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Letter – Henry Richmond to Walter Blackett – 13 Oct 1770

A Mr Mr Le Chevalier Blackett Seigneur Anglois Newcas. 13th Octor 1770 Chez Monsr. Louis Julien Rue Simon Le Franc à Paris Honrd. Sir I have been at Wallington & the following is what I have learnt about the farms and other Matters there - that there are none to be let against Mayday , but <Chartners> and the piece of ground got in Exchange with Mr Errington (as to the former Mr Forster wants to know whether he is to try for a

Letter – Henry Richmond to John Trevelyan – 14 Oct 1770

To Sir John Trevelyan Barot. in Clifford Street Newcas. 14th Octor 1770 London Sir Mr Biggs told me you desired I would send you some pine Apples from Sir Walter Blacketts Hothouse. I have accordingly sent you by the Fly Coach, that will set out tomorrow & will be at the George & Blue Boar, in Holbourn, on Wednesday Evening a Box containing Four of the best pine Apples the House affords & have paid the Carriage of them. I wish Lady Tre

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 14 Oct 1770

Mr Mulcaster. Farnacres 14th October 1770 I desire youll fix the matter with Mr Naisbett as you think proper only in all dealings at the Mill nothing less than ready Money must be expected and I think we should not Sell any of Crossgillhead Lead Ore. I have reason to believe you will soon see Mr Hilton, as I am sorry to inform you his Brother is Dead. I am Your most Hble Servt Nich Walton Junr

Letter – Henry Richmond to Thomas Adkin – 15 Oct 1770

To Mr Thomas Adkin Merchant Newcas. 15th Octor 1770 in Yarmouth Sir In answer to your Letter to Sir Walter Blackett, offering your Services to dispose of his Lead at Yarmouth, I acquaint you, that he does not export any, but sells it to the Merchants at this port without further Risk or Trouble. I am etc HR

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Darwin – 15 Oct 1770

To Mr Darwin Grays Inn Newcas. 15th Octor 1770 London Sir I desire you will get the above advertisement inserted three times in the Saint James’s Chronicle and the General Evening Post & that you will pay the Expence of it & place the same to Sir Walter Blacketts Account. I am etc HR

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Holmes – 15 Oct 1770

To Mr John Holmes. Farnacres 15th October 1770 Dear Sir On Saturday sennit I sent you by the London Carrier a Box containing 384 1/2 Ounces of Bullion, including a small piece uncut, which from the colour will I hope prove very fine. I expect the pleasure of Mr Smeatons Company here this day. I am with best Compliments Dear Sir your most Hble Servt Nich Walton Junr PS. The Carriage of the above Box is not paid.

Letter – Henry Richmond to Plumb & Brown – 19 Oct 1770

To Messrs Plumb & Browne Goldsmiths Newcas. 19th Octor 1770 Foster Lane London Gentlemen Inclosed are two parts of your Account with Sir Walter Blackett. I have signed one of them, & the other, if you find right, I desire you will sign and return, I am etc HR

Letter – Henry Richmond to Richard Wilson – 19 Oct 1770

To Richard Wilson Esqr. . at Leeds Newcas. 19th Octor 1770 Yorkshire Sir On the other side is a Copy of Bryan & William Lowrys Article for a Lease of their Farm for Eleven Years from 12 May next at £170 a Year. I tryed two or three good Tenants that wanted farms but could not reach the Rent that these offered, so I thought it best to Conclude with them; and hope it will meet with your Approbation - the repairs etc required by them

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Newham Nicholson – 22 Oct 1770

To Mr Newham Nicholson. Hexham 22nd October 1770 Mr Nicholson As we propose making the Lead Mill Pay upon Monday and Tuesday the 29th and 30th of this Month we must desire you will be so obliging as not to fail sending us an Amount of what Lead has been delivered at Newcastle since 23rd March last and by whom and this you will do by the Post of Sunday first. If the Carriers should deliver any Lead on Monday the 29th you will give us an Account thereof by Corbett or any

Letter – Henry Richmond to John Bell – 23 Oct 1770

To Mr John Bell at Hexham Abbey Newcas. 23 Octor 1770 Sir I desire you will take Care that the Great Room and the other Rooms in Hexham Abbey are put in good order for the Ball that is to be given by the Gentlemen of the Chollerford Club; & particularly that the Chandelier & Candlesticks are properly hung & put up, & the Tables & forms put in order, I am etc HR

Letter – Henry Richmond to Thomas Duffield – 23 Oct 1770

To Mr Thos. Duffield at Wallington Newcas. 23 Octor 1770 Sir Sir Walter desires that you and Mr Bowlt will make the usual provision for Quicks and Oaks and Beach & plain & Hollies & Hazels; and therefore will plant out (if necessary) where you think proper. he thinks that where the low piece of Water is intended, below Rothley Lake, should be planted about the Banks, as designed. P.S. You will communicate this to Mr Bowlt.

Letter – Henry Richmond to Cuthbert Ward – 29 Oct 1770

To Cuth. Ward Esqr. at Newland Side Hall Newcas. 29th Octor 1770 Weardale Sir Joseph Angus has shewn me your Letter to him of the 19th inst. discharging him from Sowing any Corn on any part of his farm at Woodcroft & assuring that if he does you will take the Crop. Now you will please to observe that by your purchase Deed Sir Wr Blackett has excepted a Memorandum of Agreement in Writing Entered into by Jos. Richmond on his part & t

Letter – Henry Richmond to John Grey – 30 Oct 1770

To Mr John Grey Attorney at Law in Newcas. 30 Octor 1770 Berwick upon Tweed Sir I received your Letter acquainting me of the Meeting at Cornhill on Thursday first in order to come to an amicable Agreement concerning the Bill now before the house of Comons for Regulating the Fishing in the River Tweed. I cannot possibly attend it, Nor can I see that any further advances can be made on our Side for friendships sake than w

Letter – Jonathan Hilton to Germaine Lavie – 31 Oct 1770

A Copy of a Letter sent Mr. Lavie 31st Oct 70 Sir, I was with Mr. Cleaver the 21st Inst who is determined to continue the same share Jointly with my Lord Carlisle as he before has that is one fourth of the several Tryals for Lead Ore in Alstonmoor shewn in a Plan Delivered to you at Naward and has accordingly given me a Power to Act as his Agent. Therefore I intend Immediately to get the proper proposals laid before the Commissioners of Greenwich Hospital & makes no doubt of their

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Darwin – 2 Nov 1770

To Mr Wm Alvey Darwin Greys Inn Newcas. 2nd Novemr 1770 in London Sir Inclosed herewith is my Bill on Plumb & Browne for Two hundred & Eighty five pounds payable to you or Order 20 days after this date which I advise you will place to Sir Walter Blacketts Account & apply in discharge of the quarterly payments to 31st Decemr. next & that you will please to send me the usual receipt to be a voucher to my Accot. with Sr. Walter.

Letter – Henry Richmond to Plumb & Brown – 2 Nov 1770

To Messrs Plumb & Browne Newcas. 2nd Novemr 1770 Goldsmiths in Foster Lane London Gentlemen I have drawn a Bill on you for £285 datd this day & payable at 20 days to Mr Wm. Alvey Darwin or Ordr wch I desire you will accept & place to acct with Sir Wr. Blackett. And I have this day sent you by Thos. Jennings the Londn Carrier, a piece of fine Silver containing 795ounces; wch I desire you will place also to Sr

Letter – Henry Richmond to Ralph Forster – 2 Nov 1770

To Mr Ralph Forster at Cambo Newcas. 2 Novemr 1770 Sir Sir Walter says he would not have any Lease of Chartners let; but the present Tenant to continue upon it at Will under the present rent. & that he would have Philip go and view the farm & see what is necessary to be ordered about not burning the Ling for the preservation of the Game and the Tenant must not burn any without Leave & he must or his herd or Undertenant must underta

Letter – Henry Richmond to John Sadler – 2 Nov 1770

To Mr John Sadler at Rothley Park Newcas. 2 Novemr 1770 Sir Sir Walter says if there is either a young Buck or a Doe fit to kill he would have it done and sent hither next week: & when it is sent let the Bearer of it ask Mr Duffield if he has any fruit to send. I am etc HR

Letter – Henry Richmond to Thomas Duffield – 2 Nov 1770

To Mr Duffield at Wallington Newcas. 2 Novr 1770 Sir I desire, if you have any pine Apples ripe, that you will send them in here next week; along with the venison that Mr Sadler will have to send. It is not impossible but Sir Walter may be at Wallington before Christmas. I am etc HR

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 3 Nov 1770

Mr Mulcaster Farnacres 3d November 1770 We inclose herewith your Recet. for Fifty Pounds and according to Promise have sent you a Ream of Papers by Corbett. The Assays No. 13 and 14 turned out as below.   Oz Dw Gn No. 13 33 11 7 2/10 p Fodder No. 14 440 p Fodder   The Assays for Operation ending the 27th give 7 oz 14 dwt 8 4/10 Gns P Fodder. The Piece of Silver Weighed 582 1/2 Ounces, to have answered the Assay exactly

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Christopher Bell – 4 Nov 1770

Part of Messrs Walton & Smeatons Letter of 4th Novemr, 1770 to Mr Chr Bell Upon looking over the Lead Carriers Accounts we find James Johnson is paid 10s too much and Wm Pattison 10s too little being only mistakes in the casting up of their Accounts. It will oblige us if you will take the first opportunity of acquainting those Carriers with the above mistakes and that we shall expect to have them rectified at the next Pay or sooner as shall be found most convenient.

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Holmes – 5 Nov 1770

To Mr John Holmes Farnacres 5th November 1770 Dear Sir We have this day Drawn upon you for £46.3 being the amount of the last Silver received by you Viz. 384 1/2 Oz at 6s..1/2d. By last Saturdays Carrier we sent you a Box containing Five Hundred and Eighty two and one half ounces of Bullion which will be at London on Saturday <Sennit?>. The Carriage is not paid. Youll Observe we have not made the Allowance of 7s/8d this time; we intended to have deducted i

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 9 Nov 1770

Mr Mulcaster Farnacres 9th November 1770 We have examined the several Operation Papers since the 26th of May last and find the following Mistakes which we have rectified and desire youll do the same with the Copies kept by you in case you find the Alterations agree with your Accounts. In the Operation ending the 26th May you had set down 331 Pieces of Refineable Slag Lead as made within the Operation ending then and 1123 Pieces as Stock which if you had realy made

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Ibbetson – 10 Nov 1770

Part of Messrs Walton & Smeatons Letter of 10th November 1770 to John Ibbetson Esq In our Letter of the 20th April 1768 giving an Account by the Boards Order of the Agents necessary to be employed in establishing the Lead Mill, together with their Salaries, we particularly mentd. That the two new ones would be necessary, Viz a Mill Agent for taking Charge of the Works at the Mill, and a Clerk of the Deliverys of the Ore at Alston Moor; To the former we recommended Mr Peter Mulca

Letter – Henry Richmond to Walter Blackett – 12 Nov 1770

To Sr Wr. Blackett Bt. MP. in half Moon Street Newcas. 12th Novemr 1770 Piccadilly London Honrd. Sir There are few Things can give me greater Satisfaction than the knowledge that you are well after your return to England will do. Your Letter of the 4 instant from Paris, which I have received today, gives me hope that I shall receive such an Acct. Your horses were taken in from grass about ten days ago; in about three weeks time I understand they will be f
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467