Clerks place. P.S. I should be glad to hear by the return of the post that you receive the Rental safe. I am etc HR

Letter – Henry Richmond to Ralph Forster – 21 May 1768

To Mr Ra Forster at Wallington Newca[stle] 21 May 1768 Sir I should be glad if you could name any person that lives near Gunnerton that would be proper to join with one of Mr Charleton’s appointing, to value the Materials that are remaining at that Colliery; for the Lease is ready for executing & I expect he will be here soon. I think it would also be right to examine the Bankmans book and settle the quantity of Coals that

Letter – Henry Richmond to Richard Brown – 22 May 1768

To Mr Richard Brown at Kirkharle Newca[stle] 22d May 1768 Sir Sir Walter Blackett bids me write you that he is satisfied that the £40 which Mr Robson advanced in his own Name to one Simpson on the promisory note which you shewed him was nor Mr Robsons Money for it is charged and allowed him in his Acco[un]t with Sir Walter for the year ending May 1765 as you will see in your part of that Account under the head proper Account; therefore S

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Darwin – 23 May 1768

To Mr Darwin Greys Inn London Newca[stle] 23 May 1768 Sir Sir Walter Blackett desires you will pay Mrs Scott Ten Guineas which she writes him she has paid Mrs Vaughan for 14 Months from April 1767 to June 1768 & place the same to his Account. I am etc HR

Letter – Henry Richmond to John Bell – 24 May 1768

To Mr John Bell at Mr Ellis’s in Hexham Newca[stle] 24th May 1768 Sir John Johnson has been again with Sir Walter about Benson of Yarridge turning Jane Bell off her part of That farm which Johnson took; desiring Sir Walter will write to Benson to let her continue and have peaceable Enjoyment of her Share, which he says is 1/8th part. The complying with this request may prejudice the Lease as it will shew Sir Walter’s privity to the Assignment o

Letter – Henry Richmond to Benjamin Blaydes – 25 May 1768

Mr Blaydes in Hull Yorkshire Newca[stle] 25 May 1768 Sir Sir Walter Blackett has made an Addition of Two pounds a Year to Eliz Atkinson’s Allowance, so that she is now to have Three pounds fifteen shillings paid to her every quarter of a year; & the first payment is to be due to her on the 12th of July next. Sir Walter desires you will be so good as pay her according to this Appointment & that you will draw from time t

Letter – Henry Richmond to Richard Wilson – 25 May 1768

To Richard Wilson Esqr Leeds Yorkshire Newca[stle] 25th May 1768 Sir I apprehend by your Agreement for the purchase of East Kenton that you are to pay all intrest, on the two mortgages that shall become due after the 18th Novemr last; and if so your share of the £280 for the ½ year’s int[e]r[es]t due the 27th March last is £200 and Sir Wr Blacketts £80 & as to the rents of this Estate that were due the 12th instant, I should suppose in cas

Letter – John Ibbetson to Nicholas Walton – 26 May 1768

At a General Meeting of the Commissioners of Greenwich Hospital which was held at the Admiralty Office on Thursday the 26th of May 1768.   The Court approved of the Directors proceedings with respect to the Building of the Smelt Mill and Refinery & of their Proposals to Smelt and Refine the Dues of Lead Ore, on the Hospitals Account; and authorised them to appoint the proper Agents and Workmen, with the Salaries and Allowances proposed or such others as shall be judged reasonable;
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467