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Letter – Henry Richmond to William Darwin – 3 Jun 1772

To Mr Darwin Greys Inn London Newcas. 3rd June 1772 Sir I have enquired after the surrenders & Admittances mentioned in your Letter of the 28th. Ultm. & which you say Mr. Chaster has requested you are wanting to compleat the title of hunterods Estate - & Mr. John Bell tells me that Mr. Isaac Hunter the vendor had no Copies of the Admission of 10 Augst. 1719 of Leonard Shield nor of the Surrender from Leond. Shield &

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 7 Jun 1772

Mr Mulcaster. Farnacres 7th June 1772 We reced your Letters of the 29th May & 2nd inst and observe their Contents. You are certainly right in deferring the Smelting of Middle Cleugh Ore til you can get Ore to mix with it. The Black Slag, by Assays No 1& No 2 was well worth Refining. The Operations in Refining the Slag lead and Lead produced from the Litharge saved from Silver Tests have answered exceeding well, compared with Assa

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Darwin – 8 Jun 1772

To Mr Darwin Greys Inn London Newcas. 8 June 1772 Sir Inclosed are Copies from the Court Rolls of the Admittances and Surrender which you said were wanting to compleat the Title of Huntrods Estate Vizt. the Admittances of 10th Augt. 1719 of Leond. Shield & the Surrender of the same date from Leonard Shield & Elizth. his wife to Thomas Shield & Thomas’s Admission thereupon - I hope this matter will now be settled s

Letters – Thomas Wentworth to John Wentworth – 12 Jun 1772

Dear Sir, On the 29th May last I had the pleasure to receive your two letters, which also gave me the satisfaction to find that you enjoy’d good health and spirits, of which I heartily wish you a long continuance, and no doubt, matrimony will contribute with the subsequent blessings commonly called children, of which however you make no mention. I was near two years in the country and am but lately come to town, remaining a Bachelor, as usual with no thoughts of changing. I was

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Darwin – 13 Jun 1772

To Mr Darwin Greys Inn London Newcas. 13th June 1772 Saturday Sir I have sent to go by the Fly Coach that will set out for London on Monday a Box directed to you containing an Assignment of a Trust <Term> of part of Lucker Estate which is comprised in the Indres of 8 & 9 May 1753 & in the assignmt. of 15 May 1762 which Sir Walter Blackett desires you will execute and return to me by the Coach - he has sold the parcels therein de

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 13 Jun 1772

Mr Mulcaster. Farnacres 13th June 1772 I have received your Letters of 7th & 8th instant and duly note the Contents I have also received the Operation for last Month. The Cask of Fume I dont yet hear is come to Newcastle but suppose it is. I have made no enquiry about it but shall tomorrow or next day. It gives me pleasure to hear you have finished the Reducing Furnace so far as relates to the new Bricks & hope to hear yo

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Holmes – 19 Jun 1772

To Mr John Holmes. Farnacres 19th June 1772 Dear Sir I reced your favor of the 6th instant in due course & my Ptner and I are obliged to you for the information you give us of the value of White Lead. There is a Cask of Fume sent on Board of the Collier Ship Mary and Elizabeth Mr Henry Wilson Master which as I hear Sailed for the Pool this morning. The Cask weighs upwards of 14 Stone indeed the Fume weighs 14 Stone & 10 Lbs exclusive of the Ca

Letter – Henry Richmond to Collingwood Forster – 26 Jun 1772

To Collingwood Forster Esq. at Alnwick Newcas 26th June 1772 Sir Sir Walter Blackett and Mr Darwin have executed the Deeds, and Sir Walter has no objection to your Bond for the Consideration Money in the manner you proposed it to me, so the sooner we Exchange them the better. I am etc HR

Letter – Henry Richmond to James Hebdin – 29 Jun 1772

To Mr. James Hebdin - Clerk to Richd. Wilson Esqr. Newcas 29th June 1772 at Leeds - Yorkshire Sir As our Gentlemen of the Newcastle Bank have made provision for the payment of their Bills at John Cookson Esqr. No 66 Lombard Street I have returned you the Bill I received from you this post - for Mr King the Indorser is not in Town and you do not say whether I am to require the value of the Bill of him so I think it best to return it as I understand you

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Darwin – 29 Jun 1772

To Mr Darwin - Greys Inn Newcas 29th June 1772 London Sir I have received the Box containing your Assignment of the Trust Term to Bryan Burrell Esq. I have also received your Letter of the 20th instant inclosing Mr Cooksons Letter to Sr. Wr. for Charity & mentioning one you have from Richd. Barr of the like Sort & have acquainted Sir Walter Blackett of them, who says he desires to be excused - I

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 5 Jul 1772

Mr Mulcaster Farnacres 5th July 1772 I reced your Letter of the 29th and with it the Operations for the two last Months; the other sent for May I have destroyed. The measures you sent me as to the Well fully answer the end I meant them for. I think if you can let the Winning & Walling for 4s and the Leading for 1s6d the Wall should be gone forward with directly, if not pray let it rest til Winter. On Tuesday I wrote to you by which you would see I had

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Darwin – 8 Jul 1772

To Mr Darwin - Greys Inn - London Newcastle 8th July 1772 Sir Inclosed Bell Cookson & Comps. Bill on Castell Whately & Co. payable to me or Order at 20 Days from this day & endorsed to you to enable you to pay the half Years Composition for the Tithe Ore of Weardale Mines, which will be due to Mr. Thurloe the 22d. instant - You will please in the mean time to place it to my Account and advise me of the Receipt of it - I shall in a

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Westgarth – 10 Jul 1772

To Mr. William Westgarth at Coalcleugh Newcas 10th July 1772 to the Care of the Hexham Postman Sir Sir Walter Blackett received your Letter, desiring leave to go to Harrogate on Account of your Health - he has no Objections to your going - only hopes you will give proper Directions about Carrying on the Groves both at Coalcleugh and in Kilhope in your Absence - & that the other Stewards will be resident and attentive to those great Conce

Letter – Henry Richmond to John Anderson – 11 Jul 1772

To Mr. John Anderson at Unthank Newcas 11th. July 1772 Near Berwick upon Tweed Sir Mr. Forster and Mr. Bell will be at Tweedmouth on Tuesday Evening the 28th instant - & I desire you will pay your Rent to Mr. Bell and acquaint all the other Tenants to do the same and his Receipt will be your discharge - If the Tenants of the Colliery are in your Neighbourhood please to acquaint them also of the Rent day, which will be the 29th

Letter – Henry Richmond to Plumb & Brown – 11 Jul 1772

To Messr. Plumb & Browne Goldsmiths Newcas 11th July 1772 in Foster Lane London Gentn. I have this day sent you by Thos. Jennings, the London Carrier, a piece of fine Silver containing Seven hundred & Sixty seven Ounces: which I desire you will place to Account as usual with Sir Walter Blackett Bt. at the Market price and Advise me on your receipt of the same. I hope you have not felt any inconvenience from the fai

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 12 Jul 1772

Mr Mulcaster Farnacres 12th July 1772 I have reced your Letter of the 8th instant & think what you propose saying to the Man the first time he comes about the price of the Lead is right but if he returns for more I wd let him know you will assure him he shall pay only 20s PPig for the whole. As to Thomas Brown or any body else I desire youll not trouble yourself for if the Wall is not to be done for 4s Winning and Walling and 1s/6d Carriage it shall not be done at al

Letter – Henry Richmond to John Sharp – 14 Jul 1772

To The Revd. Dr. Sharp at Balmbrough Castle Newcas 14th. July 1772 near Belford North Sir I have acquainted Sir Walter Blackett with the Contents of your Letter of the 8th instant & he desires his Compliments & has no Objection to have the Ground in Dispute between Hexham and Blanchland settled in a friendly way as you propose as you propose - But he is advised that the most effectual Method of doing it wil

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Darwin – 17 Jul 1772

To Mr. William Alvey Darwin Newcas 17th July 1772 Greys Inn London Sir Inclosed you receive three Bills as above - the two first amounting to £500 I send you to pay Sr. Ed Winningtons half years due from Sir Wr. Blackett the 6th of next Month and in the mean time desire you will place these Bills to my Accot. & advise me of the Receipt of them - the other Bill for £170 is to enable you to make the quarterly and

Letter – Henry Richmond to Isaac Hunter – 24 Jul 1772

1772 July 24th wrote Isaac Hunter about the Monthly & Quatly. accots. of the Smeltings HR

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Ibbetson – 24 Jul 1772

To Mr John Ibbetson Esq Farnacres 24th July 1772 Sir Inclosed we send you the Lead Mill Account from the 6th April 1771 to the 25th April last upon which there is a Gain of £912.3.11. You will be pleased to observe that on counting our Stock last year there appeared to be one piece more than by Account of Lead made at the Mill and therefore we concluded that as the piece could not be there unless it had been made at the Mill, it was accordingly given credit for on our Account

Letter – Henry Richmond to Thomas Adams – 26 Jul 1772

To Mr. Thos. Adams - Attorney at Law Newcas 26th July 1772 In Alnwick I have received your Letter inclosing the Draft of the intended Deed between Sir Wr Blackett & Lord Crewes Trustees & have shewn the same to one of Sir Wr Blacketts Counsell with whom I consulted before I wrote to Dr. Sharp. The plan upon which you have drawn the Draft is not agreeable to what I mentioned in my Letter to Doctor Sharp owing in all lik

Letter – Henry Richmond to Isaac Hunter – 31 Jul 1772

To Mr. Isaac Hunter at Dukesfield Newcas 31st. July 1772 Sir I have examined the Assays of ore from Low Coalcleugh & Whitewood veins and find the former yields 8oz. 0 p[enny]w[eigh]t. 20 g[rain]s and the latter 7oz. 7 p[enny]w[eigh]t. 0 g[rain]s to a fother so you may refine them together & indeed it may be as well to smelt the ore together as you propose & I desire to know what the produce will be of 20 bings at the ore & Sla

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 31 Jul 1772

Mr Mulcaster Farnacres 31st July 1772 We have reced both your Letters, one of the 22nd and the other of the 27th inst the latter inclosing the Operation for the present Month. The Bullion weighs 506 Ounces but, there is a part which we doubt will not prove fine we beat a piece of Slag or Clay out of a hole in it ourselves. You did very well in giving Nicholas Temperley and Thomas Brown some of our Rum. As the Cot

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Darwin – 1 Aug 1772

To Mr. Darwin Greys Inn London Newcas 1st . August 1772 Sir I have received your Letter of the 29th Ulto. inclosing me Mr. Thurlow’s Receipt for one hundred & fifty seven pounds ten shillings for the half years Composition for Weardale Tithe Ore due to him from Sir Walter Blackett on the 22d. Ulto. & have given you Credit for the same in the Account between us. I am concerned for my Brother & wonder what will be the

Letter – Henry Richmond to Walter Trevelyan – 3 Aug 1772

To Walter Trevelyan Esq. at <Bluits> Newcas 3d August 1772 Yorkshire [Note: possibly Bluits Inn in York] Sir Your Green frock laced Suit was sent this Morning by the Fly in a Box directed to you to be left at the Golden Lyon in Northallerton till called for - Mr Blackett will write to London directly for the Eal Basketts as you desire - & I have ordered a Kit of Salmon to be sent to Edwd. Meynall Esqr. ag
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467