From the same [DB] to the same [CB], Bretton Hall. 4 Feby. 1816 –
The moment we arrive in Town, I will endeavour to see the irish Sec[retar]y & will also get Lord Limerick to speak to the Irish Chancellor of the Exchqr, W. Fitsgerald, & Coll. Beaumont will write officially to Mr. Peel, & I trust, with all these aids success may be expected, at least it shall not be my fault, & I will endeavour to get at Lord <Granard>, if Lord Forbes (his Son) is in town, I will att
N[ew]Castle 6 Febr[uar]y 1816
Mrs Beaumont Portman Square – London
Transmitting Cash Account and Lead Sales for the month of December and on the 13th those for January – MM
Copy of a Letter from Coll. Beaumont to CW Blackett Esq. dated Portman Square 24 Feb 1816
My dear Blackett.
I have this morning received an answer to my applications, from the Irish Secretary, my friend, Peel; who strongly expresses himself anxious to oblige me, & says, that my letter in favour of Mr. O’Reilly is laid before Ld. Whitworth. – Mr. Peel however states that the appointments in Ireland are always considered as Patronage to those who represent the County in which it is
N[ew]Castle 7th March 1816
Messrs Rundell Bridge & Rundell Ludgate Hill London
Adv[isin]g of 2 pieces Silver containing 2631Oz pWaggon MM
Newcastle 12 March 1816
Mrs Beaumont Portman Square
Transmitting Cash Account & Lead Sales for last month MM
Newcastle 16 March 1816
Messrs Newton Lyon & Co Liverpool
I have to inform you that our Bankers here, have this day returned me James Page & Co’s Bill on Wm Clayton & Co for £425-10 dishonored, with expences as under & which is here enclosed; and I am to request, you will in course of Post put me in possession of value for the same. – I am etc – MM
Bill & Noting £425 11 6
Exchange & Comm[ision] 4 5 0
Postage 0 4
General Report of Mines in Alston moor &c Ladyday 1816
After viewing a part of the Mines myself my Health preventing me, the remaining part was view’d by my Son, & others so that the service suffer’d no loss. I therefore let the Bargains as follows viz
From 18/- to 28/ p Bing 80 Men
28/- to 35/ 58
At 35/ 120
Dead work 42
Total 300 Men
which is fewer than last quarter by 40. This method may do for some time
Teesdale Bargains Ladyday 1816
Lodgesyke, Coldberry, Brockergill Wiregill & Flakebridge Mines are proceeding without any material change since Christmas report. The Level from which the Workings at Mannergill are prosecuting was given up several Years ago, but from the Report of my Uncle & several of the old Workmen of whom I made enquiries I was not satisfied with the manner in which it had been discontinued & therefore had it reopened during the last Year to extend the
<Our Mines> at Allenheads upon the whole are likely to be more productive of Ore the succeeding quarter than they have been last quarter from their present appearance altho' we have not one rich Working in all the Field. The old Workings in general I think are better, from <wch> I expect our greatest produce this Year. - we are continuing the X cut in the X Vein at the East End Southward, without producing any Ore of consequence & have not yet been able to prove wher
Coalcleugh Leadmines are a great deal poorer than they have been for the last year, & from the present State of the Workings the produce will be considerably less than it has been, & no appearance of a change for the better at present. - The eastend forehead in the Limestone has been so extremely close and hard the last quarter that 8 Men have only been able to drive 5 fa. she is now rather more open & produces Ore. - The Level driving in the Cross String towards Whitewood Vein
Weardale. April 9. 1816
Breckonsike is poor have let Bargains to 18 Men, to raise Ore @ 35/ pBg. From the low price for Lead I propose to give up the Low Level for the present. - Greenfield have only let Bargains to 6 Men to raise Ore at 35/pBg.
Burtree Pasture Vein is likely to raise Ore very well for the ensuing quartr have let Bargains to 133 Men 8 to raise Ore @ 21/ pBg 8 @ 22/. 32 @ 30/. 18@ 32/ & the r
N[ew]Castle 9 April 1816
Mrs Beaumont Portman Square
Transmitting Cash Account & Lead Sales for last month MM
N[ew]Castle 9 April 1816
Messrs Rundell Bridge & Rundell London
Adv[isin]g a piece Silver of 1330 Oz pWaggon 8 inst MM
N[ew]Castle 11 April 1816
Messrs Goslings & Sharpe Bankers London
Remitting £375 on Acc[oun]t Revd Hy Hardinge for ¼th of a y[ea]rs Compo[sition] for Tithe Ore due this day MM
N[ew]Castle 29 May 1816
Chris Blackett Esq
Dear Sir,
The price of Gunpowder having been reduced on the 26th Inst to £5 pC<wt> with 10 pCent <due> on 12 Mo[nths] Cred[it] I take this opportunity to express my hope that Messrs Peyon & Co will Conform to those terms for the Gunpowder required for the Use of Colonel Beaumont’s Mines, so long as the same may continue – I am etc MM
N[ew]Castle 29 May 1816
Messrs Rundell & Co
Advised a p[iec]e fine Silver sent 25 Inst q[uantity] 1142Oz P[P] MM
Newcastle 1 June 1816
Mrs Beaumont Portman Square – London
Transmitting Cash Account and Lead Sales for the months of April & May MM
Newcastle 15 June 1816
Messrs Rundell & Co London
Adv[isin]g a piece of fine Silver containing 1155Oz pWaggon 12 inst MM
General Report of Mines in Alston moor
Midsummer 1816
Rampgill The Cross Vein which raised the chief part of the Ore at the Mine during the last three or four Years has entirely failed at the leading forehead for several Months past & the principal part of the Ore now raising at this Mine is in the higher part of the Sill above the former workings of this Vein & in the pickings of the old Rampgill Vein & there is very little prospect of this Mine producing much Ore for three o
General Report of Mines in Teesdale
Midsummer 1816
Lodgesyke Brockergill Wiregill & Flakebrig Mines are no way materially altered since the last quarterly report
Coldberry still continues very poor & unpromissing although the appearance at the leading forehead is somewhat improved since last quarter
The prospects of Mannergill continued very flattering for a Week or two after the Lady day Bargains but have since then alterd greatly for the worse – we have now however
Report of the Weardale Mines Midsummer 1816
Middlehope The prospects of this Mine are very favorable but the chief workings having been pushed forwards upwards of 20 fathoms before the drawing Level from an improper anxiety on the part of Mr Dodd to raise a great quantity of Ore they were all working to great disadvantage, & in consequence the Men have been taken out of them & employed in the old pickings untill the Level gets sufficiently forward to enable us to prosecute these lea
Detail of the Obje[c]ts of the Alston moor dead works
Bargains Midsummer 1816
Thomas Hewerson &c are driving South in the Limestone in the Cross Vein that was so productive a Year ago, but which has lately become poor, in order to prove it further forward, as it is entirely whole to the end of the Boundary & is an object that cannot, with any propriety, be discontinued in the present stage of the trial, altho’ it is not requisite to hold the Lease.
June 30th 1816
The Mines at Coalcleugh continue very poor and nothing new has been discovered since last Bargains.
The eastward forehead in the Great Limestone is getting better forward than last quarter, but not very productive of Ore in the Level in the cross String driving to Whitewood Vein is going on very well, & eight Men are raising Ore @ 30/ pBg. In the Limestone, but the forehead is very poor at present. - The Sun Vein at the East end continues very poor, bu
The Mines at Allenheads are much the same as the last quarter - we are now getting Ore in the Cross Vein at the East end tolerably well & the Vein is more <flattering?> than it has been since first cut, the forehead is now driving by 4 Men @ 30/ pBg but cannot prove Wentworth Vein to the East of this Vein. - Wentworth Vein is considerably poorer than last quarter three lengths of which the Workmen have discontinued being nearly wrought out, the other parts of the Vein are now wrought b
In Weardale - Breckonsike is very poor have only let Bargains to 12 Men, to raise Ore @ 35/ pBg.
Greenfield is likewise poor, have let Bargains to 6 Men to raise Ore @ 35/pBg. -- Burtree Pasture is not quite so good at the forehead as last quarter, but the back lengths are raising Ore tolerably well - have let Bargains to 136 Men - 8 to raise Ore @ 24/. 22Men @ 28/. - 8 @ 30/. - 24 @ 32/. - 20Men @ 34/. & the remainder @ 35/ pBg.
Sedlin has been very poor but is