Mr Hump[hrey]: Willett Ditto [Newcastle 24 July 1677]
you may a Little wonder that you have not heard from my master In soe long a time, he is in yorkshire about some extraordinary business, and when he will return I cannot advise you, here is severall of your Letters comd to hand w[hi]ch I shall not presume to Answer, but the inclosed 5 bills I have vintend to send you being for £500l:=s:=d the needfull of which pray receive when dew I am
J: W p[er] my master MB
Mr Hump[hrey]: Willett Newcastle July the 27: 1677
I am att Last god be thanked well gott home, where I find Severall of yours, but have not the post time to Answer them ~
I find my man Sent you bills for £500:=:= w[hi]ch I hope is safe Comd to hand and this day have valewed upon you £240:=:= p[ayable]: 20/d[ays] date to mr Jno Wood or order valew of mr Rich[ard]: Tooth which pray Lett be Complyed withall, more p[er] next, Interim Remaine
mr Josua Pannell Newcastle July the 27: 1677
I hope ere this Hen[ry]: Laws is arrived, and will pay you more money then I find myselfe Indebted to you, pray desire him to make hast back again to this port, for I have a good freight for him soe remaines
Sr James Standsfield
Yours of the 12th past we recd giveing a acct of the Lead Mines that although the Attempt heitherto has not yet answerd the charge yet lately you have recd good news from thge Mynes of their comeing to a good veyne & getting of Oare wch will shortley repay all our charge. I hope at last twill answer our expectation & wish you a good jour[....missing..] when you goe downe to view the worke. As to your desyre in favou[.... missing..] to the late Sr Robt Murray, I hav
Mr Hump[hrey]: Willett Newcastle Augt 4th 1677
I have this day valewed upon you the 2 following bills vizt
one for 12l p[ayable]: 10/d[ays] sight to mr Ralph Sanderson
or order valew of madam Ann Swinburne £12:=:=
one for 10l p[ayable]: 10/d[ays] sight to mr Jno Naylor
or order valew of mr Thomas Naylor £10:=:=
Both w[hi]ch pray lett be complyed withall ~
To this day have not time to looke upon your Letters
Sir W[illia]m Blackett Newcastle Aug[us]t 4: 1677
Hono[ure]d Sir
I doe beg it of you to do me the kindness as to speake a word to your sack marchand [merchant] In my behalfe, for I shall want two or three hampers against the sizes, therefore my request is that att your Leasure you will please to send for him, and order him to send me p[er] very first Convenience the quantity above mentioned of the very best In his seller [cellar], each hamper to Contain betwixt 3 or 4 douzen,
mr W[illia]m Thompson Newcastle August 7: 1677
Upon the request of a very good friend doe Inclosed send you a Letter and if att any time I may be thought Capable of serveing either your selfe, or any of your friends, none shall be more ready to observe, and more ambitious of your Commands than myselfe, and I thinke I Can att any time furnish you with w[ha]t goods these ports affords, as Cheep as any other, and for the occruing Charges of the same none shall be more spar
Mr Hump[hrey]: Willett Newcastle August 7: 1677
I have att Last gott some Leasure to answer many of yours at Lardge, w[hi]ch I have hitherto omitted ~
In the first place have given you Creditt for my wifes gown et& [etc] £25:3:11d according to your Letter of the 14th June ~ and I thanke you for your great Care therein; as also for you drew Complyance w[ith] all bills Charged upon you, and Care In receiving when dew all bills sent to you ~ noe more of Jno El
mr W[illia]m Benson Newcastle August the 7th 1677
some business Last post hindered mee from answering yours of the 21th and 24th past, but now may please take notice, that I neither Cann afford to give you £13:£12:15 nay £12:10s for your Iron nor £15:=:= for mr Westernes as I have writ him this post, for your parcell tis ready att your Command and soe I remaine
mr Henry maister ditto [Newcastle 7 August 1677]
I have before mee yours of the 1th p[re]sent, whereby takes notice of the parcell of square you mention w[hi]ch is note for this markett, but when you Can Sight of a parcell of such square as is desired pray be pleased to give mee an acc[oun]t thereof and the Lowest price In doeing whereof you will very much oblidge
mr Tho[mas]: Western ditto [Newcastle 7 August 1677]
I have before mee yours of the 24th past thereby takes notice of the price of square desired to bee £15:=:= p[er] tonn, I cannot afford to give you any such price soe Remaines
M[esseu]rs Charles and James Banckes ditto [Newcastle 7 August 1677]
I have before mee yours of the 13: past, and though I am not in Cash, nor should not be these 3/m[onths] yett am very willing to Lett you have a shipps loading of Coales till moneys Comes In, Soe am seekeing a good vessell, w[hi]ch I hope to procure shortly, by whome you may Expect the Invoyce of the same as alsoe the acc[oun]t of your other goods, w[hi]ch will save a Little mony In posttdge [postage]~
mr Josua Pannell Newcastle August the 7th 1677
I have before mee yours of the 27th past, according to the same have Credited to your acc[oun]t 56 Gilders for the Schreene [Screen] I hope Hen[ry]: Law will pay you more then I owe you, otherwise will shortly doe itt my selfe, soe remaiines
Mr Nicho[las]: Verlan[e] ditto [Newcastle 7 August 1677]
I have several of yours before mee, all which I shall now god willing answer at large ~
I take notice of yours of the 26 June of the Receipt of £200:=:= of Hen[ry]: Law upon my acc[oun]t w[hi]ch have placed to your debit ~ and for the Cost of the Screene being £56, have placed it to mr Jos[uah]: Pannells Creditt, In Conformity to yours of the 21th past I formerly desired, that w[ha]t monyes you had In you
Mr W[illia]m Thompson Newcastle August the 11th: 1677
my Last to you was of the 7th present to which referrs you since I could expect none from you soe the less to Inlarge upon, this being Chiefly to advise you that here is lardge Commisions comd to towne to buy all leed possible, and I my selfe have gott one, and have this day got all the Leed that is to be had att present, soe be pleased to advise mee p[er] very first Convenience if you have occation for any, for doubtlesse
Mes[seur]s Charles and James Banckes ditto [Newcastle 11 August 1677]
my last to you was of the 7th present to which referrs you since none from you soe the less to Inlardge upon this being Chiefly to advise you that I have this day Freighted a vessell for you about the burden of 100 Chalder ~ a copy of the Charter partic[ulars] you may expect p[er] next and more att lardge besides Interim remaines
Brother Edw[ar]d Newcastle August 14th 1677
If ever you will doe mee a kindnesse, procure mee aveneson against thursday come a Seaventh night the 23d present some of your friends tell mee, if I rely upon you. I may very likely be forced to make a shift without, however I will live In hopes, soe take notice of itt, for the bearer that brings itt I will pay him very well ~
my Humble service to my Lady yorke, my sister and to the Esq[uire]: and be pleased to accep
mr W[illia]m Benson Newcastle August the 17: 1677
I yesterday sold your Iron to mr Hen[ry]: Hargrave for £12l:15s:= to pay within 4/m[onths] and though I say itt I think t’is very well sold paym[en]t when dew you need not feare, I doe not question your aggremen[en]t hereof for my part I doe a Little wonder how I got him up to that price, but shall acquiesce, I hope you will be content w[hi]ch will be much to the satisfaction of
mr Hump[hrey]: Willett Ditto [Newcastle 17 August 1677]
Be pleased to take notice, that I have of the 15th: present valewed upon you a bill for £100:=:= p[ayable]: 15/d[ays] sight to mr Thomas <Partis> or order valew Rec[eive]d of him selfe w[hi]ch pray lett be complyed withall ~
I have nothing more of Concerne, onely have promised a friend a bill for £50:=:= w[hi]ch will be charged upon you either this post or the next, I shall be remitting as fast as I