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Letter – Henry Richmond to Caleb Hunter – 29 Jun 1770

To Mr Caleb Hunter at Allanheads Newcas 29 June 1770 Sir I have received Mr Westgarths & Mr Maughans opinion about Wolfcleugh, and desire it may be followed as closely as possible; and no other Lead Charge incurred than what they recommend. I do not doubt but Mr Robt. Allgood told you what I said to him about appointing an Additional Man to watch the Moors from the 25 of next Month till the Shooting Season is over. Pray send th

Letter – Henry Richmond to Isaac Hunter – 29 Jun 1770

To Mr Isaac Hunter at Dukesfield Newcas 29 June 1770 Sir Since we talked of building an Additional Peat house at Rookhope Mill I have been considering that as no one goes thither but from Weardale Mine and as Sir Walter is not likely to obtain a renewal of the Lease, from the Bishop, of those Mines, it will be more prudent to let the Building alone - which I desire you will do and that you will make Sufficient provision in time ever

Letter – Henry Richmond to Peter Simond – 29 Jun 1770

To Peter Simond Esq. Bishopsgate Street Newcas 29 June 1770 London Sir Pursuant to Sir Walter Blacketts directions I sent you, by the Fly Coach that set out early this Morning a Box containing four Pine Apples. The coach will be at the George & Blue Boar in Holbourn on Monday Evening. I have paid the Carriage & shall be glad to know that you receive the fruit safe. I am etc HR

Letter – Henry Richmond to Mary Jurin – 29 Jun 1770

To Mrs Jurin at Bradley Newcas 29 June 1770 Madam I understand from Mr Heron that the Surrenders were made last week of the two fifths of the Ferry boat & Boat rake to Sir Walter Blackett; and therefore am ready to pay the purchase money whenever time can be appointed with Mr Colpitts. I am etc HR

Letter – Jonathan Hilton to William Forth – 2 Jul 1770

A Copy of a Letter sent Mr. Forth at Castle-haward 2 July 1770 Sir, Your Favour of the 26th Ult. I received there has been Nothing done at Peatstackhill for 5 years past except picking out about 15 Bings of Ore in every Year, and that at a high price their was no Loss by hir & the Proffit very inconsiderable, neither is there any Prospect for future Tryals. I acquainted Mr. Cleaver the first of July 1769 that all the Ore had been got at Greengill that could be raised with Prof

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Holmes – 3 Jul 1770

To Mr John Holmes. Farnacres 3rd July 1770 Dear Sir We have this day drawn upon you for £136.8.6 being for 450 Ounces of Bullion at 6s . 1/2d and Carriage 9s/9d. There is another Small Piece at Newcastle but whether we shall be able to send it this Week or not we yet determine. Mr Walton us much Obliged by your Attention to the Steel Yard and for your information in regard thereto and we are the same for the trouble you have had concerning the Beam; the Value of the

Letter – Jonathan Hilton to John Cleaver – 4 Jul 1770

A Copy of a Letter sent Mr. Cleaver 4th July 1770 Sir, I am ordered by the Receivers for the Commissioners of Greenwich Hospital to writ you once more in order to know whither my Lord Carlisle & you or either of you intends to work the Lead Veins that are granted to you in this Manor or any of them, you will be so obliging as give me an imediate Answer & it will oblige. Yours &ca. Jonathan Hilton

Letter – Henry Richmond to Walter Blackett – 4 Jul 1770

A Monsieur Monsieur Le Chevalier Blackett Newcas. 4th July 1770 Seigneur Anglais Au Prince d’Orange a Spa Aupris de Leige < par> Ostende Honrd. Sir Mr Richard Brown has given me Mr Simpsons Note. He says the Dutchess of Portland has ordered Moor game & Partridge to be killed in her Manors, during the Season, and sent to her. he proposed that Philip should kill them, or else he would employ one he could depend

Letter – Henry Richmond to Isaac Hunter – 6 Jul 1770

To Mr Isaac Hunter at Dukesfield Newcas. 6 July 1770 Sir I wish the Agreement made with the Eastband Wainmen may answer the purpose intended; the Lead never came in so slowly as this Year; to be sure, There has been a week of very Wet Weather but the Qua[ke]rs Company & Mr Errington get their Lead in notwithstanding. When Mr Reynaldson presses the Wainmen to send the Lead they say they are not obliged to get it in so fast; any time befor

Letter – Henry Richmond to Ralph Heron – 6 Jul 1770

To Mr Ralph Heron Attorney at Law in Newcas. 6 July 1770 Hexham Sir When I was at Hexham I forgot to mention to you that Sir Walter Blackett is desirous of having the Game in his Manors preserved as much as possible; and that Additional Gamekeepers are appointed in different districts for that purpose - those in the Manor of Hexham have directions to acquaint any Gentlemen that come upon those Moors with Sir Walter’s desire, A

Letter – Henry Richmond to Plumb & Brown – 6 Jul 1770

To Messrs Plumb & Browne Goldsmiths Newcas. 6 July 1770 Foster Lane London Gentlemen I have this day sent you by Francis Ridley the London Carrier, a piece of fine Silver containing Eight hundred & four ounces; which I desire you will place to Acct. with Sir Walter Blackett as usual at the Market price and Advise me on your receipt of. I am etc HR

Letter – Henry Richmond to Isaac Hunter – 8 Jul 1770

To Mr Isaac Hunter at Dukesfield Newcas. 8 July 1770 Sir I understand that all the Lead is brought away from Rookhope Mill and has been so for 10 days or a fortnight & yet there is no more come to Blaydon than between 4 & 500 ps. - this practice of the Carriers of getting Lead into their hands & then taking their own time of bringing it in must be broke through if possible & therefore I desire you will go or send to all tha

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 9 Jul 1770

Mr Mulcaster.                              Farnacres. 9th July 1770 I have reced your letter of the 5th instant inclosing the Operation Paper and Assays of Old Cowslitts Ore. You are right in the 450 Ounces you had it 450 1/16 in your Letter but we could not make more than 450 of it neither do we go so near in the Weighing as Sixteenths. The other Piece by your Operation and Letter weighed 373 3/16 if it had Weighed 373 4/16 we should ha

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Christopher Bell – 9 Jul 1770

Number of carriages William Todd and Edward Nicholson 1 John Snowball & Tenants 1 Michael and Thomas Brown 1 William Charlton 1 Thornbrough tenants 2 Mr Jobling of Newtonhall & Mr William Jobling 1 John Jourdan 1 8 To Mr Chrisr Bell.      

Letter – Henry Richmond to Peter Simond – 13 Jul 1770

To Peter Simond Esq. Mercht. in Newcas. 13th July 1770 London Sir According to Sir Walter Blacketts directions I have sent you by the Fly Coach, that sate out early this morning, a Box containing four pine Apples. I have paid the Carriage & am etc HR

Letter – Henry Richmond to Isaac Hunter – 13 Jul 1770

To Mr Isaac Hunter at Dukesfield Newcas. 13 July 1770 Sir Today I have received by the Hexham Carrier two pieces of Silver Bullion from Dukesfield Refinery. One piece weighs Eight hundred & Sixty seven Ounces and a half & the other Seven hundred & fifty three and a half - you did not send a Letter of the weight etc as usual. Pray do not let above 1000 Bings of Ore go to Allanheads Mill. I am afraid we shall not get any Lead

Letter – Henry Richmond to Plumb & Brown – 13 Jul 1770

To Messrs Plumb & Browne Goldsmiths Newcas. 13 July 1770 Foster Lane London Gentlemen I have sent you today by Thos. Jennings, the London Carrier, a Box containing two pieces of Silver; the weight as below: you will please to place the same to Acct. with Sir Walter Blackett as usual at the Market price and Advice me on your receipt of them. A pce. Silver Oz 867 ½ I a

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 15 Jul 1770

Mr Mulcaster. Farnacres 15th July 1770 I reced your Letter of the 12th instant including the Assays as desired in mine of 9th from whence it appears as above that Wear & Tear not considered the Lead that we now deem Common leaves 3s/11d after considering all Expences except Wear and Tear. I desire you will carefully examine and take notice in a particular manner whether I have taken on every Article of Expence, and if I have, whether I have made a Sufficient Allowanc

Letter – Henry Richmond to Streatfield & Caldwell – 21 Jul 1770

To Messrs. Streatfield and Caldwell Newcas. 21 July 1770 No. 12 Budge Row London Gentlemen I have received a Letter from your Agent Mr Brandram about sending you 20 Casks of Litharge, which I suppose has proceeded from some Mistake for I never concern myself in Shipping either Lead or Litharge: looking upon it as inconsistent to be both buyer and seller. I sell them to Merchants in this Town, without further Trouble or Risk; and the

Letter – Henry Richmond to Isaac Hunter – 24 Jul 1770

To Mr Isaac Hunter at Dukesfield Newcas. 24 July 1770 Sir as to a little house for Cinders which you propose to have built at Rookhope Mill, I cannot judge whether it is prudent to build it as you do not say what it will cost - I should think you might do for the Time, to come in the Lease of Weardale Mine, as well as you have done for that that is past - but if there is any Material Advantage to be had by such a Cover for the Cinders and 10

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Holmes – 25 Jul 1770

To Mr John Holmes. Farnacres 25th July 1770 Dear Sir Yesterdays Post brought me your favor of the 21st Instant and I have this day Drawn upon you for £104.13.2 being then Balance of Amount as below. The Beam is Safe arrived but I have not yet seen it. The Receipt for it is quite right & my Partner and I are much obliged to you. Mr Smeaton had indeed a very severe attack of the Gravel but I have the pleasure to acquaint you that he was got quite well again

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Charlton – 26 Jul 1770

To William Charleton Esqr. Newcas. 26 July 1770 at Alnwick Sir I am Sorry I was not at home when you called upon me about the proposed deed for Confirming the Allotments of Whelpington Moor; because I should have liked rather to have talked over my Objections than give them in Writing. But , as you left a request that I would write you whether I approved of the Draft, I beg leave to say that it is not usual to have any quit rent res

Letter – Henry Richmond to Simond & Hankey – 28 Jul 1770

To Messrs. Simond & Hankey Merchants Newcas. 28 July 1770 in London Gentlemen Inclosed I send you Bell Cookson & Cos. bill on Glyn & Hallifax for One Thousand Pounds: which I desire you will place to Sir Walter Blacketts Account & that you will please to advise me by the return of the post that you have received the Bill & placed it accordingly. I am etc HR £1000 . . Newcastle Bank 17th July 177

Letter – Henry Richmond to Walter Blackett – 28 Jul 1770

A Monsieur Monsieur Le Chevalier Blackett Newcas. 28 July 1770 Seigneur Anglais chez Mr Oglevy a Spa Aupres de Leige < par> Ostende Honrd. Sir Your Letter from Spa of the 16th instant I reced. on Thursday & this Morning Willm. Hall is gone with the Letter to the Duchess who is in London. I have wrote to Mr Brown and told Philip about killing, and keeping an Acct. of, Moor Game for her Grace till the return of Ha

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 29 Jul 1770

Mr Mulcaster Farnacres 29th July 1770 In addition to what I wrote you about the Lead Carriers I now take the first opportunity of acquainting you that instead of their laying the Lead upon the side of the Nubbock & Ellrington Roads, I think it will be better where leave can be had to lay it within the Hedges of the Grounds adjoining those Roads, as that will prevent any advantages which ill- natured People may take on Acct of the Lead lying in the way of Passengers. As to G
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467