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Letter – Henry Richmond to William Darwin – 13 Apr 1772

To Mr Darwin - Greys Inn London Newcas. 13th April 1772 Sir Inclosed is Bell and C.os bill on Glyn & Co for Two hundred & ninety pounds on Account of the quarterly payments you are to make in London for Sir Walter Blackett between the 31st Ultm & 30th June rent which you will please to place to his Account accordingly and send me the usual receipt for it. Sir Walter does not contradict the direction about writing to the Rev.

Letter – Henry Richmond to Jerrard Strickland – 13 Apr 1772

To J Strickland Esqr. York Newcas 13 April 1772 Sir I received the favour of your Letter, which I could not answer without communicating it to Sir Walter. He hopes you will excuse him for not writing and desires me to give his Compliments & tell you he is sensible of your Friendship in proposing the visit to him - but Mr. Carr of Etal is with him & Sir John and Mr. Trevelyan are expected today so that he thinks

Letter – Henry Richmond to Ralph Forster – 17 Apr 1772

To Mr. Ralph Forster at Cambo Newcas 17th April 1772 Sir Inclosed is a Copy of a plan left with me by Mr. Colld. Forster of a part of Newstead Grounds & other Grounds adjoining: by which you will learn (from the parts coloured yellow) the parcels he wants to buy the Corn Tythes of from Sir Walter Blackett - I desire you will let me know whether you apprehend Sir Walter is intitled to the Corn Tythes of the several pieces of Ground so di

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 21 Apr 1772

Mr Mulcaster. Farnacres 21st April 1772 I reced your Letter of the 13th on Friday last & the following day weighed the Bullion which I only make 577 1/4 Ounces being a 1/4 of an Ounce less than your Weight. I think what you have done preparatory to the Trial of running the Slime Ore into a kind of regulus in the Air Furnace, before Smelting, is very proper. We shall expect to receive the Slag Lead Silver & also that from the Lith

Letter – Henry Richmond to Collingwood Forster – 22 Apr 1772

To Collingwood Forster Esqr. In Alnwick Newcas 22d April 1772 Sir You will receive herewith by the Alnwick Carrier the Dra.ts of the Conveyance & Assignment from Sir Walter & Mr Darwin to you and Mr. Russell your Trustee - & also a Description of the premises to be conveyed, all which I received from you in Febry last & laid directly before Mr. Fawcett for his perusal. I only got them from him last Week since which I thought it

Letter – Henry Richmond to Isaac Hunter – 28 Apr 1772

To Mr. Isaac Hunter at Dukesfield Newcas 28th April 1772 Sir Sir Walter Blackett has ordered that Mr. Salkeld shall have an Addition of Five pounds a Year to his Salary from Ladyday last and that the Arrears of Rent which he stands indebted to Sir Walter in your Rental for Martinmas last amounting to £34. 7s. 6d shall be discharged, which you will do by profit and loss in your next Rental. PS. If you have time to make out a new Rental t

Letter – Henry Richmond to Christopher Johnson – 29 Apr 1772

To mr. Chris. Johnson Attorney at Law Newcas 29th April 1772 in Durham Sir At the Assizes at Durham in the Year 1767, as I remember, Sir Walter Blackett had an Indictment tryed to you about repairing the Way from Edmund biers to Blaydon and the Defend[ant]s were found guilty My Brother was concerned in it but the papers I am now informed was never returned But still remained in your Hands. it is right it should be

Letter – Henry Richmond to John Anderson – 29 Apr 1772

To Mr John Anderson at Unthank Newcas 29th April 1772 near Berwick on Tweed Sir I am told that Mr. Thompson the Tenant of Allerton has laid a Bounder Stones with Letters upon it a considerable Way within Sir Walter Blacketts South Boundary and near the Engine. I wish you would inform me or if you do not know that you would as from me inquire of Mr Thompson what the Meaning is if any in dropping it th

Letter – Henry Richmond to John Staniland – 1 May 1772

To Mr. John Staniland at Stella Newcas 1st May 1772 Sir Inclosed I return you the Article for Carrying on the Suit against Mr Silvertop signed by Sir Walter Blackett as you desired - & also a Letter from me to Mr. Darwin about getting Sir Edwd. Blackett to sign to which you will please to add directions respecting Lord Widdrington - Mr Simpson can tell you best whether it will be necessary to get Mr. Ridleys Bond to

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Darwin – 1 May 1772

To Mr. Darwin Greys Inn London Newcas 1st May 1772 Sir Inclosed herewith you will receive the Article for carrying on the Suit in Chancery against Mr Silvertop; which Sir Walter Blackett has consulted first at the desire of Lord Widdrington who desires Sir Edwd. Blackett may also execute it & then he will do the same. So you will wait upon Sir Edward about it. & then the Article I understand is to be sent to Bath to his

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Henry Airey – 7 May 1772

Mssrs Henry & Jona. Airey. Langley Mill 7th May 1772 Sirs We take this opportunity of informing you that we propose to set on the Lead Carriage from Langley Mill on Monday first; and we desire you will be so obliging as particularly to attend to it, that the Lead of the present year be kept separate from that of the year past, til the whole of the past year is sold, that we may see how it turns out. We are etc NWJunr JS

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Darwin – 8 May 1772

To Mr. Darwin in Greys Inn Newcas 8th May 1772 London Sir Mr. Johnson writes me that he has got the Record of the Tryal at the Assizes at Durham in1767 about the Lead Way from Edmondbiers to Blaydon drawn up & will send it to you in two or three days - you will let me know whether you will pay him the Charge of it, or I may do it if he brings he brings his Bill to me. The inclosed Letter my Sister Headlam de

Letter – Henry Richmond to Plumb & Brown – 8 May 1772

To Messrs Plumb & Browne Goldsmiths Newcas 8th May 1772 In Forster Lane London Gentn. I have sent you this Day by Frans Ridlay the London Carrier two pieces of fine Silver containing fourteen hundred & twenty nine Ounces which I desire you will place to Account with Sir Walter Blackett, as usual at the Market price & advise me of your receipt of them I Oz

Letter – George Pickering to Mary Loraine – 8 May 1772

To Mrs Loraine at Hexham Nunwick May 8th 1772 Madam I came from Alstone last night, – and the day before was at Thorngill to view the Vein they had lately cut there, & am sorry to infrom you, that she does not prove to expectation but is very poor altho a fine Vein, they have rose up four Yards into Pattinsons [ hole ] still no better appearance; we ageed to <hole > a cross cut fifteen fathom to the East to make a further trial whether she will prove there or not and

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Henry Airey – 10 May 1772

To Mssrs Henry & Jona. Airey. Penrith 10th May 1772 Dear Sirs We have just received yours and think it will be proper to Sell the 100 Fodders for £14.15 or £14.10 if you cannot get the price you offer it at; but as there may be some designing in circulating the Accounts about the Quantities at the London Marketts and as the price is so greatly lower than last year we should apprehend it adviseable not to sell any more than the above Quantity til the State of

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Henry Airey – 11 May 1772

To Mssrs Henry & Jona. Airey. Keswick 11 May 1772 Gentlemen As we had scarcely time to answer your Letter after receiving it yesterday at Penrith, before the Post went out, we had not time fully to advert to the Proportion between the Newcastle & London Fodders if therefore you have not already sold the parcel of Lead mentioned we desire that you will not Sell under £14.15. the price you offered it at and particularly so as we find that when Lead is £14

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Darwin – 16 May 1772

To Mr Darwin in Greys Inn Newcas the 16th May 1772 London Sir I sent you on the 27th Janry last by Sir Wr Blackett the purchase Deeds of OverHuntrods Estate wch. you were to deliver to Mr Chesters in Chancery Office as soon as you should receive some Admittances necessary to complete the Title - Accordingly I have here inclosed you copy of the Admittance of Lance March & Robt Willan as Heirs

Letter – Henry Richmond to Richard Wilson – 25 May 1772

To Richard Wilson Esqr. at Leeds Newcastle the 25th May 1772 Yorkshire Sir Mr King desiring as usual further time for the payment of his Rent; I have sent you inclosed, an Accot. of the Rents I have received for you, Bell & Cos. Bill on Glyn & Compy. for Three hundred pounds payable at Thirty days from the 23rd instant & desire you will advise me of the receipt of it

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Darwin – 25 May 1772

To Mr. Darwin in Greys Inn Newcas 25th May 1772 London Sir I duly received your Letter inclosing the Case & Sir Ralph Milbanks Letter about the Tithes of Bullister Bush, which I have communicated to Sir Walter & he will wait Sir Ralphs coming into the Country. Sir Walter desires you will give either to Sir Edward Blackett or Mr Totton two Guineas for one Mrs. Bayly a Clergymans Daughter

Letter – Henry Richmond to Daniel Alder – 26 May 1772

To Mr. Danl. Alder at Adderstone Newcas. The 26th May 1772 near Belford Sir I have on the other Side sent you Mr. Forster’s Executors proportion of Weardale Rents compositions etc for the year’s 1769, 1770 & 1771 together with the particular Accot. as usual of their proportion for the last year & hope you will reimburse Sir Walter Blackett this Money as soon as you can.

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Holmes – 29 May 1772

Mr John Holmes Farnacres 29th May 1772 Dear Sir We have this day drawn upon you for One Hundred and Seventy four Pounds Seven Shillings and Six Pence being the amount of Five Hundred and Seventy Seven and One Quarter Ounces of Bullion at Six Shillings & One half penny P Ounce. By last Saturday's Carriers we sent you a Box containing 439 1/2 Ounces of Bullion of which Mr Smeaton has advised you it will be a Month at least

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 29 May 1772

To Mr Mulcaster. Farnacres 29th May 1772 Sir, As William Labourne has got into some very great misunderstanding in regard to providing Bricks for the Furnaces and as your Operations we observe are suspended, for the want of them: we desire that you will let them stand til you get the Bricks expected. Tis true they will come very high by the time they get to Langley Mill, but you will be pleased to use them for such places only as are absolutely nec

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Holmes – 29 May 1772

Mr Holmes Farnacres 1st June Dear Sir As you are particularly acquainted with Mr Buckley the Painter we beg leave to let you know that in the course of our Refinery Business we produce a quantity of what is here called Fume; which appears to be a species of White Lead and having been fully tried is found to answer all purposes thereof except colour; and to make a more durable Paint for outside Works than even the best White Lead itself. It is an Ash colour but is not very

Letter – Henry Richmond to Collingwood Forster – 30 May 1772

To Collingwood Forster Esq. in Newcas. 30th May 1772 Alnwick _ North Sir I sent you on the 22nd of April last by Horsley the Alnwick Carrier the drafts of the deeds for the purchase of the Tithes & Grounds at Lucker, as settled by Mr. Fawcett; with a Letter from me that Sir Walter was willing to execute as soon as you please to get the deeds engrossed - I hope you received them & thought to have seen you

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 1 Jun 1772

Mr Mulcaster Farnacres 1st June 1772 We desire youll send down a Cask of Fume of the best sort; we dont mean that it should be picked or sorted so as to be particular but a Cask of the general run of the best kind. You will take care that the Cask is well hooped and put up it being intended to send to London for a sample and unless will put up will get shaked to pieces before it gets thither. You will send it down in such way as t
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467