Mr Wm Benson
I have yours of the 3d present for Answer, I thinke itt of necessity to have one <take> your Iron weighed buy itt who will, for none here will take itt according to your weight, if you please to give your order to any one, I will treat wth them otherwise if you will stand to the Report of the <K>ings weigh house and give 3 m[onths] time for paym[en]t I Can procure you £13 p[er] tonn, and shall aske noe Commission for may be concerned myselfe, use yo
Mr Robt and Richd Ferryer
I have before mee yours of the 25th past, am Glad Mr Spilman is in good health, but wonder he would voutchsafe mee noe Answer to none of my letters shall trouble him noe more
you say very rarely above one ship goes for Marselles from your port in the yeare, I suppose you mean of your owne, for I am Informed otherwise, however that is all one I have sent to Mr Giles Wakeman 400 p[iece]s small Leed to be shipt as above, if not to be done can send i
Mr Giles Wakeman
Upon the Recommendation of my good friend Mr Thomas Smith I have shipt and Consigned unto you p[er] the Rose of yarm[ou]th Tho Oliver Comander 400 p[iece]s small Leed, wch after good Arrivall be pleased to gett mee them sent with as little Chardge as is possible unto Marselles, and w[he]n Reshipt (wch I hope may be gott done without ever Landing) pray allsoe fill up the Inclosed letter of advice [see below] and Lett be sent along with the Leed, if the
Newcastle 8ber the 15 1678
Mr Giles Wakeman
My last to you was of the 14th past p[er] Mr Tho: Oliver to wch I Cannot Enlardge onely once againe desires your Endeavours for my most advantidge, In Reshiping of my Leed and agreeing for freight of the same to Merselles, I beg a line from you now, and then as you proceed, and an acct how you fill up the Blanckes in Mr Launce his letter wch I have sent you p[er] Mr Oliver, In doeing whereof you will oblidge
Mr Jno Launce
I have before mee the honour of yours of the 4th present, and doe heartily thanke you for s[ai]d readinesse to serve mee, I have but lately begun to trade for the streights, hereafter (god willing) if any Encouridgm[en]t, shall be more deeply Concerned soe pray lett mee heare from you once in 14 d[ays] of occurrences with you, and w[he]n any goods this Country affords will turne to acct with you and that there be an opportunity, I shall Endeavour to suppl
Mr Hen Nelthorpe
I have before mee yours of the 12th present shall take care of your Inclosed bill, and be assured w[ha]t bills you draw upon mee shall be punctually dischardged by MB
Newcastle 8ber the 19 1678
Mr Hump: Willett
Be pleased to take notice that I have this day valewed upon you a bill for £180: p[er] 12 d[ays] after sight to the Honourable Ralph Widdrington Esqr or order valew of Tho: Riddell Esqr wch pray lett be Complyed withall and the next post you may Expect bills for as much if not more from MB
Newcastle 8ber the 22d 1678
Mr Hen: Nelthorpe
I have pd your bill for £150 and have Rec[eive]d your bill of £12-12-0 w[ha]t more you shall draw upon mee shall be punctually Complyed withall by MB
Mr Wm Benson
I have yours of the 17th present, and yesterday wee had a meeting about the Contents our finall Result was that in the first place wee will not meddle with your weights nor will wee pay any money In hand but may Rely upon itt att the day as I formerly mentioned, nor will wee have any thing to doe with w[ha]t Chardges has been given upon itt, hereby you may know my meaneings, use your discretion I am MB
Mr Ch: Banckes
I have before mee both yours of the 10: past and p[ri]mo present I know noe Reason of altering any Entry In the mistake about the RD 1200: tis very strange if any man must have my mony 9 m[onths] and afterwards pay mee wth lesse than my owne there is more Reason to allow mee both Interest and the advance of the Exch[ange] if you be not satisfyed, take you one In this place or with you I will take another, and they shall determine the businesse, by the letter you adv
Newcastle 8ber the 22d 1678
Mr Ferdinando Huddleston
Pray take notice that the Land you farme of Mr Marke Errington called Hay Close bancke, and the West End of P<od> Banke is by Mr Errington and his wife Conveyed unto mee, and therefore I expect the Rent Thereof from you, for wch I will s<erve> you and dischardge you from paym[en]t of itt by any other, soe hopeing you will Comply wth the Contents hereof I am MB
Mr Geo: Moorcroft
Inclosed is a letter for Mr Huddleston, I Intend God willing for <C/Eland> Hall today or tomorrow where shall doe the needfull I am in hast[e] MB
Mr Hump Willett
Inclosed is a bill for £100: of wch w[he]n dew pray procure the needfull, and the next post may Expect bills for the Remainder I am for my master Michaell Blackett JW
Newcastle 8ber the 25 78
Mr Geo: Moore
My master ordered mee to advise you that though he doth not write you very often, yet he takes as good Care of your Corne as if itt were his owne but our march[an]ts In towne will not bid above £6:-:- p[er] Last for itt this being the needfull I am for my master Michaell Blackett JW
Newcastle 8ber the 26 1678
Mr Hump: Willett
Pray p[er] first Convenience send mee an order from the Commissioners to our Collector for the Restitution of the Custome of 24 p[iece]s Leed sent you by Roger Kempe for wch oversea duty was paid here as allsoe a Certificate for the 200 p[iece]s Leed sent you by <Hakett Hobman> for wch I am put Into Chancery, but your diligence in the Concerne may be a means to mitigate both trouble and Cost having by Interest deferred Execution for One
Newcastle 8ber the 29 1678
Mr Hen Nelthorpe
To pleasure our parson of the parish would I Could <not> in Civility deny have this day past upon you £25 p[er] 10 d[ays] sight to Mr Wm Edwds or order valew of Mr Jno <march> wch pray Lett be Complyed withall you writt mee formerly you would draw £200: or £250 upon mee, I hope this days post will give mee advice of itt lett this bill Come w[he]n itt will itt shall be p[ai]d by MB
Newcastle 8ber the 29: 78
Honoured Sr
I must beg your Excuse for not goeing to the pay this month for another small vessell is Arrived att Sunderland wch I am to Loade with wheate, where I goe to morrow morneing for dispatching of her away
I thinke she will take in all I have bought, as soone as ever I gett the Invoyce send away (wch I hope to doe against Saturdays post) shall pay my Bro: Wm for the Leed I never saw Capt <Ligdengham> since you went from home, but Alderman
Newcastle 9ber primo 1678
Mr Hump Willett
In my master his absence have mett with the Inclosed for £100: soe of wch w[he]n dew pray procure the needfull, and w[he]n my master Comes home wch I thinke will be within a post or two, then you may Expect more, In the Interim Remaines for my master MB JW
Newcastle 9ber the 5 78
Mr Hump: Willett
Be pleased to take notice that I have this day valewed upon you a bill for £55: p[er] 11 d[ays] sight to Mr Saml Symons or order valew of Edwd Riddle Esqr wch pray lett be Complyed withal. Likewise Inclosed is a small French bill for £20:17: 3 next post shall not faile God willing to Remitt you the [struck out: ‘needfull’] Remainder
I <Still want> the acct of my Leed Oare, wch pray send att your Convenience as allsoe you
Newcastle 9ber the 8: 78
Mr Geo: Moore
I have before mee yours of the 29th past, and shall observe your order about the Corne the price of Graine as Retailed vizt Rye 2s wheat 4s 6d oates about 12d malt 22d bly and barley 20d pease and beans 20d Leed £10 - - p[er] fodder of 21 cwt each hundred qty 112 ll Coales 8s to 9s p[er] Ch[alder] butter 14s to 15s p[er] firkin
if you have occation for any wheate, I Could Supply you with as good and as Cheape, as any in these parts,
Mr Jam: Gould
Upon the Recommendation of my freind and neighbour Mr Tho: Smith, have made bold to Consiyne unto you p[er] the prosperous of Sunderland Robt Wigginer m[aster] 20½ Last of wheate wch is on ½ betwixt sd Smith and mee, I suppose my partner hath given you the needfull order about his ½ my desire is itt goe alltogether Consiyned unto Mr Jam: Gould merch[an]t In Liguorne, you are to pay noe freight but w[ha]t other Chardges you are att with your Commission w[he]n I kno
Newcastle 9ber 9 78
Honoured Sr
Your Last to my Bro: Wm brought the good news of Hen: <Lucas> being alive, pray sr be pleased to order him w[ha]t mony he demands Mr <Hacon> Mr Timo Robson my Bro Davison, Cosin Kirkehouse, and my selfe will be accomptable to you for the same
I have pd Bro Wm upon acct £250: all my wheate not yet shipt, w[he]n done shall pay him the Remainder [of] my ballance for the Leed
God be thanked all freinds are well here onely Peter B
Newcastle 9ber 12 78
Mr Hump: Willett
I have yours of the 25th present doe not[e] its Contents but tis wonderfull you write mee that Robt Bloome will not accept the bill of £100: whereas I saw his letter to Cosin Edwd Blackett that he had accepted the same and would pay itt when dew, you need not feare paym[ene]t Thereof but if Refused Returne itt Immediately, and I will take care to supply you otherwise
Inclosed is a bill for £60: of wch procure the needfull and pray take notice I
Articles of Agreement Indented Concluded and Agreed Upon the fourteenth day [of] November One Thousand Six Hundred Seaventy eight Betweene Sr. Francis Radclyffe of Dilston in the County of Northumberland Barrt: of the one part and Robt. Jackson of Stockton in the County of Durham Merchant and Benjamin Purchas of Langton in the County of Yorke gentleman as followeth
Imp[rimis]: It is agreed Upon betwixt the said p[art]yes that the sd. Robert Jackson and Benjamin Purchas their Heires Executor
Newcastle 9ber the 15: 78
Mr James Gould
My freind and neighbour Mr Tho: Smith and myselfe have sent unto Mr Ja: Gould of London 20½ Last of <brave> old wheate to be Conveyed unto your place Consigned unto your selfe w[he]n please God itt Arrives be pleased to receive itt and dispose thereof for my most advantidge as soone as wee Can shall advise you in w[ha]t ship tis shipt and w[ha]t freight you must pay, In your first be pleased to give mee a line or two of occurences wth you