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Letter – Henry Richmond to Selby Ord – 30 Dec 1772

To The Revd. Mr Selby Ord at Cockermouth Newcas. 30th. Decemr. 1772 Cumberland Sir Sir Walter Blackett writes that you have applied to him for £100 to be paid in of the £1100 for which he gave a Bond or deed of Gift to the late Mr. John Ord of Broomdikes & that this £100 is asked for as your Share of that Sum. The whole Sum or any part of it will very readily be paid whenever Sr. Walter can have a proper discharge for it - In order

Letter – Henry Richmond to Plumb & Brown – 31 Dec 1772

To Messrs. Plumb & Browne Goldsmiths Newcas. 31st.Decr. 1772 In Foster Lane London Genten. I have this day sent you by Robert <Lane> the London Carrier three pieces of fine Silver containing Nineteen hundred and forty five ounces as below: which I desire you will Place to Accot. with Sir Walter Blackett, as usual, at the Market Price & advise me on your Receipt of them - I wish you many happy Years & am etc HR

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 2 Jan 1773

Mr Mulcaster. Farnacres 2nd January 1773 I was very much concerned when I read your Letter of the 30th Ult. giving an Account of the untimely death of Thomas Brown. It will be certainly necessary immediately to acquaint the Family with his engagements to us and I doubt not they will fulfil them but I have some fears as well as you that we may be worse off than when Thomas was living. When you acquaint the Family with the Agreement made for

Letter – Henry Richmond to Selby Ord – 2 Jan 1773

To The Revd. Mr Selby Ord at Cockermouth Newcas. 2d. Janry 1773 in Cumberland Sir Inclosed I return you the Receipt for One hundred Pounds, which you sent me in your Letter; wch. I received this day - This Receipt will not be any discharge to Sir Wr Blackett for £100 due on a Bond or deed of Gift of £1100 to Mr John Ord as I understand his widow is living & have never heard that it was payable in Shares to his Children on their coming at A

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 3 Jan 1773

Mr Mulcaster. Farnacres 3rd January 1773 I have since you were wrote to weighed the Assays and find them a good deal different in weight one of them being 3/8ths of a Grain less than the other. By the larger one the Cake answers within 7oz 11 Dwt 4 8/10 gr[ain]s of what it ought to have been to have got all the Silver clean out which is good work we shall therefore pay no regard to the smaller one. I am sorry you were prevented co

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to William Darwin – 5 Jan 1773

To Mr Willm Alvey Darwin Newcas 5th Janry 1773 Hatton Street London Sir Inclosed you have Messrs Bell & Cos bill on Hallifax & Co for One hundred & fifty seven Pounds ten Shillings to enable you to pay Mr Thurloes half years Composition for Weardale Tithe Ore due the 22d instant - You will please to advise me of the Receipt of the Bill & when Mr Thurloe is paid send me a proper Receipt from him. I

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Darwin – 8 Jan 1773

To Mr Darwin Hatton Street No. 4 Newcas 8. Janry 1773 London Sir Inclosed are two Bills as above; the former, which is for £500, is to Enable you to pay Sr Edward Winningtons half years interest due from Sir Walter Blackett on the 6th. of next month, & in the mean time you will please to place it to my Credit & advise me of the Receipt of it - the other bill for £220 is sent you on Accot. of the Quarterly

Notes – Teasdale Mowbray – 9 Jan 1773

Coppy Newcastle the 9. Jany. 1773 At a meeting held at Mr Loftus’s in regard to Fallowfield Lead Mine. Present Teasdaile Mowbray Esqr. Mr Nichs. Lee & Mr Cookson. That Sir Edward Blackett be requested to grant a Lease for 21 years from this time, on the Parties giving up & cancelling the Old Lease. That as it is the Opinion of Mr Walton that the Expending further Sums to the East will be no ways Prudent. The above named Parties will make a Trial to the Westwa

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 15 Jan 1773

Mr Mulcaster. Farnacres 15th January 1773 I have reced your Letter inclosing the Accts of Materials and have filled up the Blanks the first time we come to the Mill shall bring the Account with us and make that you have kept a Copy. It gives me some pleasure to hear there is 13 Inches of Coal so near the Mill as we may probably think of working it in case we do not find a better Seam nearer the Mill. We have open Weather here and hopes y

Letter – Henry Richmond to Ralph Heron – 15 Jan 1773

Mr Heron, Attorney at Law Newcas 15 Janry. 1773 Hexham Sir By a Letter from Mr Adams and another from Mr Wilson I am desired to acquaint you who are the legal Representatives of the late Sr. Wm. Blackett’s Sisters - but I do not know them - I waited on Mr Fawcett and Mr Jac Lambert but they have not yet got a full Accot. of them from Mr Darwin but expect in a post or two to hear fro

Letter – Henry Richmond to Plumb & Brown – 19 Jan 1773

To Messrs Plumb & Browne Goldsmiths Newcas. 19th Janry 1773 In Forster Lane London Gentm. I wrote you on the 31st Ulto. that I had on that day sent you by Robert Carr the London Carrier three pieces of fine Silver containing Nineteen hundred & forty five Ounces and desired you to place the same to Sir Walter Blacketts Account as usual at the Market price and advise mw of your Receipt of them. The Carrier would be in London on Sat

Letter – Henry Richmond to Selby Ord – 20 Jan 1773

Revd. Mr Selby Ord at Cockermouth Newcas. 20th. Janry 1773 Cumberland Sir Having seen, by Sir Walter Blacketts Bond for Eleven hundred pounds to William Carr of Etal Esqr In trust for Mr. John Ord of Broomdikes his Wife and Children, that there is One hundred pounds of that Sum intended for you; I have accordingly paid to Mr Carr, upon his Receipt & Endorsement upon the Bond, the said £100: together with all interest due o

Letter – Henry Richmond to Daniel Alder – 21 Jan 1773

Mr Danl Alder at Adderstone Newcas 21st Janry 1773 near Belford Sir I wrote you on the 26th May last and inclosed you the Accot of Mr Bacon Forsters Executors proportion of the Rents, fine etc for Weardale Lead mines for three years, amounting to £100. 6s. 10d; which Sum remains still unpaid tho’ I wrote also to Mr Chrisr Johnson in Novemr about it - If it is not paid soon it will discourage any partnership Works i

Letter – Joseph Hilton – 22 Jan 1773

Jany 22d recd a Draft from Mr. Cleaver on Messrs Hoares Value £100

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Holmes – 24 Jan 1773

To Mr Holmes. Farnacres 24th Janry 1773 Dear Sir The Silver Trade is now so dull at Newcastle that we can sell none almost and are only offered 5s 10 1/2d P Ounce payable one or two Months after delivery. Shall be much obliged by your acquainting us with the present price in London & whether you think it would be worth your while to have a piece sent you at the price there (or at what price) which weighs 651 Ounces. We have hoped to hear fro

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 25 Jan 1773

Mr Mulcaster. Farnacres 25th January 1773 We reced your Letter of the 18th inst with the Operations and Assays respecting Cowhill Lead which you will observe has left a saving of £11.4.6 3/4 beside the saving of 1/4 P Piece Towns dues on the Quantity lost 9 1/4 and Commission also on that Quantity; so that it is clear we can when Lead is at £14 afford to refine when the Lead will produce in the Work 4 oz 17 dwt 1 6/10 grns P Fodder or by Assay from 4 oz 1

Letter – Henry Richmond to Walton & Smeaton – 26 Jan 1773

Messrs Walton & Smeaton Newcas 26th Janry 1773 Farnacres Gentlemen I received your Letter of the 25th instt . acquainting me that the Commissioners of Greemwich Hospital have agreed to what Mr Bell & you have done respecting the Division of Sam’s Island & desiring me to to signify whether the carrying the whole into Execution will be agreeable to Sir Walter Blackett. In answe

Letter – Henry Richmond to John Fenwick – 27 Jan 1773

Mr John Fenwick - Roberts’s Place Newcas the 27th Janry 1773 York Sir I received your Letter of the 25th instant inclosing your Receipt for Forty seven pounds ten shillings for a year’s interest due 22nd instant on the £1000 remaining unpaid of Sir Walter Blacketts & Mr Peareths joint Bond to you; & inclosed I send you Bell & Cos Bill on Glyn and Co for the same Sum payable at 30 days from

Letter – Henry Richmond to Walter Trevelyan – 30 Jan 1773

Walter Trevelyan Esqr. Newcas 30th Janry 1773 Blewits Lendale Yorks Sir Inclosed are three Bills drawn by Bell and Co on Glyn & Co for One hundred pounds each & payable to yourself or Order at 30 days from this day which I send you in lieu of the three Newcastle Bank Notes, you left with me, agreeable to your desire - You will please to advise your Receipt of them, to prevent Accidents

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Holmes – 31 Jan 1773

To Mr John Holmes Farnacres 31st January 1773 Dear Sir We were favoured with your Letter of the 27th inst by yesterday's Post and by the next Carriers for London, who will set out from Newcastle on Saturday the 6th of February will send you a Cake of Bullion which weighs 651 Ounces. By keeping, it has lost its brightness but as we never saw a more beautiful piece when it came from the Refinery we doubt not its being fine. Whatever price you fin

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Darwin – 3 Feb 1773

Mr Darwin - Hatton Street No. 4 Newcas 3rd Febry 1773 London Sir Inclosed I send you Bell and Cos. bill on Castell and Co. for £157.10s.0d to repay you Mr Thurloe’s <1/2> yrs. Composition for Weardale Tithe Ore due 22d. Ulto. which you will please to place to my Credit and advise the Receipt of - I should have sent you it sooner but the bulk is I forgot it - Inclosed I return you Mr Thurloe’s

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 8 Feb 1773

Mr Mulcaster. Farnacres 8th February 1773 I received your Letter of the 1st instant as also the Operation for last Month but have not yet had time to examine the latter. I am very sorry the Middle Cleugh Ore has not proved so good as was hoped for but as I doubt not all possible care has been taken we must be content and hope to do better in future. As Mr Hilton tells me you have discovered another Quarry I hope that will make the

Letter – Henry Richmond to Robt & Wm Redhead – 8 Feb 1773

Messrs. Robt & Wm Readhead NC. 8 Febry 1773 Gentn. There is now a yrs. rent due from you to Sr W Blackett for Unthank Colliery - I hope it will be convenient to you to pay it soon I am etc HR directed to Mr Rob Readhead at Lee near Rothbury

Letter – Isaac Hunter to Isaac Walton – 8 Feb 1773

Dukesfd. 8th. Feby. 1773 Mr. Is. Walton Rookhope Sir I desire you’ll make up your Decr. Quartrs. Accot. & send me as soon as possible, for I have recd. orders to get ready for the Pay wth.out Loss of time. I have sent the Bearer Ra. Stephenson to his old work again (i.e. to work again wth. his Father as he may be assistance to him) let Chatt get his Work for this Week among them & tell him to call upon me here when

Letter – Henry Richmond to William Darwin – 10 Feb 1773

Mr Darwin - Hatton Street No 4 Newcas 10th Febry 1773 London Sir I have received your Letter of the 6th instant inclosing me Mr Thurlows Receipt for One hundred & fifty seven pounds ten shillings and have given you Credit for it on our Account. Sir Wr Blackett & Dr Blackett set out this Morning for London - The Dr has agreed to take £4 p Cent for all his Money in Sir Walters hand from the d
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467