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Letter – John Swinburne to Richard Beaumont – 1 Nov 1823

To Richard Beaumont Esq.                     Fallodon Nov 1st 1823 Sir I have just received a Note from your Brother with an Apology for his Conduct towards me and my family; that Apology Lady S and myself can only accept of in consideration of our entire conviction that the accusation was made when Mr Beaumont was labouring under mental delusion, it is therefore quite unnecessary to give you the trouble of coming to this place, as Mr B’s Conduct under these circumsta

Diary entry – Diana Beaumont – 1 Nov 1823

1. Nov. Arrived at the Albion Hotel Ramsgate. 3 Mon. A Ball at the Albion. 5. Went to Broadstairs & Margate 11. Left Ramsgate for Dover, where we met Wentworth & Richard we put up at Mrs Paques the York Hotel. Wed 12 Nov. Crossed from Dover to Calais in the Arrow Steam Packet in 3 hours & a half – our Party consisting of Mrs B. Self & 2 Sisters Wentworth & Richard – 2 Maids (Fletcher & Blacke) one Man & the Courier Reynard & Wentworth’s two Servant

Letter – Charles Grey to John Lambton – 7 Nov 1823

Torquay Nov 5 1823 My Dear Lambton As I learn Lady Grey wrote yesterday to London it is probable she told her of the unexpected visit we received the night before from Mr R[ichar]d Beaumont. He came with a letter from his Brother, of which the following is a copy. My Lord. Being convinced upon calm reflection, that my conduct towards your Lordship has been unacceptable I do not hesitate to offer your Lordship an apology

Letter – Thomas Wentworth Beaumont to Willoughby Gordon – 7 Nov 1823

(Received Friday Nov 7th 1823)                                                     Warren’s Hotel - Friday Sir Willoughby Gordon  I am prompted by your former Kindness towards me, to offer in justice to myself, and lay before you Copies of my letters of apology to Lord Grey, and Sir John and Lady Swinburne, with their answers. My Brother Richard, who returned this Morning from Torquay would be happy to wait upon you, for this purpose at any ho

Letter – Willoughby Gordon to Thomas Wentworth Beaumont – 7 Nov 1823

Copy                                                           Horse Guards Nov 7 1823 Sir I have to acknowledge your Letter of this day, and can only say, in answer that I shall be ready to receive Mr Richard Beaumont whenever he may be pleased to call here between 1 and 4 but as I have already received from Sir John Swinburne Copies of your letter to him with his answer, I should be unwilling to give Mr Richard Beaumont the unnecessary trouble of c

Memo – Martin Morrison to Rundell Bridge & Rundell – 4 Dec 1823

N[ew]Castle 4 Decr 1823 Messrs Rundell & Co London Forwardd 2 pieces of Silver of 1273 & 1436 Oz – pWaggon

Letter – Benjamin Johnson to Thomas Wentworth Beaumont – 17 Dec 1823

Mr Beaumont Dec 17th 1823 I have been prevented writing sooner supposing that you would visit Naples first and then proceed to Rome … I have given James Briggs directions to take your horses up and get them in condition to go to London about the 20th of January ... There is little passing in the county that is necessary for me to communicate. Hostility against yourself I hope is gradually subsiding and I trust before long something may occur to draw off their attention from that point.

Letter – Benjamin Johnson to Thomas Wentworth Beaumont – 20 Dec 1823

To the Secretary of the Pitt Club, Newcastle I am directed by Thos Wentworth Beaumont to request you to take off his name from the

Letter – Martin Morrison to Cox Poyser & Co – 24 Dec 1823

N[ew]Castle 24 Decemr 1823 Messrs Cox Poyser & Co Derby With their Acc[oun]t and declining at present to make an offer for the Sale of Lead. – MM

Letter – Martin Morrison to Glyn & Co – 24 Dec 1823

N[ew]Castle 24th Decemr 1823 Sir R.C. Glyn Bt & Co Bankers – London. Remitting 3 Bills value £9173-10-2 for Colonel Beaumonts Acc[oun]t. – MM –

Letter – Thomas Wentworth Beaumont to Charles Grey – 4 Jan 1824

The Right Honourable Earl Grey                                       Lyons, Jan. 4, 1824 My Lord, By the conduct of most of the gentlemen whom I have met on the continent, though more particularly of the Whigs, towards me, as well as by general report, I have collected that it is intended, that upon my return to England I shall not be spoken to.  Being conscious of having acted throughout this affair with the most pure intentions, - the strictest honour, - a

Letter – Thomas Wentworth Beaumont to Emily Swinburne – 4 Jan 1824

Miss Emily Swinburne  Lyons Jany 4th 1824 Miss Emily I am compelled by the situation in which I am placed, with whatever reluctance to declare to the World all that passed between Sir John and Lady Swinburne and myself from the time that your Sister accepted me.  I am on the point of being excluded from the world & my sisters are to lose their protector, and I am to be overwhelmed with disgrace for having done that for which my conscience entirely acquits me, and which ci

Memo – Martin Morrison to Rundell Bridge & Rundell – 8 Jan 1824

N[ew]Castle 8 Janry 1824 Messrs Rundell & Co London Forwarding 2 ps of Silver of 1461 & 1431 ½ Oz pWaggon the 7 Inst MM

Letter – Martin Morrison to John Swinburne – 13 Jan 1824

Copy from Mr Morrison of Newcastle - Mr.Beaumont’s Agent to Sir J. Swinburne.                                                 Newcastle 13th Jany 1824 Sir I forwarded to Mr Beaumont the note* you enclosed to me with a Copy of your letter and I am directed to say in answer to you ‘that he has fulfilled his Duty in informing your Daughter by the only means in his power of his continued attachment to her.’   I am also directed by Mr Beaumont to inf

Letter – Charles Grey to Robert Wilson – 15 Jan 1824

Gov. House/ Devonport. Jan 19 1824 My Dear Wilson I received your letter this morning and return the enclosed copy of your letter to Lambton. I had already given him exactly the same opinion on both points, & it is extremely gratifying to me to find that we so completely agree. I have only in addition expressed my regret that we should have suffered <myself> to be drawn into a personal altercation with such a fellow. I have an affair of the same kind on my hands with

Letter – John Swinburne to Martin Morrison – 16 Jan 1824

Sir John Swinburne’s answer to Mr Morrison        Capheaton Janry 16th 1824 Dear Sir I have to thank you for the communication from Mr W. Beaumont every part of whose Conduct more strongly marks his derangement and as you have intercourse with the family be pleased to inform him that my daughter Emily will return no answer to his letter to her nor have any intercourse with him whatsoever. I am etc       (Signed).        J. E. Swinburne 

Letter – Thomas Wentworth Beaumont to Charles Grey – 17 Jan 1824

The Right Honourable Earl Grey.                                Warren’s Hotel,  Jan. 17, 1824 My Lord Having heard that your Lordship has asserted that I have been mad, or used words to that effect, I am sure that your Lordship cannot refuse to inform me, if you ever made use of such an expression.    I am, etc, T.W.Beaumont 

Letter – Charles Grey to Thomas Wentworth Beaumont – 19 Jan 1824

T. W Beaumont Esq etc                               Government House, Devonport, Jan, 19, 1824 Sir In answer to your letter which I have just received, I have only to acknowledge having stated, and particularly to your brother, that I considered your having under a mental delusion as the only excuse that could be made for your conduct.               I am, Sir, etc             Grey P.S. I must decline all further correspondence, except

Letter – Charles Grey to Willoughby Gordon – 19 Jan 1824

Extract of a Letter from Earl Grey to Sir W. Gordon dated, Govt House, Devonport, Jan 19. 1824 My dear Sir This man seems determined to bring matters to an issue with me, and for the reasons I gave you in my last letter, viz. that his family deny his Insanity & that he is received into Society - I think the shortest and the best way will be to indulge him if he persists in what appears to be his present intuition. But I put myself into your

Letter – Charles Grey to John Lambton – 19 Jan 1824

Govt House. Jan 19 1824 My Dear Lambton I this morning received from Wilson a copy of the Opinion he has given you on the affair of Pemburton & was much gratified in finding that that we so perfectly agreed, not that I had the slightest doubt upon my mind, but it was a great satisfaction to me to have the view I had taken of the case, so fully confirmed by a Man of approved honor & your sincere Mind. I see

Letter – Willoughby Gordon to Charles Grey – 21 Jan 1824

The Earl Grey etc                                             Horse Guards, Jan, 21, 1824 My Dear Lord, Your letter of the 19th, with its two enclosures, I received this morning, and having duly considered the subject, I wrote a letter to Mr Beaumont, of which the Inclosed is a copy and on delivering it in person to the Waiter of Warren’s Hotel at 2 o’clock this day the Waiter informed me that Mr Beaumont was not in town and was not expected before next

Letter – Willoughby Gordon to Thomas Wentworth Beaumont – 21 Jan 1824

 To T.W. Beaumont, Esq, etc                                               H. Guards,     Jan. 21, 1824 Sir, The enclosed letter, addressed to you by the Earl Grey, having been this day received by me, I lose no time in transmitting it to you; and his Lordship having also sent to me a copy of it, I think it my duty to acquaint you, that I have been informed of all the circumstances of your conduct, and I have seen all the correspondence which has passed

Letter – Willoughby Gordon to Charles Grey – 22 Jan 1824

H. Gds. January 22nd 1824 The Earl Grey Devonport. My dear Lord I find on looking over my papers that I omitted to make a Copy of your Letter to Mr. Beaumont - have the Goodness therefore to return the Duplicate and add the postscript to it. I should be glad also that you would let me have the whole of the Correspondence of this man with your answers from first to last - also whatever Correspondence Swinburne may have sent to you. Up to this mom

Letter – Thomas Wentworth Beaumont to Willoughby Gordon – 24 Jan 1824

To Sir Willoughby Gordon, Bart, etc                                    Doncaster, January 24, 1824 Sir Willoughby Gordon I received your letter, with Earl Grey’s enclosed, last night, and was far from having any desire of taking the notice of it that, in the conclusion of yours, you appear to apprehend.  I shall only observe by the way that the idea of my having been under a mental Delusion did not at first suggest itself to Lord Grey, for his conduct was

Letter – Charles Grey to Willoughby Gordon – 24 Jan 1824

Extract Lord Grey to Sir W. Gordon Govt. House, Devonport Jan 24 1824 My dear Sir I have received your letters of 21 and 22nd: the first inclosing a Copy of that with which you had accompanied mine to Mr Beaumont. I must in the first place thank you for the kindness with which you have acted on this occasion, tho’ I confess my feeling, for the reasons I had before given you, was rather in favour of answering any call this man might have been induced to make upon
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467