I went alone to Bywell to visit Beaumont and his bride and dined and staid all night there. Mr. Bird was the only other visitor and we had much confidential talk as to the Election. We both stated the absolute necessity of Beaumont's regular attendance to his parliamentary duties: and assuming that as a condition, we gave it as our opinion that he had the fairest prospect of success.
Beaumont and I had a long walk before breakfast and another afterwards, his wife accompanying us. He shewed me also every part of his house and we talked over all his meditated improvements.
Upon the whole I was pleased with my visit and really hope that this marriage may be very beneficial in its consequences. The lady is young, pleasing in her appearance and unaffected in her manners. But she does not appear to me either handsome or clever.
With the exception of a little vehemence ag
Mrs. B announced to me my appointment to be Steward, or judge, of the ‘Head Court of the Regality of Hexham’.
I went to Hexham...to enter upon my new office of steward of the Regality of Hexham. I succeeded Mr. Williamson who was dismissed by Mrs. Beaumont in (as it appears to me) a foolish and not over gracious manner. His answer to her letter was short and spirited, but the change has made no difference in the good understanding which has always subsisted between him and me.
A large party of the gentlemen of Hexham and the neighbourhood dined with me (at the expense however of the Lord of the Manor). I pushed about the bottle and by giving a good many toasts, and making them 2 or 3 short speeches, I contrived to get the evening well and chearfully over...
[annotated on cover:] May 1829/ Rail Road / Report of Newcastle Rail road from New[cast]le to Carlisle and advantage to the Lead Mines rec[eive]d from Mr Crawhall
The average quantity of Coll. & Mrs Beaumonts lead <c[arrie]d> down to Blaydon is from
Allen Mill 2260 Tons
Allenheads Mill 1180 do
Dukesfield Mill 2760 do
Rookhope Mill 1680 do
Annually 7880 Tons
The present charge for Carr[ia]ge of Lead from Allen Mill to Newburn is 1s/1d pr. 11 Sto[ne
I received the melancholy intelligence of the death of Maria Bigge, which tho' it was not unexpected, grieves me very deeply...As I heard of Maria's death on my way, I was very unfil for business, but I was obliged to proceed to Durham to meet the Agents of the Bishop. Mr. Crawhall accompanied me and we made what seems to be a very good bargain, viz. that the Bishop is to receive £1000 per Quarter during his holding the see of Durham, in due of the 9th share of lead ore.
I set out in the Mail for London with Noel taking an inside and an outside place. Mr. Brackenridge accompanied me as far as Wakefield....Leeds is a large and an ugly town.
After calling upon Mrs. Beaumont, I went to the House of Lords and had the satisfaction to find that all difficulties were removed as to our railroad.
At Beaumont's earnest request yesterday, I attended the christening of his little boy (Wentworth Blackett Beaumont) at his house near Hampstead. The party consisted of Mrs. and 2 Misses Beaumont, Capt. and Edwd. Beaumont, Mr., Mrs. and 2 Misses Atkinson, Messrs Broderick and Summers - 2 young Atkinsons joined us at the splendid entertainment which we had after the service was performed. Things went off very well considering the heterogeneous nature of the two Houses of Beaumont and Atki
13 July 1829 Papa left Town with Mr <Chilners>
14 We left London at 8 O’Clock & got to Grantham at 10
15 We left at 8 & got to Bretton at 5. Dined at Doncaster . Found Pap at Bretton
17 Richard arrived. Mr Chilner left us.
29 Wed. Papa got much worse. We wrote to Wentworth & Edward & sent to Grove
30 Th. Mrs Lee came
31 Fri My Father died at 9 o’clock in the evening. My uncle came in the morning
3rd Aug Monday. Edward came
5 Wed. Mr Bird came
6 Wentwor
Mrs. Beaumont arrived and I was really glad to see the old lady looking so well after her late severe illness. Whatever her faults and her follies may be, her life is of great importance not only to her own family but to all persons connected with her concerns. At present, things at least proceed in an orderly manner, but should my friend Beaumont come into possession, I fear we shall witness much confusion and misrule.
Annual visit to the mines thus terminated satisfactorily. The death of poor Col. Beaumont makes no difference in the business arrangements of the family and I have nothing to say new of Mrs B., except that I think age and infirmities have rather improved and softened her character. I was glad that there was no necessity to dismiss any of her numerous workpeople (above 3000) tho' no doubt the reduction of wages must diminish their comforts very considerably.
Dinner in the name of the Steward of the Regality of Hexham to about 19 of the principle inhabitants of Hexham and the neighbourhood...The dinner seemed to go off vastly well. I pushed about the bottle, gave them about 20 toasts, talked a good deal and was civil to every one! An easy mode of becoming popular in a country town.
This is the last Will and Testament of me Diana Beaumont of Bretton Hall in the County of York Widow & made this twentieth day of August in the year of our Lord one thousand & eight hundred and twenty nine whereas my late husband Thomas Richard Beaumont Esquire by his last Will and Testament in writing bearing date the sixth day of December one thousand eight hundred and five directed his trustees therein named to raise the sum of one hundred and fifty thousand pounds out of his personal
I received a letter today from Mrs. Beaumont, mentioning the sudden death of her London Agent, Mr. Hopkins, expressing her great anxiety to see me and earnest wish that I should hasten to London as soon as possible. Upon mentioning this to Cecilia she greatly approved the plan for my setting out to London without delay. Mr. Murray was decidedly of the same opinion.
Portman Square June 28th 1830
My dear Lord,
I beg to offer my best thanks for your Lordship’s early communication of your intention of retiring from the representation of the County of York, a circumstance that will I am sure be universally regretted.
When my Agents informed me a few days since that a contest was expected, I gave orders to the same effect that I have done on former occasions –
I have the honor to be My dear Lord Your faithful & obedt.
I declined dining with Beaumont's election party.
A very numerous meeting of the Friends to the Abolition of Slavery was held today in the large Methodist Meeting House. Beaumont was in the chair and Brougham made one of his magnificent but somehwat too vehement speeches. He was warmed and somewhat exalted by the great events which have occurred in France and also by the most honorable and flattering mark of public approbation which he has just received from the great county of York, having been called upon (together with Lord Morpeth) by t
This was an important meeting of the Railroad Directors. I presided as Chairman and succeeded in carrying the measure which appeared to me essential to our success, viz. that we should proceed with the Parliamentary Line at the Newcastle end, as they have done at the Eastern (sic) end not very far from Carlisle. John Clayton opposed my views, but I had a large majority. Beaumont attended and took a prudent and proper part in the debate.
Went to Mr. Ord's at Whitfield...which is in my opinion one of the most comfortable residences I have seen. The situation is both romantic and convenient, for since the new road was opened, the access to it is safe and easy.
Proceeded alone in my carriage to meet Mrs. Beaumont at Mr. G. Crawhall's new house in Weardale, about 24 miles from Whitfield.
Drive to Mr. W. Crawhall's at Allenheads after breakfast, receiving a deputation of the workmen.
A large party dined with me (as Steward of the Regality of Hexham) at the White Hart Inn and everything went off very well. I gave a great many toasts and pushed about the bottle: some songs were sung and the whole party seemed to be satisfied and chearful.
A public meeting of the inhabitants of Hexham in order to forward a petiton for the abolition of slavery had been fixed at 10 o'c this morning in order to suit my convenience. I therefore attended and proposed the first Resolution, in a short but, I think, clear and well arranged speech. The hour being very inconvenient to the shopkeepers and workmen of all kinds, the meeting, tho' respectable, was by no means numerous, which prevented me from speaking fully or with much animation.