N[ew]Castle 27 Augst 1825
Messrs Rundell & Co London
Forwarding a pce of Silver of 1819 Oz – pWaggon – MM
N[ew]Castle 27 Augst 1825
Messrs Glyn & Co London. – Remitting them 2 Bills value £6,000 for Col Beaumonts Acc[oun]t MM
N[ew]Castle 29 August 1825
Rt Stagg Esqr
Marton House – Appleby
Measures are in progress to apply to Parliament next Session, to obtain an Act for a Turnpike Road from Cows Hill in Weardale, down Allendale to join the Turnpike above Hexham, in which is included a branch road from it, at Allendale Town, leading up West Allen past Coalcleugh & to join the Turnpike at Nenthead. – As this branch will shorten your Lead Carriage from Nenthead Mill downwards and give other
Wheatley 22nd Sept 1825
My dear Lord
Your letter has been forwarded to me from Belsay & came here yesterday morning.
Under the same qualifications which you mention I have told Lord Howick that he shall have my best wishes & all the support which I can give him when he offers his services to the County.
Recollecting the jealousy which Lambton’s presence at that meeting at Blagdon last wi
The D of Northumberland to Mr W Gordon
I return you herewith Lord Grey’s letter & request you will take an opportunity of thanking him for the communication. As we are so soon to have the pleasure of seeing you in the North & the ideas of a Dissolution are suspended for the present, I shall abstain from offering any remarks on the subject; except to assure you that I consider no person more fit to offer himself for the representation of this County than the eldest son of Lord G
Govt House Oct 14th 1825
My dear Monck
I received your letter of the 222nd Sept from Wheatley in due course. The postponement of the dissolution seems to render any further dissension on that subject unnecessary for the present.
But there are two points in your letter on which I am anxious to prevent any further misunderstanding between us.
In the first place with respect to Lambton I really was
Belsay 18th Oct 1825
My dear Lord
From your letter which is come by this evening’s post, I find, with great pain, that the caution that I took the Liberty to offer you about the personal appearance of Lambton at the approaching Election, excites your displeasure and is not likely to serve my purpose, which was twofold - first, to save you from a false step which I think most likely, if taken, to be fatal
Clarendon Hotel
Oct 26
My dear Mother,
I have received this morning the enclosed, and tho’ the request is <very complicated> from Hexham, I do not see anything objectionable in it. The consideration of promoting idleness I should not think worthy of attention, for it is always better that an Open & ostensible mode of employing idle & leisure hours to <have ……> than the secret means which are always more prejudicial to the fortune & character of
Mr B. Nov 1st 1825
… I have not heard of any public dinner at Newcastle of the friends of civil and religious liberty but I will ride over to inquire and inform you immediately.
Newcastle 6 & 7 Novr 1825
Mrs Beaumont Bretton Hall
Transmitting Quarterly Reports of the Mines and Cash Acc[oun]t For September and October. – MM
N[ew]Castle 17 Novr 1825
Messrs Glyn & Co London
Remitting them 2 Bills value £7321-6-2 for Col Beaumonts Acc[oun]t MM
N[ew]Castle 26 Novr 1825
Messrs Rundell Bridge & Rundell London
Forwarding a pce Silver of 1948 Oz pWaggon
N[ew]Castle 30 Novr 1825
Ditto Forwarding – Ditto – of 1364 Oz – pDitto this day MM
Mr B. Nov 30th 1825
Mrs <....> is arrived at Bradley and has applied to me for some grouse to shoot. I have written to Mattw Lee to <....> what he can before the.season closes but the moors are now covered with a thick snow and I fear he will not be able to get many. She also wants some pheasants and Partridges but as there is no gamekeeper here and having your .positive instructions that no person is to shoot at Bywell I have declined sending any until I receive your instruction
Mr B. (undated)
I have seen the plan of the intended railroad in the south side of the river the original line on the north side being entirely abandoned. They wish to pass through the Stockfd Hall farm and come along the bank in front of the hall on the opposite side of the river. If this is permitted they would cut down nearly the whole of the wood in front and lay open <....> above the turnpike road but their rail road also. As they by a little extra cutting keep on the south side
Capheaton Dec 6th 1825
My Dr Ld Grey
Having seen your correspondence with Ridley, with whose sentiments I entirely coincide, as to the measure you had in contemplation, I cannot refrain from troubling you with a few lines, dictated by the most friendly motives, and an anxious desire, to place the subject in a different point of view from that which you happen to hav
N[ew]Castle 6th Decemr 1825
Mrs Beaumont Bretton Hall
Transmitting Lead Sales for three months ending the 30 Ult. and Cash Account for Novemr. – MM
Govt House. Dec 11th 1825
Dear Sir John
I have this morning received your letter of the 6th & have no doubt that it has been dictated by the friendly regard I have always experienced from you, however mortifying it may be to me, in the opinion you have felt yourself bound to express. It cannot be necessary for me to call to [underlined: ‘your’] recollection etc what has passed respecting the North’d Election. You know how ready I was to offer my support to Monck,
Portman Square Decr. 17 1825
My dear Mrs. Wentworth
From our very long acquaintance & friendly intimacy I cannot allow another day to pass without assuring you how truly I feel the distress that Mr. Wentworth & you must now experience: On my arrival in London on Saturday evening I received the alarming account, & soon after a gentleman from a banking house in the city arrived to give me further particulars which gave me very great concern, I sent off directly for
Mr B. Dec 20th 1825
Owing to the unsettled state of the banks and the runs caused thereby upon them … I thought it best to defer drawing out the money I had been paid into the Bank … until the thing had somewhat subsided.
Ed Dodds. Dec 29th 1825
We have part of the Oak Bark ready to deliver and I shall thank you to inform me if you will take it at the same price as the last viz £10 per ton and a small quantity of Larch at £6 to be paid for Midsummer 1826.
N[ew]Castle 6 Janry 1826
Messrs Rundell Bridge & Rundell London
Forwarding 2 pce’s of Silver 1532 & 1555 pWaggon on the 3rd & 5 Inst
Mr B. Jan 11th 1826
Lord Ravensworth has not yet let Bradley and I fear it will rest in your hands another year. In this case your Brother possibly might prefer going there at Mayday and superintending the painting and papering of Bywell himself.
Mr B. Jan 17th 1826
.. Mrs Johnson has been confined to her room for the last ten weeks but is at present considerably better and I hope will be able to come down stairs this week.
Mr B. Jan 19th 1826
As the Election must take place in a very short time, and you will have to furnish the house at Bywell I should recommend you to defer the building of a house for me for the present. If you would allow me to remove my family at Mayday to near to a town where I could get my children to a good day school it would be a great advantage to them as well as myself, as educating such a number at a boarding school with me is out of the question … the school at Hexham has been cl
My Dear Mrs Beaumont,
In consequence of the sudden death of our late excellent Representative Mr. Brandling, I am induced to offer myself for the vacant seat to the notice of the County. —Lord Howick has also started, and, as it is hardly to be believed that this County will return a second Whig Member, it does appear to me that my return at present would be the most likely means of securing Mr. Wentworth Beaumont a tranquil return at the ensuing General Election. May I be permitted to