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Letter – Henry Richmond to Collingwood Forster – 24 Feb 1772

To Colld. Forster Esq. at Alnwick Newcas 24th Febry 1772 Sir I received your letter of the 19th instant inclosing me a Description of the prem[is]es at Lucker, as you intend to insert them into the Conveyance. but Sir Walter Blackett, who came here last Night, desires you will send me the draft of the Conveyance to have it settled before you Engros the Deeds I am etc HR

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Holmes – 28 Feb 1772

To Mr Holmes Farnacres 28th February 1772 Dear Sir This Weeks London Carrier brings you a Box containing 501 3/4 Ounces of Bullion in five pieces which will I doubt not arrive in London on the 14th of March I am Dear Sir your most hble Servt Nich Walton Junr

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Darwin – 29 Feb 1772

To Mr Darwin - Greys Inn London Newcas 29th Febry 1772 Sir The box you mention, containing one part of Sr. Wr. Blacketts Will, was brought hither this Morning; & I have told Sir Wr. of it, who is very well; after coming in 48 hours from London. As to the Case with Mr. Fawcetts Opinion, about the Corn tithes of Sir Ralph Milbanks Allotment of Hexham Common in right of his Ingrounds at Bullister Bush - You are right in saying that it sho

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 1 Mar 1772

Mr Mulcaster Farnacres 1st March 1772 The Bullion came safe to hand and weighed 501 3/4 Ounces. It looked well and is I dare say quite fine. I have not yet tryed it by the Assay. This day is frosty but the finest one by farr that we have had those Six Weeks. There has not been so bad a Season since the famous year 1739/40. We have no snow lying now. We shall certainly make a Lead Mill Pay some time about the latter end of April or beginning of May and we wish to

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 3 Mar 1772

Mr Mulcaster Farnacres 3rd March 1772 I have received your Letter of the 28th February and have since weighed all the Assays including those for the last Cake of Bullion. The Bullion answers the Assay very well as it is, within 19 Pennywt 19 3/10 <Op> of being exactly agreable to calculation and Weighed 501 3/4 Ozs. Cowhill, and Cowhill cross Vein and Cowslitts cross Vein must be refined; Old Cowslitts and Litharge Slag & Test Bottom Lead will not ans

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Henry Airey – 3 Mar 1772

Mr Henry Airey Farnacres 3 March 1772 Dear Sir As I purpose attending a Dock Meeting tomorrow I wish it might be convenient to you and Brother Jonathon to settle for the last 2000 pieces of Lead sold to Messrs Hall & Nesbitt tomorrow morning. I would not chuse to settle for more than the above at present & desire youll be so obliging as have everything ready ag. I call upon you which I expect will be ab. Eleven. I am Dear Sir your very Aff Bro

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 6 Mar 1772

Mr Mulcaster Farnacres 6th March 1772 I reced your Letter of the 21st instant and have since examined the Operation which I find right. Where Contractors have hard bargains it is right to make allowances and if it should appear in that light to Mr Smeaton & myself in the case of Davidson & Pattinson we will take care they shall not be losers I would however keep this to yourself. I am exceedingly glad to hear you have found out the mistake about Mr Wil

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 9 Mar 1772

Mr Mulcaster Farnacres 9th March 1772 I reced your a letters of the 5th & 6th inst. last Night & upon the supposition of your getting this tomorrow send on purpose to catch the Hexham Carrier. I am told Davidson has a considerable quantity of Lead in hand pray tell him he must let the other Carriers have some of it rather than <> our getting all in as we wish to be enabled to make a Pay as soon as possible. Y

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 13 Mar 1772

Mr Mulcaster Farnacres 13th March 1772 If you have not smelted the Waste Ore and other refuse reced from Nenthead Smelting Mill before you receive this Letter I desire it may not be Smelted til after the ending of the Acct up in the 25th of April because it would otherwise not agree with the Accounts of last year none of which take notice of it and we do not chuse to have any thing Smelted til after the 23rd of April but what belongs to last years Account and if even it should

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 14 Mar 1772

Mr Mulcaster Farnacres 14th March 1772 I have received you Letter of the 11th and as soon as I find the Lead is all come in I will write to you and fix a day for paying the Carriers. I entirely concur with you in opinion as to the Slag Hearth for the reasons you give and desire the Hearth we now have may be worked as you propose so as to do the most work at it we can before the Pay and then our Computations will be attended with more certainty.

Letters – Godfrey Bosville to John Wentworth – 16 Mar 1772

Great Russell St. 16th March 1772 Dear Sir Not having heard of you of so long a time makes me doubtful whether my letters ever arrive. It is above a twelve month ago [that] I sent by your coachman some Stag hounds, and some new books in a box, which he promised to take particular care of, and I was in hopes to have heard [that the] dogs were [the] sort you wished for, and likewise yr. opinion of [the] books. I have renew’d my lease of this house for 25 years longer. Mr. Paul Wentwor

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 20 Mar 1772

Mr Mulcaster Farnacres 20th March 1772 As I think we cannot fail of having every thing ready by Wednesday the 1st of April to make the Lead Carriers Pay I desire youll give notice immediately to all the Carriers to be at the Golden Lion in Hexham early in the morning of that day,that is by Eight o'Clock. It will be necessary that all the Lead should be delivered in by Friday the 27th instant because you know we ought to have a few days before the Pay to settle every thing

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Henry Airey – 20 Mar 1772

Mr Henry Airey Farnacres 20th March 1772 Sir Having considered the Freight of the Bone ashes from London to Newcastle I think it will be the best way to fix it at £2.2. for every 50 Casks and I have therefore made out an Acct below which may be included in the settling for the Three Hundred Pieces of Lead sold to Mr Fish. I think Two Guineas quite sufficient and hope every one will be satisfied with it being settled in this way. I am NW Junr. Due to Mssrs

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Smeaton – 20 Mar 1772

Copy Postscript of Mr Walton Junrs Letter of 20th Mar 1771 to Mr Smeaton Pray inform Mr Holmes I have reced his favor of the 14th & shall this day draw upon him for £151.11.5 being the amount of 501 3/4 Ounces of Bullion at 6s- 1/2d be so good as do this in writing as without that it is not so regular in the transacting of this business and at the same time please excuse my writing to Mr Holmes. Farnacres 20th March 1772 Sir Ten days after date Pay Mssrs Bell Coo

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 22 Mar 1772

Mr Mulcaster Farnacres 22nd March 1772 I reced your Letter of the 18th yesterday and am, sorry to hear you have been so poorly. I heartily wish you soon well again. As we want under 200 pieces of Lead I hope we shall certainly get all to Newcastle by Friday first at farthest but I have some thoughts we shall get all by Tuesday. I shall write to Willy Labourne to make enquiry in the neighbourhood of Hexham and get him to see all is brought away and I shall desire him t

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Laybourne – 22 Mar 1772

Willy Labourne Farnacres 22nd March 1772 As we intend making the Lead Mill Pay on the first day of April I desire you will immediately after you receive this make an exact and careful enquiry what Lead is between the Mill and Hexham, and between Hexham and Newcastle if you can hear of that, & give orders for its being brought in with all possible dispatch. You may perhaps be able to catch some of the Carlisle Carriers

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Joseph Hilton – 22 Mar 1772

To Mr Joseph Hilton. Farnacres 22nd March 1772 Dear Sir I have reced your's of the 15th & 16th with the Agreement of Tynehead Farm and Acct of Ore wanting from the Mines wch agrees with that I sent you on the 12th inst. I have weighed the inclosed Assays and the produce from each is as follows The Half Pound Assay ...........4 Ounces 5 Dwts 18 Grains The Quarter Pound Assay.......4 Ounces 18Dwts -Grains you will acqua

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 23 Mar 1772

Mr Mulcaster Farnacres 23rd March 1772 The Lead Mill Pay is to be upon the 6th of May and the Lead Mill Pay Bill you must make out upon Monday Tuesday & Wednesday the 27th 28th & 29th of April & bring it & your Books along with you to Hexham upon Thursday the 30th of April where you will meet us in the Evening. Give Mr Joseph Hilton immediate notice of the above. We are Your hble Servts W & S

Letter – Henry Richmond to John Hudson – 25 Mar 1772

To John Hudson Esq at Bessingby Newcas 25th. March 1772 Yorkshire Sir Inclosed is Bell & Cos. bill on Glyn & Co. for One hundred pounds payable at 25 days from the 24th. instant which I have endorsed and sent to you by the desire of Walter Trevelyan Esq. to be placed to his Accot. you will please to advise me of the receipt of the bill and that you have placed it accordingly; to be a voucher to my Accot. - Sir Walter B

Letter – Henry Richmond to Thomas Smith – 29 Mar 1772

To Mr. Thomas Smith No: 49 Newcas 29 Mar 1772 Tooley Street London Sir In Answer to your Letter to Sir Walter Blackett of the 24 instant he desires me to acquaint you that as you do not mention how long it is since the Note you enquire after is supposed to have been paid to you as Servant to Mr Benson & Co he cannot give you any particular Answer - All the Notes he pays in London are left there and if you think it necessary w

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Darwin – 3 Apr 1772

To Mr Darwin - Greys Inn London Newcas 3d April 1772 Sir Since your Letter of the 23d. July last Mr. Cooksons Money has been paid off so I suppose this quars remittance will be £27. 10s. 0d less than formerly and that £288. 11s. 6d will do. but I shall not send you a bill till I hear from you on this Subject Sir Walter Blackett who still continues out of Order thinks the Company of his Nephews would be of Service to him, if it suited th

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 3 Apr 1772

Mr Mulcaster The Lead Carriage must not begin til further orders. I am Your hble Servt N W Junr Farnacres 3rd April 1772

Letter – Jonathan Hilton to Germaine Lavie – 5 Apr 1772

A Copy of a Letter sent Mr. Lavie 5 of April 1772 Sir, I inclose you the rect for Wood Bought of the Lord Carlisle for the use of the Mines in Alston Moor, your Favour Mentioning that you intended being at Morpeth about the Middle of this Month & shall wait on you at any Time & Place you Please to fix only I desire you will Please to give me a few Days Notice. I am &c Jonathan Hilton

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Christopher Bell – 10 Apr 1772

Mr Chrisr. Bell. Farnacres 10th April 1772 Mr Bell I have got Tickets for 36 pieces of Lead delivered by Mr William Bell of the Highshield and desire you will pay him £1.8.6 for them in part of the £1.14.1/2 left in your hand for him; you will then have £-.5.6 1/2 left to be pd him when he delivers you a Tickett for Seven Pieces. I wd have you keep that Ticket & Davisons til we see you. I am Your hble Servt N W Junr

Letter – Henry Richmond to Plumb & Brown – 13 Apr 1772

To Plumb & Browne Goldsmiths Newcas 13th April 1772 in Foster Lane London Gentlemen I have drawn a Bill upon you for Seven hundred pounds dated this day and payable to Bell Cookson and C.o or Order Twenty five days after date which I desire you will accept and when paid place to Account with Sir Walter Blackett I am etc HR
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467