Messrs Grace & freeman London Sep 23rd 1833
I beg leave to hand you Invoice of 600 P[iece]s WB Refined Lead to complete Mr Key’s Sale to you. BJ
John Hodgson London Sep 23rd 1833
I have the pleasure to enclose you our Balance & that of last year.
The stock of Lead remaining on hand Xmas 1832 is valued at £11 per fodder ch/w I state for your guidance.
I shall be glad if you will state any observation you may think necessary to make, and favour me with them when Mr Knox comes down.
I have just heard that Mr Losh, who is at Greta Bridge on his circuit as serving Barrister, has been taken dangerously ill and is not exp
Lead Works Blaydon Sept 23/33
Mr Johnson yesterday handed to me that part of your letter to him of the 20th Inst containing some queries to me which on his request I have the honor of proceeding to answer.
The statement you have given of the Stock of Refinable Lead on hand at Blaydon at the different dates you mention is of course correct & shews an increase in 13 Months (viz from June 30th 1832 to July 31 1833 of 8775 pieces. This increase was occasioned not entirely by
Dear Sir 23 Sept 1833
I cannot offer you 500 p[iece]s of Ref[ine]d Slag Lead at £13-10/- but will let you have that quantity half Refined half Ordinary at £13-15/- & the whole Refined at £14 I have offered the whole of our remaining Stock of Slag Lead to a London House at £13.15/- without distinction of quality.
I have no doubt any offer will be accepted.
John Stagg I am etc BJ
Monday 23rd September 1833
Road up the Derwent
Received a Letter from Mr Hodgson, MP, who had been requested as Chairman of a Meeting for promoting the new line of Road up the Derwent to Shotley Bridge, to communicate with me on the subject & request that I would state my opinion of the measure to the Commissioners of Greenwich Hospital, with a view to obtaining their support. The subject was mentioned he says, to Mr Hooper, but no positive answer has been received. The Sum required
Tuesday 24th September 1833
Proceeded northwards and called upon Mr Jobson in my way, who is one of the Arbitrators in the matters between Johnson and Pringle at Scremerston, and was glad to find that they had made their calculations & brought matters within such a compass that they may now be finally closed in a short time. I urged strongly upon Mr Jobson, the propriety of having it concluded without delay, that the parties might not be able to make that unsettled dispute any ground f
Wednesday 25th & Thursday 26th
Major Johnson’s Arbitration
Passed at Millfield Hill with my family, most of whom I had not even seen for nearly three months. Saw Major Johnson respecting the Arbitration. He seemed inclined still to adhere to his opinion that certain charges included in the Arbitration come under the head of damages always born by Lessors, & were not occasioned by his immediate occupation and operations. I urged upon him the folly & impolicy of protractin
Friday 27th September
Saint Ninians Fair
Attended at St Ninians Fair, at which great numbers of Sheep were offered & bought to be taken into the midland Counties at good prices. The Farmers on the Borders are in good spirits for though Corn has sold low, they have been well paid by their live Stock and Wool. I wish the Hospitals Tenants on the Tyne had the same cause of rejoicing. I saw there several of the Tenants of the Northern Estates & fixed with them on Tuesday the 22nd
Saturday 28th September
Rode down the Tweed to Berwick. The clean fallows, the neatly harvested fields & full crops of Turnips free from weeds in this well cultivated district, form a contrast very unfavourable to the exhausted condition & inexpert management of the southern parts of the County. I met the Gentlemen engaged in the Scremerston Arbitration & urged them to come to a decision without farther delay or admitting of any interference of the interested parties. This they
Tho[ma]s Key Esq London Sep 28 1833
I beg leave to hand you Invoice of your last purchase of Ordinary refined Lead ch/w. Depend upon it the Market will advance and that £14-10 and £15 will be obtained for common and Ref[ine]d in a very short time. We are still selling Litharge at £15 but it must also advance.
Messrs Finlay Hodgson & Co
I am in receipt of your favour of the 26th inst advising the receipt of £292-6s-9d from Messrs Grace & Freeman and payment of the same to Mr B[eaumon]ts credit with Glyn & Co. I note your sale to them of 2000 p[iece]s refined Lead at £14-10 and await your further instructions upon it.
I conclude I am to ship it as usual, charging as usual for the Keel dues and Commission.
I also note your sale of 3000 p[iece]s Slag Lead 1/2 refined 1/2 ordinary t
Tuesday 1st October
Received a letter from Mr Hodgson on the subject of the proposed road up the Derwent, containing a list of subscriptions, which letter is herewith forwarded to the Commissioners. Set out early in the morning & drove to Corbridge. This being quarter day, wrote to Mr Brandling & Mr Wailes & inclosing Checks for their pensions.
Wednesday 2nd October
Lead Ore
Received Mr Stephens statement of the Quarter produce of the mines. The quantity weighed over being 5509 Bings of which the Duty Ore to the Hospital is 973 Bings. I have not yet heard from the Lessees of Langley Mills, of their having appointed anyone in the place of the late Mr Crawhall, to meet Mr Parker for the purpose of determining the average price of Lead.
Dean and Chapter Rents
Received a Letter from Mr Hudson of the Dean Chapter Office,
Blaydon Lead Works Oct 2nd 1833
In reference to the matter on which you received my opinion on the 30th ult viz whether it will suit Mr Beaumont to sell 2000 tons of Ore besides the 1000 Tons now under treaty and if so what description of Ore should be offered and what price. I beg to lay before you the following observations.
I am of the Opinion that it would suit Mr Beaumont very well to sell 2000 tons of Ore provided the purchaser will take the description of Ore which
Thursday 3rd October
Newlands & Whittonstall
In the morning met Mr Hunt at Greymare Hill & spent the whole of the day in traversing the farms and woodlands in the district, especially examining Sproats Farm, with a view to the away going Crop of the present tenant, & the conditions of its future management. And Newlands Town farm for the same purpose, as well as with a view to its annexation to the Haugh Farm. Returned to Corbridge in the evening leaving Mr Hunt to look afte
Messrs Finlay hodgson & Co London Oct 3rd 1833
In ans[wer] to your letter of the 28th & 30th ult you will see by the enclosed return of Stock at Blaydon that we are enabled to deliver Messrs Maltby Son & Co the whole of their last purchase of 5000 p[iece]s and have given them an Order for delivery of same. They are now shipping their purchase of Slag Lead for Petersburgh via Hull, as no Ships from this Port will take Lead for the Baltic after the month of Sept. Messrs W
Messrs Finlay Hodgson & Co London Newcastle Oct 3rd 1833
I am in receipt of your letters of the 27th28th& 30thult and have the pleasure of forwarding Mr Pattinsons Report upon the Lead Ores. You will observe that he now thinks we ought not to sell any unrefinable Ore under £9-10 a Ton, whereas in his letter of 11th Sept he states “My opinion is that Mr B[eaumon]t should not on any account have less than £3-10 in a Bing” which would be £8-15 a ton. I suppose the diffe
Friday 4th October
Wark Rents
Wrote to Mr Johnson informing him that the Estates of Whittle & Newton are not to be disposed off [sic]. Finding by a letter from Mr Jay accompaning the Boards minutes today that the Duke of Northumb. has accepted the conveyance of Wark upon the conditions stipulated for in Mr Hoopers letter, one of which conditions is that his Grace is to receive all rents from & after the 12th of May last, it follows that the rents due at May Day last, but not yet
Saturday 5th October 1833
Heard from Mr Fenwick, Colliery Viewer, that he had written to Major Johnson & Mr Thomson informing them of the price at which he considered the Coals for burning Lime, should be charged to the Tenants. Wrote to Mattw Bell Esq MP soliciting his attention to two years Arrear of rent due by him to the Hospital for Moors in the Barony of Wark. Rode to Shawhouse to fix with Armstrong the prices at which he is to do the Roofing at Newtonhall, to obtain his signa
Messrs Finlay Hodgson & Co London Oct 5th 1833
I have duly received your letter of the 2nd inst advising Sale of 1500 p[iece]s selected refined Lead to Mr Th[oma]s Thompson Cattley at £14-10. Mr Abbott his Agent at this place applied to me a few days ago to make this Purchase for him, and 1000 p[iece]s for himself; but as our Stock of selected refined Lead did not exceed 1445 p[iece]s at that time as you will see by our Return of the 30th inst. I refused to sell under £15 – Whe
Messrs Storr & Mortimer 13 New Bond Street Oct 5 th 1833
I have duly received your letter of the 3rd inst and in answer have to observe that since Messrs Finlay & Hodgson have been appointed Mr B[eaumon]ts Agents in London I have consigned the Silver to them at the Bullion Office for which they are now obtaining 5s/6d an ounce in cash on the day of sale. BJ
Monday 7th October
Rail Road
Wrote to Mr Walker Agent of the Railway Company inclosing a Copy of the Account for the repair of Snokoe road, informing him that I considered £13.0.0 as the proportion of the expense which ought to be borne by the Company & requesting him to pay that sum.
Mr Bicknell / Wark
Received a letter from Mr Bicknell together with an Agreement respecting a purchase of Wark by the Duke of Northumberland containing Blanks to be filled up according to
Tuesday 8th October
Stublick Colliery Stock
Wrote to Mr Shield of Stublick respecting his payment for the moveable Stock at the Colliery according to valuation.
Rode out on the Tyne Banks to the Workmen & proceeded to Hexham expecting to have an answer from Teasdale, Tenant of Dilston Hall Farm, respecting his ability to obtain security for his Arrear of Rent, which I did not receive, & met Mr Hunt with the view of proceeding to examine Allerwash & other farms, but the da
Wednesday 9th October
Heard from Mr Fenwick informing me that he had seen Mr Leadbitter, but that he could not prevail upon him, on account of the delay that had occurred, to allow the transfer of Wark to the Duke, to take place on the 12th of May last as intended and as I urged him if possible to effect, because the Hospital would derive greater benefit from the interest of the purchase money than from the rentals during the interval. Mr Leadbitter proposes the 23rd Nov as the time of
Sam[ue]l W. Parker Newcastle Oct 9th 1833
I have not received any amount from Mr Hodgson or our London Bankers of any Payment on your Acc[oun]t on the 1st inst. According to our agreement, you were to have paid Cash on that day £5260. 15.9 which was due on the 1st Sept last. BJ