Newcastle May the 25 1678
Mr Hurbt Aylwin
I have Rec[eive]d yours of the 18th present, and noted its Contents but may be Certaine shall never pay any Considereable some upon your acount wthout your order, for the £11: - it appeareing to mee to be some carridge unto Mr Martin, if he had <accepted> itt, did venture to Lett him have the same, for my part I doe protest I had noe advantidge by him, but of serveing you, and I hope all will be to Content and if att any other time I may
Unckle Eden
When I sent Gaskin Eden to this place I had some Letters sent mee by him, wch might have been Conveyed unto mee before this pray Lett there be noe further delay, but be pleased to send mee them p[er] first Convenience of Post, I had rather really have given 20s than have wanted them soe Long I heare you are a little too sharp tongued pray talke noe more to noe Living Soule, of my haveing the Compt[roller] place of this towne and others adjacent, being not a thing to be talk
Mr Lamb
Wee gott Well home, and are still God be thanked in very good health, hopeing this will finde you all in the same Condition
when I was att Billingham last I sent Gaskin Eden an Errand to this place and had severall letters sent mee by him, but In Respect I Came soe suddenly away met not wth them, I question not but some of Billingham friends tooke Care to Convey the same to Darnton pray if wth you send mee them p[er] first Convenience of post pray Lett all the ten
Mr Hump: Willett
I have yours of the 21th present am Glad Roger Kempe is Arrived, pray dispose of my goods by him for my most advantidge, and if this Come time enough lett not mine Anchor palms be shipt In him but kept till further order, if any they might all have been sold before now, but am afraid that trade is out of your way, I have att Last Got my wife home I heartily thanke you and your Lady for all your kindnesses to her, but am vexed you should put yourselfe to soe
Mr Geo: Moore
According as I writ you in my Last p[er] yesterday post have been wth severall of oure merchants, who att present Can finde Little fault wth your Corne, but as our markett makes I thinke itt will not give above £7: 5s p[er] Last, if itt give that, I am offered £7: - and take all, tis Constantly turned twice a weeke shall be Continued for one weeke or two more and after that I thinke once a weeke will serve the time, pray Lett mee have your orders about itt wch shal
Newcastle May the 28 1678
Mr Hump Willett
Bee pleased to take notice that I have this day valewed upon you a bill for £100 p[er] 4 d[ays] after sight to Mr Robt Witwang or order valew of himselfe wch pray Lett be Complyed wthall I am Certaine you will be in disburse for mee, but I hope twill not be Long, and satisfye your selfe for the Consideration I am MB
Newcastle June the p[ri]mo 1678
Mr Hump Willett
My master hath Rec[eive]d all your Letters Likewise the acct of his oats, Anchor palms and 10 tun of Iron wch you tooke from aboard of Wm Lecke, all wch he hath Examined, found Right and booked accordingly Inclosed I have sent you a Certificate of the Restitution of the money wch I paid for the 24 p[iece]s Leed aboard of Roger Kempe wch is the needfull att present soe remaines for my master mich Blackett JW
Newcastle June the 8 1678
Cuthbt Snow
As In all probability a generall peace will be shortly Concluded, I fancy a parcell of Iron may be now bought pretty Reasonably, soe pray Lett mee know how your friend will now furnish mee wth 10: 20: 30: or 40 ton of Right fine Sweeds Iron 2/3 narrow flatt 1/6 inch square or under and the other 1/6 thicke square and this d[elivere]d aboard free of all Chardges, pray Lett mee know his Lowest rate as soone as wth Convenience you Can, and desire 8 d[ays]
Newcastle June the 8 1678
Mr Abr: Van Rincom
I have yours of the 7th present should be glad to heare of Robt Wigginers Arrivall wch now I Expect from you every post, w[ha]t bills you drawe upon mee towards his Loading make them payable In the house of Mr Hump. Willett In London, and I question not but you have provided mee good and Cheape goods haveing had time enough for the doeing thereof as great hopes of a Generall peace I should thinke a parcell of fine narrow flatt Right Sweeds Ir
Mr Geo: Moore
I have yours of the 30th past doe take notice you are not willing to Lett your Corne goe att £7: 5: - p[er] Last, which is as much as our present markett will afford, assure your selfe good Care shall be taken for its preservation, it is in very good Condition, and for future shall be but turned once a weeke, as our markett Rises or falls shall Lett you know and soe I remaine MB
Mr Hump Willett
I have severall of yours all wch Require Little Answering, but my hearty thankes for your Care In dischardgeing all bills I passe upon you pray advise me the price of all sorts of Graine if any Encouridgment Can furnish you wth any sort, as great hopes of a Generall peace Forraign goods will begin to decline in price, be pleased to Enquire how you Can buy me d[elivere]d aboard free of all Chardges 10: 20: or 30 tonn of Right Sweeds Iron some narrow, some broad fla
Newcastle June the 8 1678
Mr Hen: Maister
For want of occation have not writ you this good while, this serveing Chiefly to Lett you know, that severall of our merchants In town, as allsoe one or two of our Anchor Smiths, does tell mee they are offered w[ha]t Right Organs Iron they please att £13: 10s att your place to be d[elivere]d upon our key, probable they Report soe, to make the world believe they Can buy Iron Cheaper than another, but true itt is w[ha]t I wright, I desire you wil
Newcastle June 11 1678
Mr Ch Bancks
Pray dispatch Inclosed to Mr Jno Strother, and writ him wthall that you will accept his bills upon my acct to the valew of £600 <stg> wch I desire you will please doe, and Reimburse your selfe upon mee p<.> In the house of Mr Hump: Willett London, pray Sr can either Leed Coales Butter or Cloath give a good price wth you be pleased be pleased to give notice of itt unto MB
Newcastle June the 11 1678
Mr Jno Strother
I have freighted Roger Kempe master of the assistance Frigatt of Yarmouth, who will be ready to saile wthin three or 4 d[ays] by my next shall have an acct of the goods Loaden in him w[ha]t ever they be w[he]n please god he Arrives be pleased to dispose of att price Curr[en]t and Lett the vessell be dispatched backe wth all speed possible wth her Loading of Iron of the following sorts
five tonn of Inch square and under
five tonn of 2
Newcastle June the 14 1678
Mr Jno Strother
My Last to you was of the 11th present to wch Referrs you this being Cheifly to Confirme the same and to desire your Care in procureing for mee fine Iron, and good mettle, and if forced to Load either tarr or pitch, pray Lett there be good Strong Casks, I need say noe more hopeing in all the Concerne you will studdy my most advantidge wch I wholly Leave to your discretion and soe remaines MB
Newcastle June the 14 1678
Mr Ch: Banckes
My Last to you was of ther 11th present to wch Referrs you and this is to Confirme the same, pray dispatch the Inclosed unto Mr Jno Strother and you will oblidge MB
Newcastle June the 15 1678
Honoured Sr
I have att present to give you the best acct I Can of occurrences att your Leed mines, and shall begin wth the Condition of the severall Groves which are as followeth vizt
Greengill Indifferent good, Coleclugh Continues as itt was In the Low <sole> and great hopes of its rather proveing better than worse wch a Little time will discover, Welhope Indifferent good Bates Hill att present poore, the Slits Indifferent good the sumpe In the North veine
Writt Mr Jno Strother by Roger Kempe and desired him to procure mee 2: 3 or 4 tonn of palm> palm plat[e]s or as many as he Can Well Struck from 54 to 56 Inch Long and from 10 to 11 Inch broad
Newcastle June the 21: 1678
Mr Hen Maister
My Last to you was of the 8th present wherein I did desire you would be pleased to advise mee the price of Iron of wch as yett I never gott An Answer I have occation att present for 10: 20: or 30 tonn of Right Sweeds Iron some narrow fine broad flatt and noe other sorts, soe desires that you would be pleased to advise mee p[er] very first your Lowest price as severall of our merchants and Anchor Smiths In towne doe tell mee they are offered w[h
Newcastle June 21: 1678
Mr Geo: Moore
Though I doe not write you soe often as I promised yett you may assure your selfe that your Corne is taken Care of, and that itt is in a very good Condition our marchands Can take noe Exceptions against itt, but as yett they will not give above £7: 10s p[er] Last, wch is our present markett price I am MB
Newcastle June the 22d 1678
Mr Hen: Maister
I have yours of the 18th present wherein takes notice that there is a parcell of Iron wth you from 20 to 30 tonn of Right Organs marked X price about £13: 6 p[er] tonn, Considereing the quantity and the payment ready mony, I doe fancy something may be gott abated, wch I wholly Leave to your discretion, not doubting in the Least your Endeavours for my most advantidge, soe desires you upon Receipt hereof to procure, and Shipp mee first Convenie
Newcastle June the 28 1678
Mr Hen: Maister
I hope to heare from you this day of the buying of the Iron desired and if news Come likewise of the shipping thereof, itt would not be unwellcome, as I hope none hath Comd betwixt you and the Commodity, soe now I desire noe opportunity may be slipt for the sending itt unto mee, Consigned as formerly advised unto Mr Robt Witwang march[an]t In this place, whome pray write both by post and Shipping as if itt were upon his acct, for your Reimburse
Mr Abr: Van Rincom
I have Rec[eive]d all your Letters and accts p[er] Robt Wigginer wch have Examined found Right and booked accordingly, for the ballance of acct you may freely draw itt upon mee, payable In London as formerly advised In the house of Mr Hump Willett, where your bill shall Receive dew honour, but I must needs tell you your friend hath not dealt handsomely wth you about the <load> for noe sort of itt but better Comes att same price, soe that I shall be a great
Mr Walter Chaytor
I have yours of the 16 present p[er] Mr Radstone, understands Leo: Jeffreyson is wth you, wth whome I hope you have soe ordered the businesse, as either your mony Restored or he to take Care to gett the Leed oare to London Consigned unto Mr Hump: Willett who will pay him his freight according to agreem[en]t for my p[ar]t Could never Cast my Eyes upon him, after the first time I spoke to him about itt
I thanke you for your advice of the price of Rod
Newcastle June the 29 1678
Mr Hump: Willett
I have yours of the 25th present wch I Inclosed Returne you accepted and will take Care to supply you against they fall dew, I shall not Inlardge <till> meeting Intending God willing to sett forward for London upon monday next the primo present, and to be wth you that day seven nights In the meane while remaines MB