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Letter – Henry Richmond to Peter Simond – 7 Sep 1770

To Peter Simond Esqr Merchant, London Newcas. 7th Sept 1770 Sir Agreeable to Sir Walter Blackett’s Order I have sent you by the Fly Coach, which set out early this morning for London, a Haunch of venison from His park at Wallington. The Coach will be at the Blue Boar Holborn on Monday Evening: & as the venison was only killed on the Wednesday, & the Weather is cool, I hope you will have it in good condition. I have paid the Carria

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Darwin – 10 Sep 1770

To Mr Darwin Grays Inn London Newcas. 10th Sept 1770 Sir Inclosed I return the receipt for Sir Edwd. Winnington’s interest, it being no voucher for me, as the payment appears on the face of it to be made by you: if you will please to indorse upon it that you have received the within mentioned five hundred pounds of me it will then be sufficient. Mr Wallace, the Council, who I thought was annually paid a General Retainer by you, said he

Letter – Henry Richmond to Walter Blackett – 11 Sep 1770

A Mr. Mr. Le Cher Blackett Seigneur Anglois Newcas. 11th Sept 1770 chez Mr. Vandenclooster a Bruxelles p. Ostende Honrd. Sir Mr Lambert being acquainted with Dr Black I got him some time ago to send some Coxlodge Water for his Examination; a quantity of Fellen Water was also sent, and inclosed is a Copy of his Opinion of them. I have communicated it to the Mayor and some of the Aldermen, & when they hear from the Gentleman, whom the Water was s

Letter – Henry Richmond to Catherine Laidman – 13 Sep 1770

To Mrs Cath Laidman in Morpeth Newcas. 13 Sept 1770 Madam Your Brother can tell better than I what Sir Walter Blackett allows you; as it was settled with him & he was to get you to sign proper receipts for each payment. I think it is Eight pounds a Year and payable at Ladyday & Michas. I am etc HR

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Smeaton – 14 Sep 1770

Part of Mr Walton Junrs. Letter of 14th September 1770 to Mr Smeaton   I enclose herewith a Letter which I reced by this days Post and also Copys and extracts of Correspondence and Minutes about the Lead Mine and Lead Mill Agency. Tho' I think with you it would have been lucky if we had not had Occasion to mention an increase of Salarys so soon after their being fixed at the present Rates yet as the principal reason why an advance is asked is that the Governor and Company and oth

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 16 Sep 1770

Mr Mulcaster Farnacres 16th September 1770 I reced your Letter with the Account of the last Operation & think the Expenditure of Coals etc comes remarkably near the first Tryal in proportion to the Quantitys Refined but you have lost more Lead this Operation than before in proportion. The Case of the Lead Carriers now lies before Mr Fawcett and as soon as he has given his Opinion you shall hear from me. The Lead Mill Pay will begin on the 19th October on whi

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Holmes – 16 Sep 1770

To Mr John Holmes. Farnacres 16th September 1770 Dear Sir On the 24th of last Month by our Order a Box of Bullion containing 310 Ounces was delivered at Newcastle and you have as follows a Copy of the Reced. for the Carriage Reced. 24 th August 1770 of Messrs Walton & Smeaton Six Shillings for Carriage of a Box to Mr J Holmes Watchmaker in the Strand London containing Bullion 24 Lb at 3d - £ 6[s]. Francis finley for Matthew Lee As we have no Accts fr

Letter – Henry Richmond to Richard Wilson – 17 Sep 1770

To Richard Wilson Esqr in Leeds Newcas. 17th Sept 1770 Yorkshire Sir Inclosed is my Account, & Duplicate of Kenton rents for the half year Ending Martins. last, and also Bell & Cos. Bill on Glyn & Co. for three hundred & thirty six pounds and two pence for the Balance of it. I hope you will find it right and that you will please to advise me by the return of the post that you

Letter – Henry Richmond to John Grey – 18 Sep 1770

To Mr John Grey Attorney in Law Newcas. 18th Sept 1770 in Berwick upon Tweed Sir I received your Letter and daresay it will be very agreeable to Sir Wr. Blackett that Mr Thos. Armorer should be accommodated with the Money due to him on the Bond you mention - in order thereto, as I do not suppose the Bond can be brought hither, it will be necessary to have an Endorsement made & signed by Mr Armorer on the Bond and that

Letter – Henry Richmond to Lancelot Brown – 18 Sep 1770

To Mr Lanct. Brown at Lady Loraine’s Newcas. 18th Sept 1770 at Kirkharle Sir I have a Letter from Sir Walter Blackett mentioning that you have asked leave to shoot upon the Moors near Wallington; & desiring me to acquaint you that such leave from him will be a very bad precedent , as it must open a Gate to any Gentleman that will ask him. & that even the Gentlemen of the County have been so obliging as not to sho

Letter – Henry Richmond to Walter Blackett – 18 Sep 1770

A Mr Monsr Le Chevr Blackett Seigneur Anglois Newcas. 18th Sept 1770 Au Soin de Mr Louis Julien Rue Simon le Franc à Paris Honrd. Sir The Magistrates dined with Mr Ridley Yesterday and an Alteration was then made in what I wrote in my last, by Mr Surtees offering to serve as Mayor on Mr Ridley’s alledging his want of health for it this Year: but promising to take it the next. Mr Liddel is to be the Sherif and as these officers are sett

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Newham Nicholson – 20 Sep 1770

To Mr Newham Nicholson. Farnacres 20th September 1770 Mr Nicholson As we have not yet had any advice of the Box being reced at London which you last delivered to the London Carrier I desire you will make Enquiry when the London Waggon arrives whether they delivered the Box or not. As I suppose Matthew Lees Waggon will be at Newcastle this week you will probably be enabled to see Matthew Lee this Afternoon and I shall be obliged to you for sending me the most early intelligence

Letter – Henry Richmond to Isaac Hunter – 21 Sep 1770

To Mr Isaac Hunter at Dukesfield Newcas. 21st Sept 1770 Sir I have received by the Hexham Carrier the piece of Silver from Dukesfield Refinery the weight of which is Seven hundred and Eighty-nine ounces. I am etc HR

Letter – Henry Richmond to Peter Simond – 21 Sep 1770

To Peter Simond Esqr Merchant Newcas. 21 Sept 1770 in London Sir I have sent you by the Coach that set out early this morning, & will be in London on Monday, a Box with four pine Apples from Sir Walter Blackett’s hothouse. I have paid the Carriage of it & am etc HR

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Darwin – 21 Sep 1770

To Mr Darwin Greys Inn London Newcas. 21st Sept 1770 Sir I have received your Letter form Elston inclosing me Anthony Wrights receipt for five hundred pounds for half a year’s intst. on the £25000 due from Sir Walter Blackett, the 6 Augst last, to Sir Edwd. Winnington on the Mortgage of Wallington; & have given you Credit for the same in the Account between us. I had a Letter yesterday from Sir Walter Blackett from Brussells

Letter – Henry Richmond to Ralph Forster – 21 Sep 1770

To Mr Ralph Forster at Cambo Newcas. 21 Sept 1770 Sir I am sorry to find you are not to be here before the Fair for I would not chuse to give you the trouble of coming on purpose: & yet I doubt that will be too late a day for good Tenants to be met with; especially as I shall have to write to Leeds, after you have made your valuation, for Mr Wilson’s directions. As Sir Walter has ordered no more venison to be killed, but for

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 21 Sep 1770

Mr Mulcaster. Farnacres 21st September 1770 On the other side you have a Copy of the Letter wrote to Mr Hunter by this days Post, being the first opportunity we had since receiving Mr Fawcetts Opinion; and we desire you will tell the Carriage Men to offer their Lead at the Turnpike Barr when and as often as they will and particularly that they are not in the least to Suppose that they have not a right to go thro' the Turnpike Gate as often as they please in a day without p

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Smeaton – 21 Sep 1770

To Mr Smeaton.                                   Farnacres 21st September 1770 Dear Brother As it is almost Eight I have only time to inform you that the Silver is Safe arrived and that you will receive herewith the Copys of Case and Opinion and Letter to Mr Hunter about the perverse Behaviour of the Barr keeper indeed I think probably without directions from the [underlined: ‘Commissioners’]. I have given Mr Mulcaster full Orders respecting this matter and

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Hunter – 21 Sep 1770

To Mr William Hunter.                       Farnacres.    21st September 1770 Sir Having received certain information that the Turnpike Barr keeper on the Glenwelt Road West of Hexham has obstructed the Carriers of Lead employed by the Governors of Greenwich Hospital on Acct. of those Carriers refusing a Toll every time they pass loaden thro' the Barr tho' with the same Carriage and Horses and in the same day, we have upon this occasion thought proper to ta

Letter – Henry Richmond to Simond & Hankey – 22 Sep 1770

To Messrs. Simond & Hankey Merchants Newcas. 22 Sept 1770 in London Gentlemen Inclosed is my bill on Plumb & Browne for Six hundred Pounds dated this day and payable to you or order at Twenty five days which I desire you will place to Sir Walter Blacketts Account & advise me accordingly. I am etc HR Newcas. 22nd Sept 1770 £600 . 0 . 0 Twenty five days after date pay to Messrs. Simond & Hankey,

Letter – Henry Richmond to Plumb & Brown – 22 Sep 1770

To Messrs Plumb & Browne Goldsmiths Newcas. 22nd Sept 1770 in Foster Lane London Gentlemen I sent you yesterday by Matt Lee the London Carrier a piece of fine Silver containing Seven hundred and Eighty nine ounces which I desire you will place to Acct. with Sir Walter Blackett as usual at the Markett Price and Advise me on your receipt of it. And I have drawn a Bill on you for Six hundred pounds dated this day & payable to

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Holmes – 22 Sep 1770

To Mr John Holmes. Farnacres 22nd September 1770 Dear Sir Yesterdays Post brought me your favor of the 18th instant acknowledging the Receipt of the Box which we wrote about the 16th instant and I have this day drawn upon you for £93.28.11 being for 310 Ounces of Bullion at 6s 1/2d P Ozs & Six Shillings for Carriage. We shall have another Cake of Silver by the latter end of this Month about the above Size but of that I am not yet quite certain not having had an As

Letter – Henry Richmond to Charles Stoddart – 23 Sep 1770

To Revd. Mr Stoddart at Chollerton Newcas. 23rd Sept 1770 near Hexham Sir I cannot get Sir Walter Blackett’s answer, in time, to the request of the Gentlemen of Chollerford Club: but as I believe he would readily accommodate them with the great room in Hexham Abbey for the Ball they intend to give I have given direction to have it cleaned and in readiness for them against the 7 of November & am etc HR

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Ibbetson – 23 Sep 1770

To John Ibbetson Esqr. (A Part). Farnacres 23rd September 1770 Sir The Carriers of the Hospitals Lead have lately been obstructed in passing along the Glenwelt Turnpike Road near Hexham in their way from Langley Mill to that place but we are in hopes of getting the matter very soon settled: we notwithstanding think it necessary to acquaint the Board with what has been done as the Directors may think it proper to be advised further. A Case has been Stated by the Hospitals Solicit

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Smeaton – 23 Sep 1770

Part of Mr Walton Junrs. Letter of 23rd September 1770 to Mr Smeaton   I have attentively considered that part of your Letter relative to the Mill and Mill Agents and so entirely concurr with you in Opinion that I think it cannot be put better than in the way you mention. In the meantime I will endeavour to be informed what the Company have done by getting some Person to make the Enquiry, without you think we might ask Mr Tweedale the Question notwithstanding his appearing averse to l
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467