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Letter – Henry Richmond to William Darwin – 10 Nov 1772

To Mr. Darwin - Greys Inn Newcas. 10th Novr. 1772 London Dear Sir I congratulate you on your Marriage & heartily wish you and Mrs. Darwin every happiness the Domestic Life affords. & hope next year you will bring her to Newcastle to make amends for your Neglect of coming This. Inclosed is Bell Cookson & Cos. bill on Castell and Co. for Two hundred & Seventy five Pounds to enable you to

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 13 Nov 1772

Mr Mulcaster Farnacres 13th November 1772 We omitted mentioning in our Letter of the 7th in answer to yours of the 4th, our opinion of your suggestion of trying what the Middle Cleugh Ore unwashed will do by roasting Viz that you ought to try what that Ore when washed will do by roasting also for tho' so great an advantage is not to be expected after washing as without it, yet without this cheque experiment, we shall not be able to judge what the proportional advantage of

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 20 Nov 1772

Mr Mulcaster Farnacres 20th November 1772 We have received your Letters of the 11th & 16th instant and duly note their contents. You will take your own time to make the Tryals of the Fume and particularly we would not have you attempt it til you have convenience to do them as they ought to be done, nor would we have the Furnace heated on purpose. What you propose as to weighing an equal quantity of each sort of <Fine> Fume is perfectly right as without t

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Christopher Bell – 20 Nov 1772

To Mr Chris Bell Farnacres 20th Novemr 1772 Mr Bell We beg you will forward to Lead Carriage as much as you possibly can and let the Carriers know that a full Pay immediately after all is got in and we expect they will all exert themselves in getting the whole to Newcastle and Newburn. We are your hble Servts W & S PS Pray give Mr Mulcaster your advice and assistance abt the Hedging at Langley Mill and we must expect you will now and then take a ride to see ho

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Holmes – 27 Nov 1772

To Mr Holmes Farnacres 27th November 1772 Dear Sir I have been from home or you shd sooner have heard from me requesting your favour of the 13th instant. The day after I reced. it I went to Mr Langlands a Silver Smith in Newcastle and asked him what he could afford to give for Bullion he told me 5s11 1/2d P Ounce but as he had bought a considerable Quantity within the present Month that had exhausted his Cash so much that he could not pay conveniently for such a quantity as 65

Letter – Henry Richmond to Richard Wilson – 30 Nov 1772

To Richard Wilson Esqr Newcas. 30th Novr. 1772 In Leeds - Yorkshire Sir Mr. King says you have agreed to let him retain his Rent as usual on paying Interest for it and therefore I have made up my Rental & sent it herewith - One part is signed by me and if you will sign and return the other I shall send you a Bill on London at a short date for the balance - Mr King says he will remit you his Money himself as soon as

Letter – Henry Richmond to Walter Blackett – 1 Dec 1772

To Sir Walter Blackett Bt. MP. at his house Newcas. 1 Decemr. 1772 in Half Moon Street Piccadilly London Honrd. Sir I hope you are well after your Journey - The Wallington Tenants paid their Rent last week better than usual; but the payments and Allowances out of the Money received amounted to above £700 for Masons & Carpenters Work etc for repairs and <Imers> & what Mr. Forster had got of the Tenants in Oats leading Ploughing

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 3 Dec 1772

Mr Mulcaster Farnacres 3rd Decemr. 1772 Upon examining the Lead Carriers Accounts I find that we have not Thomas Browns recets which he took from the Carriers to whom he delivered his Lead and as I suppose he must have them desire you will immediately make application for them to himself they are as follows. For 62 to Rowland Smith 267 to John Corbett 21 to Wm Wear 350 The Quantity he reced from the Mill. I would have you make this enquiry immediately and

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Christopher Bell – 4 Dec 1772

Mr Chris Bell Farnacres 4th Decemr 1772 Mr Bell I was glad to receive, at last, yr Letter about the Lead and I hope you will be enabled to get all from Hexham and every part of the Road and at Newburn and at Newcastle by Tuesday next: Whenever it is, I would have you tell Willy Laybourne to come down the Road and examine it to Newburn and from thence to Newcastle, and then come to me and let me know what is left upon the Road and how much at Newburn and at Newburn he must tell

Letter – Henry Richmond to Christopher Johnson – 4 Dec 1772

To Mr. Chrisr. Johnson Attorney in Law Newcas. 4th Decemr. 1772 In Durham Sir I should have been glad if you had favoured me with an Answer to my Letter of the 4th. of last Month - the payment of the £100. 6s. 10d due from Mr Bacon Forster’s Ex[ecu]tors would be very Convenient, as I am going to make Sir Wr. Blacketts Pay for Weardale Mines & want Money. As to the Postea, if I do not hear something satisfactory from

Letter – Jonathan Hilton to John Cleaver – 5 Dec 1772

A Copy of a Letter sent Mr. Cleaver 5th Decr. 1772 Sir, I take this Oppertunity to inform you that I have taken in the accot of Expences at Greengill & the other Mines in Alstonmoor where you are concerned with Lord Carlisle & find the amount to be about £480. Your fourth shair of which will be £120 which sum I shall be much obliged to you for remitting me as soon as you can as I should wish to make the Pays the Latter End of this Month as usual after which you may expect to

Letter – Jonathan Hilton to Germaine Lavie – 5 Dec 1772

A Copy of a Letter sent Mr. Lavie Alston 5 Decr. 1772 Sir, Upon taking the Account of the Expence at the Alston moor Mines & at Stanhope & Settling with Mr Atkinson for the Amount of Lead sold I find there will be One Hundred & forty Pounds wanting to make Lord Carlisle’s Pays & to leave in Hand necessary Support Money for which I thought proper to give you Notice I intend to draw on you about the 17th Instant at one Months date as you formerly directed which draft I

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 8 Dec 1772

Mr Mulcaster Farnacres 8th Decemr 1772 As upon the most exact calculation I can make I now find that supposing Lead to continue at its present Price, Cowhill Lead can scarce fail of making a Profit by refining, but I believe it will be so small that if it had been run into 1 1/2 Cwt pieces it would most undoubtedly have been more prudent to sell it as common Lead than refine it; however to try the experiment & as I do not wish to have any Cwt Lead to come to Markett when it

Letter – Henry Richmond to Caleb Hunter – 11 Dec 1772

To Mr. Caleb Hunter at Allanheads Newcas. the 11th Decemr. 1772 Sir you have been uncommonly late with your Accounts this Year: And have just allowed one time to make your pay within it - I have fixed your pay to be on Thursday the 31st.. instant and you will give Notice accordingly - I shall expect you all here (well armed) on Sunday the 27th. and shall pay you the Money on Monday. The next day you will go to Newhouse and make the pay there o

Letter – Henry Richmond to Walter Blackett – 11 Dec 1772

To Sir Wr. Blackett Bt. MP. in Newcas. 11th Decr. 1772 Half Moon Street Piccadilly London Honrd. Sir Bread No.5 Newcastle Maslin (or Wheat & Rye) Bread No. 6 Newcastle Rye Bread - The Sorts I have sent by the Fly Coach that set out this Morning very Early, a Box directed to you containing 6 Samples of Bread - viz. No. 1 Wallington household Bread No. 2 Mrs. Sadlers at the parks household Bread

Letter – Henry Richmond to Richard Wilson – 11 Dec 1772

To Richard Wilson Esqr. at Leeds Newcas. 11th Decr. 1772 Yorkshire Sir I have just now received the Duplicate of my Accot. signed by you; & inclosed I send you my bill on Plumb & Browne for Two hundred and Ninety three Pounds three Shillings & three pence half penny payable Twenty five days after this day for the balance of It & I shall be obliged to you if you will advise me of the Receipt of this Bill by re

Letter – Henry Richmond to Plumb & Brown – 11 Dec 1772

To Messrs. Plumb & Browne Goldsmiths Newcas. 11th Decr. 1772 Foster Lane London Gentlemen On Saturday last the 5 instant I sent you by Robert Carr the London Carrier a p[iec]e. fine Silver containing five hundred & six Ounces; which I desire you will Place to Accot. with Sir Wr. Blackett as usual at the Market Price & advise me on your Receipt of it And I have this day drawn a Bill upon you for Two hundred & Nine

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 15 Dec 1772

Mr Mulcaster Farnacres 15th Decemr 1772 I intend making the Lead Carriers Pay on Monday the 21st instant and also the Ore Carriers & desire youll give immediate notice to both. There is no occasion for Thomas Brown to trouble himself further about the Recets for the Lead. I fear we shall fall somewhat short. When I come to Hexham I shall talk with you about the other matters contained in your Letters from the 5th to the 8th inclus. not having at prese

Letter – Jonathan Hilton to Germaine Lavie – 16 Dec 1772

A Copy of a Letter sent Mr. G. Lavie Alston 15th Decr. 1772 Dr. Sir, Yesterday I drew on you for £150 Payable at one Month after Date to my son Jos. Hilton or Order which draft I hope you will duly receive & accept. To Mr. G. Lavie Silk Mercer Pallmell London I am &c Jona Hilton Sir, One Month after Date pay to Mr Joseph Hilton or order one Hundred & fifty Pounds Value recd as advised by Jona Hilton To Mr G. Lavie Silk Mercer Pallmell London

Letter – Henry Richmond to Gawen Aynsley – 19 Dec 1772

To Gawen Aynsley Esqr. at Littleharle Newcas. 19th Decr. 1772 Sir I have sent you by Mr. Ralph Forster the Assignment of the Tithes of Sweethope, as settled by Mr. Fawcett. if you approve of it you will Please to let the date be inserted & to Execute it before Mr. Foster who will attend you whenever you please to appoint - I have also sent by him Sir Wm. Lowthers Lease to you of the Tithes of Thockrington dated 25th. March 1771 - I Should

Letter – Henry Richmond to Ralph Forster – 22 Dec 1772

To Mr. Ralph Forster at Cambo Newcas. 22nd Decr. 1772 near Wallington Sir Inclosed herewith is a Letter for Mr. Aynsley, together with Sir Wm. Lowthers Lease of Thockrington and an Assignment of Sweethope Tithes from Mr. Aynsley to Sir Wr. Blackett - When you have read the Letter you will Please to seal it & wait upon or rather first send it to Mr. Aynsley for him to appoint a time for Executing the Assignment - The

Letter – Henry Richmond to John Grey – 25 Dec 1772

To Mr. John Grey Attorney at Law Newcas. 25 Decr. 1772 in Berwick upon Tweed Sir Inclosed herewith you receive according to your desire the Bond between Sr. Wr Blackett & Mr. Lawson Armstrong to abide by the Award of Messrs. Lambert and Marshall about the Boundary of Canny & Hobshole Fisheries dated 29 Sepr. last & in case they should not make their Award before 29th. instt. then to abide by the Award

Letter – Henry Richmond to Jerrard Strickland – 25 Dec 1772

To Jacd. Strickland Esqr Junr. Newcas. 25th. Decemr. 1772 at Parlington near Aberford - Yorkshire Sir I received the Favour of your Letter of the 12th. instant about the Gun that was to come from Edenbrough for Sir Thos. Gascoigne Bt. directed to me. It did not come until last Night and I have directed it to Sir Thos. Gascoigne Bt. at Parlington to be left at the George Inn Aberford, as you desired. I have forwarded it to day b

Letter – Henry Richmond to Walter Blackett – 25 Dec 1772

To Sir Walter Blackett Barot. M.P. Newcas. Christmas day 1772 in Half Moon Street Piccadilly London Honrd. Sir I met with Mr. Fawcett & Mr. Wilson yesterday about the Winlaton Division & find the effecting it will require more parchment and time than was at first supposed. They are of Opinion that Mr. Gordon & the Representatives of the other Sisters of the late Sir Wm. Blackett must be parties to the Division Deed or at least

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Darwin – 25 Dec 1772

Mr. Darwin Hatton Street No. 4 Newcas. 25th Decr. 1772 London Sir Sir Walter Blackett & Sir Edwd. have agreed to make an equal Division of the Land & Houses wch. they have in Winlaton as tenants in Common under Sir Wm. the Gd. fathers Will which will be beneficial to both parties - to Sr. Ed: as he wants to sell - & to Sr. Wr. as he may get a bad partner especially in certain Closes a
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467