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Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 3 Jun 1771

Mr Mulcaster Farnacres 3rd June 1771 Your Letter of the 29th together with the Bullion came safe to hand on Friday last and the Weight of the Cake is just 447 3/4 Ounces wch. exceeds the Assay. I observe your produce is farr from good indeed, the last Operation and we must have at all events the Coals we want; if there are any difficultys, which there ought not to be, pray let me know, because they ought to be removed or we may otherwise be greatly hurt. But if the Less

Letter – Henry Richmond to Isaac Hunter – 4 Jun 1771

To Mr Isaac Hunter at Dukesfield Newcas. 4th June 1771 Sir Sir Walter Blackett is not willing that Mr Walton should keep a public house at Rookhope Mill or have the least concern in that kind of Business - but orders him to have an Advance of £10 a Year to his Salary - So that from the 31 March last you are to charge him at the rate of £30 a year. I shall be glad to hear if any Rookhope Lead be got to Blaydon. last week we had a very brisk

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Westgarth – 4 Jun 1771

To Mr Will. Westgarth at Coalcleugh Newcas. 4 June 1771 Sir I was in hopes to have heard from you before this that you were better. I shall be very glad you can write me you are so - but that there may be for the future a less risk of your Health Sir Wr. Blackett is desirous you will engage Mr Westgarth Forster, whom you gave so good a Character of, in his Service & is willing to give him £40 a Year if you think it necessary. You

Letter – Henry Richmond to Ralph Forster – 6 Jun 1771

To Mr Ralph Forster at Cambo Newcas. 6th June 1771 near Wallington Sir Sir Walter Blackett orders me to write you to distrain the Goods belonging to George Brown, on his Farm at Fenwick, as soon as you can; and that in the meantime you do not let your Intentions be known, lest by an Execution or otherwise you should be disappointed - his Debt to Sir Walter is Six hundred and Twelve pounds ten shillings for two Year’s & a

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Holmes – 7 Jun 1771

To Mr John Holmes Farnacres 7th June 1771 Dear Sir Your Letter of the 1st instant was duely reced and I this day draw upon you for £130.17.6 being the amount of the last Cake of Bullion reced. by you weighing 433 1/4 Ounces at 6s. 1/2d.   As the trying the pieces last sent, as to their Quality must undoubtedly occasion you some expence, & desire youll let me know in your next, that I may deduct this from the Value of the Cake of Bullion now on the Road, for it would be

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 7 Jun 1771

Mr Mulcaster Farnacres 7th June 1771 On considering what you mention about Corbett & Johnson I think it is to be wished that they may get the Carriers to agree to give up the Halfpinny PPiece to Hexham and therefore it will be proper for us not to interfere in this matter in the least, but to continue to tell all the Carriers that we expect them to see the Lead they take up at the Mill carried to Newcastle. I am in hopes the Elswick Men will carry 2000 pieces for us Annualy

Letter – Henry Richmond to Christopher Richardson – 7 Jun 1771

To Christr. Ricardson Esqr. at Nunwick Newcas. 7th June 1771 Near Penrith Cumberland Sir As you and I are not so fortunate as to agree in our Sentiments upon Mr Maughan’s behaviour to Mr. Thos. Thompson, I beg this Letter may with great Civility put a period to a Correspondence upon a Subject which cannot be determined by our Letters; at the same time assuring you that if there is a Judge or Court in which you shall think pro

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 10 Jun 1771

Mr Mulcaster Farnacres 10th June 1771 Have reced your Letter and am now perfectly clear as to your being right abt. the produce at Blaydon. I therefore think it quite unnecessary to see yr. Brother ab. this Affair; I am however wishful that we could be better fitt with Reducers and am only sorry (on their Acct) that our present Workmen cannot do as well as any others. There cannot be any change made til further and it would be on that Account improper to lett the least transpir

Letter – Henry Richmond to Walter Blackett – 12 Jun 1771

To Sir Wr Blackett Bt. at Wallington . Newcas. 12th June 1771 Honrd. Sir George Brown of Fenwick has not been with me yet, about the Seizure of his Goods - which I see were valued at £200 more this time twelve Months than they are now. So that it is necessary to proceed to Sale, except he brings a Satisfactory Sum in Money before the five days are expired - which is not likely. I have wrote to Mr Forster and returned him the Schedule. I have acquaint

Letter – Henry Richmond to Ralph Forster – 12 Jun 1771

To Mr Ralph Forster at Cambo Newcas. 12th June 1771 near Wallington Sir Inclosed I return the Schedule of Geo Brown of Fenwicks Goods, which are distrained for Rent due to Sir Wr. Blackett ; having rec[eive]d it from Sir Walter this Morning. Geo Brown has not been with me, nor if he was to come can I tell what purpose it is now to answer, except he was to pay all Rent up to Martin[ma]s as other Tenants - but That is not at all l

Letter – Henry Richmond to Thomas Maughan – 14 Jun 1771

To Mr Thomas Maughan at Newhouse Newcas. 14th June 1771 in Weardale Sir The Bishop of Durham died on Sunday last *, & tho I have no better nor earlier Intelligence of it than the Newspapers yet I think proper to send you this Accot. by way of Dukesfield that before you set off for this place w[hi]ch by your Letter of the 8th instant you say you will do on Monday or Tuesday next you may give the Directions I

Letter – Henry Richmond to Plumb & Brown – 15 Jun 1771

To Messrs Plumb & Browne Newcas. the 15th June 1771 Goldsmiths in Forster Lane London Gentlemen Yesterday I sent you by Thomas Jennings the London Carrier, a piece of fine Silver containing Eight Hundred and seventy five Ounces which I desire you will place to Acct. with Sir Walter Blackett, as usual, at the Market price and advise me on your Receipt of. I am etc HR

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Darwin – 18 Jun 1771

To Mr Darwin Greys Inn Newcas. 18th June 1771 London Sir Inclosed is Bell Cookson & Cos. Bill on Glyn & Hallifax for One hundred & fifty seven pounds ten Shillings, payable at 25 days from this day; which for the present you will place to my Account & advise the receipt of. This Bill is to enable you to pay Mr Thurlow his ½ Years Composition Rent for Weardale Tithe Ore due 22nd of next Month &am

Letter – Jonathan Hilton to Germaine Lavie – 22 Jun 1771

A Copy of a Letter sent Mr. Lavie 22nd June 1771 Sir, After putting my Lord Carlisle to Expence of repairing Stanhope smelt Mill I was in hopes that Simpson the Mill agent would have made as good produce from my Lord’s Ore as is made at other Smelt Mills & in order to know that I sent three Bings of Duty Ore to the Commissioners of Greenwich Hospital smelt mill at Langly & the Produce of that three Bings was Ten Pieces of Lead 8 Stone each after making the above Tryal at the

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Holmes – 22 Jun 1771

To Mr John Holmes Farnacres 22nd June 1771 Dear Sir Your Letter of the 13th instant now lies before me and I have this day drawn upon you for £135.5.2 being the amount of 447 3/4 Ounces of Bullion at 6s. 1/2d. As to the falling short of the Pieces amounting to 2s/10d including Charges. I shall make that up to you as follows. You will receive by the Carrier who will set out from Newcastle on Saturday Sennit a Cake of Bullion which Weighs in separate Parcels 313 2/16 Ounces and

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 23 Jun 1771

Mr Mulcaster Farnacres. 23rd June 1771   Your Letter of the 17th instant I reced on Friday and yesterday went to Town to weigh the Bullion which is 313 1/4 Ozs but as our large piece and the one which succeeded it did not prove to contain of fine Silver so much as we reckoned I deducted 3/4 of an Ounce from the present Cake which will make up that deficiency so that you must reckon the present Cake only 312 1/2 Ounces being 2/8 less than you made it by your Weighing; so you see

Letter – Jonathan Hilton to George Simpson – 24 Jun 1771

A Copy of a Letter sent Geo. Simpson 24th June 1771 Sir, After consulting my self of the Produce that was made of Greengill West Ore at Langly Mill I cannot think how the same sort of Ore sent you should have fallen so far short if it had had Justice done in Smelting & as you made so great waste of the same sort of Ore before, why did you attempt Smelting so much of it now as you might have a good Tryal by Smelting one fourth part of what you have Smelted & by what I have seen

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 1 Jul 1771

Mr Mulcaster Farnacres 1st July 1771 Your Letters of the 27th & 29th Ultimo are now before me and I have no doubt but you will at all times take as much care as possible in extracting the Silver in the best manner & to be sure we must expect accidents similar to those which have been taken notice of; but as it is to be observed that all the loss we have already sustained on Acct of a want of perfect fineness ? only amounts to £. 10.6 ( exclusive of the Piece of 189 Ozs

Letter – Henry Richmond to Caleb Hunter – 6 Jul 1771

To Mr Caleb Hunter at Allanheads Newcas. 6 July 1771 Sir Sir Walter has desired Mr Wm. Westgarth & Mr Westgarth Forster to take a View of Allanheads, both East and West, next week, & He desires you will go with them thro the Works and shew them every Thing they may want to see and that you will from time to time thereafter go with them thro the Grove whenever they or either of them shall desire it. I am etc HR

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 8 Jul 1771

Mr Mulcaster Farnacres 8th July 1771   Your Letters of the 2nd & 5th instant are now before us and for the reasons you have given we have determined to take the Cakes of Bullion from Langley Mill as they come from the Test but only with this difference that you cut them in pieces so as to answer the Weight of 100 Ounces each piece a little over or under as it may happen it is not material which. For instance if a Cake should weigh 450 Ounces cutting it into Four will do -

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Joseph Hilton – 8 Jul 1771

Mr Joseph Hilton Farnacres 8th July 1771 On considering the Affair of taking the Pieces of Lead Ore, besides conforming yourself to the directions given you by Mr Walton we take this Opportunity of adding that as we cannot well refuse Ore delivered to us in such a State of cleanness as the Tenants take it away for their own used to prevent any Temptation to serve us worse than themselves we would be glad that you would as often as possible avoid taking away an heap by way of Du

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 14 Jul 1771

Mr Mulcaster Farnacres 14th July 1771 As the Weather stil continues dry I hope you have nearly if not wholy finished the getting in of the Peats and that your new House is now covered in, or will be so, in a very little time. We have hastily cast up the produce from Carrs by itself and Middlecleugh and it mixed and find your calculations and ours to correspond very nearly. I am much pleased to see the produce so good as it will encourage us to try experiments when w

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Henry Airey – 15 Jul 1771

To Messrs Henry & Jonathan Airey Farnacres 15th July 1771 Gentlemen On considering the Offer of Messrs Hall & Nesbitt to take 2000 Pieces of Refined Lead at £16 P Fodder I cannot say but I have a strong inclination to accept thereof; but there is a circumstance which makes me determine not to engage this Quantity, and it is, that we can by no means ascertain when we shall be able to deliver such a Quantity; and therefore, upon the whole, it will certainly be right t

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Holmes – 17 Jul 1771

To Mr John Holmes Farnacres 17th July 1771 Dear Sir I have this day Drawn upon you for £94.8s being the Amount of 312 1/2 Ounces of Bullion at 6s 1/2d POunce. Before I received yours I had got a set of Pennywts seeing it would be better than in Sixteenths & am glad to find our Ideas on this matter have kept pace with each other. For the time to come I will mark the pieces cut from each Cake with Nos. and send you the Weight of each by Letter referring to those

Letter – Henry Richmond to Douglas Lambert & Foster – 19 Jul 1771

To Messrs Douglass Lambert & Forster Newcas. 19th July 1771 In Berwick upon Tweed Gentlemen Sir Walter Blacketts Fisheries in the Tweed will be to be let against Mich[aelma]s next; & He chuses to have them advertised to be let for three Year’s by Way of proposal, according to the inclosed Advertisement; which before the inserting it, he desired me to apprise you of. I am etc HR
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467