Mr Henry Maister Newcastle May the 4th 1677
I have before mee yo[u]rs of the 24th and 27th past the former by John Hargrave and the latter by Post the 350 Ends of Iron I have Re[ceive]d and now I must tell you that noe Iron was nigh soe good as the first p[ar]cell; this last parcell is the worst of all nott soe good as the other by 10s in the Tonn I did expect it should bee better Scarce a barr under Inch in the whole parcell; but noe reamedy but patience onely I will have noe
Henry Law[es] Ditto [Newcastle 4 May 1677]
I have Rec[eive]d yo[u]rs of the 29th past from Rochell; the contents where of have signified to yo[u]r owners but neither Mr Roddam nor my selfe have any freight for you; when this is Ended; for are both p[ro]vided; Soe when please God you <.rarease> w[i]th this present and are unloaden wee leave itt wholy to yo[u]r selfe w[ha]t to doe there after onely would rather have you take a freight att Amsterdam if any to yo[u]r min
Ditto [Newcastle 4 May 1677]
Mess[eur]s Willettes writt to this day and Inclosed sent them Tho[mas]:Browne his Charter Partey etc:
Mr Nich[olas]: Verlane Newcastle May the: 4th 1677
My last unto you was of the 21th past to w[hi]ch referres you since none from you Soe the lesse to Inlarge upon onely doe desire you to keepe the Inclosed till called for; my Brother Davison and my selfe have ¼ of the vessell Soe if hee desires yo[u]r assistance In p[ro]curinge him a good freight wee doe desire you will please to helpe him; In doeing whereof you will oblidge us both ~
Leed £10 p[er] fodder Coal
Mess[eur]s Hump[hrey] Willett and Compa[ny] 9 Ditto [Newcastle May 1677]
My last to you was of the 4th present and then Inclosed sent you a Coppie of Mr Thomas Browne his Charter p[ar]tie (the bearer hereof) by whome I have this day consigned and sent you 80 Chalder of Coales 200 p[iec]es Leed and 43 Chalder of Grindstones w[hi]ch after good arrivall bee pleased to accept and dispose of for my most advantage; I intend to write you att large next Post God willinge and soe remayne
Brother Edw[ar]d Newcastle May the 11th 1677
I have noe newes to advise you of onely that my father and my Lady Intendes towards London Thursday next the 17th present ~
I now make bold to putt you In minde of yo[u]r former promise w[hi]ch if nott performed (nott that I question itt In the least) will doe mee noe small diskindnesse; for have all allonge relyed upon you and ordered my businesse accordingely and if you please that I should that I should pay my Brother Da
Mess[eu]rs Hump[hrey]: Willett and Compa[ny] ditto [Newcastle 11 May 1677]
My last to you was of the 9th present to w[hi]ch referres you by Thomas Browne who sayled yesterday and I hope may bee w[i]th you as soone as this when please God hee arrives bee pleased to make money of his Loadinge; wch Concerne I wholy leave to yo[u]r discretion; onely I pray take notice his vessell drew here In soll water 15 foot fore and aft I am certaine will draw soe much in the Poole; soe i
Mr Henry Maister Newcastle May the 11th 1677
I have before mee yo[u]rs of the 4th present takes notice of the Receipt of my Bill for £156:15:3d; w[hi]ch you need nott feare will finde punctuall complyance
The Iron you mention 2½ Inch one way and 1½ another is nott of any use in this place; and for yo[u]r Inch Square the last parcell that I received from you is vallewed by my Customer; that uses that sort of Iron tenn shillinges in one Tonn worsse then the fir
Edw[ar]d Fleatham 11th ditto [Newcastle May 1677]
I should bee glad to see thee here that soe wee might discourse our businesse; for my part I did expect all my money before this day I readily granted all thy requestes for though ready money was first agreed for 2 ptt [percent] upon thy first moveinge for 1/m[onth] or 6/w[eeks] time att longest; I submitted thinkinge to have found thee very punctuall In thy promise and I doe declare I did more rely upon thy word i then I wou
Mr James Burkin 12 ditto [Newcastle May 1677]
I have before mee yo[u]rs of the 8th w[hi]ch before I answer lett mee desire you to direct none of yo[u]r letters any more To William Blackett March[an]t for this before noe was Intercepted by my Cosen William; alias Stockholme w[hi]ch mistake for the Future I desire may bee p[re]vented ~
I my selfe have made an Inspection Into our Custome house bookes and have founde the Order in question; so that when the vessell A
mr W[illia]m: Benson Newcastle May 15: 1677
I have before mee yours of the 10th p[rese]nt for Answer thereunto pray take notice that I accept not of your Iron, soe may order the disposall thereof as you please seeing you neglected soe Long answering of my letter, I did really thinke you had accepted of my prop[os]ition w[hi]ch had almost made mee Loose a good bargaine; butt your Letter came In time, and I have supplied myselfe, with as good sorts as yours is and something C
Edenb 16 May 1677
Honored Sr,
I thought to have seen you at Leeth but missing your occations these bring you are to goe out of towne tomorrow & I for the highlands so that p.haps our occations may not allow us an other meeting til I returne in the first place pray writ to Glen Lyon what you thinck fitting & secondly let Jno Curtice have 50£ sterling to be doeing with til I come back to Clear accots with you & him these men here I will take with me to glenlyon & see wt
Ditto the 19th
To Mr Rand. Richardson to call upon Mr Jno. Grey or his wife for £15 this whats needfull from
Margt Grey
To Mr Wm Hester
To call upon Mr Jno Grey or his wife for to pay him £35 This from
Margt Grey
To Mrs Susan Grey
To pay unto Mr Randolph Richardson £15 & to Mr Wm Hester 35 according to her husbands order From
Margt Grey
Hono[ur]ed: Sir Newcastle May the 19: 1677
Accordinge to yo[u]r command given to my Brother Christopher when you went from hence shall God willinge direct this letter to bee left at Shilton till called for where I houpe the same will finde you and my Lady merrely disposed as I heartily wish as also all pleasure delight and content Immaginable; the remaynder of yo[u]r Jo[u]rney as for businesse or private Newes w[hi]ch may bee expected shall bee silent; referringe itt wholy to my Brother
Mess[eu]rs Hump[hrey] Willett and Compa[ny] Newcastle May the 19th 1677
I have before mee yo[u]rs of the 15th present as also one from my Brother Edward who writes that as soone as you shall dispose of my Lady Yorkes Leede w[hi]ch you have In yo[u]r hands hee has told you that hee will allow you £500:=:= upon my account w[hi]ch you were content w[ith]all pray advise mee if any such thinge; that soe if nott I may immediately remitt you the needfull In the meane time take no
Brother Edw[ar]d Ditto: 19 May: 1677
I have before mee yo[u]rs of the 15th present I am Gladd you have satisfied Mr Willet w[i]th the payinge him £500=: so soone as hee shall dispose of my Lady yorkes Leede in his handes my acctiones will require; noe more except you order mee to pay money for you In this place w[hi]ch if you doe shall bee observed and I am certaine both J:D: and JB: accordinge to warninge given them by yo[u]r Order does expect their money when dew
Lo[veing]: Cosen Newcastle May the 19th 1677
I have before mee thyne of the 18 present for answer unto w[hi]ch doe assure thee that I never had any badd thoughts of either thee or thy partner Ed[ward] Fleatham but punctuallity beinge allwayes observed by men of yo[u]r Principall made mee fully rely of his promise w[hi]ch might have proved to my prejudice for if hee had but made the least doubt of performance; I both could and would have beene very free to have forborne it longer; as I
Mess[eu]rs: Hump[hrey] Willett and Compa[ny] Newcastle May the 22d 1677
I have none of yours to Answer; soe the less to Inlarge upon this serveing chiefly to advise you that this day I have drawn upon you a bill for £10:=:= payable 14/d[ays] after sight to Mr Ralph Sanderson or order, valew of Madam Ann Swinburne w[hi]ch pray Lett bee complyed w[i]th all, I have beene all this morning seekeing of bills for you, but none that is good to bee gott, though have got a promise against
Mr W[illia]m Benson Newcastle May the 25th 1677
I have before mee yours of the 19 present and according to your order have taken Care of your Iron, but for my p[ar]t I have noe occation neither of the sort, nor any other, having already very well supplyed my selfe for the yeare though if you please to sett upon itt the Lowest price, I will see what I can doe to Serve you my opinion is, if itt give w[ha]t I bid you that will be the most, but use your discretion ~
ditto [Newcastle May 25 1677]
Writt this day to Mess[eu]rs: Willettes and sent them 2 billes for £160:=:
PL: p[er] MB:
May 29 1677
Wee rcd yours adviseing the lead mines proves not as expected. If in the time you mention there not better incuragment shall be willing to disist wt you.
Hono[ure]d Sir Newcastle May 29th 1677
John Mowbray happened to bee here when I opened yo[u]rs of the 22d from Wainsford Bridge w[i]th whome and Christopher next pay shall God willinge fully discource the businesse about Mr Carnaby and of our Result you may expect an account att my Returne from thence in the meane time I finde J:M: Clearly for the Costly men
I dare nott say itt was my Cousin John his advice that made the Sport att Fallo
Mr Josuah Pannell ditto [Newcastle 1 June 1677]
I have before mee both yo[u]rs of the 20th and 28th past the former by Thomas Burdis and the latter by Post
The 2 Ankers Rhenish I have Rec[eive]d w[hi]ch proves to content and have Credited yo[u]r acc[oun]t Currant for the same £40:12:
The <Screene> I hope will be Shipped ere this come to hand Considderinge the Losse by Exchange noe profitt by Leed if one knew how to make money St[erlin]g itt migh