Thursday 15 June 1826
Mr Dolphin Agent to Dr Phillpotts came to the Office this morning, for the purpose of coming to an understanding as to the future arrangement in regard to the Tithe Ore. – Mr Dolphin commenced by saying, that before he entered upon particulars, He was instructed by the Dr. to state that any Agreement he entered upon with Col Beaumont must be for the ore raised by the Colonel alone, distinct from that raised by the Lead Company for which a separate agreement with the
Friday 16 June 1826
Mr Fenwick agent to the B[isho]p of Durham came to the Office to inform me that he had not yet received his Lordships final instructions respecting the Lease for the Lot Ore, and that he had sent to Mr Faber, my Letter of the 26 May, which he supposed would be forwarded to the Bishop in London accompanied with one from himself, urging the necessity of come to a conclusion on the business. – Mr Fenwick said he had to be in Newcastle to morrow (Saturday) and would again ca
N[ew]castle 17th June 1826
Messrs Burley & Sons Lincolns Inn – London
Your Letter of the 14 inst addressed to Col Beaumont demanding payment of £1000 due on the 30 March last to the late Bishop of Durham for Lot Ore, has been transmitted to me. – His Lordship having died on the 25 of March, I make the amount due to his Executors £920 – 10 -11 which sum Messrs Glyn & Co will be instructed to pay, when I hear from you, & on your producing to them a proper receipt.
Newcastle 19 June 1826
Rt Stagg Esqr - Agent to the Lead Co[mpan]y
Marton House – near Appleby. –
I think it right to intimate to you that some Difficulty is likely to arise in the treaty with Dr Phillpotts for his Tythe Ore – He has postponed communicating his intentions till last Thursday on the pretence of being from home and not having personal access to his Agent, who I now find is a Mr Dolphin – agent to Messrs Halls in the Derwent Mines thro’ this person he has in
Newcastle – 22 June 1826
Mr John Dolphin – Ruffside – Hexham
I am this morning favored with yours of the 21st inst – The terms Dr Phillpotts demands for his Tythe Ore – namely 1500 Bings of Ore Yearly from Col Beaumont, & 250 Bings from the Lead Company & (see Letter) being quite unusual and unexpected. It becomes my Duty to transmit to Col & Mrs Beaumont, the communications you have imparted, for their information, and to obtain in consequence, their f
N[ew]castle 23 June 1826
Messrs Burley & Sons Lincolns Inn
I beg to acknowledge the favor of your Letter of the 20th Inst. the sum due to the late Bishop of Durham is precisely what I have already Stated it to be – viz £920–10– 11– the number of days in this year for which the Lot Ore is due are 84 – If therefore – 365 days give £4000 what will 84 give – exactly the sum abovementioned. Entertaining no wish but to give facility for the payment of this money, an
To the Freeholders of Northumberland
Liddell’s & Beaumont’s Coalition
This odious & unnatural Coalition has roused the just indignation of the whole County. The facts now betraying it are of themselves sufficient to excite & reprobation of every honest man. But much more remains behind the scenes which must be laid bare. It is now quite clear that an understanding between Mrs Beaumont & Lord Ravensworth has long existed & that all pecuniary difficulties
Mr. Liddell’s letters to Mrs. Beaumont.
To the Freeholders of the County of Northumberland.
So many erroneous impressions have been found regarding these letters, that I deem it right to publish them for the entire satisfaction of all, whether friends or opponents. — The first was written on the evening of that day when I first came forward for the County and when I fully expected a contest with Lord Howick.
[The two printed letters follow at this point in t
Newcastle 29 June 1826
Mr John Dolphin – Ruffside –
Whenever it suits your convenience to be in Newcastle, I shall be ready to treat with you for Dr Phillpotts’ Tythe Ore, on the basis stated in your Letter of the 21st inst and to conclude an Agreement provided the Doctor will consent to accept a lesser annual quantity of Ore from Col Beaumont than you have named. - I am etc – MM
In consequence of the language used to Mr Lambton on the hustings I am requested by him to desire that you will name a Gentleman on your part to meet General Grey on his behalf.
Yrs etc
Charles Bacon Grey
Capt 9th Lancers
Friday 1/2 past 5 / T.W. Beaumont Esq
The following extract will be interesting at the present moment. Mr. Beaumont is the gentleman whose quarrel with Mr. Somers is the subject of general conversation:- ’It may be safely affirmed that few public proceedings are more frequently the causes of duels than elections. The present position of one of the parties will render the following duel of more than common interest. In 1826, Lord Howick offered himself as a candid
Newcastle 3rd July 1826
Messrs Burley & Sons London
I received your Letter of the 27 Ult. & regret the difference of opinion between Us as to the sum due to the late Bishop of Durham for Lot Ore. - To be correct is the wish no doubt of both. – If his Lordship had died in the longest instead of the shortest Quarter of the Year We should have taken the number of days as they occurred and proportioned the payment accordingly. The simple fact is, the sum agreed for the Lot Ore
Copy of Offer made this 6 July to Mr Dolphin for Dr Phillpotts’s Tythe Ore
Viz – 1100 Bings of Ore annually during his Incumbency, deliverable Quarterly or as it is washed. The Lead Company to make an Agreement for themselves. or
In money £4000 pannum p[ay]ble Quarterly without the Lead Company – or
£4500 including the Company – notwithstanding the low price of Lead and encouragement given to foreign Importation by the reduction of Duty. –
Newcastle 8 July 1826
Messrs Rundell & Co London
Forwarding a pce of Silver of 1977 Oz – pWaggon of the 7 Inst.
Newcastle 10 July 1826
Messrs Burley & Sons Lincolns Inn London
I am favored with your Letter of the 7 Inst; and enclosed you will receive Sir M Ridley & Co’s Bill on Sir W Curtis & Co for £920-10-11 being in payment for Lot Ore due from Col Beaumont to the late Bishop of Durham from the 1st Jan[ua]ry to the 25th March 1826. – I am etc – MM
N[ew]castle 13th July 1826
Mr Geo Crawhall
As no specific Agreement is yet made with the Bishop & Rector I must request that you will suspend Letting any <Ore> Bargains until that is accomplished, or until it is known the footing, we are in future to be upon, with them. – I think the above will be a proper reason to assign to the Men for delaying the Bargains; and more I would not recommend you to say. – at the same time if you can reduce the workings by employing fe
N[ew]Castle 13 July 1826
Mr John Dolphin – Ruffside
I am this day favored with your Letter of the 12 Inst inclosing Memo from Dr Phillpotts that he is willing to accept one-fourteenth of Ore on the average produce of the Weardale Mines for the last three Years, in lieu of his Tythe Ore. I have already declined to furnish an account of the past produce of the Mines and to this determination I must be permitted to adhere. – Considering the large expenditure of money that will be r
N[ew]castle 15 July 1826
Messrs Rundell & Co London
Forwarding a pce of Silver of 1609 Oz – pWaggon 13 Inst.
Newcastle 20 July 1826
Mr J. Dolphin – Ruffside. –
I am this morning favored with your Letter of the 19th Inst, inclosing two from Dr Phillpotts to yourself, the assumed quantity of Ore produced from the Weardale Mines during the last 3 Years, I neither admit nor deny, and as We are treating for the future and not for the past, I do not feel called upon to say more respecting it. – By Dr Phillpotts Drawing Ore for his Tythe, - the question is, what in fairness the proportion o
Correct Copy of Correspondence between MR BEAUMONT and Earl GREY
FROM some observations which Mr Beaumont made in his Speech at the final Close of the Poll, it has been thought proper to give publicity to the following Correspondence:-
[at foot]: Fordyce, Printer, 29, Sandhill [Newcastle]
Newcastle 21 July 1826
TH Faber Esqr Durham
I acknowledge the favor of your Letter of the 20th inst, and in reply beg to inform you that I am prepared to treat with my Lord B[isho]p of Durham’s Agent for a Compo[sitio]n in money to be paid to him for his Lot Ore of the Weardale Mines. It is obviously most important to Col Beaumont that in an Agreement with the Bishop, an Agreement at the same time should also be made with the Rector of Stanhope for his Tythe Ore; for to be bound t
Memo. - July 26th 1826
Went to Durham, by Mr Faber’s appointment, to treat for the Bishops Lot Ore. – renewed the Offer to give £4000 p[er]ann[u]m for his Incumbency – after conversing with Mr Faber in the presence of Mr <Davison> (the Bishops Land Agent) and Mr Fenwick (of Dipton) I was introduced to the Bishop himself who at first demanded £4500 during his Incumbency but finally proposed to accept £4000 p[er]ann[u]m for three years – His L[or]dship expressed a desire for
N[ew]castle 28 July 1826
Rt Stagg Esqr – Middleton House
near Barnard Castle. –
I have this morning rec[eiv]ed your favor of the 26th, - a pleasure I have for some time been expecting in consequence of the subjoined communication from Mr Dolphin contained in a Letter to him from Dr Phillpotts, - and also of his having rec[eive]d the D[octo]rs directions to apply to your Company upon the subject.-
Stanhope 17 June 1826
I have only to say that my resolution
N[ew]Castle 31st July 1826
T. H. Faber Esqr Bishop Auckland
In reply to your favor of the 29th Inst. I beg to inform you that I have given directions to Mr George Crawhall of New House in Weardale, to meet the Bishop of Durhams Agents and to arrange with them the attendance at the perambulation appointed by Lord Darlington. - For this purpose I recom[m]end that the Agents be at Chappel on Wednesday the 9 Aug where they will be met by Mr Crawhall and accompanied by him and other comp
Sir R C Glyn Bart & Co NewCastle 5th August 1826
I am to request that you will pay on receipt hereof, One Thousand Pounds to Messrs Coutts & Co Bankers for the Account of Dr Mildert present Bishop of Durham, and that you will continue to pay a similar Sum on the 25th of Septem[be]r, 25th of Decem[be]r, 25th March and 25th of June and so on quarterly until further directions. – Charging these payments to Acc[oun]t of Thos Richd Beaumont Esq
I am etc MM