N[ew]Castle 20 March 1819
Rob Stagg Esq
I am favoured with your letter of the 17 Inst and annexed transmit you the statement for Ore raised in Weardale in the Year ending the 30th Sept. amounting to £1246-11-10 due from the Lead Company to Col Beaumont. – the advance made by Col B[eaumont] by the quarterly payments in London to the B[isho]p Durham & Rector for Lot & Tithe Ore I have charged Int[eres]t upon, considering that the charge is equitable, conformable to
General Report of the Mines Lady Day 1819
Lodgesyke. Since last quarter's report we have proceeded in opening out this Mine more extensively, and I happy to say with improving prospects of a lasting and very beneficial Mine, as the Court will readily judge by the accompanying Bargain List, which is, I believe, one of the very best that has ever been sent to the Company. We have been driving the lowest Level with the utmost speed ever since I undertook
Newcastle 27 March 1819
Messrs Rundell & Co London
Advising a pce Silver of 1331 Oz pWaggon this day MM
Rob Stagg Esq
Middleton House Barnard Castle N[ew]Castle 29th March 1819
I am favoured with your Letter of the 27 Inst announcing to me that the Gov & Co decline paying their proportion of Rent, Comp[ositi]ns etc for the [struck out: Mines] Ore raised in Weardale last year, because Interest is charged on the advances made in the quarterly payments to the Bishop & Rector, which they are pleased to assert is ‘incorrect’. If your Employers doubt the fact of the periodi
Newcastle 13 April 1819
Messrs Goslings & Sharpe Bankers – London
Inclosing Bill value £375 – ,, - ,, for ¼ Yrs Composition for Tithe Ore due Revd Hy Hardinge on the 11 inst MM
Newcastle 16 April 1819
Rob Stagg Esq Middleton House
I have delayed ackn[owledgin]g the Rec[eip]t of your Letter of 31 Ult in the hope that the Lead Comp[any], to whom you intended to submit my Letter of the 29 would on more mature consideration have acquiesced, because founded in equity, to the charge of Interest on the advances in the quarterly payments made to the Bishop & Rector, for Rents Comp[ositio]n etc in lieu of Lot Ore & Tithe Ore; & that the Comp[an]
N[ew]Castle 9 June 1819
Rob Stagg Esq
Informed by the Secretary of the Lead Company that the Com.y had sometime since given you directions to pay the proportion of dues for Ore raised in Weardale for last year including the Interest on the advances made by Col Beaumont, and also to pay an estimated proportion in future on the quarterly payments as they become due, I am to request the same may be settled, and conclude you will consider from £250 to £300 reasonable at which
N[ew]Castle 16 June 1819
Mrs Beaumont Portman Square – London
Transmitting Cash Account & Lead Sales For April and May. --- MM
N[ew]Castle 21 June 1819
Mrs Beaumont
I am this day hon[oure]d by the Rec[eip]t of yr Letter of the 18th Inst. It appears by the Books of this Office, that in Sept & Octr 1795, you were at Bretton Hall, and left it, so as to be in Portman Square on or before the 1st Nov following. – and that on the 23d Sept 8 Octr & 20 Octr 1796 Letters were addressed to Col Beaum[on]t at Bretton Hall
& on the 21 Dec 1796 a Letter was addressed to him at Portman Sq: where it app
Newcastle 24 June 1819
Rob Stagg Esq
I am favoured with your Letter of the 22d Inst and in replying to it have to confirm mine of the 8th Inst that I am desirous to receive the Comp[osition] <.. Prop[ortio]n> of dues for Ore raised in Weardale last year conformable to the Statement transmitted to you on the 20th March last; and certainly it is not my intention to charge Interest for the past; or for the future provided the estimated quantity paym[ent]s by the Company are, as
N[ew]Castle 26th June 1819
Messrs Rundell & Co London
Advising a Pce of Silver containing 1227 Oz pWaggon MM
N[ew]Castle June 30/1819
Rob Stagg Esq
I am favoured with your letter of the 28th Inst with an Order upon Sir W.W.Ridley & Co for £2014-11-10 being so much due (as under) from the Lead Comp[an]y to Col Beaum[on]t for Rents, Compositions etc for the Weardale Mines; and for which is here enclosed the required seperate Receipts.
I am etcMM
1264 11 10 for Rents etc in full to 30th Sept 1818
750 for – do - on Acct to 30 Sept 1819
Newcastle 6 July 1819
Messrs Rundell & Co London
Advising a Pce of Silver containing 1532 Oz pWaggon MM
Newcastle 13 July 1819
Messrs Goslings & Sharpe Bankers London
Remitting <them> £375-,,-,, for Revd Henry Hardinge’s Acc[oun]t in payment for ¼ Yrs Compo[sition]: of Tithe Ore due 11 inst MM
Scarborough. July 17. 1819.
My dear Mother,
I have heard this morning from Thomas that the sum asked for the Bywell estate is one hundred & Twenty thousand Pounds, excluding the Timber, the value of which is proposed to be fixed by two indifferent persons – He adds ‘I do not think this price very extravagant, but I think it may be bought for five or six thousand Pounds less on immediate payment of the Purchase Money. I cannot help considering this an object worthy of
My dear Mother,
I was very sorry to find from your letter of the 20th that the weather was so unfavourable during your stay at Rokeby – Miss Morritt told me last night that her Brother wd <feel> the disappointment much more than yourselves, as he has great pride in shewing the beautiful scenery in his neighbourhood.
You shall have all the details you wish for, upon my return to the North. I have been unable to ascertain the exact value of the estate for fear of discovering the
General report of the Mines Midsummer 1819
Since the last Quarters report so little change has taken place in the state of the Mines in any of the Districts, that I might almost refer the Court to it for the Report of the present quarter
Teesdale District
Lodgesyke Mine continues to be as promising and excellent as I could desire it to be, and if there be any changes since Lady Day it is on the favourable side, as the accompanying list of that Mine will abundan
Newcastle 30 July 1819
J. Bourdelain Esqr – London
I am favored with your Letter of the 28th instant; and in reply inform you that my price for Lead at the Wharf is £24 pfo[othe]r of 21 Cwt, six months credit from the day of purchase. - I beg to add that it is not the custom of this Office to ship Lead, which is done by the person on the spot, appointed by the Purchaser for that purpose; but having an establishment at No 8 Tooley Street for the Sale of WB Lead I beg to refer you
Dissington Hall. Aug. 5. 1819.
My dear Mother,
I am anxious to receive a letter from you, by which I may know how and where you intend passing your time until you visit the Duke at Blair; you will probably have left L[or]d Kinnoull’s before this reaches you as that is the last <house>, to which you have <...........> me.
When you are at Taymouth I hope you will not fail seeing the numerous waterfalls in the neighbourhood, which are the finest in Scotland.
I h
My dear Mother,
Upon my return from church this morning at Ryal I found your note of the 6th upon my table and am extremely obliged to you, whatever may be the result, for your consenting to allow Thomas & me to make Hodgson an offer –
I am disposed to hear from some conversation that I had with William Grey the other day that he has gone too far to <retreat> altogether without making Hodgson some offer for the estate – If they do not agree, I shall avail myself of
Messrs Mather Parker & Co Liverpool Newcastle 23 August 1819
In reply to your Letter of the 21st instant, I beg to inform you that my price for 5,000 pieces of Lead, or a less quantity, is £24 pfo[the]r for Refined, and £23 pfo[the]r for Common, in the proportion of 1/3rd of the former, and 2/3rds of the latter.
– I am etc. – MM
Morpeth Sept. 7. 1819
My dear Mother,
I shall be delighted to see you at Dissington on the 20th or any day after that which may suit you. A few friends William Grey, <Bell> &c are coming to me on Thursday the 16th, who will probably leave me on Saturday or Sunday; If Sir William Scott stays in the North till that time he has also promised to see the inside of a Bachelor’s House, as he has paid a visit to most of the married Men in the neighbourhood of Newcastle and
Dissington. Wednesday night.
My dear Mother,
You will already have heard from Thomas the answer that he received from Mr. Hodson on Monday – When his letter reached me on Tuesday with the information, you will imagine that I was very far from being pleased, <&> had left Bywell without a positive acceptance <or refusal> - Hodson had in fact gained his object if the <matter> was <allowed> to remain in the <state> Thomas had left it, as he could then sel
General report of the Mines Michelmas 1819
In the Teesdale District the general prospects continue to be most flattering and even improve, as we proceed in opening out the Mines Lodgesyke is excellent, and is now Working in regular lengths to the greatest advantage Coldberry has also greater appearance of becoming a valuable Mine than it ever had before. In driving the Trial Level, we have Cut a Cross Vein which appears likely to be of service; but in the Confusion of the junction, through
I have now to thank you for allowing me to act according to my own discretion in this purchase - <In> reflecting upon past circumstances I feel convinced that the estate c[oul]d not have been purchased for a less sum, & I do not think that it could have been obtained even at that price in any other manner <than> that which was most fortunately <adopted> - It is the general opinion that <Cusack> w[oul]d not have hesitated to have paid what Hodson asked.
I sha